A gun made for women? European women don't bother watching, you aren't allowed to protect yourselves anyway....

You really need to look up French gun laws. I quoted an American publication, that oversimplified the case.

A little more on France.....and fully automatic military rifles....the ones that are illegal on the Continent, in France and in Paris....


The woman was on a hired scooter when she and her husband were sprayed with bullets as they passed a gangland Kalashnikov shooting in which three people died.
The 57-year-old woman, whose nationality is not known, was among those killed in the bloodbath at a petrol station in Ollioules, near the Mediterranean – four miles from Toulon – on Sunday.

The vacationer's husband was injured in the shooting.


he men who died in the 8pm shooting were aged 29 and 30, and both had criminal records.

Other men were seen running away from the filling station, and police believe they were involved in the gunfight.

Detectives had today cordoned off the crime scene, where bullet holes could be seen everywhere.

From last year...

Marseille policeman who faced Kalashnikov gang: ‘They do not fear us’


But the main problem for police in Marseille when it comes to drug gangs is not their cars or the guns so much.

"These criminals do not fear the police or the justice system," he said.

Which means that among the police force in Marseille, a city where certain neighbourhoods have been blighted by gun violence in recent years, there is an increasing climate of fear.

"Of course I am scared," said the officer. "I am a police officer but I am also a human, a father with a family. Each day I ask myself if I am going to see my children tonight."
A policeman who was among the squad who responded to emergency calls from residents in the Busserine neighbourhood has spoken of how he and his colleagues live in fear of being killed and how they stood no chance against the Kalashnikovs.

The officer, whose colleague had a gun pointed at him, said the gunmen were impossible to stop because there were so many members of the public around.

"If we had rammed their car or blocked them there would have been a lot of damage. You need to think we had civilians around us and above all there were children. Innocent people would have died.

The officer was shocked by the gunmens' brazen act, which he said was not their usual type of manoevre.

ris attacks highlight France's gun control problems

The arsenal of weapons deployed by the eight attackers who terrorised Paris on Friday night underlined France’s gun control problems and raised the spectre of further attacks.

The country has extremely strict weapons laws, but Europe’s open borders and growing trade in illegal weapons means assault rifles are relatively easy to come by on the black market.

France’s real gun problem

Despite these strict laws, France seems to be awash with guns. The guns used in high-profile terror attacks are really just the tip of the iceberg. In 2012, French authorities estimated that there were around 30,000 guns illegally in the country, many likely used by gangs for criminal activities. Of those guns, around 4,000 were likely to be "war weapons," Le Figaro reported, referring to items such as the Kalashnikov AK-variant rifles and Uzis. Statistics from the National Observatory for Delinquency, a government body created in 2003, suggest that the number of guns in France has grown by double digits every year.

This is How AK-47s Get to Paris

France outlaws most gun ownership and it’s almost impossible to legally acquire a high-powered rifle such as an AK-47, so where did the weapons in the Nov. 13 terror attack—not to mention the bloody January assault by Islamic terrorists on the Paris office ofCharlie Hebdo magazine and the 2012 shootings by a militant in Toulouse—come from?

Guns soon became a major export commodity in the Balkans. Western Europe is the target market. “Many firearms trafficked in Europe come from the western Balkans after being held illegally after recent conflicts in the area,” Europol reported. In just one case from 2014, Slovakian cops intercepted a truck trying to enter the country with “a large number of grenades and firearms,”according to Europol. “The vehicle was travelling from Bosnia and Herzegovina to Sweden.”

And it’s not like the stream of weapons will end when dealers in the Balkans run out of war-vintage leftovers. “One of the reasons we see a lot of Kalashnikovs and AK-47s on the black market is because Russia has just upgraded the Kalashnikov,” Kathie Lynn Austin, an expert on arms trafficking with the Conflict Awareness Project, told Al Jazeera, “and that has created massive stockpiles of the older models.”

On March 6, 2012, French lawmakers passed a law tightening up gun regulation and increasing penalties for illegal ownership. Just five days later, Mohamed Merah—a French jihadist of Algerian descent—went on shooting rampage, killing seven people in three separate attacks in around Toulouse before a police sniper shot him dead.

Merah’s arsenal included an AK-47, an Uzi, a Sten submachine gun, a shotgun, and several pistols—all illegal. “He could only supply himself on the black market or from crime organizations, that’s clear,” Thierry Coste, a pro-gun lobbyist, told The Christian Science Monitor.

In October 2014, French police raided several homes across the country, breaking up an Internet-based smuggling ring, arresting 48 suspected traffickers,
and seizing hundreds of illegal guns. Three months later on Jan. 7 this year, jihadist gunmen wielding AK-47s shot up Charlie Hebdo in Paris, killing 12 people.
True, gun crazies make things up all the time.

If you want to own a gun, fine by me. If you want everyone to own a gun in America, that’s also fine by me. It’s your country after all. But please, stop trying to tell me banning handguns hasn’t worked over here, because I can get involved in an argument, buy a pizza, go for a walk, even have a fight, with absolute certainty that I won’t get shot.
And so do you.

Hey you obviously like to live under a government that bans everything from guns to books to pocket knives that's your choice.

But don't try to tell me the reality of the crime in this country because you obviously know nothing about it
Fake bullshit put out by an anti gun group. They ignore real facts that refute their propaganda, and morons, like you lap it up.
Fake bullshit is invariably put out by pro-gun groups, who ignore facts that refute their propaganda, and gun crazies just lap it up.
And yet, you know you cannot demonstrate otherwise.
I have done, several times now, but I appreciate that any form of acceptance would shatter your fragile world, so feel free to continue to deny the facts. Your concession is accepted.
You assumptions regarding crime in the US are all wrong
I've made no assumptions, just pointed out incidents where "responsible" gun owners end up shooting people and this happens with alarming regularity, it appears.

Like this, for example Gunman shoots 3 at Tri-State Fair in Amarillo before being shot by deputies
Or this:
Or this:

That took just a few minutes. The number of Responsible" gun owners resolving disagreements by shooting appears endless. What a barbarous country you must live in, I pity you.
Prove it.

Well......for one, women, the elderly, the weak, the handicapped......are much easier to beat, rape, murder, stab.....which is why they are usually targeted by criminals......while allowing them to have guns makes them less likely to be raped, robbed, murdered, beaten or stabbed.....
Point out to me please where I state that French gun laws are lax.

Well......8 terrorists, many of them criminals to begin with, all of them on French government terrorist watch lists were able to get fully automatic military rifles and used them to murder more people in one go, 130, than all of the mass public shooting attacks in the U.S.........we don't even come close to that one....
I've made no assumptions, just pointed out incidents where "responsible" gun owners end up shooting people and this happens with alarming regularity, it appears.

Like this, for example Gunman shoots 3 at Tri-State Fair in Amarillo before being shot by deputies
Or this:
Or this:

That took just a few minutes. The number of Responsible" gun owners resolving disagreements by shooting appears endless. What a barbarous country you must live in, I pity you.

And the vast majority of those shootings are committed by people with long criminal histories, captured by the police over and over again, then released by democrat party prosecutors, judges and politicians.......they are not legally allowed to own, carry or buy guns......but for some reason they ignore the gun control laws here in the U.S.....
I've made no assumptions, just pointed out incidents where "responsible" gun owners end up shooting people and this happens with alarming regularity, it appears.

Like this, for example Gunman shoots 3 at Tri-State Fair in Amarillo before being shot by deputies
Or this:
Or this:

That took just a few minutes. The number of Responsible" gun owners resolving disagreements by shooting appears endless. What a barbarous country you must live in, I pity you.

Yep...criminals with histories of crime and violence...........just like in Britain.......
I have done, several times now,...
Your statement is false, as you know you have, repeatedly, failed to prove the causation you claim.
This will not change, because you know you cannot prove causation, only demonstrate correlation.

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