A little ray of positive in our unhappy 2020


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016
It's been a rough year, has it not? COVID 19, political finger pointing, race riots, overtones of ugliness, disrupted lifestyles, lost jobs etc. - Not a pretty scene!

I'd like to suggest a little ray of positive that, as a small business owner has helped me a lot these past few years:

Grab a pen and paper and start a personal journal. Sounds boring, I know, but please consider that journaling at least once a week, reduces stress, improves your immune functions, improves your memory, lightens your mood, and strengthens emotional functions. Your good ideas, once half forgotten, will no longer fade away, putting your angry thoughts down on paper is far healthier than keeping them inside you, and seeing your problems in print will allow you to make better and more objective decisions on how to deal with them.

I used to think journaling was a stupid idea, and a waste of time - until I tried it for a few weeks, now I'm a believer. So, the next time you see a big can dumped full of blank writing books at your local drug, or office supply store for under a dollar ea. You might consider that's a small price to pay for some peace of mind. :bye1:


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