A Look at the Democrat Judge Who Sent a Mother to Prison for Trying to Feed Her Children

The 9th and 10th amendments in the bill of rights say that government can only do exactly what they are specifically authorized to do, and nothing more.

Not exactly, but somewhat close.

The Ninth Amendment vaguely states that there are other rights than those explicitly named, and that, in effect, just because a right isn't explicitly named and asserted doesn't give government the authority to assume that it can do anything it wishes, as long as it doesn't violate the explicit rights. A fair way of looking at it, I think would be to say that it puts the burden of proof on government to demonstrate that there is sufficient need and justification for any law or policy that it wants to take that in any way impairs anyone's freedom, rather than on the person wishing to exercise some unnamed freedom to prove that his right to do so is greater than government's right to deny him that freedom.

The Tenth Amendment speaks of three entities that have rights or powers—The federal government, the states, and the people. It asserts that the federal government only has those powers which the Constitution specifically delegates to it; and prohibits it from claiming or exercising any other powers, those other powers being reserved to the states or to the people.
The last thing you would ever want to do in an epidemic is a lock down, because all a lock down does is prevent herd immunity and make the death toll greater by keeping the epidemic around longer.

Not to mention the far more devastating side effect, of destroying the economy, and destroying the ability of people to earn a living, as needed to secure food and shelter and all the other needs of life. The economic consequences of this shutdown will kill far more people than the virus ever could have.
Now that all of the fascists have exposed themselves in the CV19 crap, it’s time to purge the fascists from America.

The fascists are exposing themselves. They are called Trump supporters. This is what the protests are about. Right wing fascists who are willing to put the lives of Americans in danger. This bitch was willing to do this. She was rightfully jailed.
People that think like you are very seriously fucked up.

You are the one who is fucked up. Most members of a cult are.
You are accusing her of endangering people's lives; how?
Was she kidnapping people off the street and forcing them into her salon and in close contact with people who might be exposed? (And even that would be a "might")
No, that was the cops and the judge doing that, wasn't it?

If you believe even a little of that shit you are spewing, you are frankly retarded.
If you are spewing that nonsense because you're a finger-wagging little busybody (and this seems way more likely), then IMO, someone should torch your house.

Either way, you're the one behaving like you're in a cult.

STFU Karen.....
He demanded she apologize for being "selfish" or he would have her thrown into a cage.

"Political correctness is communist propaganda writ small. In my study of communist societies, I came to the conclusion that the purpose of communist propaganda was not to persuade or convince, nor to inform, but to humiliate; and therefore, the less it corresponded to reality the better. When people are forced to remain silent when they are being told the most obvious lies, or even worse when they are forced to repeat the lies themselves, they lose once and for all their sense of probity. To assent to obvious lies is to co-operate with evil, and in some small way to become evil oneself. One’s standing to resist anything is thus eroded, and even destroyed. A society of emasculated liars is easy to control. I think if you examine political correctness, it has the same effect and is intended to."
—Theodore Dalrymple, “Our Culture, What’s Left Of It

Anyone who has trouble figuring out who is wrong here, is the reason so much is wrong here.

It's not enough to just “Like” this. This needs to be repeated and emphasized.

It's a blueprint, showing how we wind up dominated by cowardly useful idiots, such as Jackass WANKER Frogbrain, if we don't stand strongly enough against them and their masters.

Yes because a virus pandemic is a communist conspiracy.

Admit it Bob, you failed biology class.

You are in serious need of a doctor.
STFU Karen
Now that all of the fascists have exposed themselves in the CV19 crap, it’s time to purge the fascists from America.

The fascists are exposing themselves. They are called Trump supporters. This is what the protests are about. Right wing fascists who are willing to put the lives of Americans in danger. This bitch was willing to do this. She was rightfully jailed.
People that think like you are very seriously fucked up.

You are the one who is fucked up. Most members of a cult are.
You are accusing her of endangering people's lives; how?
Was she kidnapping people off the street and forcing them into her salon and in close contact with people who might be exposed? (And even that would be a "might")
No, that was the cops and the judge doing that, wasn't it?

If you believe even a little of that shit you are spewing, you are frankly retarded.
If you are spewing that nonsense because you're a finger-wagging little busybody (and this seems way more likely), then IMO, someone should torch your house.

Either way, you're the one behaving like you're in a cult.

STFU Karen.....
In the Leftard world you MUST submit to their tyrannical rule and live in FEAR.
Thing is, all human freedom relies on a social contract.

I do not know of any contract, social or otherwise, that consists of some vague agreement that lets any or all parties just make up the terms of it on the fly, according to their momentary whims, as you seem to be consistently using the term.

In order to be viable, a contract has to contain solid, objective rules and terms, that all parties thereto agree to observe in their dealings with one another.

So far, I haven't seen any of the the word “contract” by you that includes any understanding of this aspect of it.

I think it is pretty implicit in any social contract when we are talking about civilisation that you do not engaged in behaviour contrary to what an elected government has declared dangerous and could kill yourself and your fellow human beings.

Not a hard concept to understand.
The crises is not fake Bob, Trump declared it a national emergency.

The world knows it is a crises.

And the US has through out it's history in a crises restricted some liberty for the greater good, the "to promote the general welfare."

Right at the start of the constitution and always a constitutional fact in US history.

Now I know you do not care about your fellow Americans Bob, you are the kind of guy who at D-day would have stayed on the ship and never landed pretending your were sea sick and demanding your galley meal snow cone, but some Americans care about their fellow Americans and will make sacrifices for them.
If this is what is called a national emergency, then I'm Lincoln's grandmother

Well when America butts out of the affairs of the rest of the world the world will butt out of yours.

A good start would be stop invading and starting wars you cannot win.

Yes more deaths in a few months than the entire Vietnam War.

And the tally will grow ever lager as you unlock.

Have fun.
Why dont you butt out and let Americans worry about ths
Now that all of the fascists have exposed themselves in the CV19 crap, it’s time to purge the fascists from America.

The fascists are exposing themselves. They are called Trump supporters. This is what the protests are about. Right wing fascists who are willing to put the lives of Americans in danger. This bitch was willing to do this. She was rightfully jailed.
Jailed for trying to earn an honest living

she is the opposite of a fascist

Jailed for betraying her fellow human beings and Americans.

"I do not care how fast the virus spreads just as long as I can make a buck."

If this was the Revolutionary War she would be Benedict Arnold.
You are only a foreigner

You have no say in this issue
The preamble of the Constitution states "promote the general welfare " this is a core function of government.

No rational interpretation of the preamble authorized government in any way to violate the rules which the Constitution goes on to establish about what government may or may not do.

If the Preamble really meant what you are trying to force it to mean, then most of the rest of the Constitution would be pointless and irrelevant.

The 9th and 10th amendments in the bill of rights say that government can only do exactly what they are specifically authorized to do, and nothing more.
There is an extreme over ride for martial law, but that is only for the calamity of the legislature not being able to convene due to something like an invasion.
There is no such emergency now.

The President declared the emergency himself.

I quote the 9th amendment.

"The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people."

What that means is the rights spelled out in the Bill of Rights are not the limits to the peoples rights. That other rights may be implied.

Such as the right not to be killed by a juice harp playing hick waving guns and flags, doing what ever he wants, during a global pandemic.
Thing is, all human freedom relies on a social contract.

I do not know of any contract, social or otherwise, that consists of some vague agreement that lets any or all parties just make up the terms of it on the fly, according to their momentary whims, as you seem to be consistently using the term.

In order to be viable, a contract has to contain solid, objective rules and terms, that all parties thereto agree to observe in their dealings with one another.

So far, I haven't seen any of the the word “contract” by you that includes any understanding of this aspect of it.

I think it is pretty implicit in any social contract when we are talking about civilisation that you do not engaged in behaviour contrary to what an elected government has declared dangerous and could kill yourself and your fellow human beings.

Not a hard concept to understand.

The social contract that allows government to exist requires that you have live, liberty, and pursuit of happiness.
If government tries to prevent you from earning a living, then they have made themselves into a deadly threat to your life, and you then are authorized to use deadly force to end that threat.
That is the whole point of how the Declaration of Independence justified the armed rebellion against England.
The social contract is a 2 way obligation.

It is obvious that a lock down is foolish, unnecessary, does nothing to prevent spread, and deprives you of your means of survival.
We shall see, we shall see.

Stay safe.

I'm going to stay free.

Have fun being free when the lock downs get even more intense after the second wave.


The lock down makes no sense and causes a greater death toll by delaying herd immunity.
There is no "second wave", but the fact it was wrong to try to "flatten the curve", and now we will have to instead try to speed up herd immunity.
The preamble of the Constitution states "promote the general welfare " this is a core function of government.

No rational interpretation of the preamble authorized government in any way to violate the rules which the Constitution goes on to establish about what government may or may not do.

If the Preamble really meant what you are trying to force it to mean, then most of the rest of the Constitution would be pointless and irrelevant.

The 9th and 10th amendments in the bill of rights say that government can only do exactly what they are specifically authorized to do, and nothing more.
There is an extreme over ride for martial law, but that is only for the calamity of the legislature not being able to convene due to something like an invasion.
There is no such emergency now.

The President declared the emergency himself.

I quote the 9th amendment.

"The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people."

What that means is the rights spelled out in the Bill of Rights are not the limits to the peoples rights. That other rights may be implied.

Such as the right not to be killed by a juice harp playing hick waving guns and flags, doing what ever he wants, during a global pandemic.

The president declared an emergency in regards to funding.
He did not declare martial law, which is what would be necessary for presidents or governors to be able to make law without the legislature.

There is nothing in the constitution that would allow a lock down, for any reason.
So until marital law is declared, the lock down is illegal.
The preamble of the Constitution states "promote the general welfare " this is a core function of government.

No rational interpretation of the preamble authorized government in any way to violate the rules which the Constitution goes on to establish about what government may or may not do.

If the Preamble really meant what you are trying to force it to mean, then most of the rest of the Constitution would be pointless and irrelevant.

The 9th and 10th amendments in the bill of rights say that government can only do exactly what they are specifically authorized to do, and nothing more.
There is an extreme over ride for martial law, but that is only for the calamity of the legislature not being able to convene due to something like an invasion.
There is no such emergency now.

The President declared the emergency himself.

I quote the 9th amendment.

"The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people."

What that means is the rights spelled out in the Bill of Rights are not the limits to the peoples rights. That other rights may be implied.

Such as the right not to be killed by a juice harp playing hick waving guns and flags, doing what ever he wants, during a global pandemic.

The president declared an emergency in regards to funding.
He did not declare martial law, which is what would be necessary for presidents or governors to be able to make law without the legislature.

There is nothing in the constitution that would allow a lock down, for any reason.
So until marital law is declared, the lock down is illegal.

Constitutional precident would argue otherwise.

In Supreme Court decision Jacobson v. Massachusetts, the judgement stated "though this court has refrained from any attempt to define the limits of [the state’s police] power,…it has distinctly recognized the authority of a State to enact quarantine laws and health laws of every description.”

Once again that pesky "general welfare" thing in the constitution.
We shall see, we shall see.

Stay safe.

I'm going to stay free.

Have fun being free when the lock downs get even more intense after the second wave.

Who is going to enforce it upon me?

Because no one yet has been willing to try.

Translated I am selfish prick who will kill my fellow Americans, perhaps even if they are lucky me first?
Thing is, all human freedom relies on a social contract.

I do not know of any contract, social or otherwise, that consists of some vague agreement that lets any or all parties just make up the terms of it on the fly, according to their momentary whims, as you seem to be consistently using the term.

In order to be viable, a contract has to contain solid, objective rules and terms, that all parties thereto agree to observe in their dealings with one another.

So far, I haven't seen any of the the word “contract” by you that includes any understanding of this aspect of it.

I think it is pretty implicit in any social contract when we are talking about civilisation that you do not engaged in behaviour contrary to what an elected government has declared dangerous and could kill yourself and your fellow human beings.

Not a hard concept to understand.

The social contract that allows government to exist requires that you have live, liberty, and pursuit of happiness.
If government tries to prevent you from earning a living, then they have made themselves into a deadly threat to your life, and you then are authorized to use deadly force to end that threat.
That is the whole point of how the Declaration of Independence justified the armed rebellion against England.
The social contract is a 2 way obligation.

It is obvious that a lock down is foolish, unnecessary, does nothing to prevent spread, and deprives you of your means of survival.

Indeed, the word life comes first because without it you cannot have liberty or the pursuit of happiness, hence in a pandemic to cultivate the two latter you have to take rational actions to preserve the former for both yourself and your fellow citizens.
We shall see, we shall see.

Stay safe.

I'm going to stay free.

Have fun being free when the lock downs get even more intense after the second wave.

Who is going to enforce it upon me?

Because no one yet has been willing to try.

Translated I am selfish prick who will kill my fellow Americans, perhaps even if they are lucky me first?

Try to put me in a cage and you won't believe how fast I kill you.

And then I'll kill all your friends, all your coworkers, and I'll even burn your house down and I might just rape your dog on the front lawn by the light of the flames.

Come anytime.
We shall see, we shall see.

Stay safe.

I'm going to stay free.

Have fun being free when the lock downs get even more intense after the second wave.

Who is going to enforce it upon me?

Because no one yet has been willing to try.

Translated I am selfish prick who will kill my fellow Americans, perhaps even if they are lucky me first?

Try to put me in a cage and you won't believe how fast I kill you.

And then I'll kill all your friends, all your coworkers, and I'll even burn your house down and I might just rape your dog on the front lawn by the light of the flames.

Come anytime.
View attachment 334206

Wow, it is not even a full moon.

But I think you have expressed the real nature of the "freedom fighters" who have never fought in a war and only care about themselves.

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