A Jew to Run Against Hugo Fat-Ass


Apr 22, 2007
Under Hugo Fatass, the country has decended into a socialist failure. They are blessed with a boat load of oil, yet they remain one of the pooorest in Latin America. Their economy is shit, unemployment ranks near the highest in Latin America. Their crime and murder rate is the highest in Latin America, all increased 10 fold when Hugo Fatass outlawed private ownership of guns.

This is a brave man, running against an antisemitic corrupt regime. They don't have free press or free elections. He might be killed well before the election. Socialist dictators aren't keen on fairness!

But we can always hope!
Jewish descendent to run against Chavez in elections - Israel News, Ynetnews
Venezuelan opposition leader Henrique Capriles, an offspring of Polish fugitives from Nazi persecution, easily won a primary election on Sunday to become the unity candidate against President Hugo Chavez, vowing to end 13 years of socialist rule that he said has left the OPEC nation in crisis.

3 mill out of 26 million voted in the primary!!! We don't even get 3 million people to vote in our elections. 3 mil is 12% of the TOTAL population (so take out the under-agers and disqualified voters and that participation percent is INSANE)!
Capriles' candidacy had a firm start as unexpectedly high participation of nearly 3 million people in the primary vote signaled the opposition can mobilize supporters ahead of the October 7 presidential election.

Promising Hope and Change! :eek: Hope it works better for this guy!
He has indicated he will steer Venezuela's international alliances away from Chavez's faraway, ideologically motivated friendships with Iran, Belarus, Syria and other anti-US governments
You saying Venezula was better before Chavez?


I don't like Chavez..but that's really not the case.
You saying Venezula was better before Chavez?


I don't like Chavez..but that's really not the case.

Venezuela has always been the armpit of Latin America. But Chavez made it 10 fold worse.

It was better before and will be better after him!
You saying Venezula was better before Chavez?


I don't like Chavez..but that's really not the case.

Venezuela has always been the armpit of Latin America. But Chavez made it 10 fold worse.

It was better before and will be better after him!

Worse in terms of what?

Venezula is an "armpit" because of US involvement in the country.

Again..I don't like Chavez..but he isn't popular for no reason. He started building schools and roads for the poor. And healthcare has gotten much better.

That's the thing the conservatives will never get in this country. When you treat the majority of people like shit..they are going to react against that.

No one "quietly" dies because you don't like them.
Sounds just like what the Socialists/Democrats have done to our country. Pretty sad huh? Boot Chavez & Obama. Lets have some real 'Hope & Change.'
Worse in terms of what?
Jeeezzuuuss you don't have one cell in that brain of yours!

Venezula is an "armpit" because of US involvement in the country.
Seriously are you either dumb or clueless. America deals with every country in Latin America EXCEPT Cuba. Other than oil our involvement in Venezuela is minimal. We not meddle there, but believe your hate America rhetoric. Venezuela shit economy and domestic issues are a direct result of Chavez copying the Soviet System!

Again..I don't like Chavez..but he isn't popular for no reason. He started building schools and roads for the poor.
Anyone can build a school, but creating a viable economy that employs people, creating opportunity for every people to have an equal opportunity to make it into the middle and upper class is not easy. All Chavez has done is make sure everyone in the lower poverty class stays and everyone in the upper and middle class drop to the poverty class. He is just about as big of a fool as his supporters.

He is a dictator that runs corrupt election much long the strongmen of the Middle East and Putin of Russia. Iran had an election where 60% of the population hated Alamdouchebag, 20% disliked liked him and 20% supported him. Yet the results were a landslide victory. Elections by themself doesn't equate to democracy when elections are rigged!

And healthcare has gotten much better.
How ignorant are you. Our health INSURANCE has problems, but we still have the best healthcare in the world by far.

Hugo Fatass doesn't even like Venezuelian hospitals he went to Cuba for treatment!

Worse in terms of what?
Jeeezzuuuss you don't have one cell in that brain of yours!

Venezula is an "armpit" because of US involvement in the country.
Seriously are you either dumb or clueless. America deals with every country in Latin America EXCEPT Cuba. Other than oil our involvement in Venezuela is minimal. We not meddle there, but believe your hate America rhetoric. Venezuela shit economy and domestic issues are a direct result of Chavez copying the Soviet System!

Again..I don't like Chavez..but he isn't popular for no reason. He started building schools and roads for the poor.
Anyone can build a school, but creating a viable economy that employs people, creating opportunity for every people to have an equal opportunity to make it into the middle and upper class is not easy. All Chavez has done is make sure everyone in the lower poverty class stays and everyone in the upper and middle class drop to the poverty class. He is just about as big of a fool as his supporters.

He is a dictator that runs corrupt election much long the strongmen of the Middle East and Putin of Russia. Iran had an election where 60% of the population hated Alamdouchebag, 20% disliked liked him and 20% supported him. Yet the results were a landslide victory. Elections by themself doesn't equate to democracy when elections are rigged!

And healthcare has gotten much better.
How ignorant are you. Our health INSURANCE has problems, but we still have the best healthcare in the world by far.

Hugo Fatass doesn't even like Venezuelian hospitals he went to Cuba for treatment!


How's this sound?

We let Venezulans decide who leads Venezula?

Novel idea I know..but..

What the heck.
Worse in terms of what?
Jeeezzuuuss you don't have one cell in that brain of yours!

Seriously are you either dumb or clueless. America deals with every country in Latin America EXCEPT Cuba. Other than oil our involvement in Venezuela is minimal. We not meddle there, but believe your hate America rhetoric. Venezuela shit economy and domestic issues are a direct result of Chavez copying the Soviet System!

Anyone can build a school, but creating a viable economy that employs people, creating opportunity for every people to have an equal opportunity to make it into the middle and upper class is not easy. All Chavez has done is make sure everyone in the lower poverty class stays and everyone in the upper and middle class drop to the poverty class. He is just about as big of a fool as his supporters.

He is a dictator that runs corrupt election much long the strongmen of the Middle East and Putin of Russia. Iran had an election where 60% of the population hated Alamdouchebag, 20% disliked liked him and 20% supported him. Yet the results were a landslide victory. Elections by themself doesn't equate to democracy when elections are rigged!

And healthcare has gotten much better.
How ignorant are you. Our health INSURANCE has problems, but we still have the best healthcare in the world by far.

Hugo Fatass doesn't even like Venezuelian hospitals he went to Cuba for treatment!


How's this sound?

We let Venezulans decide who leads Venezula?

Novel idea I know..but..

What the heck.

Not very honest or consistent coming from a Globalist Interventionist like you. Why such a different stance on this one? Just curious.
Worse in terms of what?
Jeeezzuuuss you don't have one cell in that brain of yours!

Seriously are you either dumb or clueless. America deals with every country in Latin America EXCEPT Cuba. Other than oil our involvement in Venezuela is minimal. We not meddle there, but believe your hate America rhetoric. Venezuela shit economy and domestic issues are a direct result of Chavez copying the Soviet System!

Anyone can build a school, but creating a viable economy that employs people, creating opportunity for every people to have an equal opportunity to make it into the middle and upper class is not easy. All Chavez has done is make sure everyone in the lower poverty class stays and everyone in the upper and middle class drop to the poverty class. He is just about as big of a fool as his supporters.

He is a dictator that runs corrupt election much long the strongmen of the Middle East and Putin of Russia. Iran had an election where 60% of the population hated Alamdouchebag, 20% disliked liked him and 20% supported him. Yet the results were a landslide victory. Elections by themself doesn't equate to democracy when elections are rigged!

And healthcare has gotten much better.
How ignorant are you. Our health INSURANCE has problems, but we still have the best healthcare in the world by far.

Hugo Fatass doesn't even like Venezuelian hospitals he went to Cuba for treatment!


How's this sound?

We let Venezulans decide who leads Venezula?

Novel idea I know..but..

What the heck.

First off knucklehead, I never mentioned us infringing on their self-rule, nor has anyone in the Bush or Obama white house. In fact we never had regardless of the conspiracy theories you will present.

Second, that is just the thing Venezuelians don't even get to pick this President, since their elections are rigged!
I have a question, if the Jewish guys challenges Chavez and wins, will Iran turn their backs on Venezuela because they have a Jewish head of state?
I have a question, if the Jewish guys challenges Chavez and wins, will Iran turn their backs on Venezuela because they have a Jewish head of state?
His being Jewish won't make a bit of difference to the leadership of Iran.

What people can't seem to understand is that Ahmadinejad and the rulers of Iran are not anti-semitic at all.

They are against the ideology called Zionism.

And against the rouge state of Israel.

But have no problem with Jewish people or Judaism
I have a question, if the Jewish guys challenges Chavez and wins, will Iran turn their backs on Venezuela because they have a Jewish head of state?
His being Jewish won't make a bit of difference to the leadership of Iran.

What people can't seem to understand is that Ahmadinejad and the rulers of Iran are not anti-semitic at all.

They are against the ideology called Zionism.

And against the rouge state of Israel.

But have no problem with Jewish people or Judaism

No offense, but that's the exact same argument all racist Antisemites make. It's a convenient cover and rationalization for their bigotry. So i don't buy that argument. If a Jewish person wins in Venezuela, their ties well be strained significantly. It is what it is.
No offense, but that's the exact same argument all racist Antisemites make. It's a convenient cover and rationalization for their bigotry. So i don't buy that argument. If a Jewish person wins in Venezuela, their ties well be strained significantly. It is what it is.
It's no different than saying I love the Chinese people.

But I hate the Chinese communist government.

They are two different things. And people accept that difference.

Yet, when a person says, I hate Zionism/Israel; but love the Jewish people.

Many people have difficulty seeing this is also two distinct categories.

And start throwing around the anti-semite label.
Here's some information for citizens of the United States travelling to Venezuela:

July 08, 2011
COUNTRY DESCRIPTION: Venezuela is a medium income country whose economy is dominated by a substantial oil industry. The political climate in Venezuela is highly polarized and volatile. Violent crime is a serious problem, and the capital city of Caracas has been cited as having one of the highest per capita homicide rates in the world. Kidnappings, assaults, and robberies occur throughout the country. Scheduled air service and all-weather roads connect major cities and most regions of the country. Venezuela’s tourism infrastructure varies in quality according to location and price. For an in depth country description of Venezuela, please read the Department of State Background Notes on Venezuela.

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