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A Fulfillment of Prophecy?

In all honesty, this thread is not intended to bash Obama, but is intended to be a heads up and encouragement to think about what those in government intend as opposed to what they say.

President Obama is watching his signature legislation crumble before his eyes. And he is a man of sufficient ego, he won't go down without a fight. So if you're paying attention, he is already trying to divert attention away from Obamacare and toward other initiatives that he hopes will save his legacy. Two issues at the top of his list are Immigration Reform and Environmental Controls.

How much more of our libertiy are the people willing to put on the line to save his legacy?

This ego is a rightwing meme and nothing more.

Apparently people are willing to put a lot on the line..obamacare evil...nsa wiretapping..meh I rather drink my coffee..that basically sums up this whole situation. So in closing fuck your bible, fuck your moronic theory, but enjoy the patting on the back by like minded people.

Sometimes one is better off keeping their mouth shut and be thought a fool, rather than open their mouth and prove it. Religion was around thousands of years before you were born, and religion will be around long after you are gone. You have the right to curse the darkness, but you are not obligated to do so.
And the latter sadly is history, prophecy...if allowed to happen.
Unchecked, it WILL happen.

Progressivism always ends in lakes of blood.

If this article by Sowell doesn't make you shiver, nothing will:

In our times, American democracy is being dismantled, piece by piece, before our very eyes by the current administration in Washington, and few people seem to be concerned about it.

The president's poll numbers are going down because increasing numbers of people disagree with particular policies of his, but the damage being done to the fundamental structure of this nation goes far beyond particular counterproductive policies.

When Franklin D. Roosevelt arbitrarily took the United States off the gold standard, he cited a law passed during the First World War to prevent trading with the country's wartime enemies. But there was no war when FDR ended the gold standard's restrictions on the printing of money.

At about the same time, during the worldwide Great Depression, the German Reichstag passed a law "for the relief of the German people."

That law gave Hitler dictatorial powers that were used for things going far beyond the relief of the German people — indeed, powers that ultimately brought a rain of destruction down on the German people and on others.

If the agreement with BP was an isolated event, perhaps we might hope that it would not be a precedent. But there is nothing isolated about it.

The man appointed by President Obama to dispense BP's money as the administration sees fit, to whomever it sees fit, is only the latest in a long line of presidentially appointed "czars" controlling different parts of the economy, without even having to be confirmed by the Senate, as Cabinet members are.

Those who cannot see beyond the immediate events to the issues of arbitrary power — vs. the rule of law and the preservation of freedom — are the "useful idiots" of our time. But useful to whom?

Read More At Investor's Business Daily: Is U.S. Now On Slippery Slope To Tyranny? - Investors.com
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Is U.S. Now On Slippery Slope To Tyranny? - Investors.com

ARE we on the slippery slope to tyranny? Depends on who you ask. Depends on who benefits from current policies.
This Administration has made it quite clear the Constitutional checks and balances on the Executive's power do not apply.
The differnce being that Sowell was right in his analysis.

Just as the prophet Mohammed was obviously right about the nature of God. At least that's what the members of that cult tell me. And since I haven't personally refuted the entire Koran, it must all be true.

I keep challenging the Obama disciples to take any statement - in context please- from any of Sowell's essays linked in the OP and show how he got it wrong back then. So far not one of you have done so.

And I haven't refuted the Unibomber's manifesto either. Hence, by your standards, the Unibomber is clearly a True Prophet. Spare us your avalanche o' crap tactics. Honest people will make a point concisely, instead of yelling "REFUTE MY MANIFESTO!" over and over.

I read how the Prophet Sowell makes shit up, such by claiming ACORN engaged in fraud and thuggery. That's all I need to see, that Sowell is proudly dishonest. It takes more than partisan nonsense to qualify as prophecy, so do let us know when you find something more than partisan nonsense.


Yes, we know you're unable to refute Dr. Sowell's observations. You don't have to keep reminding us.
For instance, this paragraph from the July essay:
The whole point of the collectivist mindset is to concentrate power in the hands of the collectivists -- which is to say, to take away our freedom. They do this in stages, starting with some group that others envy or resent -- Jews in Nazi Germany, capitalists in the Soviet Union, foreign investors in Third World countries that confiscate their investments and call this theft "nationalization."
So who does Obama and his rhetorical army work to get the people to envy or resent?

The wealthy
The business owners
The evangelical Christians
The Tea Party
Fox News
Rush Limbaugh et al
Any media that is doing its job

And we have seen as documented in the "Phony Scandals?" thread, in some way or another, Obama or his spokespeople have targeted all these groups at one time or another. By marginalizing, discrediting, or in the case of some using the government to silence dissenting voices. But too few seem sufficiently outraged so these incidents are usually just a ripple in the news cycle and are quickly buried and forgotten under more current news. And I believe that too is by intentional design. That phenomenon did not occur much during the Bush administration--anything that could be criticized or scandalized stayed on the front pages for weeks and months and was continued into this administration.

This is dangerous folks. And is almost assured that those freedoms and liberties will continue to erode, chip by chip, almost unnoticable day by day. Sort of like watching weeds grow or snow melt. You can't really see it happen but sooner or later you look out and the weeds have taken over or the snow that was there is gone.

Q. Wanna know what REALLY takes away your freedom?

A. Keepin' you poor!

In the last couple of decades, as jobs have been outsourced, wages have dropped, and it's harder to make a living wage in America. And with the price of higher education going up (Up 500% since 1985), it's harder for parents and their kids to afford an education which allows them to move up economically.

All of this pushes down wages, even as the cost of living is going up. So, what's your choice? It's to take what you're offered even as the income gap in America is widening.

The poor have less freedom and fewer choices than anyone else, and they pay more for what they manage to get. They pay higher interest rates. They pay higher prices for grocery bills if they can't drive to other stores. They pay exorbitant rates for rent, and the poverty rate is going up. Now, why would the poverty rate be going up when the rich are doing so damn well?
Please remind me: Which particular THE MAN is keeping you down?
Calling my faith a cult does nothing to lend credence to your argument,

On the contrary, it's entirely correct. Your faith _is_ a cult.

Thing is, your faith isn't Christianity. It's radical conservatism. That's your cult, your religion. Same with the others here. An attack on that cult is not an attack on Christianity, it's an attack on your political cult. Naturally, you'll pretend it's an attack on Christianity, just so you can keep claiming that precious, precious victimhood.

Anyways, the TrueBelievers here will keep quoting the prophet Sowell. Radical Muslims will keep quoting the prophet Mohammed. I don't see any difference. Blind adherence to an extremist dogma kind of all looks the same.

So, what were liberals like you doing in 2008, when you fell head over heels over this 'hope and change' Obama was offering?

But we didn't do that. We made a rational choice. You're just making crap up, since you're incapable of addressing what we actually say. You lying about us doesn't make us brainwashed; it just makes you all members of a liars' cult. There's no point in discussing anything with you if you're always going to ignore what we say and instead tell us what we really believe. That kind of behavior marks you as cultists, people who can't be reasoned with.
You only think you made a rational choice. You made a choice based on lofty ideals with no logic, substance or chance of success. You heard "hope and change" and actually believed that this empty suit could deliver.
So, I guess he did deliver change, but no one I've talked to appreciates the changes. He HAS transformed America, but sadly, not for the better.
To the left, intent is all that matters. Results are immaterial.

It's all about FEELING good.
WASPS? I wonder if Mustang knows who this is? :)


Michelle Obama'a mom?

How childish.
For instance, this paragraph from the July essay:
The whole point of the collectivist mindset is to concentrate power in the hands of the collectivists -- which is to say, to take away our freedom. They do this in stages, starting with some group that others envy or resent -- Jews in Nazi Germany, capitalists in the Soviet Union, foreign investors in Third World countries that confiscate their investments and call this theft "nationalization."
So who does Obama and his rhetorical army work to get the people to envy or resent?

The wealthy
The business owners
The evangelical Christians
The Tea Party
Fox News
Rush Limbaugh et al
Any media that is doing its job

And we have seen as documented in the "Phony Scandals?" thread, in some way or another, Obama or his spokespeople have targeted all these groups at one time or another. By marginalizing, discrediting, or in the case of some using the government to silence dissenting voices. But too few seem sufficiently outraged so these incidents are usually just a ripple in the news cycle and are quickly buried and forgotten under more current news. And I believe that too is by intentional design. That phenomenon did not occur much during the Bush administration--anything that could be criticized or scandalized stayed on the front pages for weeks and months and was continued into this administration.

This is dangerous folks. And is almost assured that those freedoms and liberties will continue to erode, chip by chip, almost unnoticable day by day. Sort of like watching weeds grow or snow melt. You can't really see it happen but sooner or later you look out and the weeds have taken over or the snow that was there is gone.

Q. Wanna know what REALLY takes away your freedom?

A. Keepin' you poor!

In the last couple of decades, as jobs have been outsourced, wages have dropped, and it's harder to make a living wage in America. And with the price of higher education going up (Up 500% since 1985), it's harder for parents and their kids to afford an education which allows them to move up economically.

All of this pushes down wages, even as the cost of living is going up. So, what's your choice? It's to take what you're offered even as the income gap in America is widening.

The poor have less freedom and fewer choices than anyone else, and they pay more for what they manage to get. They pay higher interest rates. They pay higher prices for grocery bills if they can't drive to other stores. They pay exorbitant rates for rent, and the poverty rate is going up. Now, why would the poverty rate be going up when the rich are doing so damn well?
Please remind me: Which particular THE MAN is keeping you down?
Maybe Mustink was peering into a mirror?
Good morning everybody.

Okay the winches are in place and we're dragging the train back onto the tracks here.

I think ya'll were being a mite unfair to Mustang who obviously was making a joke when he didn't know who the person in the photo was. Or he did know and he was joking his way out of looking as foolish as he did trying to call that person a WASP. :) At any rate no harm, no foul. He has yet to address the challenge.

Again this is the challenge I put to Mustang, Plasmaball, and Mamooth:

I keep challenging the Obama supporters to take any statement - in context please- from any of Sowell's essays linked in the OP and show how he got it wrong back then. So far not one of you have done so.

Now in all honesty, from his point of view, Mamooth was probably being 100% sincere with this response to that challenge however wierd and non sequitur was the analogy that he used:

And I haven't refuted the Unibomber's manifesto either. Hence, by your standards, the Unibomber is clearly a True Prophet. Spare us your avalanche o' crap tactics. Honest people will make a point concisely, instead of yelling "REFUTE MY MANIFESTO!" over and over.

I read how the Prophet Sowell makes shit up, such by claiming ACORN engaged in fraud and thuggery. That's all I need to see, that Sowell is proudly dishonest. It takes more than partisan nonsense to qualify as prophecy, so do let us know when you find something more than partisan nonsense.

But there is ample evidence of such 'fraud and thuggery' isn't there? Enough evidence that the Obama Administration fired ACORN from its cushy census taking contract in 2010. And believe me, when the Obama Administration fires one of its buddies, that 'buddy' was a huge, major embarrassment and a liability Obama couldn't even get their surrogate media to fix. So disgraced was ACORN that it effectively changed its name and now operates under various other names that are less visible.

Video of CBS News reporting on ACORN here:
ACORN Misconduct On Tape - CBS News Video

Move over, Bill Ayers. This week, Republican activists have a new Public Enemy #1. It’s ACORN, the once-obscure community-organizing group that boasts of having registered 1.3 million new voters. Republican officials and advisers to Sen. John McCain have accused ACORN (the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now) of rampant voter-registration fraud. Indeed, officials in states including Pennsylvania, Ohio, Florida, Nevada, North Carolina, Indiana and Connecticut now are looking into accusations that ACORN workers turned in thousands of fraudulent or duplicate voter-registration applications. (The Dallas Cowboys magically filled out voter registration forms in Nevada, for example.)

So what exactly is ACORN’s track record in registering new voters? It hasn’t always been pretty. Here are some highlights (lowlights?) from recent court documents and public testimony in three states that have examined ACORN’s hiring practices over the past two years.

Nevada 2008 On October 6, a criminal investigator with the Nevada Secretary of State filed a search-warrant affidavit stating that ACORN workers used “fictitious and false information” on voter registration applications. Among the allegations:

--ACORN hired 59 state prison inmates to collect voter-registration forms. One was Jason Anderson, who currently is imprisoned for burglary and firearms violations at the state’s Casa Grande halfway house in Las Vegas, court records show. Anderson, who became a supervisory “team leader” for ACORN, told state investigators that some of his co-workers “hired by ACORN were ‘lazy crack-heads’ who were not interested in working and just wanted the money.” Anderson is the whistleblower who told state investigators that his inmate colleagues had registered the Dallas Cowboys to vote in Nevada, along with “large numbers” of other fictitious applications.
(Excerpt) Read more at deepbackground.msnbc.msn.com ...

When it comes to the thuggery of ACORN — its members harassing the homes of bankers and even the home of Senator Phil Gramm when he opposed things that ACORN favored — the Department of Homeland Security apparently sees no evil, hears no evil and speaks no evil.
Thomas Sowell

Recent troubles at ACORN are giving Republicans ammunition in their renewed campaign against the law. Some employees are accused of voter registration fraud. Its founder was forced out last year amid revelations that he had tried to keep quiet his brother’s embezzlement of nearly $1 million. Two conservative filmmakers disguised as a prostitute and a pimp caught ACORN employees on camera giving them tax and immigration advice and advising them to disguise the source of their income to get housing aid.
Read more: ACORN's woes fuel GOP's bid to nix banking law - Washington Times

So how was Sowell 'making shit up" when even the most liberal, Obama-loving, and defender of all liberal things MSNBC had to admit ACORN went way over the line into bad acts?

Now again I don't want to divert the thread to another discussion of ACORN except as it relates to Thomas Sowell's opinion of that organization and the fact that Barack Obama was working for ACORN during his much lauded stint as a community organizer and he funneled millions of dollars to them after he left that organization and was in a position to do so.

But I believe I've provided sufficient evidence that Sowell was not 'making shit up' with that comment. Perhaps Mamooth or others have something to offer as rebuttal that is more substantive than the fact you just don't want to believe it?

The point Sowell is making, of course, is that a Barack Obama who was actually proud of his affiliation with ACORN, until it was disgraced, has become a president that is not above stretching the truth, misleading, and flat out lying to anybody, as well as engaging in verbal and/or bureaucratic thuggery, in order to achieve, in his mind, some higher lofty and noble goal.

Sowell's essays recounting Obama's history and demonstrated character have indeed been prophetic in describing the President we now have. Any of us can hide who we are for only so long.
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There is a passage in the Bible in which the Apostle Paul opines that a time will come when prophecy will cease.

There is a passage in Snow White and the Seven Dwarves in which the dumbest Dwarf, Dopey, opines about the full load in his shorts.

What do you make of that?

Since you see fairy tales and myth as being relevant -- tells us, what did Dopey mean?
There is a passage in the Bible in which the Apostle Paul opines that a time will come when prophecy will cease.

There is a passage in Snow White and the Seven Dwarves in which the dumbest Dwarf, Dopey, opines about the full load in his shorts.

What do you make of that?

Since you see fairy tales and myth as being relevant -- tells us, what did Dopey mean?

Well I'll offer you the same challenge I offered the others. Please choose any of Thomas Sowell's comments, in context please, from any of the essays in the OP and show how they have not proved to be accurate given our experience with five years of a Barack Obama presidency.

The concept of the OP is to explore whether Thomas Sowell was a modern day prophet with those essays. So no fairy tales or myths apply. We have the essays. And we have that five years of history to use to check Sowell's accuracy.

Some of us think Sowell's observations were spot on accurate and see them as prophetic given what we know of the Obama Presidency.

Can you show how they were not?
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How does a person say the same lie, over and over and over again, and then subsequently say that he didn't say that?

From Huckabee's television program this week:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LrBmQINGfEk]Obama promised if you like your health insurance you can keep at least 24 times - YouTube[/ame]

And this was just a week or so ago:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_4aV2mfYKl4]Obama Lies About His Obamacare Lies - 11/04/2013 - YouTube[/ame]

But if you read those Sowell essays with an open mind and critical eye, you can see what creates just such a person who has no conscience about the end justifying whatever means. The consequences can be devastating when we have a culture that allows him power, authority, and the bully pulpit.

August 5, 2013

President Barack Obama spent an entire year fighting a Blitzkrieg culminating in the signing of Obama Care on March 23, 2010. He drummed two unambiguous promises into the public consciousness:

“If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. If you like your current health insurance plan you can keep it.”

Without these two presidential pledges, Obama Care would have stood no chance. By and large, people were happy with their doctors and with their insurance plans. They would not have given up something that is working for the vague promises of Obama Care.
Airbrushing Away The Numerous False Promises Of Obama Care - Forbes

And returning to Sowell's The Vision of the Annointed, written long before Barack Obama was prominent on the public scene, Sowell describes the phenomenon. And why such people are not only allowed to do this with impunity, but are excused and justified by their adoring throngs who share the belief that the ends justify the means so long as it is the person with the right 'vision' who is doing it.
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So, we're almost 300 posts into this, and not one single person on the left has been able to show how Sowell's predictions are not accurate.

I really didn't expect them to. I expected pretty much what we have gotten so far - straw men, red herrings, personal insults, and whatever else they could throw in to divert from the topic and/or concept.

But we can do a powerful pubic service by teaching how the failure to vet Barack Obama resulted in the most disastrous Presidency of any of our lifetimes. So that will never happen again.

Taking the first of those essays--the relationships that Barack Obama has sought out and valued throughout his life. . . .

What if the media had focused on that and pointed out that Obama had NO conservative friends - NO conservative friends or associates of any kind - NO practical exposure to any conservative or traditional influence? What if they had explored how all those Obama sought out as mentors, associates, and benefactors were all disciples of a radical collectivist/Marxist agenda and/or cogs in a powerful and corrupt Chicago machine with one goal in mind: money and power and ability to do anything to anybody?

Would that have given some people pause for thought?

I wonder.

Instead the media again reported and then buried those stories and made sure they never surfaced again so they would be long forgotten by the time election day rolled around.

It has done the same thing now with the GSA scandal, NSA scandals, IRS scandals, Benghazi, dozens of other scandals, and will almost certainly do it with Obamacare. And there are too few of us to hang in there and make sure the stories stay alive so the folks in the next voting cycle will be informed. Obama can't run again, but a whole lot of folks who supported and enabled him will be running. We have to try.
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So, we're almost 300 posts into this, and not one single person on the left has been able to show how Sowell's predictions are not accurate.

I really didn't expect them to. I expected pretty much what we have gotten so far - straw men, red herrings, personal insults, and whatever else they could throw in to divert from the topic and/or concept.

But we can do a powerful pubic service by teaching how the failure to vet Barack Obama resulted in the most disastrous Presidency of any of our lifetimes. So that will never happen again.

Taking the first of those essays--the relationships that Barack Obama has sought out and valued throughout his life. . . .

What if the media had focused on that and pointed out that Obama had NO conservative friends - NO conservative friends or associates of any kind - NO practical exposure to any conservative or traditional influence? What if they had explored how all those Obama sought out as mentors, associates, and benefactors were all disciples of a radical collectivist/Marxist agenda and/or cogs in a powerful and corrupt Chicago machine with one goal in mind: money and power and ability to do anything to anybody?

Would that have given some people pause for thought?

I wonder.

Instead the media again reported and then buried those stories and made sure they never surfaced again so they would be long forgotten by the time election day rolled around.

It has done the same thing now with the GSA scandal, NSA scandals, IRS scandals, Benghazi, dozens of other scandals, and will almost certainly do it with Obamacare. And there are too few of us to hang in there and make sure the stories stay alive so the folks in the next voting cycle will be informed. Obama can't run again, but a whole lot of folks who supported and enabled him will be running. We have to try.
Keep fighting the good fight, my dear.

For you lefties, basing your vote on your willful ignorance of the pasts and views of your favored candidates is not good for the nation.

The facts were there. You were warned. You chose to vote for Obama anyway, with no rational basis for doing so.

All you had was emotion.

Thanks for fucking up the country.

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