A little "test" for Trump: Is he pro-NATO or pro-Putin?

Heres more red Call them lies too
Trump Declines to Add Sanctions Against Russians, Contradicting Haley
Apr 16, 2018 - WASHINGTON — President Trump rejected, for now at least, a fresh round of sanctions set to be imposed against Russia on Monday, a course ...

....and If you wonder, "WHY"??????

The orange is Putins little bitch... you cant compare a KGB fox to an orange dumbo that talks and acts like a t year old.

Ps: I didnt vote Hillary and I'm not a liberal.
The orange is Putins little bitch... you cant compare a KGB fox to an orange dumbo that talks and acts like a t year old.

Ps: I didnt vote Hillary and I'm not a liberal.

Thank you...a NON liberal that refuses to join the cult and swallow the orange kool-aid......Hood for you.
can you translate that to English? too much cheap vodka last night?
I drink only the best scotch I leave the cheap stuff to you red necks

Gin drinker myself, Beefeater preferably.

back to your nonsensical post, translate please.
Obama sanctioned Russia ,,,,
Congress put additional sanctions on Russia
Trump refused to authorize those sanctions
Didn't want to hurt the guy who has the goods on him and who helped him win the election
Now do you understand my republican fiend?

I would if your last 3 lines were true, but they aren't. Sanctions remain, more may be coming.
can you translate that to English? too much cheap vodka last night?
I drink only the best scotch I leave the cheap stuff to you red necks

Gin drinker myself, Beefeater preferably.

back to your nonsensical post, translate please.
Obama sanctioned Russia ,,,,
Congress put additional sanctions on Russia
Trump refused to authorize those sanctions
Didn't want to hurt the guy who has the goods on him and who helped him win the election
Now do you understand my republican fiend?

Obama lifted sanctions or Iran and gave them billions of dollars that went directly to the terrorists that want to kill you and me.

The sanctions on Russia remain and more may be coming.

stop the lies.
Heres more red Call them lies too
Trump Declines to Add Sanctions Against Russians, Contradicting Haley
Apr 16, 2018 - WASHINGTON — President Trump rejected, for now at least, a fresh round of sanctions set to be imposed against Russia on Monday, a course ...

please actually read something before posting it "...for now at least, a fresh round of sanctions" do you understand what "fresh round of sanctions" means? It means in addition to the ones already in place.
The orange is Putins little bitch... you cant compare a KGB fox to an orange dumbo that talks and acts like a t year old.

Ps: I didnt vote Hillary and I'm not a liberal.

Thank you...a NON liberal that refuses to join the cult and swallow the orange kool-aid......Hood for you.

are the following kool-aid?

lowest unemployment rate in decades
lowest black and Hispanic unemployment rates in history
consumer confidence at all time highs
millions of new jobs
tax cuts for all working americans
bad trade policies being fixed
talking with north korea
enforcing our immigration laws
reducing business killing regulations
drilling in ANWR
destroying ISIS
stock market at record highs
businesses expanding and building in the USA
businesses returning to the USA

those successes are what really pisses off you libtards. Trump is winning for America and destroying the dem party in the process, and you fools are too dumb to understand that that is making YOUR lives better.
are the following kool-aid?

lowest unemployment rate in decades
lowest black and Hispanic unemployment rates in history

Ahhhhh, a strong supporter of Obama's recovery.....THANKS, you fucking idiot....

Unemployment when Obama took office was OVER 10%.....he brought it down to 4.7%.......Your orange moron (riding on Obama's recovery) has brought that percent down to about 4%.....

BTW, Trump's approval among blacks is about 18%...........They're smarter than you idiots in figuring out WHO helped blacks employment and WHO is a racist pig.
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are the following kool-aid?

lowest unemployment rate in decades
lowest black and Hispanic unemployment rates in history

Ahhhhh, a strong supporter of Obama's recovery.....THANKS, you fucking idiot....

Unemployment when Obama took office was OVER 10%.....he brought it down to 4.7%.......Your orange moron (riding on Obama's recovery) has brought that percent down to about 4%.....

BTW, Trump's approval among blacks is about 18%...........They're smarter than you idiots in figuring out WHO helped blacks employment and WHO is a racist pig.

I see that gnat is back, and as stupid as before. tell us exactly what obozo did for blacks in his 8 years, tell us how he improved their lives and kept them from killing each other in our big city ghettos.

yes, the UE rate was going down, Trump has continued that trend even though you lefties said it could not be done.

is it ok if I call Obama the black/white halfbreed moron? or is orange ok but black and white are not permitted?

Trump's approval rate with blacks is going up while obama's and Clintons are going down. blacks are not as dumb as you libs want them to be. they are seeing the results of Trump's economy and how it is helping them.

the dem party is over, the party of Truman and Kennedy is dead. Killed by the Clintons, Obama, schumer, Pelosi, waters, Jackson-lee, wasserman-Schultz, Kaine, Durban, and Schiff. Its a shame, I think Truman and Kennedy were good presidents, they would be republicans if they were alive today.
Trump's approval rate with blacks is going up while obama's and Clintons are going down

You're such a fucking moron,Mr. Tuna..........

The liar (or, at best,IGNORANT Trump) cited that his polling numbers among blacks "doubled"..............Among his many lies, Trump does not say nor would he ever understand that polling 200 blacks is NOT a good sample.......And, the idiot-in-chief does not recognize that those 200 polled were just men,,,,and NOT black women.

BTW..............tell us how polling for Obama and Clinton among blacks is going down.....Did your fuck-buddy, hannity, tell you that? .............................LOL
One really good reason why we need NATO to remain intact is:

Western Europe has been at peace ever since NATO was created. The existence of NATO, with the U.S. as the leading member, has prevented war since 1945 - a historic record for Europe.

It's not that it's just prevented war with the Soviet Union or Russia, it's prevented war between France and Belgium, or England and Spain..etc...

Europeans have always been a bunch of war mongering idiots that are more then ready to go to war with just about ANYBODY they possibly can. Just look at what happened when Yugoslavia broke up.

Even if the EU stays together, do we really want them to act as an independent military force?

We need to stay in NATO if for nothing else, to keep a leach on our western European allies!
Trump has not made a secret of his anti-NATO sentiments which seem to have extended to anti-Western Europe in general.

His preference for strong men and dictators is obvious. However this is not new in U.S. foreign policy - the U.S. has supported dictators throughout the world for a very, very long time.

What is new is his support for Putin combined with his animosity towards Western Europe and Canada.

The U.S. has always been economically & financially tied to Western Europe and Canada, Europe owns a BIG piece of America.

Now its seems that Trump is trying to usher in a new era - A Russian dominated Europe. Once that happens an isolated America may not do very well.

If he succeeds we'll see the end of the 'American Century' and the beginning of the 'Russian Century'.
China owns a big piece of America too ,,,someone once said you're known by the friends you keep Also by the enemies you have.....Anyone but Putin our friend now?

so which would be best: war with Russia or a working relationship with them? you guys seem to want war, why?

There's a whole lot more choices than that!

Right now, maintaining our relationship with Western Europe, keeping pressure on Russia for having meddled in our elections - and to get them to negotiate on the situation in Ukraine.

We don't have to be either best buddies with them OR go to war with them.

I agree with that. we aren't "best buddies" with any other country, never have been. Each country always puts its own interests first, except for the USA during the Obama years.

Have you been to Russia? the Russian people are just like us, they don't hate us or want to destroy us, they want to live in peace just like we do. Mexico is doing more harm to us than Russia is.

I have not been to Russia. But I did marry a Russian, so I know that what your saying is true, Russians are by no means a war mongering people.

The problem is that they should NOT have meddled in our election. Having a moron (i.e. Trump) in office helps no one.

Russia threatens the entire world economic order. The real reason why there's a new cold war is that Russia was becoming the dominant economic power in Europe. The Western European bankers couldn't stand it, so they (along with the U.S.) instigated the overthrow of the Ukrainian government.

Our problem is that if Russia becomes the dominant economic power in Europe, they will soon own the U.S. - that's because Western Europe has owned our asses from the get go.
Trump has not made a secret of his anti-NATO sentiments which seem to have extended to anti-Western Europe in general.

His preference for strong men and dictators is obvious. However this is not new in U.S. foreign policy - the U.S. has supported dictators throughout the world for a very, very long time.

What is new is his support for Putin combined with his animosity towards Western Europe and Canada.

The U.S. has always been economically & financially tied to Western Europe and Canada, Europe owns a BIG piece of America.

Now its seems that Trump is trying to usher in a new era - A Russian dominated Europe. Once that happens an isolated America may not do very well.

If he succeeds we'll see the end of the 'American Century' and the beginning of the 'Russian Century'.
China owns a big piece of America too ,,,someone once said you're known by the friends you keep Also by the enemies you have.....Anyone but Putin our friend now?

so which would be best: war with Russia or a working relationship with them? you guys seem to want war, why?

There's a whole lot more choices than that!

Right now, maintaining our relationship with Western Europe, keeping pressure on Russia for having meddled in our elections - and to get them to negotiate on the situation in Ukraine.

We don't have to be either best buddies with them OR go to war with them.

I agree with that. we aren't "best buddies" with any other country, never have been. Each country always puts its own interests first, except for the USA during the Obama years.

Have you been to Russia? the Russian people are just like us, they don't hate us or want to destroy us, they want to live in peace just like we do. Mexico is doing more harm to us than Russia is.

I have not been to Russia. But I did marry a Russian, so I know that what your saying is true, Russians are by no means a war mongering people.

The problem is that they should NOT have meddled in our election. Having a moron (i.e. Trump) in office helps no one.

Russia threatens the entire world economic order. The real reason why there's a new cold war is that Russia was becoming the dominant economic power in Europe. The Western European bankers couldn't stand it, so they (along with the U.S.) instigated the overthrow of the Ukrainian government.

Our problem is that if Russia becomes the dominant economic power in Europe, they will soon own the U.S. - that's because Western Europe has owned our asses from the get go.
Our problem is that if Russia becomes the dominant economic power in Europe, they will soon own the U.S. -

Their economy is a joke.
Putin is robbing them blind.
How would Russia become an economic power?
They have 142 million people, GDP $1.5 trillion.
Italy with 62 million people has a GDP of $1.9 trillion.
China owns a big piece of America too ,,,someone once said you're known by the friends you keep Also by the enemies you have.....Anyone but Putin our friend now?

so which would be best: war with Russia or a working relationship with them? you guys seem to want war, why?

There's a whole lot more choices than that!

Right now, maintaining our relationship with Western Europe, keeping pressure on Russia for having meddled in our elections - and to get them to negotiate on the situation in Ukraine.

We don't have to be either best buddies with them OR go to war with them.

I agree with that. we aren't "best buddies" with any other country, never have been. Each country always puts its own interests first, except for the USA during the Obama years.

Have you been to Russia? the Russian people are just like us, they don't hate us or want to destroy us, they want to live in peace just like we do. Mexico is doing more harm to us than Russia is.

I have not been to Russia. But I did marry a Russian, so I know that what your saying is true, Russians are by no means a war mongering people.

The problem is that they should NOT have meddled in our election. Having a moron (i.e. Trump) in office helps no one.

Russia threatens the entire world economic order. The real reason why there's a new cold war is that Russia was becoming the dominant economic power in Europe. The Western European bankers couldn't stand it, so they (along with the U.S.) instigated the overthrow of the Ukrainian government.

Our problem is that if Russia becomes the dominant economic power in Europe, they will soon own the U.S. - that's because Western Europe has owned our asses from the get go.
Our problem is that if Russia becomes the dominant economic power in Europe, they will soon own the U.S. -

Their economy is a joke.
Putin is robbing them blind.
How would Russia become an economic power?
They have 142 million people, GDP $1.5 trillion.
Italy with 62 million people has a GDP of $1.9 trillion.

Prior to the Ukrainian government being overthrown, Russia was making huge economic gains - they were becoming the dominant source of energy for Europe.

The whole cause of the Ukrainian revolution was over whether the Ukraine would ally with Russia or the EU economically.
so which would be best: war with Russia or a working relationship with them? you guys seem to want war, why?

There's a whole lot more choices than that!

Right now, maintaining our relationship with Western Europe, keeping pressure on Russia for having meddled in our elections - and to get them to negotiate on the situation in Ukraine.

We don't have to be either best buddies with them OR go to war with them.

I agree with that. we aren't "best buddies" with any other country, never have been. Each country always puts its own interests first, except for the USA during the Obama years.

Have you been to Russia? the Russian people are just like us, they don't hate us or want to destroy us, they want to live in peace just like we do. Mexico is doing more harm to us than Russia is.

I have not been to Russia. But I did marry a Russian, so I know that what your saying is true, Russians are by no means a war mongering people.

The problem is that they should NOT have meddled in our election. Having a moron (i.e. Trump) in office helps no one.

Russia threatens the entire world economic order. The real reason why there's a new cold war is that Russia was becoming the dominant economic power in Europe. The Western European bankers couldn't stand it, so they (along with the U.S.) instigated the overthrow of the Ukrainian government.

Our problem is that if Russia becomes the dominant economic power in Europe, they will soon own the U.S. - that's because Western Europe has owned our asses from the get go.
Our problem is that if Russia becomes the dominant economic power in Europe, they will soon own the U.S. -

Their economy is a joke.
Putin is robbing them blind.
How would Russia become an economic power?
They have 142 million people, GDP $1.5 trillion.
Italy with 62 million people has a GDP of $1.9 trillion.

Prior to the Ukrainian government being overthrown, Russia was making huge economic gains - they were becoming the dominant source of energy for Europe.

The whole cause of the Ukrainian revolution was over whether the Ukraine would ally with Russia or the EU economically.

Prior to the Ukrainian government being overthrown,

Darn those Ukrainians, disliking Putin's puppets.

Russia was making huge economic gains - they were becoming the dominant source of energy for Europe.

Just because they pump a lot of oil and natural gas, doesn't mean they are ever going to be more than an economic basket case.
Trump's approval rate with blacks is going up while obama's and Clintons are going down

You're such a fucking moron,Mr. Tuna..........

The liar (or, at best,IGNORANT Trump) cited that his polling numbers among blacks "doubled"..............Among his many lies, Trump does not say nor would he ever understand that polling 200 blacks is NOT a good sample.......And, the idiot-in-chief does not recognize that those 200 polled were just men,,,,and NOT black women.

BTW..............tell us how polling for Obama and Clinton among blacks is going down.....Did your fuck-buddy, hannity, tell you that? .............................LOL

are you a 12 year old? they have kids forums that you can join. this one is for adults who can actually discuss things in a civil manner.

what you don't understand is that ALL polls are bullshit, they ALL have an agenda based on who is paying them to do the poll. They are not designed to report on public opinion, they are designed to influence it. unlike you, I judge how the president is doing by the people around me that I come in contact with on a daily basis, and they represent all races, ages, ethnicities, and political leanings. The black people that I know were once trump haters, now they support him. Representative sample? of course not, neither is a national poll that samples 1200 people out of 330,000,000. THEY ARE ALL BULLSHIT, GNAT, JUST LIKE MOST OF YOUR POSTS.
There's a whole lot more choices than that!

Right now, maintaining our relationship with Western Europe, keeping pressure on Russia for having meddled in our elections - and to get them to negotiate on the situation in Ukraine.

We don't have to be either best buddies with them OR go to war with them.

I agree with that. we aren't "best buddies" with any other country, never have been. Each country always puts its own interests first, except for the USA during the Obama years.

Have you been to Russia? the Russian people are just like us, they don't hate us or want to destroy us, they want to live in peace just like we do. Mexico is doing more harm to us than Russia is.

I have not been to Russia. But I did marry a Russian, so I know that what your saying is true, Russians are by no means a war mongering people.

The problem is that they should NOT have meddled in our election. Having a moron (i.e. Trump) in office helps no one.

Russia threatens the entire world economic order. The real reason why there's a new cold war is that Russia was becoming the dominant economic power in Europe. The Western European bankers couldn't stand it, so they (along with the U.S.) instigated the overthrow of the Ukrainian government.

Our problem is that if Russia becomes the dominant economic power in Europe, they will soon own the U.S. - that's because Western Europe has owned our asses from the get go.
Our problem is that if Russia becomes the dominant economic power in Europe, they will soon own the U.S. -

Their economy is a joke.
Putin is robbing them blind.
How would Russia become an economic power?
They have 142 million people, GDP $1.5 trillion.
Italy with 62 million people has a GDP of $1.9 trillion.

Prior to the Ukrainian government being overthrown, Russia was making huge economic gains - they were becoming the dominant source of energy for Europe.

The whole cause of the Ukrainian revolution was over whether the Ukraine would ally with Russia or the EU economically.

Prior to the Ukrainian government being overthrown,

Darn those Ukrainians, disliking Putin's puppets.

Russia was making huge economic gains - they were becoming the dominant source of energy for Europe.

Just because they pump a lot of oil and natural gas, doesn't mean they are ever going to be more than an economic basket case.

TRUE, a centrally controlled economy can never work.
NATO and the EU have been fucking us royally since Reagan left. They don't have 6 working tanks or fighters between them and instead of blowing us as thanks for defending them -- they SLAP BIG TARIFFS ON OUR PRODUCTS!!

Trump is ending the EU gravy train
NATO and the EU have been fucking us royally since Reagan left. They don't have 6 working tanks or fighters between them and instead of blowing us as thanks for defending them -- they SLAP BIG TARIFFS ON OUR PRODUCTS!!

Trump is ending the EU gravy train
Yes comradde. Most NATO tanks shit because most NATO tanks is american.

And they put sanction on democratic russian Putin government. Shame.
For the last 70 years we have been part of a formidable coalition called NATO, whose MAIN purpose has been to ward off the encroachment of totalitarian Russia.

Turkey sought and became a member of NATO in 1952.

ALL NATO members imposed sanctions on Russia for a variety of reasons, but especially for Putin's blatant invasion and occupation of Crimea.

Defying NATO sanctions, however, Turkey has chosen to buy a huge stockpile of weaponry from Putin (supposedly because Turkey is "afraid" of the Kurds.)

Now, one would expect that our "beloved" Trump would be a bit pissed at Erdogan of Turkey......but, as we all know, Trump would rather harass France and Germany and Canada, than to ever go against someone like Erdogan since he greatly and enviously admires dictators.......and heaven forbid for the Russian stooge in the oval office to EVER chide the likes of his handler, Putin for sowing discord among NATO members.

So, Trump is facing a test of whether he is more pro-NATO or pro-Putin (and Erdogan)....How do you think this little "test" willgo over with Trump?
Putin. Why is this even a question? (-:
If he hated her he would want her in office, he had tons of material to use to blackmail her into doing whatever he wanted.

Mr. Tuna (aka, fuckhead).....would you like to post exactly what Putin has among his "tons of material to use to blackmail [Clinton]"????

I mean, since we all here rely on your fucked-up-ness to share your insight.........we anxiously await just a few of those TONS of materials......

(what an ASSHOLE........LOL)

what does Putin have on Hillary? is that your question?

145 million to the Clinton foundation
the Benghazi cover up
the fake Trump dossier, paid for by the Clinton campaign
the "reset"
the Iran deal, brokered by Putin
her 30,000 missing emails
the uranium one deal

just for starters

and once again we see you revert to juvenile insults when you cannot post something sensible and accurate, attack those that speak the truth, right gnat
All disproven conspiracies.

Let me ask you something, since Trump controls the entire government for the last 18 months, if there were "cover ups", wouldn't he have found them by now? Or are you saying Trump is completely incompetent? And throw in Fast and Furious and phone tapping. Controlling the entire government and not being able to uncover a single Republicans KNOWN FOR SURE conspiracy? Seems terribly incompetent to me. Does't it seem incompetent to you?
The orange is Putins little bitch... you cant compare a KGB fox to an orange dumbo that talks and acts like a t year old.

Ps: I didnt vote Hillary and I'm not a liberal.

Thank you...a NON liberal that refuses to join the cult and swallow the orange kool-aid......Hood for you.

are the following kool-aid?

lowest unemployment rate in decades
lowest black and Hispanic unemployment rates in history
consumer confidence at all time highs
millions of new jobs
tax cuts for all working americans
bad trade policies being fixed
talking with north korea
enforcing our immigration laws
reducing business killing regulations
drilling in ANWR
destroying ISIS
stock market at record highs
businesses expanding and building in the USA
businesses returning to the USA

those successes are what really pisses off you libtards. Trump is winning for America and destroying the dem party in the process, and you fools are too dumb to understand that that is making YOUR lives better.
Wow, word salad. Give us some actual examples we can tear apart. It's not hard. Facts are on our side.

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