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A Jolly Fat Deity


Sep 23, 2010
How come Taqiyya the Liar never pushed a Muslim country towards democracy after they started killing Christians? Answer: Democracy is only called upon in order to protect Muslims until they gain control of government.

Democracy is like a streetcar. You ride it until you arrive at your destination and then you step off. Turkey’s Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan

Taqiyya the Liar is upset with Buddhists in Burma because the streetcar ain’t going his way:

NAYPYIDAW, Myanmar — Faced with signs of regression in a country whose democratic transition he has claimed as a diplomatic coup, President Obama on Thursday prodded Myanmar’s president to keep on track its transformation from a reclusive military dictatorship to a fledgling democracy.

In a meeting here with President Thein Sein, Mr. Obama encouraged him to pursue reforms of the political system and the Constitution. And Mr. Obama warned him that he needed to end the systematic persecution of Muslims in western Myanmar, which has generated outrage worldwide.​

Have you noticed that Buddha is the only deity ever depicted with a happy smile on his face?


In this case I know why Jolly Fat Boo is laughing. His boys are not buying Muslim horse manure as are Christians in the West.

And I’m not sure how much outrage was generated in the non-Muslim world. It makes me wonder what the score is between murdered Muslims and murdered Christians:

American officials are applying the most intense pressure over Myanmar’s treatment of the Rohingya Muslims, which many in the majority Buddhist population regard as interlopers from Bangladesh. Since sectarian rioting two years ago that left more than 150 dead, tens of thousands have been herded into internment camps, where the authorities demand that they identify themselves as Bengalis, often beating them if they refuse.​

Obama Seeks to Push Myanmar Back on the Path Toward Democracy


Lest I be accused of picking on Muslims let me state that clerics of every sort are not much good for anything. That includes Buddhist monks, Catholic priests, Muslim ayatollahs, ministers, reverends, and everybody else who wants to be paid for telling losers how to behave. Bottom line: The “successful” priest personality is the stuff every parasite that ever lived is made of. The priest tells everyone how to behave, and the parasites lap it up so long everybody is forced to comply.

Contemporary Example: I’m hearing a lot of sound and fury signifying nothing coming from the Republicans. There has not been one word spoken that indicates a permanent reduction in a president’s unconstitutional powers. Establishment Republicans might stand up to the sewer rat priest on a few items, but the fact is: Nobody in Congress, or the federal courts, or the media, is going to reverse the decades of work they put into establishing the president as the nation’s moral compass. Nobody, and I mean nobody, will touch this president’s self-proclaimed claim to moral leadership because that piece of garbage took it to where they all wanted to go —— that is give a Democrat president the authority to take unilateral action based on nothing more than his unconstitutional moral authority.

You can bet that if a Constitution-loving president tries to uphold the Constitution unilaterally the media, the courts, and Congress will slap him down for following his own moral compass. Try immigration reform for starters. Imagine the “moral outrage” if a Constitution president tries to deport every illegal alien for no other reason than to defend America’s sovereignty.

Incidentally, there is an easy solution to deporting children born here of illegal aliens. Rather than separate families (that would be immoral) let them return if they so choose anytime after they reach the age of 18. Just make sure they are fingerprinted and documented before they leave.

The basic problem is that nobody in the federal government, or the media, has a hatred for all of the evil done by priesthoods throughout history. Proof: Priests are on the march everywhere with the blessings of the very people who are tearing down the Constitution. Taqiyya the Liar just happens to be the street hustler who is their current choice.

NOTE: When it comes to killing non-believers, once one priesthood or another has all of government’s power in their hands they will not be as open-hearted as are the people who believe in the First Amendment.

If America was ever unique in anything it was in holding priests in check for a time; a brief time as it turns out. Religion-loving freedom-haters have been working for control of the government for almost as long as the Constitution was designed and ratified to protect liberty from priests. In light of where Socialists priests took the country it is fair to say that Congress, the courts, and the media were the firing squad throughout the 20th century. For all of the sound and fury coming from the federal government since November 5th do not expect anybody to stop the moral leader in the White House from administering the coup de grâce to the Constitution.

Finally, if you understand nothing else about priests understand this. Freedom of religion also means freedom from priests. Religion-leaning busybody do-gooders should keep their filthy priests like Taqiyya the Liar out of government. If they want a Pope let them all go out and join the Roman Catholic Church. Better yet, take their spiritual leader with them and go live in a Muslim country.
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I’m kind of disappointed in Michelle Malkin on this one. Chase Windebank appeared to be acting as a budding priest practicing for the day he could pass the pass the collection plate in a church:

Chase Windebank, a senior at the District 20 school, had been convening an informal prayer group for the past three years “in a quiet area to sing Christian religious songs, pray, and to discuss issues of the day from a religious perspective.”

Windebank and his friends weren’t disrupting classroom time. They shared their Christian faith during an open period earned by high-achieving students. Other kids used the time to play on their phones, eat snacks, get fresh air outside, or schedule meetings for a wide variety of both official and unofficial school clubs.

A Pine Creek choir teacher had given permission to Windebank and his fellow worshipers to meet in an empty music practice room. No complaints ever ensued from other students or faculty. For three years, the group encountered no problems, according to ADF’s complaint. But in late September, Windebank was summoned to the assistant principal’s office and ordered to stop praying because of “the separation of church and state.”​

November 14, 2014 12:00 AM
One Nation Under Godlessness
A high school in Colorado Springs bans students from meeting outside class for prayer and fellowship.
By Michelle Malkin

One Nation Under Godlessness National Review Online

God and organized religion are two distinctly separate entities. Thomas Jefferson’s famous Wall of Separation Letter was meant to separate priests and state.

I do not see how any other conclusion can be reconciled with Jefferson’s views on priests and tyranny:

I have sworn upon the altar of God, eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man. Thomas Jefferson

I believe that Jefferson was in complete agreement with Thomas Paine’s views on tyranny and organized religion:

Of all the tyrannies that affect mankind, tyranny in religion is the worst; every other species of tyranny is limited to the world we live in; but this attempts to stride beyond the grave, and seeks to pursue us into eternity. Thomas Paine

Jefferson thoroughly understood the conflict between priests and liberty in this world set in motion by religion’s tyranny:

In every country and every age, the priest had been hostile to Liberty. Thomas Jefferson


History, I believe, furnishes no example of a priest-ridden people maintaining a free civil government. This marks the lowest grade of ignorance, of which their civil as well as religious leaders will always avail themselves for their own purposes. Thomas Jefferson --Letter to Alexander von Humboldt, December 6, 1813

Government and organized religion will always plague mankind. America’s Founders codified a way to minimize the inherent evil in both; limit the size of government and keep organized religion voluntary. Give either one too much power and freedom disappears. Today’s Americans must find a way to deal with Socialism’s priesthood as effectively as the Founding Fathers dealt with organized religion’s priesthoods in colonial times. If there is any hope of separating the Socialist religion from the state Socialism’s priests must be stopped first.

Note that this country’s Bill of Rights gave Americans independence from Puritanism as well as independence from a European monarchy. Indeed, the Declaration of Independence says Rights come from God not from religion:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.​
Buddha is not a deity. Get your facts straight.

To konradv. As usual you respond with a half-ass declarative statement and call it a fact.

Buddhists reject the idea of a creator while SOME SECTS DO PRAISE A DIVINE BEING. For all intents and purposes Boo’s temples, monks, and icons, exist to worship Siddhartha Gautama as a deity.

Buddhist mediation is a form of prayer even though they deny it. The whole damn meditation bit simply says the guy looking for enlightenment is too goddamned stupid to decide if there is a God. The joke is that Buddhists meditate for enlightenment then call the results universal truths. Every half-ass screwball who meditates on the meaning of his toes thinks they found God.

In the same vain Socialism/Communism is a religion, but Socialists/Communists will never admit it. They dare not admit it for fear the First Amendment will drive them away from the public trough.

Bottom line: Buddhists can define themselves anyway they choose for proselytizing purposes. The fact is: Boo is a deity to anyway who looks at Buddhism with clear eyes.
There are differences between the 'spiritual' practice of meditation and worshiping.

To worship is to praise or show some great admiration for a deity

To meditate is more akin to contemplation of an idea or concept. Or the concentration on an image or idea. There is usually a goal in terms of meditation such as improved focus and there are claims there are healthy benefits.

Anyone can meditate--even meditate on the image of Buddha. However, worship is reserved for Gods.

to Buddha will not help the Buddhist understand the eight-fold path nor improve his quality of life.

Meditating on the information the Buddha provides is what the religion teaches. Buddhism is not considered theistic because of this approach.

To give you an idea, you can meditate on the words of Islam, and that will not make you a muslim. However, praying to Allah is part of the process to becoming a muslim.
Buddhists reject the idea of a creator while SOME SECTS DO PRAISE A DIVINE BEING. For all intents and purposes Boo’s temples, monks, and icons, exist to worship Siddhartha Gautama as a deity.

It's not your place to say who the Buddhists consider a deity. For all intents and purposes, you'll tell any lie to make your point. That's been well-established.
There are differences between the 'spiritual' practice of meditation and worshiping.

To worship is to praise or show some great admiration for a deity

To meditate is more akin to contemplation of an idea or concept. Or the concentration on an image or idea. There is usually a goal in terms of meditation such as improved focus and there are claims there are healthy benefits.

Anyone can meditate--even meditate on the image of Buddha. However, worship is reserved for Gods.

to Buddha will not help the Buddhist understand the eight-fold path nor improve his quality of life.

Meditating on the information the Buddha provides is what the religion teaches. Buddhism is not considered theistic because of this approach.

To give you an idea, you can meditate on the words of Islam, and that will not make you a muslim. However, praying to Allah is part of the process to becoming a muslim.

To amrchaos: Of course Buddhism has a body of philosophical double-talk that supports the image they wish to project. I do not believe any of their circular horseshit any more than I believe Socialism’s talking points.

Even if you put aside Boo as a deity, Buddhism is religion containing all of organized religion’s inherent evils. Buddhism should be treated with skepticism for that reason alone.

Note that Socialists never stop railing about the separation of church and state while their true objective is the separation of GOD and state. Only fools believe that Socialist priests want to cut their own economic throats by separating church and state. Buddhists are sneaking in under the same dirty cloak of respectability. Example: ACLU Communists never complain about statues of Boo appearing on public lands because Buddhists say they do not believe in God anyway; so there is no point railing against another religion that already rejects the existence of a Creator.

I’m pretty sure Socialist priests will protect their control of the public purse from access by Supreme Deity religions much more than they protect the First Amendment they are trying to abolish.

Incidentally, Chinese Communists are having none of Boo’s B.S. They do not give a rat’s ass what Buddhists believe. The Chicoms slam Buddhism as just another competing religion and that’s all there is to it.

It's not your place to say who the Buddhists consider a deity. For all intents and purposes, you'll tell any lie to make your point. That's been well-established.

To konradv: I can interpret Buddhism and every religion any way I choose.

If I’m lying you should have no trouble exposing the lies. Just saying my interpretations and opinions are lies without disproving them only shows what a stupid person you are.
If I’m lying you should have no trouble exposing the lies. Just saying my interpretations and opinions are lies without disproving them only shows what a stupid person you are.

Your position is a lie because you say Buddha is a deity, when Buddhists deny he is. What other proof is necessary? The fact that you care to make ignorant statements on the subject is really the epitome of lack of truth.
Meditation is NOT prayer, but there are definitely some similarities.

The purpose of mediation is to relax and to temporarily greatly strengthen your connection to your Subconscious. This can happen in prayer too, but Hell, this can happen with many forms of "Divination" as well, as most draw their Power from our Subconscious, and even what some consider to be the Collective Human Subconscious.

At any given moment, people tend to have a great deal of thoughts going through their head. Stress, work, family, friends, desires, emotion... etc. Meditation helps to temporarily Banish all of those thoughts, and to descend into the Realm of your Subconscious whilst in a tranquil state of Mind.

The Subconscious contains all of your memories... everything that you have ever experienced, learned, sensed and felt is all in there, somewhere. THAT is why it is such a powerful Force to tap into.

The purpose of prayer is to commune with a Deity or what you perceive to be a Deity or Thoughtform, and to seek council, guidance, wisdom, or just an exchange of "words", which is actually more an exchange of feelings roughy assembled into words.

Meditation and prayer can, however, be combined to great effect. I encourage this especially in other Pagans, but really in anyone from any Faith. Meditating before prayer will put you into a very serene mood before you begin. Meditating before prayer will allow your thoughts to become clearer and more organized, as you will have Banished any unwanted conscious thoughts which might negatively interfere with prayer. You will be better able to assemble your feelings into words.

Even Atheists can meditate AND pray. They can view the Gods as Thoughtforms, or, they can view the Gods as symbols and masks of specific types of energy, phenomena in Nature, and the reigning power over a potential of excellence... and thus, by praying to a "God" or "Goddess", they realize that they are praying Within to invoke the attributes and archetypes of that particular God or Goddess into their Lives and current Focus.

Anyone... ANYONE, can Meditate, and/ or pray. Despite some differences, these excellent methods of drawing Power can help you in ways you'd have to experience to understand. Combining the two only strengthens the Power of each technique.
It looks like the head priest is dictating behavior to Roman Catholic cardinals. That’s the same as Taqiyya the Liar dictating behavior to members of Congress, the federal courts, and the American people:


Pope in blistering critique of Vatican bureaucrats
NICOLE WINFIELD Dec 22nd 2014 6:57AM

Pope in blistering critique of Vatican bureaucrats - AOL.com

Like I said:

Proof: Priests are on the march everywhere with the blessings of the very people who are tearing down the Constitution.

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