Zone1 A Great 4th of July message for all Americans from the Rooftop Pastor Corey Brooks.


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
This is the Black leadership that is so desperately needed in this country. The race baiters and victim hood pushers like Al Sharpton have done more damage to American Blacks than the KKK. We need more men like Pastor Brooks making positive changes in the most hopeless communities in America.

This is the Black leadership that is so desperately needed in this country. The race baiters and victim hood pushers like Al Sharpton have done more damage to American Blacks than the KKK. We need more men like Pastor Brooks making positive changes in the most hopeless communities in America.


He's really inspiring.

More so than either Biden or Trump.


He's really inspiring.

More so than either Biden or Trump.

I would be more than happy with President Corey Brooks. Any man who would spend a year on a Chicago Rooftop to fight for the youth of his city is my kind of guy.
This is the Black leadership that is so desperately needed in this country. The race baiters and victim hood pushers like Al Sharpton have done more damage to American Blacks than the KKK. We need more men like Pastor Brooks making positive changes in the most hopeless communities in America.

Independence Day is a white holiday.
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Another black pastor teling Marathon Mike what he desperately needs to hear instead of the truth.
This is the Black leadership that is so desperately needed in this country. The race baiters and victim hood pushers like Al Sharpton have done more damage to American Blacks than the KKK. We need more men like Pastor Brooks making positive changes in the most hopeless communities in America.

A RACIST white boy talking about the leadership blacks need. And he doesn't see this as race baiting. Loving America doesn't mean we subscibe to a lie. We don't need Brooks, we already love America. Whats needed is for whites like Mike to get off his white ass and work to end the racisn in the white community instead of thinking it doesn't exist and calling blacks who show it still exists race baiters. That's the leadership needed for change and the white racist community is the most hopeless community here. So how about doing what it takes to end white racism Mike?
Apparently Corey Brooks and many millions of other Americans disagree with you. But a hater is going to hate. Happy 4th of July! :113:
Indians were not granted citizenship until 1924. Blacks were not free. The name of the holiday is Independence Day, not the 4th of July.
Independence Day Is a whites only holiday.
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A RACIST white boy talking about the leadership blacks need. And he doesn't see this as race baiting. Loving America doesn't mean we subscibe to a lie. We don't need Brooks, we already love America. Whats needed is for whites like Mike to get off his white ass and work to end the racisn in the white community instead of thinking it doesn't exist and calling blacks who show it still exists race baiters. That's the leadership needed for change and the white racist community is the most hopeless community here. So how about doing what it takes to end white racism Mike?
I knew you would take me off IGNORE long enough to call me "Racist white boy" and crap on Pastor Corey Brooks. A hater is going to hate and a Sharpton disciple like you will smear a great man like Pastor Brooks every chance he can. You do that because I am a threat to you and so is Pastor Brooks.
“What to the American slave is your Fourth of July? I answer, a day that reveals to him more than all other days of the year, the gross injustice and cruelty to which he is the constant victim. To him your celebration is a sham; your boasted liberty an unholy license; your national greatness, swelling vanity; your sounds of rejoicing are empty and heartless; your shouts of liberty and equality, hollow mock; your prayers and hymns, your sermons and thanksgivings, with all your religious parade and solemnity, are to him mere bombast, fraud, deception, impiety, and hypocrisy - a thin veil to cover up crimes which would disgrace a nation of savages. There is not a nation of the earth guilty of practices more shocking and bloody than are the people of these United States at this very hour.”
-Frederick Douglas

Hellbiy is right. The 4th of July is a white holiday. I don't celebrate it.
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The usual haters show up to crap on Pastor Brooks and his positive message for America. They just can't let go of the past and they can't let go of the hate. Too bad for them.
This is a clear example of cherry picking.
Mike is the hater and that's why he must search the internet to cherrypick things from blacks that say what he must hear in order to feel he has no responsibility to change. Brooks message is not positive. It's appeasement.
Mike is the hater and that's why he must search the internet to cherrypick things from blacks that say what he must hear in order to feel he has no responsibility to change. Brooks message is not positive. It's appeasement.
Cherry picking is also what he constantly accuses us of doing.
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Cherry picking is also what he constantly accuses us of doing.
Mike is a racist POS who once used the picture of a dead child to front for his racist posts about the black community. He started a black deaths thread that I had to argue with people for a long time to close. But here he is trying to tell us how we should see America. Fuck that.

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