A MAGA love story - a new literary genre

Yes, because a sample of one always proves your point

It is Republicans who have consistently tried to defund the Arts. It was a consistent theme from Trump who tried to eliminate the NEA

Having trouble with reading comprehension? Go back to my last post and try again.
Democrats 779DB8BF-49F6-4A50-9951-B67E4883BDF6.jpeg
Hunter Biden. You know The Presidents son who threatened coons to reveal information on him if he didn’t get unemployment lol

what a loser
Who really cares?
He is not breaking any laws and is not an elected official

If that is the best you got, we don’t have much to worry about
Sometimes............................ :auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301::auiqs.jpg::laughing0301::auiqs.jpg: is all you can do.

When my conservative husband was a grammar school teacher, he taught his students art and music every day.

PS -- give us some documented cases of conservative teachers teaching their students "to hate Mexicans, gays and liberals".

I'll wait.

You'd better make this good.

Still waiting rightwinger
So, rightwinger once again makes a statement of what it believes is fact and when given an opportunity to confirm with some actual documentation, fails to do so.

Par for that particular course.
Link the investigation in to the lap top that concluded, a index of context the lap top was provided to the public ? Give me that kinky linky big boy lol
Nobody cares Boris

The guy holds no office
His family got rich if Of these deals using his father’s influence. So it does matter Boris lol you people will not destroy my country.

Yea…..that happens
I bet Putin’s kids are richer

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