A Look at the Democrat Judge Who Sent a Mother to Prison for Trying to Feed Her Children

The President declared the emergency himself.

I quote the 9th amendment.

"The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people."

What that means is the rights spelled out in the Bill of Rights are not the limits to the peoples rights. That other rights may be implied.

Such as the right not to be killed by a juice harp playing hick waving guns and flags, doing what ever he wants, during a global pandemic.

It is beginning to appear that there is no hope of a sane conversation with you. You've graduated from just making shit up that directly contradicts our Constitution, and claiming that our Constitution supports it, to directly quoting part of our Constitution in defense of a premise which directly contradicts the very part of the Constitution which you are quoting.

There is no rational nor honest way to read the Ninth Amendment as giving license for government to engage in corruption and tyranny that the Constitution explicitly forbids elsewhere. What the Ninth Amendment makes clear is the opposite of the meaning that you are trying to force on it; that the limits on government abuse are stricter than otherwise indicated, not less strict.
The President declared the emergency himself.

I quote the 9th amendment.

"The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people."

What that means is the rights spelled out in the Bill of Rights are not the limits to the peoples rights. That other rights may be implied.

Such as the right not to be killed by a juice harp playing hick waving guns and flags, doing what ever he wants, during a global pandemic.

It is beginning to appear that there is no hope of a sane conversation with you. You've graduated from just making shit up that directly contradicts our Constitution, and claiming that our Constitution supports it, to directly quoting part of our Constitution in defense of a premise which directly contradicts the very part of the Constitution which you are quoting.

There is no rational nor honest way to read the Ninth Amendment as giving license for government to engage in corruption and tyranny that the Constitution explicitly forbids elsewhere. What the Ninth Amendment makes clear is the opposite of the meaning that you are trying to force on it; that the limits on government abuse are stricter than otherwise indicated, not less strict.

It would seem the Supreme Court and legal precident disagrees with you.

Because anyone who has ever picked up a history book knows you cannot have general welfare if every half wit in the country just does what they want to all the time.

That is not a country, that is hip hop.

Once again I refer you to constitutional legal precedent Bob.

"Jacobson v. Massachusetts, the judgement stated "though this court has refrained from any attempt to define the limits of [the state’s police] power,…it has distinctly recognized the authority of a State to enact quarantine laws and health laws of every description.”
Wow, it is not even a full moon.

But I think you have expressed the real nature of the "freedom fighters" who have never fought in a war and only care about themselves.

At the end of the day, there is no reason why any American should care about how you think we should run our country.

You grovel as a subject before a Queen who unaccountably rules over you, from a distant land, just as her great-great-great-great grandfather tried to rule over my country and its people. Even as ignorant as you clearly are, surely you must know how that ended up working out. From the same royal rule that we rejected, from the same degenerate, tyrannical ideology against which we violently rebelled, you arrogantly presume to preach to us that we should submit to similar tyranny to that which you embrace.

You don't understand us Americans, and our opposition to the sort of tyranny that you take for granted, because you do not know the difference between being subject to a ruler, and being a citizen of a free country where government is meant to be our servant, and not our master.
Wow, it is not even a full moon.

But I think you have expressed the real nature of the "freedom fighters" who have never fought in a war and only care about themselves.

At the end of the day, there is no reason why any American should care about how you think we should run our country.

You grovel as a subject before a Queen who unaccountably rules over you, from a distant land, just as her great⁴ grandfather tried to rule over my country and its people. Even as ignorant as you clearly are, surely you must know how that ended up working out. From the same royal rule that we rejected, from the same degenerate, tyrannical ideology against which we violently rebelled, you arrogantly presume to preach to us that we should submit to similar tyranny to that which you embrace.

You don't understand us Americans, and our opposition to the sort of tyranny that you take for granted, because you do not know the difference between being subject to a ruler, and being a citizen of a free country where government is meant to be our servant, and not our master.

I am not quoting the Queen, I am quoting the US Supreme Court.
And Bob just another thought, have you ever considered the Revolutionary War ended a long time ago?

And you are not fighting the Queen, you are fighting a global pandemic?
We shall see, we shall see.

Stay safe.

I'm going to stay free.

Have fun being free when the lock downs get even more intense after the second wave.

Who is going to enforce it upon me?

Because no one yet has been willing to try.

Translated I am selfish prick who will kill my fellow Americans, perhaps even if they are lucky me first?

Try to put me in a cage and you won't believe how fast I kill you.

And then I'll kill all your friends, all your coworkers, and I'll even burn your house down and I might just rape your dog on the front lawn by the light of the flames.

Come anytime.
View attachment 334206

Wow, it is not even a full moon.

But I think you have expressed the real nature of the "freedom fighters" who have never fought in a war and only care about themselves.
I have fought in more than one war, how about you?

Zero, right?

And Bob just another thought, have you ever considered the Revolutionary War ended a long time ago?

And yet there are those, like you and Tainted Tommy, who more than two centuries later, refuse to recognize the outcome of that war, and who still believe you have any standing to tell us how to run our country.

And you are not fighting the Queen, you are fighting a global pandemic?

No, your Queen is your problem, not ours. We kicked her great-great-great-great grandfather's ass, a very long time ago.

We are now fighting tyranny and corruption in our own various state-level governments, who have used this “pandemic” hoax as an excuse to illegally seize powers to which they have no vestige of any legitimate claim, to violate the most basic and essential Constitutional rights of the people that they are supposed to be serving.
We shall see, we shall see.

Stay safe.

I'm going to stay free.

Have fun being free when the lock downs get even more intense after the second wave.


Who is going to enforce it upon me?

Because no one yet has been willing to try.

Translated I am selfish prick who will kill my fellow Americans, perhaps even if they are lucky me first?

Try to put me in a cage and you won't believe how fast I kill you.

And then I'll kill all your friends, all your coworkers, and I'll even burn your house down and I might just rape your dog on the front lawn by the light of the flames.

Come anytime.
View attachment 334206

Wow, it is not even a full moon.

But I think you have expressed the real nature of the "freedom fighters" who have never fought in a war and only care about themselves.
I have fought in more than one war, how about you?

Zero, right?


Let me guess you fought in the two the US just lost?

We won mine, it ten minutes really.
And Bob just another thought, have you ever considered the Revolutionary War ended a long time ago?

And yet there are those, like you and Tainted Tommy, who more than two centuries later, refuse to recognize the outcome of that war, and who still believe you have any standing to tell us how to run our country.

And you are not fighting the Queen, you are fighting a global pandemic?

No, your Queen is your problem, not ours. We kicked her great-great-great-great grandfather's ass, a very long time ago.

We are now fighting tyranny and corruption in our own various state-level governments, who have used this “pandemic” hoax as an excuse to illegally seize powers to which they have no vestige of any legitimate claim, to violate the most basic and essential Constitutional rights of the people that they are supposed to be serving.

No wonder the US can't deal with a virus pandemic, you guys are lost still fighting the Revolutionary War.

You know the war where the slave owning tax dodgers needed the French Navy to some in and save them from defeat.
No wonder the US can't deal with a virus pandemic, you guys are lost still fighting the Revolutionary War.

No, we very decisively one that war, generations ago. And again, when the losers of that war tried for a rematch some generations later.

The only reason to bring up up, now, is that a few worthless cretins remain, so many generations later, still clinging to the side that lost that war, and still thinking that their side has any place presuming to tell us Americans how to run our country. The whole point of that war was to establish that your kind have no say in how we run our country.

It's almost like you want to get your asses seriously kicked again, just as we did in 1776 and 1912.

You do realize, don't you, that if it came to that again, my country would have the military capability, if necessary, to completely wipe both your country and Tainted Tommy's country off the face of the Earth, and your countries would be relatively powerless to oppose us if we did. We sure as Hell didn't get to be this way by taking advice from your kind.
No wonder the US can't deal with a virus pandemic, you guys are lost still fighting the Revolutionary War.

No, we very decisively one that war, generations ago. And again, when the losers of that war tried for a rematch some generations later.

The only reason to bring up up, now, is that a few worthless cretins remain, so many generations later, still clinging to the side that lost that war, and still thinking that their side has any place presuming to tell us Americans how to run our country. The whole point of that war was to establish that your kind have no say in how we run our country.

It's almost like you want to get your asses seriously kicked again, just as we did in 1776 and 1912.

You do realize, don't you, that if it came to that again, my country would have the military capability, if necessary, to completely wipe both your country and Tainted Tommy's country off the face of the Earth, and your countries would be relatively powerless to oppose us if we did. We sure as Hell didn't get to be this way by taking advice from your kind.

I was not aware you fought the British Empire in 1912.

As for threatening to wipe out America's current allies, no wonder American foreign policy is failing so miserably these days.

Because Trump knows as much about history and foreign policy as you do.

You cannot even win a war against flea bitten, stone throwing Islamic intoxicated half wits in Afghanistan.

Word of advise Bob, the revolutionary war is over, you live in a different time. Put the tricorne hate away and live in reality.
We shall see, we shall see.

Stay safe.

I'm going to stay free.

Have fun being free when the lock downs get even more intense after the second wave.


Who is going to enforce it upon me?

Because no one yet has been willing to try.

Translated I am selfish prick who will kill my fellow Americans, perhaps even if they are lucky me first?

Try to put me in a cage and you won't believe how fast I kill you.

And then I'll kill all your friends, all your coworkers, and I'll even burn your house down and I might just rape your dog on the front lawn by the light of the flames.

Come anytime.
View attachment 334206

Wow, it is not even a full moon.

But I think you have expressed the real nature of the "freedom fighters" who have never fought in a war and only care about themselves.
I have fought in more than one war, how about you?

Zero, right?


Let me guess you fought in the two the US just lost?

We won mine, it ten minutes really.
I bet. (But not really. )

And I got paid for my work, so I'm good.
Word of advise Bob, the revolutionary war is over, you live in a different time. Put the tricorne [sic] hate away and live in reality.

Stop trying to tell us how to run our country, then. The whole point of that war was to establish that you have no say, whatsoever in how we run our country.
We shall see, we shall see.

Stay safe.

I'm going to stay free.

Have fun being free when the lock downs get even more intense after the second wave.


Who is going to enforce it upon me?

Because no one yet has been willing to try.

Translated I am selfish prick who will kill my fellow Americans, perhaps even if they are lucky me first?

Try to put me in a cage and you won't believe how fast I kill you.

And then I'll kill all your friends, all your coworkers, and I'll even burn your house down and I might just rape your dog on the front lawn by the light of the flames.

Come anytime.
View attachment 334206

Wow, it is not even a full moon.

But I think you have expressed the real nature of the "freedom fighters" who have never fought in a war and only care about themselves.
I have fought in more than one war, how about you?

Zero, right?


Let me guess you fought in the two the US just lost?

We won mine, it ten minutes really.
I bet. (But not really. )

And I got paid for my work, so I'm good.

In reality mate I have a lot of admiration for what the military tried to do in Iraq and Afghanistan.

The military did not fail, they were given unrealistic and confused political goals to achieve.

But I personally do respect ever last man and woman who served there.
Word of advise Bob, the revolutionary war is over, you live in a different time. Put the tricorne [sic] hate away and live in reality.

Stop trying to tell us how to run our country, then. The whole point of that war was to establish that you have no say, whatsoever in how we run our country.

Well Bob when the USA stops trying to tell the world how to run their countries the world will stop shaking their heads at how poorly Americans are running yours.
No wonder the US can't deal with a virus pandemic, you guys are lost still fighting the Revolutionary War.

No, we very decisively one that war, generations ago. And again, when the losers of that war tried for a rematch some generations later.

The only reason to bring up up, now, is that a few worthless cretins remain, so many generations later, still clinging to the side that lost that war, and still thinking that their side has any place presuming to tell us Americans how to run our country. The whole point of that war was to establish that your kind have no say in how we run our country.

It's almost like you want to get your asses seriously kicked again, just as we did in 1776 and 1912.

You do realize, don't you, that if it came to that again, my country would have the military capability, if necessary, to completely wipe both your country and Tainted Tommy's country off the face of the Earth, and your countries would be relatively powerless to oppose us if we did. We sure as Hell didn't get to be this way by taking advice from your kind.

I was not aware you fought the British Empire in 1912.

As for threatening to wipe out America's current allies, no wonder American foreign policy is failing so miserably these days.

Because Trump knows as much about history and foreign policy as you do.

You cannot even win a war against flea bitten, stone throwing Islamic intoxicated half wits in Afghanistan.

Word of advise Bob, the revolutionary war is over, you live in a different time. Put the tricorne hate away and live in reality.
We did win that one; by the end of 2003 that entire country was a smoldering ruin. We should have just released a thousand feral hogs and left.

But someone smelled money and had their bought and paid for Congress critters get us into the "nation building" business.
You can see how that worked out.
In Afghanistan, the US broke the safe haven of Al Qeada, the Taliban sanctuary. Al Qeada has never really recovered, either in real capacity or influence in the Islamic radical world. Hence the rise of groups like ISIS, which the US along with the Kurds and others, even US enemies like Syria and Russia, was effective at crushing.

After the initial victory the US should have just set up a strongman government in Kabul and then stayed out of nation building as you suggest. Just help that government hunt anyone or group overtly anti US or Western.

Afghanistan is never going to be Switzerland.

In Iraq people forget the US and coalition knocked Saddam out in quick time with little loss of life, either US or Iraqi.

And I was in the First Gulf War and saw what Saddam had ordered and did in Kuwait City first hand, and later was in an operation Provide Comfort, humanitarian aid with the Kurd's in the aftermath of that war, I do believe that bastard needed to go, but there was no occupation plan what so ever

That was not the military's fault but Bremmer, Rumsfeld and the Administration.

The US made the foolish decision to disband an Iraqi Army that largely did not defend Saddam and was not disarmed as a result, to make them unemployed when large groups of Iraqi army officers had approached the US and said they would cooperate and help keep order in the country.

The result, instant insurgency.

Bad move.
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All the arguments in favor of the judge have come to nothing. The Texas legislature met in emergency session and passed a law prohibiting either a jail sentence or excessive fines for people going to work at an otherwise legal business.

So all your hot air about endangering lives is just hot air.

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