A.I. will replace half of all jobs in the next decade, says widely followed technologist


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016

A.I. will replace half of all jobs in the next decade, says widely followed technologist

Well we keep telling the sheep, those who push and push for this better known as Globalist/ Elites hate you, they hate humans and want to dictate, control , and run your lives. They want most of us gone.

It doesn't matter whose ass you kiss, you can love your little Democrat title, you can wipe the ass of your Democratic President next time we have one they don't care you are scum of the earth to them.

" HUNGER GAMES" and your in it .
This is why capitalism is going to fail us...

I think AI and robots are good as I believe humanity can use robots to do things instead of human labor...
-Plant food
-Pick food
-Wash windows
-Make phones, t.v's, etc.

This will allow humans a chance to develop a system that will allow all people to not have to kill one self working and we as an society could focus on the pleasurable things in life like thinking up new things for our machines to make for us and bettering ourselves.

Mindwars thinks this is bad because she can't see the good that can come from it...She believes everything has to be hard for each person and humanity can';t change.
AI, robots and later molecule assemblers will force us into a star trek like future....Bad for the 1% as they'll lose a ton of power but good for everyone else.

The first step to the new system may well be a living wage for all off the top of productivity.
This is why capitalism is going to fail us...

I think AI and robots are good as I believe humanity can use robots to do things instead of human labor...
-Plant food
-Pick food
-Wash windows
-Make phones, t.v's, etc.

This will allow humans a chance to develop a system that will allow all people to not have to kill one self working and we as an society could focus on the pleasurable things in life like thinking up new things for our machines to make for us and bettering ourselves.

Mindwars thinks this is bad because she can't see the good that can come from it...She believes everything has to be hard for each person and humanity can';t change.
That post essentially endorsed capitalism while denouncing capitalism.
This is why capitalism is going to fail us...

I think AI and robots are good as I believe humanity can use robots to do things instead of human labor...
-Plant food
-Pick food
-Wash windows
-Make phones, t.v's, etc.

This will allow humans a chance to develop a system that will allow all people to not have to kill one self working and we as an society could focus on the pleasurable things in life like thinking up new things for our machines to make for us and bettering ourselves.

Mindwars thinks this is bad because she can't see the good that can come from it...She believes everything has to be hard for each person and humanity can';t change.
. Human beings that don't work, and don't excersize every part of their mind bodies and souls will surely die. Man is what makes people's lives miserable in everything we do, and it's not because he isn't lounging around in the lap of luxury wanting robots to do everything for him/her now, but it's due to either greed, hang-ups from childhood, personality disorders, mental issues, and on and on it goes. The key is not empowering evil or the very things that are found in people in which end up working against us in life. How people end up getting empowered after seeing how evil they are afterwards, ummm just boggles the mind really. How people remain in power after witnessing or experiencing this evil in which he or she possesses, umm is even more mind boggling. Once evil is empowered, then look out because it works to opress and destroy always.
There are still a lot of jobs that AI and robots cannot do. But yes, they will take over many jobs - just like recorded audio took over phone pitches. Electronic switching took over operators. Cellphones took over roadside emergency phones. Etc.
View attachment 123676 And it has begun compliments of liberals way to go guys!
. Still won't help, as people who think they need to eat this cheap un-naturally prepared food are still the losers in it all. Welcome to the world where corporations and their war on Americans all because we won't capitulate to their overly hyped cheap bullcrap food, and/or their poorly trained service workers will cause everyone who depends on this mess to lose in the end. Thank God I have the sense to bring my own lunch to work, and I still eat breakfast and supper at home like most people have done forever in America. I have no use for these wars, and thank God for it.
There are still a lot of jobs that AI and robots cannot do. But yes, they will take over many jobs - just like recorded audio took over phone pitches. Electronic switching took over operators. Cellphones took over roadside emergency phones. Etc.
. Yep, but how many times have you become highly aggravated because you can't get a human being to speak to when trying to get service out of these companies ?? Happens all the time, and people quit dealing with companies after finding they have no quality service attached to their products or services.
Had a little mind-altering substance have we?
No, it is called a 'Dose of Reality'.

Androids will soon be able to do all unskilled labor jobs.

Skilled labor jobs are less than twenty years away from being lost to Strong AI Androids.

Watch: Boston Dynamics' New Robot Able to Leap in the Air, Carry 100 Lbs - Breitbart

Ellon Musk is no fool. He is one of the brightest minds involed in exploring future technology.
Elon Musk: Robots will take your jobs, government will have to pay your wage

AI learns and recreates Nobel-winning physics experiment

Zoltan Istvan: 'Half of Americans Will Probably Have a Robot in Their House' Within 5 Years - Breitbart
There are still a lot of jobs that AI and robots cannot do. But yes, they will take over many jobs - just like recorded audio took over phone pitches. Electronic switching took over operators. Cellphones took over roadside emergency phones. Etc.
Um, no it wont be like that.

It will be like how illegal immigrants took over the jobs in the meat packing industry, chicken farms, fruit picking, landscaping, etc.

Employers will go for the cheapest labor solution every time unless restrained by law.

A human being will not be able to compete with a $2000 Strong AI android that can do everything perfectly.
The fear of technology taking over has a name, Luddite. The weaver's thought looming machines were going to kill the work force.
There are still a lot of jobs that AI and robots cannot do. But yes, they will take over many jobs - just like recorded audio took over phone pitches. Electronic switching took over operators. Cellphones took over roadside emergency phones. Etc.
. Yep, but how many times have you become highly aggravated because you can't get a human being to speak to when trying to get service out of these companies ?? Happens all the time, and people quit dealing with companies after finding they have no quality service attached to their products or services.

Me personally? Zero. I know how to use them cause I've written the software for some :p

There are still a lot of jobs that AI and robots cannot do. But yes, they will take over many jobs - just like recorded audio took over phone pitches. Electronic switching took over operators. Cellphones took over roadside emergency phones. Etc.
Um, no it wont be like that.

It will be like how illegal immigrants took over the jobs in the meat packing industry, chicken farms, fruit picking, landscaping, etc.

Employers will go for the cheapest labor solution every time unless restrained by law.

A human being will not be able to compete with a $2000 Strong AI android that can do everything perfectly.

You're correct on that, humans cannot compete with neither robots nor AI's. Which is part of why min wage increase is a bad move, it'll just make it "cheaper" to automate.

It's going to happen eventually either way, but there are still jobs that people need to do, like sit-down restaurants, neither AI nor a robot is going to do very well in that environment of getting around tables and avoiding running into customers; not to mention customers can oft be too complicated for a robot to get (so far.) At best they'd record the order then some human has to interpret it.
This is why capitalism is going to fail us...

I think AI and robots are good as I believe humanity can use robots to do things instead of human labor...
-Plant food
-Pick food
-Wash windows
-Make phones, t.v's, etc.

This will allow humans a chance to develop a system that will allow all people to not have to kill one self working and we as an society could focus on the pleasurable things in life like thinking up new things for our machines to make for us and bettering ourselves.

Mindwars thinks this is bad because she can't see the good that can come from it...She believes everything has to be hard for each person and humanity can';t change.
I agree with this. Every massive change brings about both chaos and opportunity. I'm sure that, a hundred or so years ago, there were some skilled whip makers very unhappy to see a bunch of cars chugging down the road, and candle makers ticked off to see power lines being put up.

The bottom line remains, our long term viability in the job market is our own responsibility, unless the government does something dumb like enact a yacht tax that destroys an industry overnight for no good reason.
I agree with this. Every massive change brings about both chaos and opportunity. I'm sure that, a hundred or so years ago, there were some skilled whip makers very unhappy to see a bunch of cars chugging down the road, and candle makers ticked off to see power lines being put up.

The bottom line remains, our long term viability in the job market is our own responsibility, unless the government does something dumb like enact a yacht tax that destroys an industry overnight for no good reason.
No, this is a different case as the things we produce will eventually be able to make themselves, install repair and replace themselves.

Blankets, iron lanterns, automobiles and buggy whips never did that.

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