A Fox Reporter Exposes Trump In A Way That Might Just Hurt Him More Than...

“In other words, Cavuto provided a clear vision of a dysfunctional and deceptive Trump presidency that just might allow independent voters, who lean toward supporting Trump, to see the exit sign.” ibid

Let’s everyone hope so.
My favorite band during my highschool and college years.
Here is one of my favorite songs of all time...

I used to pump that into ear buds running in a turret on LOGPATs up and down MSR Tampa behind a M240B in 2005.

That and Rammstein.

Awesome memories.
I’ve come to recognize that Fox conservative News Reporters Howard Kurtz and Neil Cavuto stand out. They jab at Trump spokespeople and supporters on occasion; it’s refreshing to see those Trump folks squirm a bit on the Fox Channel trying to justify the president’s inconsistencies or, let’s just say, lies.

Here’s Cavuto’s commentary from today’s 8/29/19 show

A Fox conservative news reporter exposes President Trump in a way that might just hurt him more than

Et Tu Cavuto?
Cavuto is still in the closet....he's not a friend to Trump and never has been.
Never fear

Trump still has Hannity as a butt buddy
I don't watch Hannity anymore either.
My favorite band during my highschool and college years.
Here is one of my favorite songs of all time...

I used to pump that into ear buds running in a turret on LOGPATs up and down MSR Tampa behind a M240B in 2005.

That and Rammstein.

Awesome memories.

Good times!
Reminds me of finals, 100 cups of coffee and studying til the sun came up. I’m a pussy.
Who tells the truth now?

Why kos, MSNBC and CNN of course. Just ask you.
Not daily kos so much no. That's our equivalent of brieghtbart. The other two get it right most of the time.

No, they don't. NONE of the majors tell the truth. They tell you what they want to tell truth be damned.

These 6 Corporations Control 90% Of The Media In America"
These 6 Corporations Control 90% Of The Media In America
Sorry dude, that just an excuse to feed you more propaganda. All of the major networks are pretty reliable news sources. Even fox. You just gotta stay clear of their opinion junk.

Sorry, no.
Some folks "wake up", most don't.
I guess we need to stay clear of your opinion junk as well.
Dem's are confused and incapable of understanding why we are sometimes critical of OUR president because they lie and spin and never hold theirs accountable for anything. Just relax libwits. :itsok:
That is some funny shit right there dude! Have you thought about being a professional comedian?
Did he just claim he was occasionally critical of his president? When? Where?
I think he was trying to make a joke, because as far as I can tell he think tRump walks on water.
Dem's are confused and incapable of understanding why we are sometimes critical of OUR president because they lie and spin and never hold theirs accountable for anything. Just relax libwits. :itsok:
That is some funny shit right there dude! Have you thought about being a professional comedian?
Did he just claim he was occasionally critical of his president? When? Where?
I think he was trying to make a joke, because as far as I can tell he think tRump walks on water.


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