A Great Day to Visit Charolettsville and Washington DC


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
Various group gatherings for entertainment


Hundreds take to Charlottesville streets a year after far-right rally

CHARLOTTESVILLE, Va. (Reuters) - Hundreds of students and left-wing activists took to the streets of Charlottesville, Virginia, on Saturday, as a rally to mark the anniversary of last year’s white nationalist gathering turned largely into an anti-police protest.

With chants like, “Cops and Klan go hand in hand,” the protesters’ criticisms of both police and the University of Virginia underscored the resentment that still exists a year after torch-bearing neo-Nazis marched through campus, shouting anti-Semitic messages and beating counter protesters.

Several students said they were angry that the police response was far larger this year compared with last year, when people carrying tiki torches the white nationalist rally went mostly unchecked.

Hundreds take to Charlottesville streets a year after far-right rally

Washington readies for today’s planned white supremacist rally near White House

I`m sure some of our posters washed their sheets and hoods for this event. Maybe they even bought new tiki torches with their welfare $$.
I`m sure some of our posters washed their sheets and hoods for this event. Maybe they even bought new tiki torches with their welfare $$.
There were probably some killer plate lunches to be had. Some barbeque chicken and watermelon on a hot day is killer


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