A Great Earthquake Coming

Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
As I was visiting today - reading Michael Boldea Jr.'s website and ministry Helping Hands- founded by Dumitru Duduman - his grandfather many years ago - I came across this prophecy. It was a prophetic dream that had been given by the LORD to Mike Boldea Jr. and two other Christians and this was back in 2006. I will post a clip of the dream and you can click the link if you want to read the entire message. In light of the recent happenings in California I do not believe this judgment is too far off now.

A Great Earthquake coming

As I fell into a deep sleep I had a dream. I dreamt I was in a hotel room, asleep, when the bed began to shake violently. I knew what was happening right away. Having lived in California in the 1980's I was keenly aware of what an earthquake felt like. Suddenly I was no longer in bed, but high above San Francisco bay, looking down on the golden gate bridge. As I watched it, it began to shudder, break apart, and fall into the waters below. I continued to watch the devastation, seeing buildings collapse, and masses of people trying to find shelter. Then a voice spoke out of the heavens, a voice I had never heard before, a voice of great authority. "I will shake this land from its foundations, such as the eyes of this generation has not seen. The world will stand in awe, and tremble in fear, as even the very geography of this nation will be transformed. My wrath is ready to be poured out, for sin has overrun My temple."

continue reading on link above.......
I believe this judgment is going to be poured out because of the sins taking place in the name of God. When people believe they stop Preachers from preaching against sin under threat of arrest - can force Christian pastors to perform same sex marriages in churches - force Christian photographers to photograph these weddings or Christian owned bakeries to provide services for such a blasphemous thing - it is going to result in the judgment of God - this is a judgment not unlike Sodom and Gomorrah in my belief. God is not mocked. Whatsoever a man sows that will he reap. I'm not surprised to learn the epicenter for this earthquake will be in San Francisco. I know the LORD told me to post this here and I did. So I have obeyed the LORD. People can either heed the warning and repent or disregard it and suffer the consequences.
As for those who belong to the LORD, obey Jesus Christ and live for Him in California - Psalm 91 promise is yours. Live holy unto the LORD and He will keep you. Jesus Christ is our refuge, people.

A thousand may fall at your side, and ten thousand at your right hand; But it shall not come near you. Only with your eyes shall you look, and see the reward of the wicked. Because you have made the Lord, who is my refuge, even the Most High, your habitation, no evil shall befall you, nor shall any plague come near your dwelling; For He shall give His angels charge over you, to keep you in all your ways.

-Psalm 91: 7 - 11
Yep and it will be massive at least ten or more.
That is the next thing that is listed in Revelation, we are still in the high price of food worldwide (3rd seal).
We still have seal 4 and 5 to go through yet before the 6th seal of the great earthquake.
Yep and it will be massive at least ten or more.
That is the next thing that is listed in Revelation, we are still in the high price of food worldwide (3rd seal).
We still have seal 4 and 5 to go through yet before the 6th seal of the great earthquake.

In Matthew 24 Jesus spoke of multiple earthquakes that would happen - Peach - I am not sure that the prophetic dream these three men all had confirming one another's testimony - of a great Earthquake in California - would be the one described in Revelation. But we know that one is coming too.
Didn't Jesus say that God was no longer going to smite earthlings? In fact didn't God himself make that pledge?
Yes it say earthquakes, volcanoes and storms will increase and that storms become more stronger as each one happens.
We don't know where that huge earthquake will be at though in Revelation.
Yes it say earthquakes, volcanoes and storms will increase and that storms become more stronger as each one happens.
We don't know where that huge earthquake will be at though in Revelation.

Ah the right DOES have an explanation for climate change :rofl:

Isn't that something OldSchool? - told by Revelation 2,000 year ago.
If the bible is written by men and not God, how did they know climate change would happen 2,000 years in the future?
Yes it say earthquakes, volcanoes and storms will increase and that storms become more stronger as each one happens.
We don't know where that huge earthquake will be at though in Revelation.

Ah the right DOES have an explanation for climate change :rofl:

Isn't that something OldSchool? - told by Revelation 2,000 year ago.
If the bible is written by men and not God, how did they know climate change would happen 2,000 years in the future?

You're right. It's like how nostradamus predicted World War 2 and 9/11 :thup:
Didn't Jesus say that God was no longer going to smite earthlings? In fact didn't God himself make that pledge?

No. God said he would never again destroy the earth by a flood. And He has kept His Word and given us a reminder of that promise through the rainbow. Imagine the absolute beauty of God Almighty, Creator of Heaven and Earth, Ravi. The whole earth declares His Glory The spendor of his majesty is utterly astounding and too great for our finite minds to comprehend. The creator of heaven and earth! God is so wonderful! No wonder the devil envies us so much -he can never have what we have - he wasn't made in the image of God as we were! He was created as an angel - Lucifer - until he rebelled and was cast out of heaven - it is no wonder he hates mankind with such a hatred - we were made in the image of God - we remind him of what God has offered us - eternal life in Jesus Christ and what he will never have - to think God came in the flesh - hung on a cross and redeemed us with His Own blood that we might be forgiven of all of our sins - and enter the Kingdom of Heaven! Amazing grace! How sweet the sound! Who saved a wretch like me! I once was lost but now I am found - was blind but now I see!

Call on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and be saved! God loves you, Ravi! Very much!
Yes it say earthquakes, volcanoes and storms will increase and that storms become more stronger as each one happens.
We don't know where that huge earthquake will be at though in Revelation.

Ah the right DOES have an explanation for climate change :rofl:

Isn't that something OldSchool? - told by Revelation 2,000 year ago.
If the bible is written by men and not God, how did they know climate change would happen 2,000 years in the future?

You're right. It's like how nostradamus predicted World War 2 and 9/11 :thup:

Nostradamas was a false prophet and has no part in the prophecies of the bible. Read Ezekiel, Joel, Amos, Jeremiah, Isaiah, and the Hebrew prophets for Bible prophecy if you wish to read about it - Old School.
Yes it say earthquakes, volcanoes and storms will increase and that storms become more stronger as each one happens.
We don't know where that huge earthquake will be at though in Revelation.

Ah the right DOES have an explanation for climate change :rofl:

Isn't that something OldSchool? - told by Revelation 2,000 year ago.
If the bible is written by men and not God, how did they know climate change would happen 2,000 years in the future?

You're right. It's like how nostradamus predicted World War 2 and 9/11 :thup:
Right and he was so darn specific about too! NOT.....
The Bible is very specific, especially when you add Daniel with Revelation.
Didn't Jesus say that God was no longer going to smite earthlings? In fact didn't God himself make that pledge?

No. God said he would never again destroy the earth by a flood. And He has kept His Word and given us a reminder of that promise through the rainbow. Imagine the absolute beauty of God Almighty, Creator of Heaven and Earth, Ravi. The whole earth declares His Glory The spendor of his majesty is utterly astounding and too great for our finite minds to comprehend. The creator of heaven and earth! God is so wonderful! No wonder the devil envies us so much -he can never have what we have - he wasn't made in the image of God as we were! He was created as an angel - Lucifer - until he rebelled and was cast out of heaven - it is no wonder he hates mankind with such a hatred - we were made in the image of God - we remind him of what God has offered us - eternal life in Jesus Christ and what he will never have - to think God came in the flesh - hung on a cross and redeemed us with His Own blood that we might be forgiven of all of our sins - and enter the Kingdom of Heaven! Amazing grace! How sweet the sound! Who saved a wretch like me! I once was lost but now I am found - was blind but now I see!

Call on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and be saved! God loves you, Ravi! Very much!
Never again will I curse the ground because of humans

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