A Love Story

Well they are in love.
How do you know this? Did they tell you themselves? Just because they do the deed together doesn't mean that they are in love. How many humans are guilty of doing the deed with someone no matter how they feel about that someone that they do the deed with? Too many to count.

God bless you always!!!

These gay penguins will end up the same way as the other set of Gay penguins. They both found female mates next breeding season.

What's wrong with you that Pink News is worthy?
Stop trying to politicise penguin love.
Animals don't love.
The evidence would suggest that you are wrong.
Gay pride! Two male lions are spotted mating in Botswana
Open up your heart man.Celebrate love in a world that is full of hate.
Oh my, penguins and lions do the gay.
Well they are in love.
How do you know this? Did they tell you themselves? Just because they do the deed together doesn't mean that they are in love. How many humans are guilty of doing the deed with someone no matter how they feel about that someone that they do the deed with? Too many to count.

God bless you always!!!


Yeah yeah..so one fag penguin out of the rest that always go for females when they have the chance. Not much of anything to call home about.

It only takes one to disprove your carefully considered opinion.

Silo and Roy split up for females. As has every other faggot penguin couple and every faggot penguin couple in the foreseeable future.

Are you happy to concede this point now ?
Nope...it takes more than one.
It doesnt. One lonely bird destroyed your case.
Wrong you old retard. Exceptions do not prove the rule. One lone faggot bird proves nothing. Try again.
Well they are in love.
How do you know this? Did they tell you themselves? Just because they do the deed together doesn't mean that they are in love. How many humans are guilty of doing the deed with someone no matter how they feel about that someone that they do the deed with? Too many to count.

God bless you always!!!


Its very big of you to admit how smart you are not.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. I'll pray that you get whatever help it is that you need soon. :) :) :)
Yeah yeah..so one fag penguin out of the rest that always go for females when they have the chance. Not much of anything to call home about.

It only takes one to disprove your carefully considered opinion.

Silo and Roy split up for females. As has every other faggot penguin couple and every faggot penguin couple in the foreseeable future.

Are you happy to concede this point now ?
Nope...it takes more than one.
It doesnt. One lonely bird destroyed your case.
Wrong you old retard. Exceptions do not prove the rule. One lone faggot bird proves nothing. Try again.

Scary stuff...

Homosexuality in animals is seen as controversial by social conservatives because it asserts the naturalness of homosexuality in humans, while others counter that it has no implications and is nonsensical to equate animal behavior to morality.

List of animals displaying homosexual behavior - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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^^^ What I pray for has never hurt me. It might hurt other people due to the way that they choose to deal with certain things, but they have never hurt me. :) :) :)

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)

Most if not all animals will exhibit homosexual behavior when deprived of a suitable mste. After all, men and women in prison do it. When they get out they no longer have homosexual inclinations.
Especially some of these "refugees":

" Ladies, gents, and everyone who can’t decide what the hell they are, I believe we’ve found the Ethnomasochist of the Decade.

Karsten Nordal Hauken describes himself as a “socialist, feminist, and anti-racist.” That’s three strikes right there. He is a member of Norway’s Socialist Left Party. Although allegedly a Norwegian, many have suggested that his brown eyes disqualify him from any claims to a pure Nordic badass Berserker Viking heritage.

Hauken says that about five years ago, he was brutally raped by a Somali migrant he’d invited to his apartment, presumably to play checkers and talk about the weather. After being raped, he was rushed by an ambulance to an emergency center, where DNA evidence was plucked from his rectum.

About six months later, his assailant was arrested for carrying a knife, and police matched his DNA to that they’d scraped from Hauken’s booty-hole. The unnamed Somalian claimed that his sexual encounter with Hauken was consensual, but he was found guilty at trial and spent four and a half years in prison for the crime.

But Hauken says that after being informed that his former ass-invader will be deported to Somalia after being released from prison, he is undergoing a severe crisis of conscience that, but of course, he wishes to share with the world for their edification and—in my case, at least—amusement.

“He is a specimen of True Belief that is so extreme, you can’t even rape it out of him. Hauken walks the walk and talks the talk. Or, more properly, he limps the limp and lisps the lisp.”
I’ll allow Hauken to hang—or, rather, geld—himself with his own words:

I felt a relief and joy that he was going away forever. I felt that the Norwegian government took on the responsibility to exercise the ultimate revenge, like an angry father who confronts a child abuser….But I also got a strong sense of guilt and responsibility. I was the reason why he should not have to leave Norway, and heading for a very uncertain future in Somalia. He had already served his sentence in prison. Should he now be punished again? And this time much harder?…"
Grab Your Ankles and Let Them In
Especially some of these "refugees":

" Ladies, gents, and everyone who can’t decide what the hell they are, I believe we’ve found the Ethnomasochist of the Decade.

Karsten Nordal Hauken describes himself as a “socialist, feminist, and anti-racist.” That’s three strikes right there. He is a member of Norway’s Socialist Left Party. Although allegedly a Norwegian, many have suggested that his brown eyes disqualify him from any claims to a pure Nordic badass Berserker Viking heritage.

Hauken says that about five years ago, he was brutally raped by a Somali migrant he’d invited to his apartment, presumably to play checkers and talk about the weather. After being raped, he was rushed by an ambulance to an emergency center, where DNA evidence was plucked from his rectum.

About six months later, his assailant was arrested for carrying a knife, and police matched his DNA to that they’d scraped from Hauken’s booty-hole. The unnamed Somalian claimed that his sexual encounter with Hauken was consensual, but he was found guilty at trial and spent four and a half years in prison for the crime.

But Hauken says that after being informed that his former ass-invader will be deported to Somalia after being released from prison, he is undergoing a severe crisis of conscience that, but of course, he wishes to share with the world for their edification and—in my case, at least—amusement.

“He is a specimen of True Belief that is so extreme, you can’t even rape it out of him. Hauken walks the walk and talks the talk. Or, more properly, he limps the limp and lisps the lisp.”
I’ll allow Hauken to hang—or, rather, geld—himself with his own words:

I felt a relief and joy that he was going away forever. I felt that the Norwegian government took on the responsibility to exercise the ultimate revenge, like an angry father who confronts a child abuser….But I also got a strong sense of guilt and responsibility. I was the reason why he should not have to leave Norway, and heading for a very uncertain future in Somalia. He had already served his sentence in prison. Should he now be punished again? And this time much harder?…"
Grab Your Ankles and Let Them In

They really are that stupid.

Well they are in love.
How do you know this? Did they tell you themselves? Just because they do the deed together doesn't mean that they are in love. How many humans are guilty of doing the deed with someone no matter how they feel about that someone that they do the deed with? Too many to count.

God bless you always!!!

I think that deep down none of us really know do we ?

Think of the people who break up,couples that you think are the perfect couple. What we do know is that they were in love at a certain time.

What does that look like.Wanting to be with the other person,spend time with them and so on.When anything happens they are the first person you want to tell. When my wife smiles my world lights up. Its a lot deeper than a carnal urge.

So if you look at these penguins they are obviously not just in it for the sex. They could get that quite easily, as you would imagine, in a breeding colony. Outside of sex they preferred each others company and to me that is the key.

When humans arent in love they dont want to spend any time with their sexual partners unless they are at it. Why would you ?
Yeah yeah..so one fag penguin out of the rest that always go for females when they have the chance. Not much of anything to call home about.

It only takes one to disprove your carefully considered opinion.

Silo and Roy split up for females. As has every other faggot penguin couple and every faggot penguin couple in the foreseeable future.

Are you happy to concede this point now ?
Nope...it takes more than one.
Well when you set the bar so high it doesnt take more than one to make you look silly.
I think it dehumanises the relationship to try and explain it in scientific terms.

In my experience when you see that "special one" time stands still and your soul explodes with love.

Of course in this instance that love is being subsidised by the taxpayer and that cant be right.
Maybe for you. Animals don't have that special one where time stands still.

Some people have that special moment every day with someone different.
I think you will have trouble proving that. There are many recorded instances of love amongst animals. The subject of the thread being a great example of love overcoming obstacles.
Males are highly sexed, it's how mammals survive and thrive. If there aren't enough females around they can pair up. Like prison. Is jailhouse love nature? I'll let you figure it out.
I think it dehumanises the relationship to try and explain it in scientific terms.

In my experience when you see that "special one" time stands still and your soul explodes with love.

Of course in this instance that love is being subsidised by the taxpayer and that cant be right.
Maybe for you. Animals don't have that special one where time stands still.

Some people have that special moment every day with someone different.
I think you will have trouble proving that. There are many recorded instances of love amongst animals. The subject of the thread being a great example of love overcoming obstacles.
Males are highly sexed, it's how mammals survive and thrive. If there aren't enough females around they can pair up. Like prison. Is jailhouse love nature? I'll let you figure it out.
So you are saying its just a natural thing. I can accept that.
I think it dehumanises the relationship to try and explain it in scientific terms.

In my experience when you see that "special one" time stands still and your soul explodes with love.

Of course in this instance that love is being subsidised by the taxpayer and that cant be right.
Maybe for you. Animals don't have that special one where time stands still.

Some people have that special moment every day with someone different.
I think you will have trouble proving that. There are many recorded instances of love amongst animals. The subject of the thread being a great example of love overcoming obstacles.
Males are highly sexed, it's how mammals survive and thrive. If there aren't enough females around they can pair up. Like prison. Is jailhouse love nature? I'll let you figure it out.
So you are saying its just a natural thing. I can accept that.
If something has gone wrong the acts can be simulated by some species. But the idea the mammal was predetermined to be attracted to a like gender isn't supported. It's a belief like any other religious belief.
I think it dehumanises the relationship to try and explain it in scientific terms.

In my experience when you see that "special one" time stands still and your soul explodes with love.

Of course in this instance that love is being subsidised by the taxpayer and that cant be right.
Maybe for you. Animals don't have that special one where time stands still.

Some people have that special moment every day with someone different.
I think you will have trouble proving that. There are many recorded instances of love amongst animals. The subject of the thread being a great example of love overcoming obstacles.
Males are highly sexed, it's how mammals survive and thrive. If there aren't enough females around they can pair up. Like prison. Is jailhouse love nature? I'll let you figure it out.
So you are saying its just a natural thing. I can accept that.
If something has gone wrong the acts can be simulated by some species. But the idea the mammal was predetermined to be attracted to a like gender isn't supported. It's a belief like any other religious belief.
But the penguins in the OP were actually at a breeding colony. They had choices.
Maybe for you. Animals don't have that special one where time stands still.

Some people have that special moment every day with someone different.
I think you will have trouble proving that. There are many recorded instances of love amongst animals. The subject of the thread being a great example of love overcoming obstacles.
Males are highly sexed, it's how mammals survive and thrive. If there aren't enough females around they can pair up. Like prison. Is jailhouse love nature? I'll let you figure it out.
So you are saying its just a natural thing. I can accept that.
If something has gone wrong the acts can be simulated by some species. But the idea the mammal was predetermined to be attracted to a like gender isn't supported. It's a belief like any other religious belief.
But the penguins in the OP were actually at a breeding colony. They had choices.
Apparently after developing a relationship. Birds tend to form life long unions.
I think you will have trouble proving that. There are many recorded instances of love amongst animals. The subject of the thread being a great example of love overcoming obstacles.
Males are highly sexed, it's how mammals survive and thrive. If there aren't enough females around they can pair up. Like prison. Is jailhouse love nature? I'll let you figure it out.
So you are saying its just a natural thing. I can accept that.
If something has gone wrong the acts can be simulated by some species. But the idea the mammal was predetermined to be attracted to a like gender isn't supported. It's a belief like any other religious belief.
But the penguins in the OP were actually at a breeding colony. They had choices.
Apparently after developing a relationship. Birds tend to form life long unions.
Its a beautiful thing.

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