A Look at the Democrat Judge Who Sent a Mother to Prison for Trying to Feed Her Children

What small businesses has tens of thousands in reserve for a completely unprecedented forced shutdown?

Responsible ones. It works for any unforeseen consequences, not unprecedented forced shutdowns. Anyway, she should at least have a cash reserve to feed her children.

What sort or mother doesn’t have an emergency fund to feed their kids?
Before this pandemic.........liberals were whining about how people were living paycheck to paycheck and one check til disaster........

NOW...............the Narrative changes........and to a small business owner..........with the big boys gobbling up the Gov't tit money first......how does she pay the expenses of the businesses with nothing coming in for MONTHS NOW............

She can't........and can't depend on the Gov't titties as others do.........or someone else who hasn't been hit.........probably a Gov't working wanker......putting her down for not being ready as they eat at the Gov't Trough.

At first when this thread started it was about a woman struggling to feed her children.

Now it turns out that it wasn’t the kids, it was keeping the business.

Anyway; yeah, we are complaining about people living paycheck to paycheck. Small business owners got a MASSIVE tax cut from Trump that was supposed to fix this. What happened?
The income from the small business feeds her kids....................

And what happened to all the money from before the shutdown?

Did she not save a little for emergencies?

I mean, this is the lives of her kids we are talking about. Does she not think of them?

She is not the only mother with children to feed. The women who work at the salon have responsibilities also

Mnuchin says their stimulus check should last almost 3 months.

The billionaires can’t figure out why this is a problem. Let them eat cake!

Mnuchin and trump are rich and they know the shutdown must end soon

Yeah, but not because struggling mom’s need the cash. They think they solved that problem.

That's nonsense, no one has said that 'they solved the problem'.... Trump has been saying that America needs to get back to work. And, that the solution can not be worse than the problem....
Now that all of the fascists have exposed themselves in the CV19 crap, it’s time to purge the fascists from America.

The fascists are exposing themselves. They are called Trump supporters. This is what the protests are about. Right wing fascists who are willing to put the lives of Americans in danger. This bitch was willing to do this. She was rightfully jailed.
People that think like you are very seriously fucked up.

You are the one who is fucked up. Most members of a cult are.
He demanded she apologize for being "selfish" or he would have her thrown into a cage.

"Political correctness is communist propaganda writ small. In my study of communist societies, I came to the conclusion that the purpose of communist propaganda was not to persuade or convince, nor to inform, but to humiliate; and therefore, the less it corresponded to reality the better. When people are forced to remain silent when they are being told the most obvious lies, or even worse when they are forced to repeat the lies themselves, they lose once and for all their sense of probity. To assent to obvious lies is to co-operate with evil, and in some small way to become evil oneself. One’s standing to resist anything is thus eroded, and even destroyed. A society of emasculated liars is easy to control. I think if you examine political correctness, it has the same effect and is intended to."
—Theodore Dalrymple, “Our Culture, What’s Left Of It

Anyone who has trouble figuring out who is wrong here, is the reason so much is wrong here.

It's not enough to just “Like” this. This needs to be repeated and emphasized.

It's a blueprint, showing how we wind up dominated by cowardly useful idiots, such as Jackass WANKER Frogbrain, if we don't stand strongly enough against them and their masters.

Yes because a virus pandemic is a communist conspiracy.

Admit it Bob, you failed biology class.

You are in serious need of a doctor.
Now that all of the fascists have exposed themselves in the CV19 crap, it’s time to purge the fascists from America.

The fascists are exposing themselves. They are called Trump supporters. This is what the protests are about. Right wing fascists who are willing to put the lives of Americans in danger. This bitch was willing to do this. She was rightfully jailed.
Jailed for trying to earn an honest living

she is the opposite of a fascist

Jailed for betraying her fellow human beings and Americans.

"I do not care how fast the virus spreads just as long as I can make a buck."

If this was the Revolutionary War she would be Benedict Arnold.

If this was the Revolutionary War, you would have hanged 2 days ago. Traitor scum!

You are the traitorous scum.
All she had o do was apologize for breaking the order and she could have gone free...There was an order on the city for the pandemic emergency with the punitive measures, nothing new during a national and state emergency. Just like when a tornado hits and people are ordered not to enter the area..
BS comparison...............she has no damned reason to apologize to the so called judge and jury Robe wearing asshole..................

She is going under..........and said she would open to try and save her home and be able to feed her children.......................OH THE FUCKING SHAME.....

Utter BS...........same with locking down the nation for a stinking virus...........causing ECONOMIC calamity from hell.
Yes they did but that again was what the president declared like it or not. I didn't stop working and I fed my lid because I am used to tough times.

I'm doing fine........but that lady isn't..........most of those like her are self employed and don't get shit for assistance.........................She's trying to save her small business from going under and protect her family.

You are a dang Walking Example of Why the 2nd Amendment was written..............and the BS leaders who let their stinking job go to their dang head........or a JUDGE WHO THINKS HE IS GOD.

Take your Arrogance mooning ass and stick it where the sun doesn't shine.
This may help

You and your friends are crazy. The founding fathers clearly recognized situations where the Constitution would need to be suspended temporarily. That is why they allowed the President to suspend habeas corpus in certain emergencies.
What small businesses has tens of thousands in reserve for a completely unprecedented forced shutdown?

Responsible ones. It works for any unforeseen consequences, not unprecedented forced shutdowns. Anyway, she should at least have a cash reserve to feed her children.

What sort or mother doesn’t have an emergency fund to feed their kids?
Before this pandemic.........liberals were whining about how people were living paycheck to paycheck and one check til disaster........

NOW...............the Narrative changes........and to a small business owner..........with the big boys gobbling up the Gov't tit money first......how does she pay the expenses of the businesses with nothing coming in for MONTHS NOW............

She can't........and can't depend on the Gov't titties as others do.........or someone else who hasn't been hit.........probably a Gov't working wanker......putting her down for not being ready as they eat at the Gov't Trough.

At first when this thread started it was about a woman struggling to feed her children.

Now it turns out that it wasn’t the kids, it was keeping the business.

Anyway; yeah, we are complaining about people living paycheck to paycheck. Small business owners got a MASSIVE tax cut from Trump that was supposed to fix this. What happened?
The income from the small business feeds her kids....................

And what happened to all the money from before the shutdown?

Did she not save a little for emergencies?

I mean, this is the lives of her kids we are talking about. Does she not think of them?


Spin doctor.........we never should have shut down................This is FASCISM.........where in the Constitution does it give the State the right to not allow them to make a living....................

She was arrested and fined as Asshat states let Criminals out.

The spin is that she was just doing it to “feed her children” which is bullshit. She’s just trying to shield her actions with appeals to emotion using her kids.

The constitution gives the government broad authority to act on behalf of public safety. Quarantine, social distancing to stop the spread of disease is well without our governments rights and has been for centuries.

If you don’t like it, get the fuck out.

You GTFO, leftist faggot. Apparently you don't agree with the principles of this country, so feel free to take your communist ass elsewhere, bitch!

70% of Americans are communists? I thing not you right wing fascist.
Too bad she wasn’t a prostitute or a drug dealer, they would have just let her back out and she could go right back to selling. The left would be screaming the state should pay her so she can take care of her family.
What small businesses has tens of thousands in reserve for a completely unprecedented forced shutdown?

Responsible ones. It works for any unforeseen consequences, not unprecedented forced shutdowns. Anyway, she should at least have a cash reserve to feed her children.

What sort or mother doesn’t have an emergency fund to feed their kids?
Before this pandemic.........liberals were whining about how people were living paycheck to paycheck and one check til disaster........

NOW...............the Narrative changes........and to a small business owner..........with the big boys gobbling up the Gov't tit money first......how does she pay the expenses of the businesses with nothing coming in for MONTHS NOW............

She can't........and can't depend on the Gov't titties as others do.........or someone else who hasn't been hit.........probably a Gov't working wanker......putting her down for not being ready as they eat at the Gov't Trough.

At first when this thread started it was about a woman struggling to feed her children.

Now it turns out that it wasn’t the kids, it was keeping the business.

Anyway; yeah, we are complaining about people living paycheck to paycheck. Small business owners got a MASSIVE tax cut from Trump that was supposed to fix this. What happened?
The income from the small business feeds her kids....................

And what happened to all the money from before the shutdown?

Did she not save a little for emergencies?

I mean, this is the lives of her kids we are talking about. Does she not think of them?


Spin doctor.........we never should have shut down................This is FASCISM.........where in the Constitution does it give the State the right to not allow them to make a living....................

She was arrested and fined as Asshat states let Criminals out.

The spin is that she was just doing it to “feed her children” which is bullshit. She’s just trying to shield her actions with appeals to emotion using her kids.

The constitution gives the government broad authority to act on behalf of public safety. Quarantine, social distancing to stop the spread of disease is well without our governments rights and has been for centuries.

If you don’t like it, get the fuck out.

You GTFO, leftist faggot. Apparently you don't agree with the principles of this country, so feel free to take your communist ass elsewhere, bitch!

70% of Americans are communists? I thing not you right wing fascist.

What part of your colon did you pull this 70% out of? :uhh::cuckoo:

You are a communist. 70% of Americans are not.

Art thou a-triggered, Captain Snowflake?
The preamble of the Constitution states "promote the general welfare " this is a core function of government.

No rational interpretation of the preamble authorized government in any way to violate the rules which the Constitution goes on to establish about what government may or may not do.

If the Preamble really meant what you are trying to force it to mean, then most of the rest of the Constitution would be pointless and irrelevant.

The 9th and 10th amendments in the bill of rights say that government can only do exactly what they are specifically authorized to do, and nothing more.
There is an extreme over ride for martial law, but that is only for the calamity of the legislature not being able to convene due to something like an invasion.
There is no such emergency now.
All she had to do was apologize for breaking the order and she could have gone free...There was an order on the city for the pandemic emergency with the punitive measures, nothing new during a national and state emergency. Just like when a tornado hits and people are ordered not to enter the area..
He demanded she apologize for being "selfish" or he would have her thrown into a cage.

"Political correctness is communist propaganda writ small. In my study of communist societies, I came to the conclusion that the purpose of communist propaganda was not to persuade or convince, nor to inform, but to humiliate; and therefore, the less it corresponded to reality the better. When people are forced to remain silent when they are being told the most obvious lies, or even worse when they are forced to repeat the lies themselves, they lose once and for all their sense of probity. To assent to obvious lies is to co-operate with evil, and in some small way to become evil oneself. One’s standing to resist anything is thus eroded, and even destroyed. A society of emasculated liars is easy to control. I think if you examine political correctness, it has the same effect and is intended to."

—Theodore Dalrymple, “Our Culture, What’s Left Of It

Anyone who has trouble figuring out who is wrong here, is the reason so much is wrong here.

Yes, it is clear she had a right to reopen and there was absolutely no reason, much less authority, to try to close her down.
The last thing you would ever want to do in an epidemic is a lock down, because all a lock down does is prevent herd immunity and make the death toll greater by keeping the epidemic around longer.
All she had o do was apologize for breaking the order and she could have gone free...There was an order on the city for the pandemic emergency with the punitive measures, nothing new during a national and state emergency. Just like when a tornado hits and people are ordered not to enter the area..
BS comparison...............she has no damned reason to apologize to the so called judge and jury Robe wearing asshole..................

She is going under..........and said she would open to try and save her home and be able to feed her children.......................OH THE FUCKING SHAME.....

Utter BS...........same with locking down the nation for a stinking virus...........causing ECONOMIC calamity from hell.
Yes they did but that again was what the president declared like it or not. I didn't stop working and I fed my lid because I am used to tough times.

I'm doing fine........but that lady isn't..........most of those like her are self employed and don't get shit for assistance.........................She's trying to save her small business from going under and protect her family.

You are a dang Walking Example of Why the 2nd Amendment was written..............and the BS leaders who let their stinking job go to their dang head........or a JUDGE WHO THINKS HE IS GOD.

Take your Arrogance mooning ass and stick it where the sun doesn't shine.
This may help

You and your friends are crazy. The founding fathers clearly recognized situations where the Constitution would need to be suspended temporarily. That is why they allowed the President to suspend habeas corpus in certain emergencies.

Wait? What? Dear Lord....Please show us that...Surely you have documented evidence of this crazyness you speak of....
All she had o do was apologize for breaking the order and she could have gone free...There was an order on the city for the pandemic emergency with the punitive measures, nothing new during a national and state emergency. Just like when a tornado hits and people are ordered not to enter the area..
BS comparison...............she has no damned reason to apologize to the so called judge and jury Robe wearing asshole..................

She is going under..........and said she would open to try and save her home and be able to feed her children.......................OH THE FUCKING SHAME.....

Utter BS...........same with locking down the nation for a stinking virus...........causing ECONOMIC calamity from hell.
Yes they did but that again was what the president declared like it or not. I didn't stop working and I fed my lid because I am used to tough times.

I'm doing fine........but that lady isn't..........most of those like her are self employed and don't get shit for assistance.........................She's trying to save her small business from going under and protect her family.

You are a dang Walking Example of Why the 2nd Amendment was written..............and the BS leaders who let their stinking job go to their dang head........or a JUDGE WHO THINKS HE IS GOD.

Take your Arrogance mooning ass and stick it where the sun doesn't shine.
This may help

You and your friends are crazy. The founding fathers clearly recognized situations where the Constitution would need to be suspended temporarily. That is why they allowed the President to suspend habeas corpus in certain emergencies.

The founders did NOT allow for the President to suspend habeas corpus, ever.
Habeas corpus was suspended, but ONLY by a legislative act passed in 1863, during the Civil War.
And it likely was a terrible idea even during the war.
Only Congress is allowed to suspend habeas corpus in the Constitution.

At the outbreak of the American Civil War in April 1861, Washington, D.C., was largely undefended, rioters in Baltimore, Maryland threatened to disrupt the reinforcement of the capital by rail, and Congress was not in session. The military situation made it dangerous to call Congress into session.[5] In that same month (April 1861), Abraham Lincoln, the president of the United States, therefore authorized his military commanders to suspend the writ of habeas corpus between Washington, D.C., and Philadelphia (and later up through New York City).[6][7] Numerous individuals were arrested, including John Merryman and a number of Baltimore police commissioners; the administration of justice in Baltimore was carried out through military officials. When Judge William Fell Giles of the United States District Court for the District of Maryland issued a writ of habeas corpus, the commander of Fort McHenry, Major W. W. Morris, wrote in reply, "At the date of issuing your writ, and for two weeks previous, the city in which you live, and where your court has been held, was entirely under the control of revolutionary authorities."[8]

Merryman's lawyers appealed, and in early June 1861, U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice Roger Taney, writing as the United States Circuit Court for Maryland, ruled in ex parte Merryman that Article I, section 9 of the United States Constitution reserves to Congress the power to suspend habeas corpus and thus that the president's suspension was invalid.[9] The rest of the Supreme Court had nothing to do with Merryman, and the other two Justices from the South, John Catron and James Moore Wayne acted as Unionists; for instance, Catron's charge to a Saint Louis grand jury, saying that armed resistance to the federal government was treason, was quoted in the New York Tribune of July 14, 1861.[10] The President's advisers said the circuit court's ruling was invalid and it was ignored.[11]
Now that all of the fascists have exposed themselves in the CV19 crap, it’s time to purge the fascists from America.

The fascists are exposing themselves. They are called Trump supporters. This is what the protests are about. Right wing fascists who are willing to put the lives of Americans in danger. This bitch was willing to do this. She was rightfully jailed.
Jailed for trying to earn an honest living

she is the opposite of a fascist

Jailed for betraying her fellow human beings and Americans.

"I do not care how fast the virus spreads just as long as I can make a buck."

If this was the Revolutionary War she would be Benedict Arnold.

If this was the Revolutionary War, you would have hanged 2 days ago. Traitor scum!

You are the traitorous scum.

Opening a store risks no one.
No one is being forced to enter the store.

It is Locks Downs that are dangerous and illegal.
The long you delay herd immunity, the more people die.
There is nothing at all gained by a lock down.
You do not reduce the final death total, but increase it instead by keeping the virus alive longer.

Look at the mistakes of the 1918 Spanish flu.
They did a total lock down, and that kept the flu around and killing people for 3 years.
Without a lock down they could have been over it in less than a month.
Clearly the delay killed over 10 times as many people.
Baylock [sic], you have been up all night on this forum.

Admit it, you did not have a job, even before the virus.

You live with your mother and love macaroni and cheese night.

Promote the General Welfare is the biggest lie to give Gov't power in our history..........If you read the Federalist papers you would understand that.

Enumerated powers were there for the reason.......and they sure as hell didn't allow for what the Gov't does today......................

Show me under the Constitution that the right of the pursuit of happiness.......or a means to feed their own dang Children is DENIED at any time.

I very much doubt if Jackass WANKER Frogbrain has ever read the Constitution, beyond the preamble,or has any idea what it does or does not say, or what the principles are that it lays out. He just makes shit up, and claims that it is what the Constitution says, but even if there was anything anywhere in the Constitution that supported any of his shit, he wouldn't be able to find it and quote it.

I provided him, in a post within the last twelve hours or so, a set of links containing the full text of the Constitution, so he has no excuse, and no reason beyond his own laziness, hubris, and intellectual dishonesty, not to read it and try to cite any parts of it that support any of his claims about what the Constitution does or does not allow. Well, that, and the fact that the Constitution doesn't support any of his points, and in most instances, absolutely refutes them.
Stop being cowards, roll up your sleeves and do your part for your fellow Americans in the virus storm.

Stop being such selfish cowards.

I do not think that there exists enough capacity in this entire world for the level of mockery that is called for, by you or any of your kind calling anyone else “cowards”; as you demand that the world shut down and destroy it's economy, destroy everyone's ability to make a living, just because you're afraid of a flu bug.

Most sane people are not capable of even comprehending the level of selfish cowardice exhibited these days by your kind.

Go ahead and cower in your mother's basement, if you must. You have nothing to contribute to the world, anyway.

But do not demand that others give up their ability to make a living, to feed and house their families, and do not expect to get handouts funded by taxes paid by those who work.

You deserve to die, starving and homeless—the same fate that you are happy to demand be imposed on others.
What small businesses has tens of thousands in reserve for a completely unprecedented forced shutdown?

Responsible ones. It works for any unforeseen consequences, not unprecedented forced shutdowns. Anyway, she should at least have a cash reserve to feed her children.

What sort or mother doesn’t have an emergency fund to feed their kids?
Before this pandemic.........liberals were whining about how people were living paycheck to paycheck and one check til disaster........

NOW...............the Narrative changes........and to a small business owner..........with the big boys gobbling up the Gov't tit money first......how does she pay the expenses of the businesses with nothing coming in for MONTHS NOW............

She can't........and can't depend on the Gov't titties as others do.........or someone else who hasn't been hit.........probably a Gov't working wanker......putting her down for not being ready as they eat at the Gov't Trough.

At first when this thread started it was about a woman struggling to feed her children.

Now it turns out that it wasn’t the kids, it was keeping the business.

Anyway; yeah, we are complaining about people living paycheck to paycheck. Small business owners got a MASSIVE tax cut from Trump that was supposed to fix this. What happened?
The income from the small business feeds her kids....................

And what happened to all the money from before the shutdown?

Did she not save a little for emergencies?

I mean, this is the lives of her kids we are talking about. Does she not think of them?


Spin doctor.........we never should have shut down................This is FASCISM.........where in the Constitution does it give the State the right to not allow them to make a living....................

She was arrested and fined as Asshat states let Criminals out.

The spin is that she was just doing it to “feed her children” which is bullshit. She’s just trying to shield her actions with appeals to emotion using her kids.

The constitution gives the government broad authority to act on behalf of public safety. Quarantine, social distancing to stop the spread of disease is well without our governments rights and has been for centuries.

If you don’t like it, get the fuck out.

/----/ "The spin?"
How the F**k do you know what her motives were? You know nothing about her personal finances. You're just lashing out because she is a strong woman who stood up for herself. And don't you LIbtrtards preach DO IT FOR THE CHILDREN 24/7??
Thing is, all human freedom relies on a social contract.

I do not know of any contract, social or otherwise, that consists of some vague agreement that lets any or all parties just make up the terms of it on the fly, according to their momentary whims, as you seem to be consistently using the term.

In order to be viable, a contract has to contain solid, objective rules and terms, that all parties thereto agree to observe in their dealings with one another.

So far, I haven't seen any of the the word “contract” by you that includes any understanding of this aspect of it.
At first when this thread started it was about a woman struggling to feed her children.

Now it turns out that it wasn’t the kids, it was keeping the business.

Where do you think she gets the money to pay to feed and care for her children?

Where do you think her employees get the money to feed and care for their children?
The constitution gives the government broad authority to act on behalf of public safety. Quarantine, social distancing to stop the spread of disease is well without our governments rights and has been for centuries.


Quote the text from the Constitution that says any such thing.

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