A friendly PC reminder

The fact that you don't realize your statement here is extremely bigotted is...


...it's fucking hilarious is what it is. :rofl:

Actually it depends on what you define redneck as.

As was already previously determined, different people have different definitions.

So as long as one defines blacks as ignorant, they can use them interchangably without being bigotted. Afterall, it's merely based on a different definition. You're just full of helpful loopholes aren't you! :rofl:

You are retarded.

You can tell who is black and who is not. Hence defining them as ignorant means you are defining certain people as ignorant.

However you can define a redneck as ignorant and say being ignorant makes one a redneck, since the definition is so damn amorphous.
Actually it depends on what you define redneck as.

As was already previously determined, different people have different definitions.

So as long as one defines blacks as ignorant, they can use them interchangably without being bigotted. Afterall, it's merely based on a different definition. You're just full of helpful loopholes aren't you! :rofl:
You can tell who is black and who is not. Hence defining them as ignorant means you are defining certain people as ignorant..

You're missing the point. If Ravi can define redneck as intolerant, then why can't someone else define black as ignorant? Just because some people define black based on skin complexion doesn't mean that's the only defintion. Just like Allie's definition of redneck as living in a rural area isn't the only definition of redneck. But to suggest that Allie shouldn't be offended by Ravi's characterization of rednecks as intolerant because Ravi defines redneck differently is wholly laughable. And it becomes hypocritical when you claim that my hypothetical equivalent is offensive, when I'm in FACT, doing the EXACT same thing.
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Perhaps you can explain how equating redneck with intolerant is not bigoted. Do you even realize you're using them interchangably? :eusa_whistle:
Where I live, which is technically in the south, they are interchangeable.

The fact that you don't realize your statement here is extremely bigotted is...


...it's fucking hilarious is what it is. :rofl:
This has gotten beyond silly. You seem to think redneck refers to each and every white person. To me it refers to an intolerant bigot. But if it makes you feel better I won't use the term again. I'll just say intolerant bigot.
To the peanut gallery,

Should I continue to dismantle the strawmen and word games of Ravi and Nik or have you seen enough by now to know that they are hypocritical bigots? Oblivious hypocritical bigots, but hypocritical bigots nonetheless.

Feel free to express your feelings in a green rep comment. :D
So as long as one defines blacks as ignorant, they can use them interchangably without being bigotted. Afterall, it's merely based on a different definition. You're just full of helpful loopholes aren't you! :rofl:
You can tell who is black and who is not. Hence defining them as ignorant means you are defining certain people as ignorant..

You're missing the point. If Ravi can define redneck as intolerant, then why can't someone else define black as ignorant? Just because some people define black based on skin complexion doesn't mean that's the only defintion. Just like Allie's definition of redneck as living in a rural area isn't the only definition of redneck. But to suggest that Allie shouldn't be offended by Ravi's characterization of rednecks as intolerant because Ravi defines redneck differently is wholly laughable. And it becomes hypocritical when you claim that my hypothetical equivalent is offensive, when I'm in FACT, doing the EXACT same thing.
I never realized the label black was a bigoted term. Damn, the things I've learned from you. But this is pretty cool for you, you can go around calling black people black and they won't even know that you are insulting them. :lol:

Angille, I think you also made a good point earlier about racist remarks not being dependent upon the speaker, it's really just the context and intent that can be construed as less offensive especially if the speaker belongs to that race.
You make a good point that white on white or black on black racism is perceived as less offensive. Maybe because it is less common and so considered less threatening?
Is Jeff Foxworthy a bigot?
I wouldn't know. I've never seen his stuff. Who is he?
So as long as one defines blacks as ignorant, they can use them interchangably without being bigotted. Afterall, it's merely based on a different definition. You're just full of helpful loopholes aren't you! :rofl:
You can tell who is black and who is not. Hence defining them as ignorant means you are defining certain people as ignorant..

You're missing the point. If Ravi can define redneck as intolerant, then why can't someone else define black as ignorant? Just because some people define black based on skin complexion doesn't mean that's the only defintion. Just like Allie's definition of redneck as living in a rural area isn't the only definition of redneck. But to suggest that Allie shouldn't be offended by Ravi's characterization of rednecks as intolerant because Ravi defines redneck differently is wholly laughable. And it becomes hypocritical when you claim that my hypothetical equivalent is offensive, when I'm in FACT, doing the EXACT same thing.

Redneck is a definition that people can, and do, reasonably disagree on. Black, is not. Black is a skin color.

If you define rednecks as ignorant, than ostensibly a well educated, intelligent rural southern farmer with a red neck isn't a redneck. I don't see this as being an absurd thing to claim.

Now if you define black as ignorant than someone who is well educated, intelligent, and has black skin isn't black. This makes absolutely no fucking sense at all.
So tell me Nik, is this guy black?

Yet another reason why its a lot different than racism.

Nobody is going around wondering what the "characteristics" of someone black are. They are, by definition, black.

This is in fact a very important distinction. Rednecks can be called rednecks, can think of themselves as rednecks, can be in some sort of redneck culture, but in the end, they have the choice of thinking of themselves as redneck or not. If they don't want to be identified with that culture they can move, or make themselves distinct in other ways. There is NO way to do that for ones skin color.

So all those folks who say that I thought were racist actually are not, since their assessment is based on characteristics such as attire, speaking habits, level of education and urban location or origins.

Who knew...

Its certainly indicative that the person speaking is likely racist, but that statement itself doesn't conclusively prove it.

You're way out on that limb...I think I can cut it off with a poll.

Link to follow.
So, let's get now to brass tacks.

Anyone but Mani...in your own words, define the characteristics of a redneck.

Yet another reason why its a lot different than racism.

Nobody is going around wondering what the "characteristics" of someone black are. They are, by definition, black.

This is in fact a very important distinction. Rednecks can be called rednecks, can think of themselves as rednecks, can be in some sort of redneck culture, but in the end, they have the choice of thinking of themselves as redneck or not. If they don't want to be identified with that culture they can move, or make themselves distinct in other ways. There is NO way to do that for ones skin color.
That's not entirely true. Some people's physical characteristics are ambiguous.
So all those folks who say that I thought were racist actually are not, since their assessment is based on characteristics such as attire, speaking habits, level of education and urban location or origins.

Who knew...

Its certainly indicative that the person speaking is likely racist, but that statement itself doesn't conclusively prove it.

You're way out on that limb...I think I can cut it off with a poll.

Link to follow.

Yay, appeal to popular opinion fallacy!
I'm not sure that I'm following you.
You seem to be saying that a white person cannot be racist against whites or a black person against blacks.

Yes. That is what I am saying.

They can be bigoted or judgemental. But not racist.

Do you think William Joyce is racist specifically on his distain for the Jews?

It's all really a matter of semantics.
You don't explain why they can't be racist. And like I said earlier, to say one person is a racist but not another, even though they express the exact same sentiments, simply because one has a different shade of skin color than another, is rascist.
I have a black friend who refuses to even consider dating black women because he says they are inferior to white and Hispanic women. I think that makes him a racist. W. Joyce a racist because of his views on blacks and possibly on Jews too. Itt depends on if he thinks being Jewish is a racial or a religious thing.
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Where I live, which is technically in the south, they are interchangeable.

The fact that you don't realize your statement here is extremely bigotted is...


...it's fucking hilarious is what it is. :rofl:
This has gotten beyond silly. You seem to think redneck refers to each and every white person. To me it refers to an intolerant bigot. But if it makes you feel better I won't use the term again. I'll just say intolerant bigot.
btw, Mani, why aren't you over in this other thread calling Squishi a bigot for using the bigoted term "gang-banger?" :eusa_whistle:


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