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A Fulfillment of Prophecy?

In all honesty, this thread is not intended to bash Obama, but is intended to be a heads up and encouragement to think about what those in government intend as opposed to what they say.

President Obama is watching his signature legislation crumble before his eyes. And he is a man of sufficient ego, he won't go down without a fight. So if you're paying attention, he is already trying to divert attention away from Obamacare and toward other initiatives that he hopes will save his legacy. Two issues at the top of his list are Immigration Reform and Environmental Controls.

How much more of our libertiy are the people willing to put on the line to save his legacy?

well, of course he is going to divert attention from his signature failure.
it is not only immigration, it is the non-issue bill on gay protection and just wait and see when abortion is going to be invoked :lol:

There isn't a heck of a lot he can do with gay and abortion stuff though. And in truth, those issues, though important, won't affect the daily lives of most of us.

But a radical twist on immigration laws and environmental controls can and will affect our daily lives. And he has protention to impose those on us that will be very difficult to rescind effectively later. Just as Obamacare is already dismantling the private healthcare sector, and some of that is going to be very difficult to reverse if it can be done at all, a cruel assault on our energy industries or encouraging a wave of more illegals into the country can have serious consequences.

what I meant is diverting the attention of the hysterics on the left and MSM form the obamacare failure by starting the siezures about women's "procreation rights" ( which do not exist) or gay protection, or a fake interview with somebody or another hype about some firearm accident.

it is standard tactic of diversion.

Might not work this time - when people are getting the hit on the pocket they are less interested in fake outrages.

Immigration is even more dead than anything else -because even an imbecile knows that this obamacare disaster was designed to cover the illegals.
So everybody receiving their insurance hike knows immediately that he/she are paying for mama's Garcia seventeenth anchor baby
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I know it is really difficult for our leftist friends, but George W. Bush has not been President for five years now. And his Medicare Prescription Drug bill, which I vehemently opposed, and which then Senator McCain voted against, has nothing whatsoever to do with this thread topic.

So can we please focus on the Obama Presidency and whatever tea leaves can be read from that?
well, of course he is going to divert attention from his signature failure.
it is not only immigration, it is the non-issue bill on gay protection and just wait and see when abortion is going to be invoked :lol:

There isn't a heck of a lot he can do with gay and abortion stuff though. And in truth, those issues, though important, won't affect the daily lives of most of us.

But a radical twist on immigration laws and environmental controls can and will affect our daily lives. And he has protention to impose those on us that will be very difficult to rescind effectively later. Just as Obamacare is already dismantling the private healthcare sector, and some of that is going to be very difficult to reverse if it can be done at all, a cruel assault on our energy industries or encouraging a wave of more illegals into the country can have serious consequences.

what I meant is diverting the attention of the hysterics on the left and MSM form the obamacare failure by starting the siezures about women's "procreation rights" ( which do not exist) or gay protection, or a fake interview with somebody or another hype about some firearm accident.

it is standard tactic of diversion.

Might not work this time - when people are getting the hit on the pocket they are less interested in fake outrages.
Not to mention that certain media outlets can't contain the cloak of their diversion any longer and are starting to scrutinize it all....better late to the party than never at all. Some are die-hards and will follow Obama to the bitter end.
Funny that the glitches in Medicare Part D, not to mention the cost burden the donut hole put on seniors did not "signal the end" of Bush's presidency.

Flashback: GOP Wanted To 'Fix' Medicare Part D After 'Horrendous' Rollout

Of course not.

‘Bad prophecy’ only happens during democratic administrations.

Indeed. I'm happy to hear that. Another really good reason not to vote for any more Democrats, yes?

But for now, we do have a Democrat in the White House and Democratic Control of the Senate, media, education, and healthcare.

Perhaps we might focus on what America will look like and what it will be if Obama fulfills the prophecy that Thomas Sowell laid out for him?
If the MSM had looked into Obama half as well as Dr Sowell did, Obama would have been a one-term junior Senator from Illinois.

And that is an ingredient in the soup isn't it? We have a media willing to be the P.R. departent for the President; a quasi-government installation. Those Thomas Sowell essays point to a Marxist concept of every increasing and tightening government control over every aspect of our lives. The President already effectively controls the media, education, and now healthcare.

Does he plan to control it all? Is there anything in his history or his actions that would suggest anything else?
He wants it all.

In about a year, there will be serious progressive calls for a third Obama term.
Of course not.

‘Bad prophecy’ only happens during democratic administrations.

Indeed. I'm happy to hear that. Another really good reason not to vote for any more Democrats, yes?

But for now, we do have a Democrat in the White House and Democratic Control of the Senate, media, education, and healthcare.

Perhaps we might focus on what America will look like and what it will be if Obama fulfills the prophecy that Thomas Sowell laid out for him?
Boggles the mind that so many wear partisan blinders and don't see their liberty being conquered by people that could care less that they even exist...only that they are controlled. And isn't this the crux of your thread?
If the MSM had looked into Obama half as well as Dr Sowell did, Obama would have been a one-term junior Senator from Illinois.

And that is an ingredient in the soup isn't it? We have a media willing to be the P.R. departent for the President; a quasi-government installation. Those Thomas Sowell essays point to a Marxist concept of every increasing and tightening government control over every aspect of our lives. The President already effectively controls the media, education, and now healthcare.

Does he plan to control it all? Is there anything in his history or his actions that would suggest anything else?
He wants it all.

In about a year, there will be serious progressive calls for a third Obama term.
it's coming. The progressives have run roughshod over many parts of the Constitution by writ of law...so what's to stop them?
There is a passage in the Bible in which the Apostle Paul opines that a time will come when prophecy will cease. These days I wonder if that means literally that there will be no more prophets? Or does it mean that the people will lose their ability to hear and consider prophetic vision?

No. When the real Jesus comes back, there will be no more need of prophets.

Revelation 19:10 And I fell at his feet to worship him. And he said unto me, See thou do it not: I am thy fellowservant, and of thy brethren that have the testimony of Jesus: worship God: for the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.

Even the two witnesses in Revelation and the angels will be testifying of Jesus. There is a remnant of Jews in the last days who will have the testimony of Jesus.

Parallel verses are here:

1 Corinthians 13:8 Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away.
It was this line from the October 10 essay that pretty well sums up the whole of those essays:

". . . . In the world of rhetoric — the world in which Obama is supreme — he is a moderate, reasonable man, reaching out to unite people and parties, dedicated to reform, opposed to special interests and a healer of the racial divide.

It is only in the real world of action that Barack Obama is the direct opposite."

How many times over the past five years have we seen a President Obama be the exact opposite of the Barack Obama who campaigned to be President in 2008? And 2012 for that matter?

How many times has the media reported glowing and magnificent rhetoric that never seems to be the way it is when Obama governs?

And yet his worshippers still defend him? Do they really approve? Or do they not know?
It was this line from the October 10 essay that pretty well sums up the whole of those essays:

". . . . In the world of rhetoric — the world in which Obama is supreme — he is a moderate, reasonable man, reaching out to unite people and parties, dedicated to reform, opposed to special interests and a healer of the racial divide.

It is only in the real world of action that Barack Obama is the direct opposite."

How many times over the past five years have we seen a President Obama be the exact opposite of the Barack Obama who campaigned to be President in 2008? And 2012 for that matter?

How many times has the media reported glowing and magnificent rhetoric that never seems to be the way it is when Obama governs?

And yet his worshippers still defend him? Do they really approve? Or do they not know?
Ignorance is bliss as his worshippers live in their bubbles...until the bubble is popped...by then? Too late.
It was this line from the October 10 essay that pretty well sums up the whole of those essays:

". . . . In the world of rhetoric — the world in which Obama is supreme — he is a moderate, reasonable man, reaching out to unite people and parties, dedicated to reform, opposed to special interests and a healer of the racial divide.

It is only in the real world of action that Barack Obama is the direct opposite."

How many times over the past five years have we seen a President Obama be the exact opposite of the Barack Obama who campaigned to be President in 2008? And 2012 for that matter?

How many times has the media reported glowing and magnificent rhetoric that never seems to be the way it is when Obama governs?

And yet his worshippers still defend him? Do they really approve? Or do they not know?
Ignorance is bliss as his worshippers live in their bubbles...until the bubble is popped...by then? Too late.

That is the whole point I've been trying to get across. Take the current active trans fat ban thread. Who among us really cares if trans fat is removed from all food products? None of us want it in our food anyway. But, in small quantities, it is essentially harmless. The presumption of government that we are incapable of reading lables and avoiding this substance on our own, and therefore it is good and right that government protect us from our own bad choices, is a dangerous thing.

And when we shrug off or meekly accept these small intrusions into our liberties, it emboldens the government to take a little more and then a little more of our liberties. And voila, it is no time at all that we are facing a government takeover of the entire healthcare system and one sixth of the U.S. economy and seem helpless to do anything about it.

Thomas Sowell, in his essays, tried to warn us that the history showed that Barack Obama is not a man devoted to individual liberty or any other form of freedom. Nor is he a man who appreciates the ideals the Founders infused into Constitution that created our great nation. His actions have consistently been the polar opposite of his glowing rhetoric.

And alas, he may have enough disciples--whether gullible, ignorant, brain washed, or just self-serving--to impose on us much more government control that will be very difficult to reverse.
It was this line from the October 10 essay that pretty well sums up the whole of those essays:

". . . . In the world of rhetoric — the world in which Obama is supreme — he is a moderate, reasonable man, reaching out to unite people and parties, dedicated to reform, opposed to special interests and a healer of the racial divide.

It is only in the real world of action that Barack Obama is the direct opposite."

How many times over the past five years have we seen a President Obama be the exact opposite of the Barack Obama who campaigned to be President in 2008? And 2012 for that matter?

How many times has the media reported glowing and magnificent rhetoric that never seems to be the way it is when Obama governs?

And yet his worshippers still defend him? Do they really approve? Or do they not know?
Ignorance is bliss as his worshippers live in their bubbles...until the bubble is popped...by then? Too late.

That is the whole point I've been trying to get across. Take the current active trans fat ban thread. Who among us really cares if trans fat is removed from all food products? None of us want it in our food anyway. But, in small quantities, it is essentially harmless. The presumption of government that we are incapable of reading lables and avoiding this substance on our own, and therefore it is good and right that government protect us from our own bad choices, is a dangerous thing.

And when we shrug off or meekly accept these small intrusions into our liberties, it emboldens the government to take a little more and then a little more of our liberties. And voila, it is no time at all that we are facing a government takeover of the entire healthcare system and one sixth of the U.S. economy and seem helpless to do anything about it.

Thomas Sowell, in his essays, tried to warn us that the history showed that Barack Obama is not a man devoted to individual liberty or any other form of freedom. Nor is he a man who appreciates the ideals the Founders infused into Constitution that created our great nation. His actions have consistently been the polar opposite of his glowing rhetoric.

And alas, he may have enough disciples--whether gullible, ignorant, brain washed, or just self-serving--to impose on us much more government control that will be very difficult to reverse.
Dr. Sowell is the best.
I am not as smart or as educated as Sowell...but a moron should have seen this coming.

Unfortunately we have become a nation of idol worshippers and we make idols of movie stars and musicians and sports figures and charismatic political figures. And of course those who are susceptible to idol worship also tend to turn a blind eye to character flaws in those idols or they shrug them off or excuse them or justify them so that they don't have to tarnish the pleasure they find in adoration and worship of whatever idol they adopt.

And that doesn't even include those who grovel at the feet of their chosen idol in hope of receiving benefices and blessings and being relieved from whatever burdens they carry.

Barack Obama has well played this ability to bend the will of the idol worshippes to believe his rhetoric and/or to believe that his way is the right and just and magnificent way.
And that is an ingredient in the soup isn't it? We have a media willing to be the P.R. departent for the President; a quasi-government installation. Those Thomas Sowell essays point to a Marxist concept of every increasing and tightening government control over every aspect of our lives. The President already effectively controls the media, education, and now healthcare.

Does he plan to control it all? Is there anything in his history or his actions that would suggest anything else?
He wants it all.

In about a year, there will be serious progressive calls for a third Obama term.
it's coming. The progressives have run roughshod over many parts of the Constitution by writ of law...so what's to stop them?
They'll get the revolution they've been itching for for 60 years...but they won't be the revolutionaries.
It was this line from the October 10 essay that pretty well sums up the whole of those essays:

". . . . In the world of rhetoric — the world in which Obama is supreme — he is a moderate, reasonable man, reaching out to unite people and parties, dedicated to reform, opposed to special interests and a healer of the racial divide.

It is only in the real world of action that Barack Obama is the direct opposite."

How many times over the past five years have we seen a President Obama be the exact opposite of the Barack Obama who campaigned to be President in 2008? And 2012 for that matter?

How many times has the media reported glowing and magnificent rhetoric that never seems to be the way it is when Obama governs?

And yet his worshippers still defend him? Do they really approve? Or do they not know?
For the Obama-worshipers, what he says today totally defines reality for them. It is the unquestionable Truth, unassailable, irrefutable, unequivocal.

If what he says tomorrow completely contradicts what he says today, no matter. THAT will be the unquestionable Truth, unassailable, irrefutable, unequivocal.

Their reality is thus defined.

It's easier than thinking for yourself.
Referring to those who are losing their health insurance plans, Obama told NBC News, "I am sorry that they are finding themselves in this situation based on assurances they got from me. We've got to work hard to make sure that they know we hear them and we are going to do everything we can to deal with folks who find themselves in a tough position as a consequence of this.”
Obama apologizes to Americans who lost health plans | Fox News

Do you believe him? How is his track record on follow through on this kind of statement? Even as he continues his never-ending campaign and continues to blame Republicans and employers and insurance companies for the problems that have occurred. He has yet to admit that it is the policies, requirements, and mandates written into the law itself, or added since the law was passed, that has forced employers and insurance companies.

Where is the apology to the Republicans in Congress who passed bill after bill to delay Obamacare until problems could be worked out. Blaming the Republicans for shutting down government? But it was the Democrats who demanded a meeting with the President and who almost certainly demanded he issue that apology and who even as we speak have introduced a bill in Congress to delay the individual mandate by one year--the very thing the Republicans demanded.

NOTE: I do NOT want this to become another discussion on the merits and/or sins of Obamacare. Let's focus on how the President handles isues like this--not the issue itself.

What Thomas Sowell wrote in his "Who Shut Down the Government?" column on October 4:

There is really nothing complicated about the facts. The Republican-controlled House of Representatives voted all the money required to keep all government activities going — except for ObamaCare.

This is not a matter of opinion. You can check the Congressional Record. . . .

. . . . Whether ObamaCare is good, bad or indifferent is a matter of opinion. But it is a matter of fact that members of the House of Representatives have a right to make spending decisions based on their opinion.

ObamaCare is indeed "the law of the land," as its supporters keep saying, and the Supreme Court has upheld its Constitutionality.
But the whole point of having a division of powers within the federal government is that each branch can decide independently what it wants to do or not do, regardless of what the other branches do, when exercising the powers specifically granted to that branch by the Constitution.
The hundreds of thousands of government workers who have been laid off are not idle because the House of Representatives did not vote enough money to pay their salaries or the other expenses of their agencies — unless they are in an agency that would administer ObamaCare. . . .

. . . .If Senator Reid and President Obama refuse to accept the money required to run the government, because it leaves out the money they want to run ObamaCare, that is their right. But that is also their responsibility.

You cannot blame other people for not giving you everything you want. And it is a fraud to blame them when you refuse to use the money they did vote, even when it is ample to pay for everything else in the government. . . .
Thomas Sowell: Who Shut Down the Government?

How refreshing would it be to have a President who could look through the same prism that Thomas Sowell looks through? And how much more could we trust him if he did?
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obama is actually very consistent in his actions with the views he was indoctrinated with from his early youth

That is true. There is an old saying: Tell me who your friends are and I will tell you who you are.

I don't think it takes much in the way of prophecy to have predicted the Obama presidency. Anyone who understands the above adage and who has a good comprehension of cause and effect would have no trouble whatsoever predicting Obama's actions. I have posted this on another thread, but one case in point: After I read the ACA, I explained it to a friend who pondered it for a moment and said, 'America will be single payer in 5 years.' And what has happened? The dominoes have started to fall and when they are all down the end one will drop onto the words, 'single payer.' It may not take 5 years.

As to the question of whether the age of prophecy is over. I don't know. I always took it that the prophets of the Bible garnered their prophecies from God and not just from observation of cause and effect and patterns of behavior. Observation is all it takes to prophesy Obama.
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Referring to those who are losing their health insurance plans, Obama told NBC News, "I am sorry that they are finding themselves in this situation based on assurances they got from me. We've got to work hard to make sure that they know we hear them and we are going to do everything we can to deal with folks who find themselves in a tough position as a consequence of this.”
Obama apologizes to Americans who lost health plans | Fox News

Do you believe him? How is his track record on follow through on this kind of statement? Even as he continues his never-ending campaign and continues to blame Republicans and employers and insurance companies for the problems that have occurred. He has yet to admit that it is the policies, requirements, and mandates written into the law itself, or added since the law was passed, that has forced employers and insurance companies.

Where is the apology to the Republicans in Congress who passed bill after bill to delay Obamacare until problems could be worked out. Blaming the Republicans for shutting down government? But it was the Democrats who demanded a meeting with the President and who almost certainly demanded he issue that apology and who even as we speak have introduced a bill in Congress to delay the individual mandate by one year--the very thing the Republicans demanded.

NOTE: I do NOT want this to become another discussion on the merits and/or sins of Obamacare. Let's focus on how the President handles isues like this--not the issue itself.

What Thomas Sowell wrote in his "Who Shut Down the Government?" column on October 4:

There is really nothing complicated about the facts. The Republican-controlled House of Representatives voted all the money required to keep all government activities going — except for ObamaCare.

This is not a matter of opinion. You can check the Congressional Record. . . .

. . . . Whether ObamaCare is good, bad or indifferent is a matter of opinion. But it is a matter of fact that members of the House of Representatives have a right to make spending decisions based on their opinion.

ObamaCare is indeed "the law of the land," as its supporters keep saying, and the Supreme Court has upheld its Constitutionality.
But the whole point of having a division of powers within the federal government is that each branch can decide independently what it wants to do or not do, regardless of what the other branches do, when exercising the powers specifically granted to that branch by the Constitution.
The hundreds of thousands of government workers who have been laid off are not idle because the House of Representatives did not vote enough money to pay their salaries or the other expenses of their agencies — unless they are in an agency that would administer ObamaCare. . . .

. . . .If Senator Reid and President Obama refuse to accept the money required to run the government, because it leaves out the money they want to run ObamaCare, that is their right. But that is also their responsibility.

You cannot blame other people for not giving you everything you want. And it is a fraud to blame them when you refuse to use the money they did vote, even when it is ample to pay for everything else in the government. . . .
Thomas Sowell: Who Shut Down the Government?

How refreshing would it be to have a President who could look through the same prism that Thomas Sowell looks through? And how much more could we trust him if he did?

I don't believe him because the only way the insurance companies can stay afloat is if the premiums get raised all around. What has happened is what he intended. He, himself, even admitted that he knew people would lose their policies. He went forward because he knew his program could survive only if those already insured paid higher premiums.

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