A Jew on the Intel Report

Actually, the person writing the article is far from a hand-wringing drama queen. I mean, I know that certain parts of the article were cherry-picked to create that impression...and intentionally so, it appears. However, in reading the article, it actually says something quite a bit different.

I take your word for it, because I totally trust you and your judgement. I didn't read the whole article. Just the cherry picked part in the first post.

I'm just uncomfortable with painting israeli jews or muslims with one broad brush or stereotype.
And the Palestinians are going to destroy Israel HOW? With sticks and rocks, and the occasional bomb belt???

Come on. Be real here.

No. They don't need sticks and rocks and "the occasional bomb belt" (which is only minor, btw, if it isn't your child on the school bus that some loony blows up) to destroy Israel. They want to take a far easier tack, by demanding "right of return" and outpopulating the Jews.

Poof...no more Jewish country.
Only if "poof" there are no more muslim countries and no more Christian countries.

Is "poof" then okay?

But thank you for proving my point about the thinly veiled agenda of the Israel-haters.

:clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

jillian, first of all, I'm an ally of yours for the most part. You want the war to be over, and so do I. When you argue partisan politics, that's where you lose me. Otherwise, I applaud you for realizing what's important, so chill out on me.

I would expect more than that 'anti-israel' spin from you. I don't have a problem with Israel, just with who runs it. Much like you and I do with the US.
How about this, let's just take in all the Jews in Israel. They can create a little homeland or whatever in the Bronx or Nebraska or whereever. They'd help balance out the illegal Mexicans here. Then we could shut down "Israel" officially and get the ragheads off our backs. The alternative is to bomb the crap out of the ragheads, including Iran! Our President wanted to go the bombing route, which I support, but I guess the cowards and lib terrorist-lovers won out?
No. They don't need sticks and rocks and "the occasional bomb belt" (which is only minor, btw, if it isn't your child on the school bus that some loony blows up) to destroy Israel. They want to take a far easier tack, by demanding "right of return" and outpopulating the Jews.

Poof...no more Jewish country.

are you fucking crazy today? is it NOT THE JEWS who already enforce a LAW of return complete with state fanfair and the greenlight to claim whateer pal land is necessary to squat on? Do you REALLY want to play this card while we all know how much attention jews put into birth rate demographics in order to outpopulate the pals? really, Jillian? Do I even NEED to post this source?

it's simply INSIDEOUS when a muslim does what a jew does openly!

NEFARIOUS, lemme tellya!
How about poof, no more Zionist Israel?

or *POOF* no more racist as fuck israel trying to monopolize national ethnicity ON PAR with the blond haired, blue eyed race in germany?

Watching jews trying to rationalize ethnic segregation in israel is just like watching the klan work at the same thing here in the US.

thank god the chosen are physically incapable, due to the holocaust, of being racist.
Only if "poof" there are no more muslim countries and no more Christian countries.

Is "poof" then okay?

But thank you for proving my point about the thinly veiled agenda of the Israel-haters.

:clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

muslim and christian convey a SPECIFIC ETHNICTY? oh.. NOW it's only about religion all of a sudden! convenient, that bait and switch.

indeed, way to work in "israel haters"! come on.. go ahead and toss it out there.. You know you wanna.
or *POOF* no more racist as fuck israel trying to monopolize national ethnicity ON PAR with the blond haired, blue eyed race in germany?

Watching jews trying to rationalize ethnic segregation in israel is just like watching the klan work at the same thing here in the US.

thank god the chosen are physically incapable, due to the holocaust, of being racist.

Much like african americans are physically incapable of being racist here in the US because of slavery and segregation.

Past oppression of ANYONE should not automatically give the once-oppressed a blank check to be assholes in light of the fact, and not ever be condemned for it.

It really does end up being a blueprint for disaster everytime.

Shogun said:
indeed, way to work in "israel haters"! come on.. go ahead and toss it out there.. You know you wanna.
Kathianne will be by soon to take care of that and pick up where jillian left off.
How about this, let's just take in all the Jews in Israel. They can create a little homeland or whatever in the Bronx or Nebraska or whereever. They'd help balance out the illegal Mexicans here. Then we could shut down "Israel" officially and get the ragheads off our backs. The alternative is to bomb the crap out of the ragheads, including Iran! Our President wanted to go the bombing route, which I support, but I guess the cowards and lib terrorist-lovers won out?

ragheads. lovely. thankfully, ethnic hatred is only a one way street.

But, I totally agree. Let's give the jews Texas and create a barrier between the US and Mexico. THEN, we can sit back for the next 50 years and try to figure out why it's the displaced TEXANS out killing jews instead of muslims swimming accross the atlantic like zionist logic would require.
ragheads. lovely. thankfully, ethnic hatred is only a one way street.

But, I totally agree. Let's give the jews Texas and create a barrier between the US and Mexico. THEN, we can sit back for the next 50 years and try to figure out why it's the displaced TEXANS out killing jews instead of muslims swimming accross the atlantic like zionist logic would require.

Well maybe after we invade the rest of the invadable muslim countries and pillage their land, stick them in 'internment' camps here in the US, and nuke the rest that we didn't feel like committing our personnel resources to, to the point where the entire lifeblood of the muslim religion is all but a distant memory, they will finally have sympathy from the people of the West.
ahh.. the Native American strategy. Well, if you can stomach the genocide we know it will work.
Well, if you can stomach the genocide we know it will work.

I can't.

That's why I've gotten involved in politics. And I'll tell ya, it feels so much better than sitting my ass on the couch every night getting pissed off that I missed the first 5 minutes of Project Runway.
What a bunch of bullshit ways to say Jews shouldn't have their own country.

As for genocide... puleeeeeeeeeeze. Give the propaganda a rest. You're going to hurt yourselves.
You know he's being tongue in cheek, right? I don't think I misunderstood, nor do I think he's far from where you are... which is why I commented on the cherry-picking from the article.

Yes, even used that phrase in another post regarding same article. I guess I need to stop assuming a person would read the piece before commenting. :eusa_doh:
What a bunch of bullshit ways to say Jews shouldn't have their own country.
What a bullshit way to spin what we said.

How do you get 'israel-hater' and 'jews shouldn't have their own country' out of what we said? We said the regime occupying it, not jews as a whole.

Zionism is just a specific ideology of certain jews. Anti-zionism is not anti-israel, no matter how much you might want it to be.
What a bunch of bullshit ways to say Jews shouldn't have their own country.

As for genocide... puleeeeeeeeeeze. Give the propaganda a rest. You're going to hurt yourselves.

What a bunch of bullshit it is trying to "look it's an antisemite" up the conversation. I've stated here and in many other threads my opinion about giving Texas to the jews for a homeland (which, ironically, would cause texans instead of muslims to conflit with the jews) but hey, if all it takes is a little boohoo martyr routine and a big bowl of "im chosen, look at me" then surely you can deal with the reality of how your pet nation treats pals.

Lord fucking knows we don't allow that kind of segregated shit to happen here. ESPECIALLY against jews.. but, who wants to consider that when there is an aparthied to rationalize. Hell, if South Africa can pull it off while the ebb of the flow was in whitey's favor it's probably lost on the zionists how to do it now.....

propaganda. you mean like ethnic equality in israel propaganda? Say, how long before a non-jew ever becomes the Israeli Prime Minister, Jillian? What, 5? 10 years until DESEGREGATION? oh, thats right... NOW it's all about a homeland for a common ETHNIC IDENTITY....

sig hiel, Jilliian. The last master race said the same thing about their exclusive right to a homeland.
Dec 11, 2007 9:20 | Updated Dec 11, 2007 18:02
Gaza: 8 Palestinians killed in IDF op

Eight Palestinian gunmen were killed and at least 10 wounded on Tuesday as IDF tanks and bulldozers backed by attack aircraft moved into the southern Gaza Strip in the biggest operation in the territory since Islamic Hamas forces wrested control in June. Fierce clashes erupted between IDF troops and gunmen who fired rocket-propelled grenades and mortar shells at the soldiers.

Terrorists carrying land mines and other weapons dodged among houses in the southern Gaza town of Khan Yunis and maneuvered behind the tanks to fire at troops. Others took cover behind trees, or covered themselves in leaves to camouflage themselves in open farmlands in the area of the fighting.

Tanks and bulldozers were about 1.5 kilometers deep inside southern Gaza, on the main road between the towns of Khan Yunis and Rafah, and deployed over a 4-kilometer-long stretch of territory.

Earlier, an RPG anti-tank missile was fired at a tank, lightly wounding four soldiers.

Soldiers took over the rooftops of several homes and arrested about 60 people in house-to-house arrest raids, residents said.

Troops also demolished a gas station, Palestinians reported.

The army said that this was a routine operation "against the terror infrastructure," and not indicative of a larger operation. Gaza terrorists routinely fire Kassam rockets and mortar shells at Israeli border communities, and smuggle in weapons from Egypt.

Defense Minister Ehud Barak said that the operation had achieved "very important results" in the fight against the manufacture and firing of Kassam rockets and mortar shells.

Speaking during a visit to a Navy base in Haifa, Barak added that IDF troops had been operating in Gaza every night to allow Israelis to celebrate the Hanukka festival in peace.

Hamas called on the Palestinian Authority to cancel the following day's peace talks with Israel in response to the IDF operation.

A Hamas spokesman in Gaza said that it would be an "embarrassment" for Palestinian representative to shake the Israelis' "blood-stained" hands, Israel Radio reported.

PA President Mahmoud Abbas's spokesman Nabil Abu Rudaineh also condemned the IDF operation, calling it a "despicable crime" that cast doubts over Israel's desire to see peace negotiations succeed.


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