A generation of lost kids with their heads up their assas.

When the daughter interned working with elementary school kids, she would change her hair color every week. Her high school grad pic she has the same color shade of green as the school colors.

Get a cane old man!
Awww green hair, how cute....
People are trying to out freak each other in order to be "different".

Pretty soon, not mutilating your body will be "different" and cool.
And these children that you spit on
As they try to change their worlds
Their immune to your consultations
They're quite aware of what they're going through

(Turn and face the stranger)
Don't tell them to grow up and out of it
(Turn and face the stranger)
Where's your shame
You've left us up to our necks in it
Time may change me
But you can't trace time

Mr Bowie

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