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A great example of why socialism is better than "charity"

He also doesn't have an answer. These homophobic ass holes haven't got any answers, as a matter of fact.Which is why they won't touch me, or this subject with a ten foot pole. They're so afraid that I'm right, that they had to check for themselves, what is and what isn't there. Lol!
You just compared homosexuality to transgenderism you stupid fucking hick.
You arent right about shit. You dont even know what you're talking about.
Do you want to debate the subject or play cowardly semantics? I didn't think so. It's way over your Sheep sheered head.
Dude, i will debate your condescending dumbass ANY day.
You always talk about "debating" lets have a real one in the bull ring.
Just me and you. And judges.
Any subject.
We already did today. And you lost. Something about "transgenders and homosexuality you stupid fucking hick". That was your argument. Don't need a judge for that.
You implied they were the same. That isnt my fault you dont know what you are talking about.
Do you want a real debate, or does your retarded ass just get on here and troll?
Lets debate, rambo
No I didn't. Using "homophobic" was generalizing. You decided to use it as a wedge argument that means nothing. I already debated you on the subject in question, and you failed to debate it. You lost.
your appeal to ignorance?

We have a mixed market economy.

Congress commands fiscal policy and the Fed commands monetary policy.

You just compared homosexuality to transgenderism you stupid fucking hick.
You arent right about shit. You dont even know what you're talking about.
Do you want to debate the subject or play cowardly semantics? I didn't think so. It's way over your Sheep sheered head.
Dude, i will debate your condescending dumbass ANY day.
You always talk about "debating" lets have a real one in the bull ring.
Just me and you. And judges.
Any subject.
We already did today. And you lost. Something about "transgenders and homosexuality you stupid fucking hick". That was your argument. Don't need a judge for that.
You implied they were the same. That isnt my fault you dont know what you are talking about.
Do you want a real debate, or does your retarded ass just get on here and troll?
Lets debate, rambo
No I didn't. Using "homophobic" was generalizing. You decided to use it as a wedge argument that means nothing. I already debated you on the subject in question, and you failed to debate it. You lost.
You are a moron. Its like using rotten apples to generalize while including jeep motors.
I didnt think you wanted a real debate.
Christian homeless shelter defends decision to turn away trans woman

A Christian homeless shelter in Alaska has defended turning away a homeless transgender woman on a cold January evening.

The Downtown Hope Center shelter in Anchorage, Alaska, is under investigation from the city’s Equal Rights Commission after a vulnerable homeless trans woman with nowhere to sleep was denied access into the women’s shelter.
Police had dropped the unnamed woman, identified as Jessie Doe, at the overnight shelter in January 2018—but twice in two days she was turned away by staff.

The average overnight January temperature in Anchorage, Alaska, is -12° Celsius (9° Fahrenheit).

Here is a "charity" that picks those it helps by criteria other than need. The US needs more socialism so that less people freeze on Winters nights. So does the UK for that matter. .

Question: Did this woman, have a penis?
Don't know? Maybe you should ask the biological influences in the brain, from the womb that question? Or do you not have the foggiest idea of what I am talking about, and or don't care, just as long as you can pedal your filthy hate?

I do know. Maybe you should asked the abused women at that shelter, if they want to be share their safe space with a mentally ill man.

I was talking to a cop about this. He told me that they had a similar issue with a transgender prisoner. They put the woman, with a penis, in the women's prison.

And ended up with three raped women.

Great job, libs.
Made up story.
From where does socialism derive its necessary capital?
From the same places we get our military, roads, and bridges.
From capitalists.
That comes from Socialism, not Capitalism.
The capital necessary to fund the infrastructure needs to be generated. It doesn’t grow on trees.
Democrats should not be allowed to vote.
Government stimulus has always been the catalyst for any Capitalist venture from its conception. The maintenance of our military, roads, and bridges, comes directly from Socialism. Without it, there is no military, roads, and bridges.
Where does this behemoth middle man known as government get the stuff they need for infrastructure, etc.? From the market.
Gov is a facilitator. Facilitation is overhead. The less overhead, the greater the profit. The greater the profit the greater the economy.
Democrats should not be allowed to vote.
Christian homeless shelter defends decision to turn away trans woman

A Christian homeless shelter in Alaska has defended turning away a homeless transgender woman on a cold January evening.

The Downtown Hope Center shelter in Anchorage, Alaska, is under investigation from the city’s Equal Rights Commission after a vulnerable homeless trans woman with nowhere to sleep was denied access into the women’s shelter.
Police had dropped the unnamed woman, identified as Jessie Doe, at the overnight shelter in January 2018—but twice in two days she was turned away by staff.

The average overnight January temperature in Anchorage, Alaska, is -12° Celsius (9° Fahrenheit).

Here is a "charity" that picks those it helps by criteria other than need. The US needs more socialism so that less people freeze on Winters nights. So does the UK for that matter. .
My republican buddy’s wife got cancer. They couldn’t afford the deductible or copayment so they had a charity fund raiser.

He didn’t invite me. Not after all the arguments we had about socialized medicine.

Stupid Americans. Free to be broken by medical costs.

Does the idiot know if republicans could they would let the insurance companies deny her because she has a pre existing condition?
Arent there charities in the US that cover things like this ? In the UK socialised medicine would care for this poor woman until she was well again.

Charity turns the recipient into a beggar to be pitied. Socialism is a contract between government and the people that lets you keep some dignity.
Christian homeless shelter defends decision to turn away trans woman

A Christian homeless shelter in Alaska has defended turning away a homeless transgender woman on a cold January evening.

The Downtown Hope Center shelter in Anchorage, Alaska, is under investigation from the city’s Equal Rights Commission after a vulnerable homeless trans woman with nowhere to sleep was denied access into the women’s shelter.
Police had dropped the unnamed woman, identified as Jessie Doe, at the overnight shelter in January 2018—but twice in two days she was turned away by staff.

The average overnight January temperature in Anchorage, Alaska, is -12° Celsius (9° Fahrenheit).

Here is a "charity" that picks those it helps by criteria other than need. The US needs more socialism so that less people freeze on Winters nights. So does the UK for that matter. .

Right, they turned away a man. At a Christian shelter. Now they probably should have driven her somewhere else, but they were right.

Tommy, what would your beloved Muslims have done? Why are you always picking on the Christians?
Christian homeless shelter defends decision to turn away trans woman

A Christian homeless shelter in Alaska has defended turning away a homeless transgender woman on a cold January evening.

The Downtown Hope Center shelter in Anchorage, Alaska, is under investigation from the city’s Equal Rights Commission after a vulnerable homeless trans woman with nowhere to sleep was denied access into the women’s shelter.
Police had dropped the unnamed woman, identified as Jessie Doe, at the overnight shelter in January 2018—but twice in two days she was turned away by staff.

The average overnight January temperature in Anchorage, Alaska, is -12° Celsius (9° Fahrenheit).

Here is a "charity" that picks those it helps by criteria other than need. The US needs more socialism so that less people freeze on Winters nights. So does the UK for that matter. .
/—-/ Give him bus fare to the men’s shelter.

Why did the cops keep taking someone who isn't a woman to a shelter that only takes women? Does Anchorage not have other homeless shelters where this wouldn't have been a problem?
Do you have biological evidence where this should be a problem?
Dont hold your breath. He is thick as shit.

Are you purposely misgendering Cecilie? Why would you do that, Tommy? You're not a hypocrite, ARE YOU???
Christian homeless shelter defends decision to turn away trans woman

A Christian homeless shelter in Alaska has defended turning away a homeless transgender woman on a cold January evening.

The Downtown Hope Center shelter in Anchorage, Alaska, is under investigation from the city’s Equal Rights Commission after a vulnerable homeless trans woman with nowhere to sleep was denied access into the women’s shelter.
Police had dropped the unnamed woman, identified as Jessie Doe, at the overnight shelter in January 2018—but twice in two days she was turned away by staff.

The average overnight January temperature in Anchorage, Alaska, is -12° Celsius (9° Fahrenheit).

Here is a "charity" that picks those it helps by criteria other than need. The US needs more socialism so that less people freeze on Winters nights. So does the UK for that matter. .

Right, they turned away a man. At a Christian shelter. Now they probably should have driven her somewhere else, but they were right.

Tommy, what would your beloved Muslims have done? Why are you always picking on the Christians?
She is a woman and these people are not Christians. Would Jesus have turned her away ?
Christian homeless shelter defends decision to turn away trans woman

A Christian homeless shelter in Alaska has defended turning away a homeless transgender woman on a cold January evening.

The Downtown Hope Center shelter in Anchorage, Alaska, is under investigation from the city’s Equal Rights Commission after a vulnerable homeless trans woman with nowhere to sleep was denied access into the women’s shelter.
Police had dropped the unnamed woman, identified as Jessie Doe, at the overnight shelter in January 2018—but twice in two days she was turned away by staff.

The average overnight January temperature in Anchorage, Alaska, is -12° Celsius (9° Fahrenheit).

Here is a "charity" that picks those it helps by criteria other than need. The US needs more socialism so that less people freeze on Winters nights. So does the UK for that matter. .

Yeah socialism is so great for the LGBTQ community. Are you truly that brain dead tainty? Read some history before you make yet another fool of yourself.
Not that you're going to provide us with any, right?

Read, and learn.... Interestingly, they acknowledge that Germany and the Soviet Union were socialist. Something the progressives always try to argue against.

Stalin and Hitler: The Night Descends
LIBERTARIAN, DEMOCRATIC ASPIRATIONS OF all kinds withered in this atmosphere, while the conservative, authoritarian prejudices surviving from the old regime flourished and blended in seamlessly with the consolidating culture of Stalinism. Already in 1926 Hirschfeld, returning from a visit to the USSR, expressed disappointment at the prudery he found prevalent there, including the stigmatizing of homosexuality as “unproletarian.”

In 1934, with the Stalinist bureaucracy in complete control, homosexuality was recriminalized. A new law imposed three to five years of hard labor for any man convicted of performing sexual intercourse with another man. In the Great Soviet Encyclopedia of 1936, homosexuality was defined as “a sexual perversion” considered “shameful and criminal.”

The persecution of gays under Stalin was no mere recrudescence of traditional bigotry, however. Homosexuals were regarded as “asocial” outsiders, and therefore potential subversives, potential threats to the new system, which aimed at total control. They were also a threat to the super-productivism mandated by the drive for rapid industrialization. Soviet industry demanded ever more workers, while the maximum diversion of resources toward armaments and capital goods meant that the traditional heterosexual family had to assume the bulk of the cost and burden of maintaining the labor supply.

Socialism and Homosexuality , by <a href=
You are dragging the bottom here old fella. Firstly Russia was communist not socialist. Secondly 80 years ago being gay was a crime everywhere. The world has moved on, apart from capitalist Russia which still has a problem with gays.

Apart from russia the oppression of gays continues in several third world countries in the middle east and africa. None could be described as socialist. All could be described as backward.

Wrong Tommy. The Muslims in your own nation haven't moved on. 52% of them still want homosexuality to be ILLEGAL but you give them a big fat ole pass, because you're nothing if not predictable. Tommy.
Christian homeless shelter defends decision to turn away trans woman

A Christian homeless shelter in Alaska has defended turning away a homeless transgender woman on a cold January evening.

The Downtown Hope Center shelter in Anchorage, Alaska, is under investigation from the city’s Equal Rights Commission after a vulnerable homeless trans woman with nowhere to sleep was denied access into the women’s shelter.
Police had dropped the unnamed woman, identified as Jessie Doe, at the overnight shelter in January 2018—but twice in two days she was turned away by staff.

The average overnight January temperature in Anchorage, Alaska, is -12° Celsius (9° Fahrenheit).

Here is a "charity" that picks those it helps by criteria other than need. The US needs more socialism so that less people freeze on Winters nights. So does the UK for that matter. .

Right, they turned away a man. At a Christian shelter. Now they probably should have driven her somewhere else, but they were right.

Tommy, what would your beloved Muslims have done? Why are you always picking on the Christians?
She is a woman and these people are not Christians. Would Jesus have turned her away ?

If she has a penis she is not a woman, Tommy. She might "feel" like a woman and she might think she is a woman, but she is not a woman.
Christian homeless shelter defends decision to turn away trans woman

A Christian homeless shelter in Alaska has defended turning away a homeless transgender woman on a cold January evening.

The Downtown Hope Center shelter in Anchorage, Alaska, is under investigation from the city’s Equal Rights Commission after a vulnerable homeless trans woman with nowhere to sleep was denied access into the women’s shelter.
Police had dropped the unnamed woman, identified as Jessie Doe, at the overnight shelter in January 2018—but twice in two days she was turned away by staff.

The average overnight January temperature in Anchorage, Alaska, is -12° Celsius (9° Fahrenheit).

Here is a "charity" that picks those it helps by criteria other than need. The US needs more socialism so that less people freeze on Winters nights. So does the UK for that matter. .

Right, they turned away a man. At a Christian shelter. Now they probably should have driven her somewhere else, but they were right.

Tommy, what would your beloved Muslims have done? Why are you always picking on the Christians?
She is a woman and these people are not Christians. Would Jesus have turned her away ?

I have deep respect for Jesus and actually worship Him as my Lord and Savior. Therefore, I do not play the game of "What would Jesus do" that the hapless Leftists love to moralize over. I do not know, simply. Because anyone can see that a MAN with a PENIS could put on woman's clothes, say he "identifies" as a woman, and then attempt to rape every woman in the place. Or, he could actually identify as a woman, whatever that means, which still does not make him a woman. There's no way to tell, is there, Tommy? And I think the Christians were right on to show a decent level of skepticism. Unlike you, I do not worship at the Altar of Identity. Just because someone tells me they Identify as a tree stump does not mean I fall down in worship.

My mind is free. Tommy.
Christian homeless shelter defends decision to turn away trans woman

A Christian homeless shelter in Alaska has defended turning away a homeless transgender woman on a cold January evening.

The Downtown Hope Center shelter in Anchorage, Alaska, is under investigation from the city’s Equal Rights Commission after a vulnerable homeless trans woman with nowhere to sleep was denied access into the women’s shelter.
Police had dropped the unnamed woman, identified as Jessie Doe, at the overnight shelter in January 2018—but twice in two days she was turned away by staff.

The average overnight January temperature in Anchorage, Alaska, is -12° Celsius (9° Fahrenheit).

Here is a "charity" that picks those it helps by criteria other than need. The US needs more socialism so that less people freeze on Winters nights. So does the UK for that matter. .
You are exactly wrong and your example is a massive backfire.

Charity works better than socialism which does not work at all.

Charity works better because it is selective.

Under socialism everyone is encouraged to be a dead beat and more and more become bums who are then supported by those few who continue to make a living

Charity can distinguish between the free loaders and the people in need.

Socialism can never succeed at separating the two.

It is this very selectivity which makes charity more effective and moral.
socialism is GREAT--just look at the USSR
Capitalism "died in 1929" and socialism has been bailing out capitalism ever since.

Regardless of what thread is about, this turd is there to clog it by shilling for communism.

How many times I have to flush before you go away?
your appeal to ignorance?

We have a mixed market economy.

Congress commands fiscal policy and the Fed commands monetary policy.
And the mix is a mess which needs to be repaired by destroying the proven failure of socialist ideas.
the law is employment at will. why call kettles black.

That has nothing to do with unemployment payments dumbass. It does mean that you get payments if your employer fires you without cause. See, if your a thief at work, you don't get paid. Not enough work? Sure, get a check. A clear thought has no chance of escaping into your posts does it?
An at-will employment State must prove for-cause employment to deny or disparage compensation for capitalism's natural rate of unemployment.
Stop lying you have been corrected and proven wrong

You know this.

There is no natural rate of unemployment as I irrefutably proved and schooled you on in another thread
Only a socialist would pretend that all government is socialism.
I never said that. You must have?

If you think military, roads, and bridges are "Socialism" you are now making a distinction without a difference.
Socialism is the foundation for a Capitalist venture. I never said Socialism is a function of all government.you are planting that seed. It is the building block for Capitalism when applicable. And when it is not, we are dependent on Socialism.

Socialism states that the means of production should be owned or controlled by the government as a representation of the people.

Building a road, is not an attempt to control the economic activity that takes advantage of that road.

Thus it is not socialism.
Fiscal and monetary policy are command economics and socialism.
No they are not as they cannot command anything and that does not define socialism
My republican buddy’s wife got cancer. They couldn’t afford the deductible or copayment so they had a charity fund raiser.

He didn’t invite me. Not after all the arguments we had about socialized medicine.

That’s the difference between a Republican and a Conservative. The Republican asks for private charitable help. The Conservative puts the wife down.

A Democrat would expect the Government to step in and fix the problem.
Christian homeless shelter defends decision to turn away trans woman

A Christian homeless shelter in Alaska has defended turning away a homeless transgender woman on a cold January evening.

The Downtown Hope Center shelter in Anchorage, Alaska, is under investigation from the city’s Equal Rights Commission after a vulnerable homeless trans woman with nowhere to sleep was denied access into the women’s shelter.
Police had dropped the unnamed woman, identified as Jessie Doe, at the overnight shelter in January 2018—but twice in two days she was turned away by staff.

The average overnight January temperature in Anchorage, Alaska, is -12° Celsius (9° Fahrenheit).

Here is a "charity" that picks those it helps by criteria other than need. The US needs more socialism so that less people freeze on Winters nights. So does the UK for that matter. .
My republican buddy’s wife got cancer. They couldn’t afford the deductible or copayment so they had a charity fund raiser.

He didn’t invite me. Not after all the arguments we had about socialized medicine.

Stupid Americans. Free to be broken by medical costs.

Does the idiot know if republicans could they would let the insurance companies deny her because she has a pre existing condition?
Arent there charities in the US that cover things like this ? In the UK socialised medicine would care for this poor woman until she was well again.

Charity turns the recipient into a beggar to be pitied. Socialism is a contract between government and the people that lets you keep some dignity.
I wonder if they are embarrassed they had to beg friends for money.

Unless he calls me and says he’s a democrat now I’m going to assume he has no brains or shame. I would love to hear what his position is now but I won’t ask because he will get upset just like his brother did. He posted on Facebook that liberals never did anything for him. I simply replied, “wait a second Jeff. Aren’t you on disability ssi and Medicaid?
My republican buddy’s wife got cancer. They couldn’t afford the deductible or copayment so they had a charity fund raiser.

He didn’t invite me. Not after all the arguments we had about socialized medicine.

That’s the difference between a Republican and a Conservative. The Republican asks for private charitable help. The Conservative puts the wife down.

A Democrat would expect the Government to step in and fix the problem.
You are right about conservatives

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