Zone1 A list of sins that buy you a ticket to Hell ("Do not pass Go, do not collect...)

There is only "one" sin that can't be forgiven........the sin that remains "unrepentant". Everyone sins and there is no one sin greater than the next........all have the same wages, Death. (Roman 6:23)
you are preaching to the choir. I have read the entire Bible and head it read to me at Mass for years and years on top of that. I have been in the actual, tangible Presence of Christ, and on several occasions, I was There all night long...

And it is NOT true (very illogical to think it is true) that all sins have equal consequences

Mortal sin severs the soul from God. Venial sin does not.
you are preaching to the choir. I have read the entire Bible and head it read to me at Mass for years and years on top of that. I have been in the actual, tangible Presence of Christ, and on several occasions, I was There all night long...

And it is NOT true (very illogical to think it is true) that all sins have equal consequences

Mortal sin severs the soul from God. Venial sin does not.
Anyone that states they have been in the actual presence of our Lord Jesus Christ either lying, or mentally challenged. God has no respect of person, the rain falls on the just and the unjust. There are no modern day, apostles, no modern day miracles there are but 3 remaining gifts of the spirit, "Faith, Hope and Charity/Love". Read and comprehend 1 Cor. 13, Jude 3, 2 Peter1. God has given us everything that pertains to life and godliness through the knowledge revealed from Jesus Christ........the faith was delivered ONCE, and the need for the supernatural gifts of the spirit ceased once the infant New Testament church was established with Doctrine delivered from Heaven via the spirit of truth.

As Paul stated very clearly...........When I was a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child, but when I became a man, I put away childish things. There are many supposed Christians today that need to GROW UP and stop pretending they are in possession of something they are not from the spirit of Truth....when in reality the "perfect law of liberty" has been in existence since the 1st century A.D. (James 1:25)
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Anyone that states they have been in the actual presence of our Lord Jesus Christ either lying, or mentally challenged. God has no respect of person, the rain falls on the just and the unjust. There are no modern day, apostles, no modern day miracles there are but 3 remaining gifts of the spirit, "Faith, Hope and Charity/Love".
says the one who has never been THERE

presumptuous doesn't begin to say it
Matthew 22:37: “Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind…the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.”

Thus, the sin I fear and try my best to avoid is being hateful.
A sin mentioned in Revelation that leads to Hell is:

causing others to sin


(calling abortion "reproductive rights" so as to deceive....)
Matthew 22:37: “Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind…the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.”

Thus, the sin I fear and try my best to avoid is being hateful.
your hate doesn't hurt the hated one

The hate of abortion does harm

hateful ACTS are the problem, not hate
hateful ACTS are the problem, not hate

My thought goes back to what Jesus said were the most important commandments. The way I see it is that sin originates with the thought and not the act.
My thought goes back to what Jesus said were the most important commandments. The way I see it is that sin originates with the thought and not the act.
whatever... not going to split hairs

I just know I'd rather be called a name than aborted without anesthesia
Her side is that "both of us aren't perfect". This fails to mention that I am not physically abusive, nor have I hit her with weapons, sometimes without even expecting it...walking by her after taking the dog out for instance and being hit unannounced and without warning. Once while driving 100km/hr on the highway but I digress.

Let me tell you, if a judge saw the truth over the last 16 years, she'd be facing serious jail time. I am not proud of that, I am defending her even though I am emotionally scarred in ways I wouldn't have imagined.

Her "truth" has been conveyed to me many times. What some might call her motive. What has always concerned me is if she actually acts out these threats. Time will tell...

Why are you still married?
Anyone that states they have been in the actual presence of our Lord Jesus Christ either lying, or mentally challenged.

or they have spent time in the actual presence of Jesus...

as I have... :)
or they have spent time in the actual presence of Jesus...

as I have... :)
You can pretend and play church all you want.......but we are commanded to "Test all things" -- 1 Thess. 5:21,

"WHEN "THAT" WHICH ( not He, as in describing our Lord....but that, a thing, something that will soon be perfect/complete/whole) IS PERFECT, COMES........THAT WHICH IS IN PART SHALL BE DONE AWAY. When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child; but when I became a man I put away childish things." -- 1 Cor. 13:10-11

Or they are pretending or imagining they have been in the actual presence of the Lord some 2000 years after His ascension into heaven at the Right Hand of the Father.

Void of demonstrating the true signs of an Apostle of Christ you are providing or proving nothing by your ad hominem subjective claims........ True Apostles, such as Paul, had no problem in displaying the signs of a true Apostle (2 Cor. 12:12)......if you cannot, you are as Paul described those that were abusing the gifts of the spirit that existed because an Apostle laid hands upon the disciples in Corinth (1 & 2 Cor.) They were making a mockery of the faith. Paul was actually chastising those in Corinth. He charged them with acting like children with a new toy seeking attention rather than seeking edification through the gifts that were given to them by an Apostle of Christ.

Since Paul had visited Corinth previously, there were problems that existed that concerned Paul (1 Cor. 1:11).....They were having disagreements over which Apostle or Disciple had converted them, they were ignoring sin within the brotherhood, misunderstandings about marriage, how to deal with those who continued to practice Idolatry, as the population of Corinth once practiced idolatry, they had questions over paying the preachers (evangelicals), and how to conduct the once a week meeting to break bread...i.e, communion...which they were making it seem like a party with eating and drinking..... He asked them sarcastically, "......Do you not have houses to eat in?" -- 1 Cor. 11:22

Paul was writing the letter of 1 Corinthians in order to give them time to correct these problems that he was revealing through his letters....before he actually came for his next visit. He warned them, "Be on alert, stand firm in the faith, ACT LIKE strong, let all you do be done in love." -- 1 Cor. 16:13-14.

"Your boasting is not good. Do you not know that a little leaven, leavens the whole lump of dough? Clean out the old leaven (as mentioned, the population of Corinth were pagans before conversion), clean out the old leaven so that you may be a new lump, just as you are in fact unleavened." -- 1 Cor. 5:6-7

They were guilty of using the gift of tongues.....without anyone to translate the divine message being delivered in an unlearned language, guilty of more than one speaking at a time....without order or structure.......eating and drinking instead of partaking of the communion giving no respect for the sacrifice of our Lord Jesus Christ. Paul actually was attempting to take the blame for their actions as he stated that he had feed them with MILK (the diet of a new child in Christ) not with MEAT (doctrine for mature Christians)........he was treating them like children because he feared they could not handle strong meat (mature doctrine)......He charged them with demonstrating envy, and strife causing divisions among the brotherhood.....and asked them to WALK LIKE MEN. (1 Cor. 3:2-3)

In other words, he is telling them to GROW UP and stop acting like children because the time is near when the gifts of the spirit will fail and they will have to depend upon that which has been revealed to stand firm after that (which is perfect comes).....again, perfect in the original Greek text means Complete/Whole..........the same Perfect used in 1 Cor. 13 is used in James 1:25 describing the Perfect Law of Liberty ...i.e, the revealed word of God.
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are pretending or imagining they have been in the actual presence of the Lord some 2000 years after His ascension into heaven at the Right Hand of the Father.

I don't have time right now to read this whole thing.. I think you should shorten your messages so people can grasp 1 or 2 items and deal with those ones before going on to something else.

But as to this (above) if you ar saying I am IMAGINING being in Christ's Real Presence... you yourself are delusional. His Presence is so OTHER that one can tell when "it" is there and when "it" is not...

But I don't expect non-Catholics to understand any of this. A lot of Catholics don't either
I don't have time right now to read this whole thing.. I think you should shorten your messages so people can grasp 1 or 2 items and deal with those ones before going on to something else.

But as to this (above) if you ar saying I am IMAGINING being in Christ's Real Presence... you yourself are delusional. His Presence is so OTHER that one can tell when "it" is there and when "it" is not...

But I don't expect non-Catholics to understand any of this. A lot of Catholics don't either
I am are a fraud if you cannot present the signs of an Apostle of Christ to verify that Jesus is speaking directly to you in any way shape or form. Jesus speaks to us only in one way, through the revealed word of God.....i.e, the Holy Scriptures.
The reason "doing yourself" is sinful

that part of you is for your spouse
if you don't have a spouse, it is for God alone.. which means you are to be chaste, but so are married people

it makes you addicted to fantasy

It is self abuse

Any tips on repenting from masturbation?
there is no one sin greater than the next........all have the same wages, Death.

I know a man who commits sins every day of the week.

On Tuesdays he steals one paper clip from each person he meets.

On Wednesdays he rapes and murders the entire family of someone he meets.

On Thursdays he eats too much food and makes himself sick.

On Fridays he blows up houses of people that are not home.

On Saturdaya he has racist thoughts.

There are certain days of the week I avoid this guy. We usually hang out on Tuesdays. I know all aina are the same but there are some sins he does that just really get under my skin so I stay away from him when he commits those.
Any tips on repenting from masturbation?

find a true Catholic Church... but don't look closely at others who have found it.. or you will be highly disillusioned and ditch Jesus .. some way or another or entirely

pray the rosary

put Jesus first as often as possible. Physical pleasure pails in comparison... and worshipping pleasure is a good way to end up in the land of endless NON-pleasure.. misery, pain.. "eternal punishment" as Jesus called it

Mt 25:31

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