A Man Of God Doing The Right Thing: Franklin Graham Blasts Buttigieg For Being Gay

What a blessing this man is. He knows gays, especially Buttigieg, are disciples of Satan.

’Something to be repentant of’: Franklin Graham blasts Buttigieg for being gay

Franklin Graham is the servant of Satan. He has disavowed everything he believes in to back Trump. Graham and the other fake Christians remind me of the moneychangers who Jesus chased out of the temple. Or even Judas as they have sold their values down the river for a few pieces of silver.

Marybeth Glenn Retweeted
Brooke Rogers ‏Verified account @bkerogers 20h20 hours ago
Evangical leaders who support Trump while pretending to care about the sanctity of marriage sure are a riot.

Is it painful to be such a giant frigging hypocrite that you're even hypocritical about hypocrisy?
You know, when people were talking about Trump's infidelity, as well as his pussy grabbing tape, a lot of people said that we weren't electing Trump for his morals, but rather because he wasn't a politician and he was a great businessman. Even the evangelicals were making excuses for Trump. They were saying that his personal life had no bearing on his ability to run the country.

Well...................if you could give Trump a pass, why then must you demonize Mayor Pete? I'm not interested in his sexuality, what he does in his private time, or even if he's Christian or not. I'm interested in hearing about his policies, how he plans on running the country, and how he's going to interact with other nations.

Besides..................isn't there supposed to be a separation of Church and state in our government?

Good grief, I find it amazing that there are people who have been posting on this board for 10 years or more...who have not advanced one whit in their knowledge or their sophistication when it comes to making argument.

You still talk about the same shit, and you still float the same tired bs, and none of the years you've spent spewing it have done anything to refine or improve your stupid message.

I think it's because you're probably an alcoholic, or drug addicted, and you just can't develop past a certain point. No matter how much time goes by.
What a blessing this man is. He knows gays, especially Buttigieg, are disciples of Satan.

’Something to be repentant of’: Franklin Graham blasts Buttigieg for being gay

but never said a word about Trump cheating on all of his wives...and adultery is talked about in the bible a hell of a lot more than homosexuality .

How do YOU know he never said anything about it? He didn't say it to YOU, because it's really none of your business and because Trump, unlike Buttigieg, has never run around publicly proclaiming that his sins are actually perfectly in line with Christianity. And I defy you to find me one instance of him doing so.

I have great relationship with God. I have great relationship with the Evangelicals,"

"I like to be good. I don't like to have to ask for forgiveness. And I am good. I don't do a lot of things that are bad. I try to do nothing that is bad."

Sorry, none of that has anything to do with what I said. Please disabuse yourself of the notion that YOUR perceptions of Christianity and what it should be have any bearing whatoever on what it is.

Your concept that "You can't have a great relationship with God unless you're PERFECT" has nothing to do with God or with our beliefs. Likewise, your projection that "Well, if you say you have a great relationship with God, that means you're saying you're perfect or you're saying that God is okay with everything you've ever done" owes a lot more to YOUR mindset of excusing your behaviors than it does to ours.

Everyone likes to be good, and no one likes to have to ask for forgiveness, and we all try to do nothing that is bad. Nothing in those statements say or imply that one IS always good, or NEVER has to ask for forgiveness or actually manages to do nothing that is bad, at least not in any language that is English.

So again I say, I defy to you find me an instance where he ACTUALLY said his sins were in line with Christianity. I am not asking you for occasions where you read it into his words so that you could spew bile at him.

More from Trump...

"Why do I have to repent or ask for forgiveness, if I am not making mistakes?"

He does not view cheating on all 3 wives as making mistakes, yet the bible tells us a different story.

He does not view being married 3 times as making mistakes, yet the bible tells us he committing adultery with both his 2nd and 3rd wife.
He doesn't blast him for being gay, he blasts him for defying God and glorifying sin.

It's one thing to *be gay*, we're all sinners.
It's another thing to tell Christians that it isn't a sin.

Trump is much worse yet Graham has no problem supporting Trump. Graham is the one who is sinning.
We all sin..but which sin in particular is Graham engaging in when he calls out homosexual politicians who proclaim homosexuality is AOK for Christians?

Graham is doing his job..which is to tell people to turn away from sin.
What a joke yet let those without sin cast the first stone..
Yeah cause Jesus never pointed out to sinners fact that that's what they were.
Jesus spent more time chastising hypocrites than any other brand of fuckwit.

He never once criticized homosexuals.

He did call people who divorce and remarry adulterers, though.

You know, like Trump (three marriages). And Kim Davis (four marriages). And Newt Gingrich (three marriages). And Rush Limbaugh (four marriages).

The Bible condemns homosexuality.

and adultery

and lying

and greed

and pride

And hubris, so you might want to quit it.

I already covered that one sweetcheeks, do try and learn to read.
How would anyone consider the likes of frankie graham to be a "man of God"??? He represents nothing but his own faction.

I've been criticized on USMB every time I've written that people who call themselves by the generic name of "Christian" need to identify themselves by denomination/group, but this imbroglio illustrates exactly why I have done so. Since the infancy of the Christian faith, it has split into factions over and over again. Even the more recent history of the colonies before the revolution against British rule shows this sectarian squabbling among the colonies.

As lately as yesterday, before this quote from franklin was published, I was asked by the courtesy driver from one of the stores that I shop at what religion I was, which I considered rude but let go. I had difficulty explaining to him, particularly given that his first language was not English, that I am a Christian but Christians are split off into different groups.

graham is saying that he has a right to be a Christian, but Buttigieg does not. I have to back Buttigieg on this one. graham is being a high holy jerk.
He doesn't blast him for being gay, he blasts him for defying God and glorifying sin.

It's one thing to *be gay*, we're all sinners.
It's another thing to tell Christians that it isn't a sin.

Trump is much worse yet Graham has no problem supporting Trump. Graham is the one who is sinning.

"Sinning" is not defined as "not judging people the way I think you should". Especially when the "I" in question is YOU.
There's a so-called evangelical that routinely makes the rounds on rightwing TV, can't bring his name to memory at the time, but he has a very obvious gay lisp.

Jeffers, I think his name is.

They need to talk to him first, no?
Do you hate white people but loves gays?? Is this don lemon?
I "hate" you asshole white supremacists. You are the scum of the Earth.
Lol your so dumb what
Race isn’t a supremacist? Just you white libs congratulations your are the worlds bitch haha
I love it!

"your so dumb what"

These Ironic posts by trumpanzees just keep on coming! :auiqs.jpg:
Yeah cause Jesus never pointed out to sinners fact that that's what they were.
Jesus spent more time chastising hypocrites than any other brand of fuckwit.

He never once criticized homosexuals.

He did call people who divorce and remarry adulterers, though.

You know, like Trump (three marriages). And Kim Davis (four marriages). And Newt Gingrich (three marriages). And Rush Limbaugh (four marriages).

The Bible condemns homosexuality.

and adultery

and lying

and greed

and pride

And hubris, so you might want to quit it.

I already covered that one sweetcheeks, do try and learn to read.

No, misogynist, you didn't. "Hubris" is a very specific type of pride, specifically to imagine yourself to be equal to God, or to be God.

Your every post reeks of attempts to judge things that are strictly the province of God.. That would be hubris.

DO try to know something before presuming to instruct me.
How would anyone consider the likes of frankie graham to be a "man of God"??? He represents nothing but his own faction.

I've been criticized on USMB every time I've written that people who call themselves by the generic name of "Christian" need to identify themselves by denomination/group, but this imbroglio illustrates exactly why I have done so. Since the infancy of the Christian faith, it has split into factions over and over again. Even the more recent history of the colonies before the revolution against British rule shows this sectarian squabbling among the colonies.

As lately as yesterday, before this quote from franklin was published, I was asked by the courtesy driver from one of the stores that I shop at what religion I was, which I considered rude but let go. I had difficulty explaining to him, particularly given that his first language was not English, that I am a Christian but Christians are split off into different groups.

graham is saying that he has a right to be a Christian, but Buttigieg does not. I have to back Buttigieg on this one. graham is being a high holy jerk.

Graham is saying nothing of the sort. You are reading that into his words, because that's what you want to hear to rationalize your worldview. And because you're far from being the brightest or most literate . . . person, for want of a better word, on this board.

Buttigieg has as much right as anyone to be a Christian. What he does NOT have a right to do is to redefine Christianity to suit what he wants to do.
What a joke yet let those without sin cast the first stone..
Yeah cause Jesus never pointed out to sinners fact that that's what they were.
Jesus spent more time chastising hypocrites than any other brand of fuckwit.

He never once criticized homosexuals.

He did call people who divorce and remarry adulterers, though.

You know, like Trump. And Kim Davis.
Telling the truth suddenly is criticism....oh my.......the wide path is over there.....carry on Mayor Pete ......is that what Jesus would say
Jesus never said anything about Homosexuality being a sin. Yet here you are claiming different.

You really need to stop learning your theology from leftist talking points.

1) Almost no Christian groups accept the "Jesus Only" school of thought, so trying to impose it - especially from the outside - on mainstream Christian teaching won't work.

2) Arguments from silence are weak. Jesus didn't speak specifically about a lot of things, including pedophilia and rape. Doesn't mean they were okay with Him.

3) When you try to argue that something is not a sin because Jesus never specifically spoke about it, you are appealing to the authority of the Bible. Since you are appealing to the Bible's authority in order to contradict and discredit the Bible's authority, this fails the most basic of linear logic tests.

4) Jesus' ministry on Earth was primarily to the Jews, who were under the Mosaic Covenant, which explicitly condemns homosexuality. Without a specific event forcing Jesus to comment on homosexuality, the reasonable conclusion is that He didn't speak of it because everyone already knew about it.

5) When Jesus DID speak about marriage, He said, “Have you not read that He who created them from the beginning made them male and female, and said, ‘For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh’? So they are no longer two, but one flesh. What therefore God has joined together, let no man separate.”

Don't try to play Bible quotes with me, Sparky.
Why would he "need to stop"? Or else what?
How would anyone consider the likes of frankie graham to be a "man of God"??? He represents nothing but his own faction.

I've been criticized on USMB every time I've written that people who call themselves by the generic name of "Christian" need to identify themselves by denomination/group, but this imbroglio illustrates exactly why I have done so. Since the infancy of the Christian faith, it has split into factions over and over again. Even the more recent history of the colonies before the revolution against British rule shows this sectarian squabbling among the colonies.

As lately as yesterday, before this quote from franklin was published, I was asked by the courtesy driver from one of the stores that I shop at what religion I was, which I considered rude but let go. I had difficulty explaining to him, particularly given that his first language was not English, that I am a Christian but Christians are split off into different groups.

graham is saying that he has a right to be a Christian, but Buttigieg does not. I have to back Buttigieg on this one. graham is being a high holy jerk.

Graham is saying nothing of the sort. You are reading that into his words, because that's what you want to hear to rationalize your worldview. And because you're far from being the brightest or most literate . . . person, for want of a better word, on this board.

Buttigieg has as much right as anyone to be a Christian. What he does NOT have a right to do is to redefine Christianity to suit what he wants to do.
Buttigieg is not trying to "redefine Christianity." graham is, and he is totally out of bounds. As I said, Christians are continuing to subdivide. What shall we call you, the "Grahamite" faction?
Pussy grabbing, hundreds of counts of adultery, lusting after his daughter, bilking seniors of their nest eggs at his fraudulent "university", making payoffs to porn stars, making his fortune off exploiting human weakness in gambling houses and contests of the flesh...the list is endless.

Clearly, Trump is the morally superior choice!
You don’t grab pussy? You wouldn’t sleep with a porn star?? Lol
What a blessing this man is. He knows gays, especially Buttigieg, are disciples of Satan.

’Something to be repentant of’: Franklin Graham blasts Buttigieg for being gay

Franklin Graham is the servant of Satan. He has disavowed everything he believes in to back Trump. Graham and the other fake Christians remind me of the moneychangers who Jesus chased out of the temple. Or even Judas as they have sold their values down the river for a few pieces of silver.

Marybeth Glenn Retweeted
Brooke Rogers ‏Verified account @bkerogers 20h20 hours ago
Evangical leaders who support Trump while pretending to care about the sanctity of marriage sure are a riot.
Can you name the "christian" choice last election
There's a so-called evangelical that routinely makes the rounds on rightwing TV, can't bring his name to memory at the time, but he has a very obvious gay lisp.

Jeffers, I think his name is.

They need to talk to him first, no?
Do you hate white people but loves gays?? Is this don lemon?
I "hate" you asshole white supremacists. You are the scum of the Earth.
Lol your so dumb what
Race isn’t a supremacist? Just you white libs congratulations your are the worlds bitch haha
I am a white guy & I don't believe white people are superior.
Yes you are a white lib you are the only people that don’t think you are the best.. until that race
Wants to be free lol then you want to kill them haha
Franklin is right here. His problem has been his willingness look the other way with Trump. It undermines the impact he could have had
There's a so-called evangelical that routinely makes the rounds on rightwing TV, can't bring his name to memory at the time, but he has a very obvious gay lisp.

Jeffers, I think his name is.

They need to talk to him first, no?
Do you hate white people but loves gays?? Is this don lemon?
I "hate" you asshole white supremacists. You are the scum of the Earth.
Lol your so dumb what
Race isn’t a supremacist? Just you white libs congratulations your are the worlds bitch haha
I am a white guy & I don't believe white people are superior.
so you dont believe in that white privilege nonsense? Good
Do you hate white people but loves gays?? Is this don lemon?
I "hate" you asshole white supremacists. You are the scum of the Earth.
Lol your so dumb what
Race isn’t a supremacist? Just you white libs congratulations your are the worlds bitch haha
I am a white guy & I don't believe white people are superior.
Then you're not racially awakened. I suggest you read this to understand how superior White people of European heritage are.

Figures, your "proof" about white people being superior is written by a white supremacist and known racist.
There is nothing wrong with being White and superior. There is nothing wrong with loving your race and being proud of its accomplishments.

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