A gun made for women? European women don't bother watching, you aren't allowed to protect yourselves anyway....

“How many mass public shootings did Britain have before they banned guns?
1 every 10 years.
How many mass public shootings has Britain had since they banned guns....?
About 1 every 10 years......” 2aguy

The above is a huge distortion of the truth. The Truth is, that we have only banned handguns and semi-automatic military/police style rifles. That is a fact.

What 2aguy fails miserably in his assertion, is that because of mass public shootings using these weapons there were two, (not counting the sectarian guerilla/terrorist war in Northern Ireland), such incidents.

Since the ban on these weapons there has been no mass public shooting in the UK using either of these types of weapons.

There have been mass public shootings in Britain since the ban and confiscation...you are lying......

It doesn't matter what type of gun is used, you doofus....you had 1 mass public shooting about every 10 years and have had several since the ban and confiscation........

Banning handguns didn't stop them....but it does make your women, and elderly, as well as normal Brits less safe when they are violently attacked by your criminals.
Oh, here's an alternative take on women and self defence, basically practice situational awareness and make decisions that avoid situations where they are forced to use hand guns designed for women.
There have been mass public shootings in Britain since the ban and confiscation...you are lying......
Prove it. We banned handguns and semi-automatic military style weapons in 1996-7, show me a "mass public shooting" involving such weapons since 1996-7
It doesn't matter what type of gun is used, you doofus....you had 1 mass public shooting about every 10 years and have had several since the ban and confiscation........
Yes it does, we've not banned rifles or shotguns, what weapons have been used in mass killings since 1996-7?
Say that again, in English. The above is nonsensical.
You said
"Since the ban on these weapons there has been no mass public shooting in the UK using either of these types of weapons.
I ask:
Why hasn't there been any mass shootings involving firearms other than those weapons -- you know, the weapons you people are afraid of?
...but it does make your women, and elderly, as well as normal Brits less safe when they are violently attacked by your criminals.
Really? Prove it. We would argue our society is much safer without firearms being readily available to every Tom, Dick or Harry that wants one. Our criminals use firearms to defend themselves from other criminals who have firearms and to intimidate rivals who don't have firearms. Very, very, rarely do private citizens ever get involved. If they do, this normally creates a massive police manhunt, which tends not to end well for the criminal. Basically we don't need guns to protect ourselves in the UK.
Yes it does, we've not banned rifles or shotguns, what weapons have been used in mass killings since 1996-7?
In the year to 31 March 2020 there were 83 shooting incidents reported to Merseyside Police.

As the pandemic clamped down on movement, the number dropped to 42 between April 2020 and March 2021.
This was followed by 39 the next year - which was a 21-year low, according to Labour's police and crime commissioner for Merseyside Emily Spurrell.
Last year, Merseyside Police launched a new specialist team to tackle drugs and firearms.
There have been 27 shootings, or "discharge incidents" in police jargon in just five months since March this year, suggesting the rate is increasing compared to the year before.}

Gosh, looks like you're lying.
You said
"Since the ban on these weapons there has been no mass public shooting in the UK using either of these types of weapons.
I ask:
Why hasn't there been any mass shootings involving firearms other than those weapons -- you know, the weapons you people are afraid of?
Nope, still babble. I've not said there hasn't been any mass shootings involving firearms other than those weapons we banned. There have been incidents using weapons we did not ban. That's the point. Does that make it any clearer for you?
I've not said there hasn't been any mass shootings involving firearms other than those weapons we banned. There have been incidents using weapons we did not ban.
Obvious questions here:
- How many mass shootings with those weapons?
- Why haven't you banned -those- weapons as well?
- What good does it do to ban certain kinds of firearms when people simply use other kinds firearms to commit mass shootings?
In the year to 31 March 2020 there were 83 shooting incidents reported to Merseyside Police.

As the pandemic clamped down on movement, the number dropped to 42 between April 2020 and March 2021.
This was followed by 39 the next year - which was a 21-year low, according to Labour's police and crime commissioner for Merseyside Emily Spurrell.
Last year, Merseyside Police launched a new specialist team to tackle drugs and firearms.
There have been 27 shootings, or "discharge incidents" in police jargon in just five months since March this year, suggesting the rate is increasing compared to the year before.}

Gosh, looks like you're lying.
Ah, so we're back to criminal on criminal shootings, but according to 2aguy, these incidents don't count. Talk to him about it, because if they do count, our annual total of such incidents probably equates to a typical day in America. Oh, and we were talking about mass shootings, do try to pay attention.
How many mass shootings with those weapons?
Have a chat with 2aguy, or Google it, or go back through all the threads that this topic has come up, your choice
Why haven't you banned -those- weapons as well?
Good question, ask our Conservative governments
What good does it do to ban certain kinds of firearms when people simply use other kinds firearms to commit mass shootings?
See above.
How many people die falling off of ladders each year?


How many people die from deer killing them each year?


How many die from lawn mower accidents each year?

Between 90-100

How many people die falling off of ladders each year?


How many people die from deer killing them each year?


How many die from lawn mower accidents each year?

Between 90-100
I love this, with those statistics Americans shouldn't be allowed anything as dangerous as a firearm, if they can't climb ladders, avoid deer, or even use lawn mowers safely!
Have a chat with 2aguy, or Google it, or go back through all the threads that this topic has come up, your choice
Your claim, onus is on you to support it.
Good question, ask our Conservative governments
Isn't that -your- job?
Or do you believe those "other weapons" do not need to be banned?
if so, why?
I mean, what good does it do to ban certain kinds of firearms when people simply use other kinds firearms to commit mass shootings?
Ah, so we're back to criminal on criminal shootings, but according to 2aguy, these incidents don't count. Talk to him about it, because if they do count, our annual total of such incidents probably equates to a typical day in America. Oh, and we were talking about mass shootings, do try to pay attention.
Are you claiming that criminals don't follow laws?

But of course the article isn't criminal on criminal;

{The horrifying killing of nine-year-old Olivia Pratt-Korbel was the third death involving a gun in or around Liverpool this month.}

Unless you're saying 9 year olds are criminals?

I'll say this, I feel safer walking the streets of Compton alone at night than I do the streets of Birmingham. And statistically I AM safer in Compton. The chance of being mugged or assaulted in England at astoundingly high.

The UK has a lower murder rate than the USA, but a vastly higher rate of assault and robbery.
Oh, here's an alternative take on women and self defence, basically practice situational awareness and make decisions that avoid situations where they are forced to use hand guns designed for women.

Yeah...until you are in your home when they break in......or when you are the the bus station, trains station after your 2nd shift job.....Tim Larkin is great, what you don't say about him is he also supports using guns....you doofus...
Really? Prove it. We would argue our society is much safer without firearms being readily available to every Tom, Dick or Harry that wants one. Our criminals use firearms to defend themselves from other criminals who have firearms and to intimidate rivals who don't have firearms. Very, very, rarely do private citizens ever get involved. If they do, this normally creates a massive police manhunt, which tends not to end well for the criminal. Basically we don't need guns to protect ourselves in the UK.

Your society watched as the other European countries murdered 15 million innocent men, women and children....after they first took away their guns, telling them at the time that this would make them safer.....guns taken away starting in the 1920s, mass murder of 15 million human beings began in the beginning of the 1930s.....

You doofus.....

If you take all of the gun murders in the United States...... the majority of which are not innocent human beings, but criminals engaged in crime........ adding all of the gun murders for our entire 246 year history, we do not come close to the 15 million you Europeans murdered through your governments.......

You have to explain to us how you trust that your governments will never commit mass murder and genocide in the future.....please, explain how you can promise that....

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