A little "test" for Trump: Is he pro-NATO or pro-Putin?

For the last 70 years we have been part of a formidable coalition called NATO, whose MAIN purpose has been to ward off the encroachment of totalitarian Russia.

Turkey sought and became a member of NATO in 1952.

ALL NATO members imposed sanctions on Russia for a variety of reasons, but especially for Putin's blatant invasion and occupation of Crimea.

Defying NATO sanctions, however, Turkey has chosen to buy a huge stockpile of weaponry from Putin (supposedly because Turkey is "afraid" of the Kurds.)

Now, one would expect that our "beloved" Trump would be a bit pissed at Erdogan of Turkey......but, as we all know, Trump would rather harass France and Germany and Canada, than to ever go against someone like Erdogan since he greatly and enviously admires dictators.......and heaven forbid for the Russian stooge in the oval office to EVER chide the likes of his handler, Putin for sowing discord among NATO members.

So, Trump is facing a test of whether he is more pro-NATO or pro-Putin (and Erdogan)....How do you think this little "test" willgo over with Trump?

Trump is not Pro-NATO, nor is he Pro-Putin. Trump is decidedly Pro-American.
Why didn't your Magic Negro stop Puti?

Well, moron, an all-out nuclear war would have been real "cute' for the planet.

BUT, barring THAT, Obama did this

Read the executive order by the Obama administration imposing sanctions against Russia

Read the executive order by the Obama administration imposing sanctions against Russia

......but, then, we have this from the orange buffoon.....

Trump refuses to impose new Russia sanctions despite law passed by

Reluctant to enact sanctions, President Trump reportedly considers

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Why didn't your Magic Negro stop Puti?

Well, moron, an all-out nuclear war would have been real "cute' for the planet.

BUT, barring THAT,Obama did this

Read the executive order by the Obama administration imposing sanctions against Russia

Read the executive order by the Obama administration imposing sanctions against Russia

......but, then, we have this from the orange buffoon.....

Trump refuses to impose new Russia sanctions despite law passed by ...

Reluctant to enact sanctions, President Trump reportedly considers ...

Yet you want Rump to tell him to F off. You're an idiot kid.Obama did NOTHING to hurt Puti or his minions. You beta male only did things for Show.
Yet you want Rump to tell him to F off.

Give it up Mr.fuckhead......WHY is the orange clown reluctant to EVEN extend sanctions on Putin???

Could it be?.........(lol)

Why didn't your Magic Negro stop Puti?

Well, moron, an all-out nuclear war would have been real "cute' for the planet.

BUT, barring THAT,Obama did this

Read the executive order by the Obama administration imposing sanctions against Russia

Read the executive order by the Obama administration imposing sanctions against Russia

......but, then, we have this from the orange buffoon.....

Trump refuses to impose new Russia sanctions despite law passed by ...

Reluctant to enact sanctions, President Trump reportedly considers ...

Yet you want Rump to tell him to F off. You're an idiot kid.Obama did NOTHING to hurt Puti or his minions. You beta male only did things for Show.
That's a nice nickname for Donald.
(smile) Typical beta male. ANYTHING is better than nothing even if what you do doesn't accomplish anything. Same argument you idiots use for Gun Laws.

MORON...Obama's sanctions on Russia HAVE hurt the KGB-thug.

Conversely, YOUR moron-in-chief was reluctant to extend and even impose additional sanctions on his Russian love-buddy ........
However, even the idiot in the oval office could not defy congress' willingness to impose those additional sanctions.

Find a grown up to explain it all to you........LOL
Last week called - It would like you to catch up :)

“After a thorough review, our staff concluded that the ICA conclusions were accurate and on point. The Russian effort was extensive, sophisticated, and ordered by President Putin himself for the purpose of helping Donald Trump and hurting Hillary Clinton. In order to protect our democracy from future threats, we must understand what happened in 2016. And while our Committee’s investigation remains ongoing, one thing is already abundantly clear – we have to do a better job in the future if we want to protect our elections from foreign interference.”​

Senate Intel Completes Review of Intelligence Community Assessment on Russian Activities in the 2016 U.S. Elections | U.S. Senator Richard Burr of North Carolina
U.S. Senate Panel Finds Russia Worked To Aid Trump In Election

OK, I am still waiting for anyone to tell us exactly what Russia did and how it resulted in more votes for Trump. how many votes, which states?

second question: since Putin had tons of material to use to blackmail Hillary, why would he prefer someone he had no control over?
In answer to your 2nd part What did Putin have on Hillary and if he thought it was enough to move her why did he help Trump? You don't believe the BI-PARTISAN senate INTEL group? Who do you believe?? The liar in chief?

what did Putin have on Hillary

1. the Russian gift of 145 M to the Clinton foundation (sometimes known as the Clinton bank account)
2. 450K to Bill for a 20 minute speech in moscow
3. uranium one
4. he has her missing 30,000 emails

those 4 things give him all the blackmail stuff he would need to control her, just like he controlled Obama. "I'll have more flexibility after the election" "Ok, I'll tell Vladimir"

As to who I believe, I don't believe any of them, I make my own decisions based on the evidence.
So if he had all that on hillary which BTW I think is all BS ,why didn't he help her win??
China owns a big piece of America too ,,,someone once said you're known by the friends you keep Also by the enemies you have.....Anyone but Putin our friend now?

so which would be best: war with Russia or a working relationship with them? you guys seem to want war, why?
Why does it have to be one or the other?? FN with our elections and trump still kisses putins ass Shame on all with think that's ok

what other option is there, we either work with them or we are at war with them, cold war, hot war. but war. Or we find ways to deal with them that are beneficial to both sides-----------------how terrible would that be?
Keeping them at arms length isn't an option??

exactly what would that look like? economic sanctions? UN sanctions? what does "arms length" look like in the real world?
It means you can talk to them but never trust them Sort of what I'm doing with you
Trump has not made a secret of his anti-NATO sentiments which seem to have extended to anti-Western Europe in general.

His preference for strong men and dictators is obvious. However this is not new in U.S. foreign policy - the U.S. has supported dictators throughout the world for a very, very long time.

What is new is his support for Putin combined with his animosity towards Western Europe and Canada.

The U.S. has always been economically & financially tied to Western Europe and Canada, Europe owns a BIG piece of America.

Now its seems that Trump is trying to usher in a new era - A Russian dominated Europe. Once that happens an isolated America may not do very well.

If he succeeds we'll see the end of the 'American Century' and the beginning of the 'Russian Century'.
China owns a big piece of America too ,,,someone once said you're known by the friends you keep Also by the enemies you have.....Anyone but Putin our friend now?

so which would be best: war with Russia or a working relationship with them? you guys seem to want war, why?

There's a whole lot more choices than that!

Right now, maintaining our relationship with Western Europe, keeping pressure on Russia for having meddled in our elections - and to get them to negotiate on the situation in Ukraine.

We don't have to be either best buddies with them OR go to war with them.
Why didn't your Magic Negro stop Puti?

Well, moron, an all-out nuclear war would have been real "cute' for the planet.

BUT, barring THAT,Obama did this

Read the executive order by the Obama administration imposing sanctions against Russia

Read the executive order by the Obama administration imposing sanctions against Russia

......but, then, we have this from the orange buffoon.....

Trump refuses to impose new Russia sanctions despite law passed by ...

Reluctant to enact sanctions, President Trump reportedly considers ...

Yet you want Rump to tell him to F off. You're an idiot kid.Obama did NOTHING to hurt Puti or his minions. You beta male only did things for Show.
That's a nice nickname for Donald.

I'm not a Republican nor a Rump guy. I just like to point out the complete stupidity of the hate filled Left
Why didn't your Magic Negro stop Puti?

Well, moron, an all-out nuclear war would have been real "cute' for the planet.

BUT, barring THAT,Obama did this

Read the executive order by the Obama administration imposing sanctions against Russia

Read the executive order by the Obama administration imposing sanctions against Russia

......but, then, we have this from the orange buffoon.....

Trump refuses to impose new Russia sanctions despite law passed by ...

Reluctant to enact sanctions, President Trump reportedly considers ...

Yet you want Rump to tell him to F off. You're an idiot kid.Obama did NOTHING to hurt Puti or his minions. You beta male only did things for Show.
That's a nice nickname for Donald.

I'm not a Republican nor a Rump guy. I just like to point out the complete stupidity of the hate filled Left
So being a racist is not being hateful? You said "Magic Negro".

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