A long but important read. If you plan to vote, it is a vital series of articles

Wry Catcher

Diamond Member
Aug 3, 2009
"Editor's note: The following story ran Oct. 24, 1991, on Day Five of the nine-day "America: What went wrong?" series published in the Inquirer."

"Since deregulation of the trucking industry in 1980, more than 100 once- thriving trucking companies have gone out of business. More than 150,000 workers at those companies lost their jobs.

"Since deregulation of the airlines in 1978, a dozen airline companies have merged or gone out of business. More than 50,000 of their employees lost their jobs."

Since deregulation of the savings and loan industry in 1982, about 650 S&Ls have folded, with at least 400 more in serious trouble. The bailout will leave taxpayers stuck with a half-trillion-dollar tab.

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it"
George Santayana, American Philosopher (1863-1952)

This series of articles, "America, What Went Wrong" ran for nine days in the Philadelphia Inquirer in 1991 and has been repeated beginning June 12, 2012. Link to the first article:

How game was rigged against middle class
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so regulations that choke out business actually now magically don't.

seriously, companies go out of biz all the time, people lose jobs, but then get hired on by the thriving competition.

time and time again, it's been shown how regulations slow the economy down and keep the people on top on top since it's so damn hard to follow every single last reg.
so regulations that choke out business actually now magically don't.

seriously, companies go out of biz all the time, people lose jobs, but then get hired on by the thriving competition.

time and time again, it's been shown how regulations slow the economy down and keep the people on top on top since it's so damn hard to follow every single last reg.

I'm sorry. This thread was written for the curious. Please redirect your attention to one of the following threads best suited to your needs:

"More left wing ignorance"

"If Obama Was A Football Coach He'd Be Gone"

"Obama wants credit for trying"

"Ever notice about Democrats and Obamacare.... " (acutally all posts by Gampa Murked U)

Good day.
Editor's note: The following story ran Oct. 20, 1991, on Day One of the nine-day "America: What went wrong?" series published in the Inquirer.

* * *

Worried that you're falling behind, not living as well as you once did? Or expected to?

That you're going to have to work extra hours, or take a second job, just to stay even with your bills?

That the company you've worked for all these years may dump you for a younger person?

Or that the pension you've been promised may not be there when you retire?

Worried, if you're on the bottom rung of the economic ladder, that you'll never see a middle-class lifestyle?

Or, if you're a single parent or part of a young working family, that you'll never be able to save enough to buy a home?

That you're paying more than your fair share of taxes?

Worried that the people who represent you in Congress are taking care of themselves and their friends at your expense?

You're right.

See: How game was rigged against middle class

for the rest of the story.

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