A Man Of God Doing The Right Thing: Franklin Graham Blasts Buttigieg For Being Gay

There's a so-called evangelical that routinely makes the rounds on rightwing TV, can't bring his name to memory at the time, but he has a very obvious gay lisp.

Jeffers, I think his name is.

They need to talk to him first, no?
Do you hate white people but loves gays?? Is this don lemon?
I "hate" you asshole white supremacists. You are the scum of the Earth.
Lol your so dumb what
Race isn’t a supremacist? Just you white libs congratulations your are the worlds bitch haha
I am a white guy & I don't believe white people are superior.
There's a so-called evangelical that routinely makes the rounds on rightwing TV, can't bring his name to memory at the time, but he has a very obvious gay lisp.

Jeffers, I think his name is.

They need to talk to him first, no?
Do you hate white people but loves gays?? Is this don lemon?
I "hate" you asshole white supremacists. You are the scum of the Earth.
Lol your so dumb what
Race isn’t a supremacist? Just you white libs congratulations your are the worlds bitch haha
I am a white guy & I don't believe white people are superior.

Same here, actually the only ones I know that feel they're superior seem to be liberals.
them thar evangelisticals are notoriously known for being gay or kinky hooker humping or meth heads behind the ..............
Mocking and telling lies about people of God will lead you to the depths of hell to serve Satan.

Well, apparently, that is where you are headed, because Playtime was telling the truth.

Evangelist: I Bought Meth From Gay Escort

The president of the National Association of Evangelicals, suspected of paying a gay man for sex, has admitted "some guilt," according to church official.

Rev. Ted Haggard has said he purchased methamphetamine from a gay escort after contacting him for a massage, but never used the drugs and threw them away, according to an interview he gave with KUSA-TV. He said he met the escort in a Denver hotel room.
Mocking and telling lies about people of God will lead you to the depths of hell to serve Satan.
What a joke yet let those without sin cast the first stone..
Yeah cause Jesus never pointed out to sinners fact that that's what they were.
Jesus spent more time chastising hypocrites than any other brand of fuckwit.

He never once criticized homosexuals.

He did call people who divorce and remarry adulterers, though.

You know, like Trump. And Kim Davis.
Telling the truth suddenly is criticism....oh my.......the wide path is over there.....carry on Mayor Pete ......is that what Jesus would say
Jesus never said anything about Homosexuality being a sin. Yet here you are claiming different.

You really need to stop learning your theology from leftist talking points.

1) Almost no Christian groups accept the "Jesus Only" school of thought, so trying to impose it - especially from the outside - on mainstream Christian teaching won't work.

2) Arguments from silence are weak. Jesus didn't speak specifically about a lot of things, including pedophilia and rape. Doesn't mean they were okay with Him.

3) When you try to argue that something is not a sin because Jesus never specifically spoke about it, you are appealing to the authority of the Bible. Since you are appealing to the Bible's authority in order to contradict and discredit the Bible's authority, this fails the most basic of linear logic tests.

4) Jesus' ministry on Earth was primarily to the Jews, who were under the Mosaic Covenant, which explicitly condemns homosexuality. Without a specific event forcing Jesus to comment on homosexuality, the reasonable conclusion is that He didn't speak of it because everyone already knew about it.

5) When Jesus DID speak about marriage, He said, “Have you not read that He who created them from the beginning made them male and female, and said, ‘For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh’? So they are no longer two, but one flesh. What therefore God has joined together, let no man separate.”

Don't try to play Bible quotes with me, Sparky.
What a blessing this man is. He knows gays, especially Buttigieg, are disciples of Satan.

’Something to be repentant of’: Franklin Graham blasts Buttigieg for being gay

but never said a word about Trump cheating on all of his wives...and adultery is talked about in the bible a hell of a lot more than homosexuality .

How do YOU know he never said anything about it? He didn't say it to YOU, because it's really none of your business and because Trump, unlike Buttigieg, has never run around publicly proclaiming that his sins are actually perfectly in line with Christianity. And I defy you to find me one instance of him doing so.
There's a so-called evangelical that routinely makes the rounds on rightwing TV, can't bring his name to memory at the time, but he has a very obvious gay lisp.

Jeffers, I think his name is.

They need to talk to him first, no?
Do you hate white people but loves gays?? Is this don lemon?
I "hate" you asshole white supremacists. You are the scum of the Earth.
Lol your so dumb what
Race isn’t a supremacist? Just you white libs congratulations your are the worlds bitch haha
I am a white guy & I don't believe white people are superior.

Same here. If you are better than me at something, then it doesn't matter what your skin color is, you are simply better than me at that thing. But, then again, I might be superior to you at something as well, but that is because I practiced and trained, not because of my skin color.

Matter of fact, I have a shirt that pisses off more white people than it does those who aren't white. It's a black shirt, and in big, white letters, it says "Guilty of Being White". And, it can be read from a long way away.

Hispanics and blacks? They get the joke, and most of them smile at me when I'm wearing it. Redneck white people? They get all pissy about it and throw me dirty looks. Had one time that a guy started to walk towards me with a scowl on his face after having read my shirt, then he looked at my face and saw my hat that says "Retired U.S. Navy". He then shook his head, looked down and walked away.

I LOVE wearing that shirt in public.
It's okay to rip off old people at a fraudulent "university", and leave them indigent in their old age.

It's okay to make money exploiting human weakness in your casinos.

It's okay to put on lustful contests of the flesh in your beauty pageants, and bust into the girls' dressing rooms hoping to catch them naked.

It's okay to grab pussies and sexually assault women.

It's okay to assent to calling your own daughter a "hot piece of ass".

It's okay to hit on married women.

It's okay to cheat on all three of your wives.

It's okay to marry and divorce as often as you wish.

It's okay to fuck a porn star while you leave your immigrant wife and newborn at home.

It's okay to fuck a beauty contestant while you leave your immigrant wife and newborn at home.

It's okay to make payoffs to the porn star and your other mistresses to win an election.

BUT DON'T SUCK A DICK! That makes Jesus weep.
You know, when people were talking about Trump's infidelity, as well as his pussy grabbing tape, a lot of people said that we weren't electing Trump for his morals, but rather because he wasn't a politician and he was a great businessman. Even the evangelicals were making excuses for Trump. They were saying that his personal life had no bearing on his ability to run the country.

Well...................if you could give Trump a pass, why then must you demonize Mayor Pete? I'm not interested in his sexuality, what he does in his private time, or even if he's Christian or not. I'm interested in hearing about his policies, how he plans on running the country, and how he's going to interact with other nations.

Besides..................isn't there supposed to be a separation of Church and state in our government?
them thar evangelisticals are notoriously known for being gay or kinky hooker humping or meth heads behind the ..............
Mocking and telling lies about people of God will lead you to the depths of hell to serve Satan.
Ill slap god in his bitch ass face, then me and Satan will go party with a bunch of hookers and a bag full of blow.
I see you serve your master well. You should embrace God with your heart.
He doesn't blast him for being gay, he blasts him for defying God and glorifying sin.

It's one thing to *be gay*, we're all sinners.
It's another thing to tell Christians that it isn't a sin.
God sure did bless Trump with White Privilege.
America’s not ready now nor will it ever be ready for a flamer as president. Could you imagine the international fallout? It was bad enough having Big Mike in there.

uh-huh & that flamer served his country & would spill his blood for it.
You mean AID's tainted blood.

Sorry, yet another wrong assumption by you. If a person is found to be HIV positive (and everyone in the military is tested yearly), they are no longer eligible for deployment and are generally sent to a base with a good hospital to serve out the rest of their enlistment. Why don't they allow people to deploy if they are HIV positive? Because every member of the military is part of what they call the "walking blood bank". You sure don't know much about the military, do you?
them thar evangelisticals are notoriously known for being gay or kinky hooker humping or meth heads behind the ..............
Mocking and telling lies about people of God will lead you to the depths of hell to serve Satan.
What a joke yet let those without sin cast the first stone..
Yeah cause Jesus never pointed out to sinners fact that that's what they were.
Jesus spent more time chastising hypocrites than any other brand of fuckwit.

He never once criticized homosexuals.

He did call people who divorce and remarry adulterers, though.

You know, like Trump (three marriages). And Kim Davis (four marriages). And Newt Gingrich (three marriages). And Rush Limbaugh (four marriages).

The Bible condemns homosexuality.
What a blessing this man is. He knows gays, especially Buttigieg, are disciples of Satan.

’Something to be repentant of’: Franklin Graham blasts Buttigieg for being gay

but never said a word about Trump cheating on all of his wives...and adultery is talked about in the bible a hell of a lot more than homosexuality .

How do YOU know he never said anything about it? He didn't say it to YOU, because it's really none of your business and because Trump, unlike Buttigieg, has never run around publicly proclaiming that his sins are actually perfectly in line with Christianity. And I defy you to find me one instance of him doing so.

I have great relationship with God. I have great relationship with the Evangelicals,"

"I like to be good. I don't like to have to ask for forgiveness. And I am good. I don't do a lot of things that are bad. I try to do nothing that is bad."
them thar evangelisticals are notoriously known for being gay or kinky hooker humping or meth heads behind the ..............
Mocking and telling lies about people of God will lead you to the depths of hell to serve Satan.
What a joke yet let those without sin cast the first stone..
Yeah cause Jesus never pointed out to sinners fact that that's what they were.
Jesus spent more time chastising hypocrites than any other brand of fuckwit.

He never once criticized homosexuals.

He did call people who divorce and remarry adulterers, though.

You know, like Trump (three marriages). And Kim Davis (four marriages). And Newt Gingrich (three marriages). And Rush Limbaugh (four marriages).

The Bible condemns homosexuality.

and adultery

and lying

and greed

and pride

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