A madhouse named America


Gold Member
Jul 5, 2004

A political ideology according to which a country must change its immigration laws (and ignore illegal immigration) in order to destroy its own foundational basis, its own racial and cultural composition and become more "diverse".


Get some help for that anger/paranoia of yours. It's clouding your judgment.

Says the guy who's always on the Immigration forum bitching about BIG BAD HISPANICS destroying America's demographics, culture, values, etc...

This massive level of incoherence, contradiction and mental confusion is a strong sign of advanced mental disease.

Speaking of Bellevue this guy has so many problems not even the entire hospital's psychiatric staff could possibly straighten him out. :D
Luminous beings are we. Not this crude matter. Only an illusion, your races and genders are.
Maybe Latino nations need to get their countries in order so their populations don't flee to the good nations....
José;9034581 said:
Get some help for that anger/paranoia of yours. It's clouding your judgment.

Says the guy who's always on the Immigration forum bitching about BIG BAD HISPANICS destroying America's demographics, culture, values, etc...

This massive level of incoherence, contradiction and mental confusion is a strong sign of advanced mental disease.

Speaking of Bellevue this guy has so many problems not even the entire hospital's psychiatric staff could possibly straighten him out. :D

I post a lot on the Immigration board, so do you. Not sure were to go with this. Seek help. Human to human.
Originally posted by MaryL
I post a lot on the Immigration board, so do you. Not sure were to go with this. Seek help. Human to human.

Mary... you're always complaining about hispanics (ie, non-whites) destroying America's demographics, the american way of life, the US culture...

Every single message you post is a complaint about the insane socio-political ideology America adopted 50, 60 years ago (multiracialism/multiculturalism) that's leading the country to commit national suicide by destroying its european character.

And then, when someone else creates a thread saying the exact same thing you do post after post, stating that if multiracial America were a human being instead of a country it would be locked up at Bellevue Hospital wearing at least 3 straight jackets what's your reaction?

You give me shit.

We can say about you what Nelson Mandela said about George Bush:

"a very confused individual, who can't think properly."
I am more concerned with the stress on our social welfare system. Any country can support only so many helpless and destitute people such as the mentally ill and the retarded, those unable to work and the old. What happened when that population exceeds our ability to pay for it?

There are countries in the world where these people if they lack family support or are not lucky enough to be taken in by missionaries just die.
I am more concerned with the stress on our social welfare system. Any country can support only so many helpless and destitute people such as the mentally ill and the retarded, those unable to work and the old. What happened when that population exceeds our ability to pay for it?

There are countries in the world where these people if they lack family support or are not lucky enough to be taken in by missionaries just die.

Every society has peeps who need help. My prob is with those could help to pull the train but choose to suck on society's teat. Socialists, Anarchists, Occupyists, etc.
Now some teat sucker will climb on board to whine about "corp welfare" ... about the silliest of all Socialist beliefs. Clueless a-holes.
Originally posted by Goddess_Ashtara
Luminous beings are we. Not this crude matter. Only an illusion, your races and genders are.

Your philosophical approach to this issue is full of poetic beauty Ashtara and it certainly has some legitimacy but let me tell you this:

If the scenes of violence and poverty I witnessed first hand in Latin America are an illusion I don't wanna see what you call reality.

But it's alright... Let America's multiracialist mental disease run its course...

Let it bring Venezuela, Brazil, Mexico and Bolivia to America destroying the white people in the process.

Let it turn a once peaceful, prosperous nation into a cesspool complete with towns where up to 60% of the population live in slums and people on the streets witness gun battles between criminals and the police almost every single day.

After all we are all "luminous beings" and "races are just an illusion".

:rolleyes: :rolleyes:
With "patriots" like the multiracialist crowd, America doesn't even need Bin Laden anymore...

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