"A lot of people are going to lose homes,cars...


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
"We have confirmed more than 100 Emory health care employees are going to lose their jobs in part because of the Affordable (health) Care Act," said a local anchor.

"I think it's bad it's affordable health care and people are losing their jobs," said a man interviewed by the reporter.

"It's sad. It really is," said another man.
"A lot of people are going to lose their homes and cars and everything they worked all their life for."
Georgia Healthcare Company to Lay Off Over 100 Because of Obamacare | The Weekly Standard

But remember Obama told us he favored this consequence!!

Obama has told us :"I happen to be a proponent of a single payer universal health care program"
Which means Obama want to put the 1,300 health insurance companies out of business that pay $100 billion in taxes including in some of your towns property taxes on office buildings,etc while laying off 400,000 health insurance employees!

It seems very obvious to me that if Obama wants ONE payer and not 1,300 health insurance payers... he favors the
above layoffs! He favors the fact this company and the other 1,300 will be paying lower Federal,state/local and in some cases less property taxes and people in Detroit can tell you what happened to their property taxes while at the same time there were less
cops on patrol!

All because Obama has NO Concept of what it means to be "profitable"! He has been paid ALL HIS life from taxes collected from profits!
Ocare will be the biggest train wreck in our history. It will be the Smoot-Hawley of the 21st century.
This isn't an Affordable Health Care Act.

There is nothing in the plan that makes health care more affordable, the costs are rising, they are going to continue to rise. Nothing was written into the bill to control costs.

This is redistribution of wealth act.
"We have confirmed more than 100 Emory health care employees are going to lose their jobs in part because of the Affordable (health) Care Act," said a local anchor.

"I think it's bad it's affordable health care and people are losing their jobs," said a man interviewed by the reporter.

"It's sad. It really is," said another man.
"A lot of people are going to lose their homes and cars and everything they worked all their life for."
Georgia Healthcare Company to Lay Off Over 100 Because of Obamacare | The Weekly Standard

But remember Obama told us he favored this consequence!!

Obama has told us :"I happen to be a proponent of a single payer universal health care program"
Which means Obama want to put the 1,300 health insurance companies out of business that pay $100 billion in taxes including in some of your towns property taxes on office buildings,etc while laying off 400,000 health insurance employees!

It seems very obvious to me that if Obama wants ONE payer and not 1,300 health insurance payers... he favors the
above layoffs! He favors the fact this company and the other 1,300 will be paying lower Federal,state/local and in some cases less property taxes and people in Detroit can tell you what happened to their property taxes while at the same time there were less
cops on patrol!

All because Obama has NO Concept of what it means to be "profitable"! He has been paid ALL HIS life from taxes collected from profits!

This is rather irrelevant. We can take another look at it.

You want to put hundreds of companies out of business and destroy thousands of jobs because you oppose credits, tax payoffs and grants to green energy companies. How horrible of you…

Simply put, the existence of an industry and the jobs it creates is not what we should be looking at as to whether or not laws will eliminate them. If single payer was a better way to bring healthcare to people then we should pursue it regardless of the state of the insurance industry and the jobs it creates. Essentially, we should not support a business sector that should not exist in the first place.

The real argument is against whether or not the insurance industry is the best way for us to handle healthcare expenses in the first place. I think that it is as the government is insanely inefficient and we are going to seriously limit the freedom in any system where the government has control over the decision making process. Even being against single payer, using things like this do nothing but degrade the opposing argument because it is off base to begin with.
"I happen to be a proponent of a single payer universal health care program" Which means Obama want to put the 1,300 health insurance companies out of business ...

single payer simply means everyone self insures rather than there be individual or company policies - it has nothing to do with the providers ... and will be the best alternative after October.
"We have confirmed more than 100 Emory health care employees are going to lose their jobs in part because of the Affordable (health) Care Act," said a local anchor.

"I think it's bad it's affordable health care and people are losing their jobs," said a man interviewed by the reporter.

"It's sad. It really is," said another man.
"A lot of people are going to lose their homes and cars and everything they worked all their life for."
Georgia Healthcare Company to Lay Off Over 100 Because of Obamacare | The Weekly Standard

But remember Obama told us he favored this consequence!!

Obama has told us :"I happen to be a proponent of a single payer universal health care program"
Which means Obama want to put the 1,300 health insurance companies out of business that pay $100 billion in taxes including in some of your towns property taxes on office buildings,etc while laying off 400,000 health insurance employees!

It seems very obvious to me that if Obama wants ONE payer and not 1,300 health insurance payers... he favors the
above layoffs! He favors the fact this company and the other 1,300 will be paying lower Federal,state/local and in some cases less property taxes and people in Detroit can tell you what happened to their property taxes while at the same time there were less
cops on patrol!

All because Obama has NO Concept of what it means to be "profitable"! He has been paid ALL HIS life from taxes collected from profits!

This is rather irrelevant. We can take another look at it.

You want to put hundreds of companies out of business and destroy thousands of jobs because you oppose credits, tax payoffs and grants to green energy companies. How horrible of you…

Simply put, the existence of an industry and the jobs it creates is not what we should be looking at as to whether or not laws will eliminate them. If single payer was a better way to bring healthcare to people then we should pursue it regardless of the state of the insurance industry and the jobs it creates. Essentially, we should not support a business sector that should not exist in the first place.

The real argument is against whether or not the insurance industry is the best way for us to handle healthcare expenses in the first place. I think that it is as the government is insanely inefficient and we are going to seriously limit the freedom in any system where the government has control over the decision making process. Even being against single payer, using things like this do nothing but degrade the opposing argument because it is off base to begin with.

NO the real argument is the FALSE statement there are 46 million uninsured which was used to pass this crap!

1) 18 million people under 34 making over $50k didn't want employer insurance because it was too expensive for their immediate needs, i.e. they spend less the $1,000 a year for their health services, i.e. going to doctor, etc. out of their own pocket and many have catastrophic insurance that is far less then their group plans... YET nitwits because they wanted to give a BIG number count them ERRONEOUSLY!
Subtract from 46 million the 18 million and you get 28 million!

2) 14 million that say they are uninsured DON"T KNOW they are covered by Medicaid!
Subtract from 28 million the 14 million covered by Medicaid leaves 14 million

3) 10 million counted in his "46 million" WERE NOT citizens!!!
Income, Poverty and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States: 2009 - Income & Wealth - Newsroom - U.S. Census Bureau
Subtract from 14 million the 10 million NOT citizens leaves 4 million!

Do you comprehend that NONE of this ACA crap was necessary! The ONLY good thing was the model of taxing tanning salons 10% because their link to causing cancer!

But instead of tanning salons TAX the $270 billion lawyers make and use the $27 billion to pay the premiums for all the 4 million uninsured that want insurance!
Then watch how quick the $850 billion a year that NO ONE other then the doctors that CREATE it i.e. "defensive medicine" that is directly caused by the FEAR OF LAWSUITS! 90% of doctors say they do duplicate tests,wasteful... just so they won't be sued!
HOW STUPID! Then if the 10% tax was tied to declining $850 billion defensive medicine WATCH how drastic premiums would drop!
The idiocy is people don't understand that states' regulators look at premium hike requests as they are tied to claims paid out!
Lower amount of claims means less premiums can be raised, less raised means lower insurance. THAT simple!

And no one here seems to understand that hospitals markup sometimes 6,000% claims sent to Medicare/insurance companies because they are recouping cost of the EMTALA 1986 feel good legislation!

My point is
A) There are only less then 4 million that want and need and are legal to get health insurance ...not 46 million!
B) Tax lawyers and use to pay premiums of the 4 million uninsured!
C) Audit hospitals so they won't over charge sometimes 6,000% Medicare/insurance companies!
THEN watch the premiums decline and more of the "uninsured" become insured!

How many times have you posted that bullshit?


Well phrased. I disagree....having seen single payer first hand in Japan..and knowing that the way Medicare is handled is efficient. The Japanese government is quite a bit "noisier" than ours, by the way. And they never once intruded into the discussion between me and medical professionals.

I appreciate your measured comments, though. It means we can have a discussion.
The left did not have enough support to pass a single payer bill.
They passed this one to purposely fail so that they can then get the single payer one.
Sen. Harry Reid got up on the Senate floor and just admitted it not to long ago.
They did this on purpose and it has and will continually harm the people of this nation.
This is the lowest of the low with Progressive Democrats.

First they blocked any bills out of the housing committee to regulate the illegal housing going on. Proof was given to them that Freddy Mac was doing illegal hedge funds but they waited till they got into power to do anything about it. Then it was too late.
This selfish move harmed millions of home owners, took away their savings and cost them their jobs.

Then they are closing down the coal mines and stopping the pipeline from Canada.
Now the Health Care Bill, all of which is causing people to lose their jobs and all they have worked for all their lives.
"I happen to be a proponent of a single payer universal health care program" Which means Obama want to put the 1,300 health insurance companies out of business ...

single payer simply means everyone self insures rather than there be individual or company policies - it has nothing to do with the providers ... and will be the best alternative after October.

Single payer means that there is only one single pay source for all healthcare. I have no idea what you mean by ‘self insures’ as that has nothing to do with single payer as far as I can tell. There really is only one way to do single payer and that is the government takes over all healthcare payments and to be quite frank that is NEVER a good option let alone one after October.
"I happen to be a proponent of a single payer universal health care program" Which means Obama want to put the 1,300 health insurance companies out of business ...

single payer simply means everyone self insures rather than there be individual or company policies - it has nothing to do with the providers ... and will be the best alternative after October.

Single payer means that there is only one single pay source for all healthcare. I have no idea what you mean by ‘self insures’ as that has nothing to do with single payer as far as I can tell. There really is only one way to do single payer and that is the government takes over all healthcare payments and to be quite frank that is NEVER a good option let alone one after October.

I have an individual policy - most people are covered by their employer group policies.

Group policies are less expensive -

Single payer eliminates group policies and everyone chooses their own individual policy.

single payer simply means everyone self insures rather than there be individual or company policies - it has nothing to do with the providers ... and will be the best alternative after October.

Single payer means that there is only one single pay source for all healthcare. I have no idea what you mean by ‘self insures’ as that has nothing to do with single payer as far as I can tell. There really is only one way to do single payer and that is the government takes over all healthcare payments and to be quite frank that is NEVER a good option let alone one after October.

I have an individual policy - most people are covered by their employer group policies.

Group policies are less expensive -

Single payer eliminates group policies and everyone chooses their own individual policy.



Think Medicare. Medicare is single payer. See?
Single payer means that there is only one single pay source for all healthcare. I have no idea what you mean by ‘self insures’ as that has nothing to do with single payer as far as I can tell. There really is only one way to do single payer and that is the government takes over all healthcare payments and to be quite frank that is NEVER a good option let alone one after October.

I have an individual policy - most people are covered by their employer group policies.

Group policies are less expensive -

Single payer eliminates group policies and everyone chooses their own individual policy.



Think Medicare. Medicare is single payer. See?

sounds good to me but single payer does not necessarily have to be administered by the gov't.

I have an individual policy - most people are covered by their employer group policies.

Group policies are less expensive -

Single payer eliminates group policies and everyone chooses their own individual policy.



Think Medicare. Medicare is single payer. See?

sounds good to me but single payer does not necessarily have to be administered by the gov't.

Well......perhaps not......but that is the way just about every other first-world nation does it.

We have failed here....we have royally screwed our citizens and businesses when it comes to health care.
what a pile of Pubcrappe...

Single payer quote was YEARS AGO, hater dupes.


Before O-CARE, 750k bankruptcies a year. After, NONE.or lots fewer- NO MORE SCAM PLANS, CUT OFFS, CAPS...

OP- Jobs lost not because of O- CARE, BUT BECAUSE of fear mongered and greedy PUB employers. It'll work in the end. gd pubs anyway lol.

Your numbers are still horseshytte- NO MORE FREELOADERS with the most expensive ER care, with no preventive care...
what a pile of Pubcrappe...

Single payer quote was YEARS AGO, hater dupes.


Before O-CARE, 750k bankruptcies a year. After, NONE.or lots fewer- NO MORE SCAM PLANS, CUT OFFS, CAPS...

OP- Jobs lost not because of O- CARE, BUT BECAUSE of fear mongered and greedy PUB employers. It'll work in the end. gd pubs anyway lol.

Your numbers are still horseshytte- NO MORE FREELOADERS with the most expensive ER care, with no preventive care...

Tell that to the IRS workers and Unions who want out of it.
"I happen to be a proponent of a single payer universal health care program" Which means Obama want to put the 1,300 health insurance companies out of business ...

single payer simply means everyone self insures rather than there be individual or company policies - it has nothing to do with the providers ... and will be the best alternative after October.

WTF are you talking about? Do you even know? "Single payer" means just that. There is one payer for health care services. That one payer is the U.S. Government. i.e. socialized medicine. It has failed in every other country, delivering sub standard care and exploding costs. Tell me why it's gonna be different this time.
Single-payer health care - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Health insurance industry, medical industry, and pharma industry brought it on themselves.

They are being regulated because they could not control their greed and hurt many millions in the process.
Health insurance industry, medical industry, and pharma industry brought it on themselves.

They are being regulated because they could not control their greed and hurt many millions in the process.

Wow, Jake. That's stupid, even for you. For the record, the insurance companies lobbied heavily for Ocare. This is because Ocare forces healthy young people to sign up for expensive insurance they can't afford. It doesn't matter they can't afford it because the gov't will step in and pay the tab.
What business would not want millions of new customers with Uncle paying the bill?

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