A German museum has banned white people from visiting on Saturdays

Things not to do in Germany:

Just don't!
  • Being unpunctual. ...
  • Making noise. ...
  • Making a spontaneous visit. ...
  • Crossing the road when the light's red. ...
  • Phoning late in the evening. ...
  • Disregarding waste separation rules. ...
  • Raising your glass without making eye contact. ...
  • Parking on the cycle path.


Racism in Germany - My Experience as a Foreigner​

Maybe Germany is not quite as bad as it is often painted.

In 2015, large numbers of refugees fleeing war and terrorism in Syria, Afghanistan, and Iraq arrived on Europe’s shores. Fear and uncertainty reigned—who would give these people asylum and how would they integrate? The German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, remained undaunted. “We can do this!” she announced in August of that year. And do this, they did. In 2015 and 2016, Germany received over one million first-time asylum applications.

Five years later, over half of these refugees have found a job, and public support for immigration remains high. Still, integration challenges remain. Refugees typically work in lower-paid and more precarious roles, which have been hit harder by COVID-19. Germany needs to institute policies that target specific barriers to full labor market integration, such as training and the certification of existing skills.
Americans have to understand that there is no Bill of Rights or system of justice as we know it in Europe or anywhere else in the world. Pretend to be shocked if you want but that's the way it is.
on the topic of indigenous

I have just looked up who lived in Germany before the Germans:

The British Aren't Britons

The Kelts weren't Germanized. They were exterminated or driven out. That's why the Kelts in England left no traces of their language in English, so probably the same thing was done in what is now Germany. "Kelts, Celts, Gauls, Gaelic, Wales, Portugal, and Gallicia (in Poland, Spain, and Turkey)" all come from the same word.

In fact, there is a theory that Nazi mass-murder was a regression to the way the Germans were in ancient history.
Well if I lived in Germany that would make it really easy for me to decide I'd never ever want to go there again.
Wow, like Germany has a history of tolerance, peace, non-discrimination & acceptance of all cultures, religions, ethnicities & races of people. Like I could give a person six million reasons why I'm shocked to hear this!
Similar to Israel yes.
Maybe Germany is not quite as bad as it is often painted.
Depends entirely in which part of the German Federation you live.

In former East-Germany, the population in general is running amok against government imposed laws and regulations.

In Bavaria things are still very okay - due to our actively practiced and reserved plebiscite rights, the Lefty&Libs never manged to take hold.

The rest of the German Federation, the population is in majority against extreme forms of liberalism - but since they have no plebiscites, they are basically surrendering to the government and Lefty&Lib subjugation.

God bless Am...ah... Bavaria

The British Aren't Britons

The Kelts weren't Germanized. They were exterminated or driven out. That's why the Kelts in England left no traces of their language in English, so probably the same thing was done in what is now Germany. "Kelts, Celts, Gauls, Gaelic, Wales, Portugal, and Gallicia (in Poland, Spain, and Turkey)" all come from the same word.

In fact, there is a theory that Nazi mass-murder was a regression to the way the Germans were in ancient history.
Hmm... Irish, Welsh and Scottish people are of Celtic decent and still maintain their language - same applies towards e.g. Brittany in France or the Andorra and Basque regions of France and Spain.

Tirol,(both Austrian and Italian parts) and Vorarlberg, have also retained their original Celtic based culture and language as well - so have some Kanton's in Switzerland and lastly also Bavaria.

Even though the former Celtic tribes are certainly heavily intermixed with e.g. Germanic tribes and others - they are not totally extinct.
Hmm... Irish, Welsh and Scottish people are of Celtic decent and still maintain their language - same applies towards e.g. Brittany in France or the Andorra and Basque regions of France and Spain.

Tirol,(both Austrian and Italian parts) and Vorarlberg, have also retained their original Celtic based culture and language as well - so have some Kanton's in Switzerland and lastly also Bavaria.

Even though the former Celtic tribes are certainly heavily intermixed with e.g. Germanic tribes and others - they are not totally extinct.
CliffsNotes Degrees

I'll give a "Wow" when a poster misunderstands what I wrote. That's college-level stupidity, jumping on a part and ignoring the whole either as a short-cut or a way to disagree.

An example of a short-cut by America's Diploma Dumbos: When told, "If you want to sound educated, use 'my friend and I' instead of 'my friend and me' when it is the subject of a sentence." These job-stealing mediocrities invariably skip the "subject of a sentence' part and pretend that their education means something whenever they use "__and I" when it is not the subject.

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