A Man Of God Doing The Right Thing: Franklin Graham Blasts Buttigieg For Being Gay

What a blessing this man is. He knows gays, especially Buttigieg, are disciples of Satan.

’Something to be repentant of’: Franklin Graham blasts Buttigieg for being gay
Franklin Graham is the very same guy who steadfastly refuses to condemn Trump's infidelities.

How does that fucker stand the stench of his own hypocrisy?
All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God

It is not for him to condemn him but, to tell him the truth
I bet my life, he has done so

Furthermore, F. Graham didn't 'blast' Buttigieg,...period
not for being gay nor anything else...he told him the truth

It is not that he's gay and in a same sex marriage,
it's that he flaunts his homosexuality with pride,
and celebrates his marriage to another man...

he does not acknowledge neither as being sin,
let alone, offensive to God, despite his faith in God
and as an active member of his church

God is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow
God does not change and His Word will never pass away

Buttigieg does not accept the truth of God's Word,
he denies the truth of God's Word to continue living in sin

Not only, does he accept his own lies,
but, he makes God a liar, by attributing his lies as His truth.
Furthermore, he causes others, like himself,
to accept his lies for His truth

When you know God, the Holy Spirit convicts you of sin

You do not continue in it; you don't live in the constant commission of it; your life is not a course of iniquity; your sin is not governing you;
though you fall into it, you rise up out of it through divine grace,
and abide not in it; and you have a sense of it, and are sorry for it,
and loath it, and yourself for it; are ashamed of it, confess it,
and mourn over it and forsake it

Sinning willfully, after you have received the knowledge of the truth;
it is a wilful denial of the truth of the Gospel

The church he is an active member of, Cathedral of St. James
and where he married his husband....
EVERY member should have left and never looked back

satan is alive and well, there is no truth in him
he is a liar and the father of lies
Buttigieg does not accept the truth of God's Word,
he denies the truth of God's Word to continue living in sin

All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God

If all have sinned then why do homersexual have that extra special sin label?
What a joke yet let those without sin cast the first stone..
Yeah cause Jesus never pointed out to sinners fact that that's what they were.
Jesus spent more time chastising hypocrites than any other brand of fuckwit.

He never once criticized homosexuals.

He did call people who divorce and remarry adulterers, though.

You know, like Trump (three marriages). And Kim Davis (four marriages). And Newt Gingrich (three marriages). And Rush Limbaugh (four marriages).

The Bible condemns homosexuality.

Ever heard of separation of church and state? And, like I said, I don't care who he loves, what he does in his private time, I care about what his policies are, where his vision is for this country. You know, important stuff.

His sexuality has no impact on whether or not I will vote for him. His policies will.

The Bible condemns Homosexuality plain and simple. I said nothing about Politics.

but doesn't condemn slavery... & has sanctioned abortion.... but i digress. this is a secular nation, remember? the constitution is the law of the land, not ANY religious book, whether it's the bible, the torah, or quran.
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What a blessing this man is. He knows gays, especially Buttigieg, are disciples of Satan.

’Something to be repentant of’: Franklin Graham blasts Buttigieg for being gay

but never said a word about Trump cheating on all of his wives...and adultery is talked about in the bible a hell of a lot more than homosexuality .

How do YOU know he never said anything about it? He didn't say it to YOU, because it's really none of your business and because Trump, unlike Buttigieg, has never run around publicly proclaiming that his sins are actually perfectly in line with Christianity. And I defy you to find me one instance of him doing so.

I have great relationship with God. I have great relationship with the Evangelicals,"

"I like to be good. I don't like to have to ask for forgiveness. And I am good. I don't do a lot of things that are bad. I try to do nothing that is bad."

Sorry, none of that has anything to do with what I said. Please disabuse yourself of the notion that YOUR perceptions of Christianity and what it should be have any bearing whatoever on what it is.

Your concept that "You can't have a great relationship with God unless you're PERFECT" has nothing to do with God or with our beliefs. Likewise, your projection that "Well, if you say you have a great relationship with God, that means you're saying you're perfect or you're saying that God is okay with everything you've ever done" owes a lot more to YOUR mindset of excusing your behaviors than it does to ours.

Everyone likes to be good, and no one likes to have to ask for forgiveness, and we all try to do nothing that is bad. Nothing in those statements say or imply that one IS always good, or NEVER has to ask for forgiveness or actually manages to do nothing that is bad, at least not in any language that is English.

So again I say, I defy to you find me an instance where he ACTUALLY said his sins were in line with Christianity. I am not asking you for occasions where you read it into his words so that you could spew bile at him.

if you try to spin that any harder you will find yourself spiraling into the stratosphere...
Yeah cause Jesus never pointed out to sinners fact that that's what they were.
Jesus spent more time chastising hypocrites than any other brand of fuckwit.

He never once criticized homosexuals.

He did call people who divorce and remarry adulterers, though.

You know, like Trump (three marriages). And Kim Davis (four marriages). And Newt Gingrich (three marriages). And Rush Limbaugh (four marriages).

The Bible condemns homosexuality.

Ever heard of separation of church and state? And, like I said, I don't care who he loves, what he does in his private time, I care about what his policies are, where his vision is for this country. You know, important stuff.

His sexuality has no impact on whether or not I will vote for him. His policies will.

The Bible condemns Homosexuality plain and simple. I said nothing about Politics.

but doesn't condemn slavery... & has sanctioned abortion.... but i digress. this is a secular nation, remember? the constitution is the law of the land, not ANY religious book, whether it's the bible, the torah, or quran.

I invite you to point out where I injected Politics into this.
Buttigieg's homosexual lifestyle must be ridiculed with impunity. It must be protested at every campaign stop. Any volunteers?
What a blessing this man is. He knows gays, especially Buttigieg, are disciples of Satan.

’Something to be repentant of’: Franklin Graham blasts Buttigieg for being gay

but never said a word about Trump cheating on all of his wives...and adultery is talked about in the bible a hell of a lot more than homosexuality .

How do YOU know he never said anything about it? He didn't say it to YOU, because it's really none of your business and because Trump, unlike Buttigieg, has never run around publicly proclaiming that his sins are actually perfectly in line with Christianity. And I defy you to find me one instance of him doing so.

I have great relationship with God. I have great relationship with the Evangelicals,"

"I like to be good. I don't like to have to ask for forgiveness. And I am good. I don't do a lot of things that are bad. I try to do nothing that is bad."

Sorry, none of that has anything to do with what I said. Please disabuse yourself of the notion that YOUR perceptions of Christianity and what it should be have any bearing whatoever on what it is.

Your concept that "You can't have a great relationship with God unless you're PERFECT" has nothing to do with God or with our beliefs. Likewise, your projection that "Well, if you say you have a great relationship with God, that means you're saying you're perfect or you're saying that God is okay with everything you've ever done" owes a lot more to YOUR mindset of excusing your behaviors than it does to ours.

Everyone likes to be good, and no one likes to have to ask for forgiveness, and we all try to do nothing that is bad. Nothing in those statements say or imply that one IS always good, or NEVER has to ask for forgiveness or actually manages to do nothing that is bad, at least not in any language that is English.

So again I say, I defy to you find me an instance where he ACTUALLY said his sins were in line with Christianity. I am not asking you for occasions where you read it into his words so that you could spew bile at him.

More from Trump...

"Why do I have to repent or ask for forgiveness, if I am not making mistakes?"

He does not view cheating on all 3 wives as making mistakes, yet the bible tells us a different story.

He does not view being married 3 times as making mistakes, yet the bible tells us he committing adultery with both his 2nd and 3rd wife.
Those aren't mistakes. Those aren't immoral. According to his CRC worshippers.
He doesn't blast him for being gay, he blasts him for defying God and glorifying sin.

It's one thing to *be gay*, we're all sinners.
It's another thing to tell Christians that it isn't a sin.

Or to tell them that you're a better Christian, because you made up your own version of Christianity that says anything you want to do is fine.
Can you link to Mayor Pete saying he is a better Christian?
What a blessing this man is. He knows gays, especially Buttigieg, are disciples of Satan.

’Something to be repentant of’: Franklin Graham blasts Buttigieg for being gay

but never said a word about Trump cheating on all of his wives...and adultery is talked about in the bible a hell of a lot more than homosexuality .

How do YOU know he never said anything about it? He didn't say it to YOU, because it's really none of your business and because Trump, unlike Buttigieg, has never run around publicly proclaiming that his sins are actually perfectly in line with Christianity. And I defy you to find me one instance of him doing so.

I have great relationship with God. I have great relationship with the Evangelicals,"

"I like to be good. I don't like to have to ask for forgiveness. And I am good. I don't do a lot of things that are bad. I try to do nothing that is bad."

Sorry, none of that has anything to do with what I said. Please disabuse yourself of the notion that YOUR perceptions of Christianity and what it should be have any bearing whatoever on what it is.

Your concept that "You can't have a great relationship with God unless you're PERFECT" has nothing to do with God or with our beliefs. Likewise, your projection that "Well, if you say you have a great relationship with God, that means you're saying you're perfect or you're saying that God is okay with everything you've ever done" owes a lot more to YOUR mindset of excusing your behaviors than it does to ours.

Everyone likes to be good, and no one likes to have to ask for forgiveness, and we all try to do nothing that is bad. Nothing in those statements say or imply that one IS always good, or NEVER has to ask for forgiveness or actually manages to do nothing that is bad, at least not in any language that is English.

So again I say, I defy to you find me an instance where he ACTUALLY said his sins were in line with Christianity. I am not asking you for occasions where you read it into his words so that you could spew bile at him.

More from Trump...

"Why do I have to repent or ask for forgiveness, if I am not making mistakes?"

He does not view cheating on all 3 wives as making mistakes, yet the bible tells us a different story.

He does not view being married 3 times as making mistakes, yet the bible tells us he committing adultery with both his 2nd and 3rd wife.

What about the lying? There are literally dozens of bible verses about LYING which he does more than eating. (He is obese, gluttony is a sin)
Buttigieg has as much right as anyone to be a Christian. What he does NOT have a right to do is to redefine Christianity to suit what he wants to do.

You mean the way Christianity has been redefined to allow blacks to marry whites, allow women to be clergy, to stop stoning adulterers...stuff like that?

Oh how terrible...:rolleyes:
them thar evangelisticals are notoriously known for being gay or kinky hooker humping or meth heads behind the ..............
Mocking and telling lies about people of God will lead you to the depths of hell to serve Satan.
Ill slap god in his bitch ass face, then me and Satan will go party with a bunch of hookers and a bag full of blow.
I see you serve your master well. You should embrace God with your heart.
Id need proof that he is real before i could do anything like that. My faith is in the scientific method.
Have you been saved?
Yuck! CORNY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What a blessing this man is. He knows gays, especially Buttigieg, are disciples of Satan.

’Something to be repentant of’: Franklin Graham blasts Buttigieg for being gay
Franklin Graham is the very same guy who steadfastly refuses to condemn Trump's infidelities.

How does that fucker stand the stench of his own hypocrisy?
All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God

It is not for him to condemn him but, to tell him the truth
I bet my life, he has done so

Furthermore, F. Graham didn't 'blast' Buttigieg,...period
not for being gay nor anything else...he told him the truth

It is not that he's gay and in a same sex marriage,
it's that he flaunts his homosexuality with pride,
and celebrates his marriage to another man...

he does not acknowledge neither as being sin,
let alone, offensive to God, despite his faith in God
and as an active member of his church

God is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow
God does not change and His Word will never pass away

Buttigieg does not accept the truth of God's Word,
he denies the truth of God's Word to continue living in sin

Not only, does he accept his own lies,
but, he makes God a liar, by attributing his lies as His truth.
Furthermore, he causes others, like himself,
to accept his lies for His truth

When you know God, the Holy Spirit convicts you of sin

You do not continue in it; you don't live in the constant commission of it; your life is not a course of iniquity; your sin is not governing you;
though you fall into it, you rise up out of it through divine grace,
and abide not in it; and you have a sense of it, and are sorry for it,
and loath it, and yourself for it; are ashamed of it, confess it,
and mourn over it and forsake it

Sinning willfully, after you have received the knowledge of the truth;
it is a wilful denial of the truth of the Gospel

The church he is an active member of, Cathedral of St. James
and where he married his husband....
EVERY member should have left and never looked back

satan is alive and well, there is no truth in him
he is a liar and the father of lies

according to the word of God, Trump is committing adultery by being married to Melania

Matthew 19:9 And I say to you: whoever divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and marries another, commits adultery.”

Trump would argue there WAS infidelity...of course, it was HIS.
What a blessing this man is. He knows gays, especially Buttigieg, are disciples of Satan.

’Something to be repentant of’: Franklin Graham blasts Buttigieg for being gay

but never said a word about Trump cheating on all of his wives...and adultery is talked about in the bible a hell of a lot more than homosexuality .

How do YOU know he never said anything about it? He didn't say it to YOU, because it's really none of your business and because Trump, unlike Buttigieg, has never run around publicly proclaiming that his sins are actually perfectly in line with Christianity. And I defy you to find me one instance of him doing so.

I have great relationship with God. I have great relationship with the Evangelicals,"

"I like to be good. I don't like to have to ask for forgiveness. And I am good. I don't do a lot of things that are bad. I try to do nothing that is bad."

Sorry, none of that has anything to do with what I said. Please disabuse yourself of the notion that YOUR perceptions of Christianity and what it should be have any bearing whatoever on what it is.

Your concept that "You can't have a great relationship with God unless you're PERFECT" has nothing to do with God or with our beliefs. Likewise, your projection that "Well, if you say you have a great relationship with God, that means you're saying you're perfect or you're saying that God is okay with everything you've ever done" owes a lot more to YOUR mindset of excusing your behaviors than it does to ours.

Everyone likes to be good, and no one likes to have to ask for forgiveness, and we all try to do nothing that is bad. Nothing in those statements say or imply that one IS always good, or NEVER has to ask for forgiveness or actually manages to do nothing that is bad, at least not in any language that is English.

So again I say, I defy to you find me an instance where he ACTUALLY said his sins were in line with Christianity. I am not asking you for occasions where you read it into his words so that you could spew bile at him.

More from Trump...

"Why do I have to repent or ask for forgiveness, if I am not making mistakes?"

He does not view cheating on all 3 wives as making mistakes, yet the bible tells us a different story.

He does not view being married 3 times as making mistakes, yet the bible tells us he committing adultery with both his 2nd and 3rd wife.

Again, I didn't ask you what interpretation you were reading into it, nor am I accepting moving goalposts. I asked you where he ever said his behavior was Christian, not where he said he was unrepentant.

If you're having trouble figuring out what I mean by "saying his behavior is Christian", please refer to Mayor Pete:

"If me being gay was a choice, it was a choice that was made far, far above my pay grade. And that's the thing I wish the Mike Pences of the world would understand. That if you got a problem with who I am, your problem is not with me -- your quarrel, sir, is with my creator."

If you have a quote from Donald Trump about how God made him a horndog and wants him to sleep around, bring it out.
He doesn't blast him for being gay, he blasts him for defying God and glorifying sin.

It's one thing to *be gay*, we're all sinners.
It's another thing to tell Christians that it isn't a sin.

Trump is much worse yet Graham has no problem supporting Trump. Graham is the one who is sinning.
We all sin..but which sin in particular is Graham engaging in when he calls out homosexual politicians who proclaim homosexuality is AOK for Christians?

Graham is doing his job..which is to tell people to turn away from sin.

And all these headlines proclaiming that Graham attacked him for being a homosexual are misleading in the extreme. Yes, he did restate that the Bible says homosexual behavior is a sin, but it's pretty obvious his REAL attack here is on Buttigieg mischaracterizing and rewriting Christianity to suit himself.
but never said a word about Trump cheating on all of his wives...and adultery is talked about in the bible a hell of a lot more than homosexuality .

How do YOU know he never said anything about it? He didn't say it to YOU, because it's really none of your business and because Trump, unlike Buttigieg, has never run around publicly proclaiming that his sins are actually perfectly in line with Christianity. And I defy you to find me one instance of him doing so.

I have great relationship with God. I have great relationship with the Evangelicals,"

"I like to be good. I don't like to have to ask for forgiveness. And I am good. I don't do a lot of things that are bad. I try to do nothing that is bad."

Sorry, none of that has anything to do with what I said. Please disabuse yourself of the notion that YOUR perceptions of Christianity and what it should be have any bearing whatoever on what it is.

Your concept that "You can't have a great relationship with God unless you're PERFECT" has nothing to do with God or with our beliefs. Likewise, your projection that "Well, if you say you have a great relationship with God, that means you're saying you're perfect or you're saying that God is okay with everything you've ever done" owes a lot more to YOUR mindset of excusing your behaviors than it does to ours.

Everyone likes to be good, and no one likes to have to ask for forgiveness, and we all try to do nothing that is bad. Nothing in those statements say or imply that one IS always good, or NEVER has to ask for forgiveness or actually manages to do nothing that is bad, at least not in any language that is English.

So again I say, I defy to you find me an instance where he ACTUALLY said his sins were in line with Christianity. I am not asking you for occasions where you read it into his words so that you could spew bile at him.

More from Trump...

"Why do I have to repent or ask for forgiveness, if I am not making mistakes?"

He does not view cheating on all 3 wives as making mistakes, yet the bible tells us a different story.

He does not view being married 3 times as making mistakes, yet the bible tells us he committing adultery with both his 2nd and 3rd wife.

Again, I didn't ask you what interpretation you were reading into it, nor am I accepting moving goalposts. I asked you where he ever said his behavior was Christian, not where he said he was unrepentant.

If you're having trouble figuring out what I mean by "saying his behavior is Christian", please refer to Mayor Pete:

"If me being gay was a choice, it was a choice that was made far, far above my pay grade. And that's the thing I wish the Mike Pences of the world would understand. That if you got a problem with who I am, your problem is not with me -- your quarrel, sir, is with my creator."

If you have a quote from Donald Trump about how God made him a horndog and wants him to sleep around, bring it out.

Franklin Graham net worth in the millions. Guess he figures he'll buy his way into heaven since the bible teaches that it's pretty hard to get in to heaven if you're wealthy. Trump? I doubt if he believes in anything or anyone but trump but he's using millions of naive and gullible right wing christians.

The Shocking Net Worth of These 10 Richest Pastors Will Blow Your Mind

"OMG, Graham is rich, and I'm just SURE that Christianity requires poverty because I hate rich people! OBVIOUSLY this means his beliefs are some negative sinister thing I wish to project onto them! Here, let me misquote the Bible because some blog told me it agrees with me!"

Spare me, "Reverend". The first thing you hypocrites who want to condemn Christians because you supposedly object to their "judgementalism" need to learn is how to tend to your own moral business.
How would anyone consider the likes of frankie graham to be a "man of God"??? He represents nothing but his own faction.

I've been criticized on USMB every time I've written that people who call themselves by the generic name of "Christian" need to identify themselves by denomination/group, but this imbroglio illustrates exactly why I have done so. Since the infancy of the Christian faith, it has split into factions over and over again. Even the more recent history of the colonies before the revolution against British rule shows this sectarian squabbling among the colonies.

As lately as yesterday, before this quote from franklin was published, I was asked by the courtesy driver from one of the stores that I shop at what religion I was, which I considered rude but let go. I had difficulty explaining to him, particularly given that his first language was not English, that I am a Christian but Christians are split off into different groups.

graham is saying that he has a right to be a Christian, but Buttigieg does not. I have to back Buttigieg on this one. graham is being a high holy jerk.

Graham is saying nothing of the sort. You are reading that into his words, because that's what you want to hear to rationalize your worldview. And because you're far from being the brightest or most literate . . . person, for want of a better word, on this board.

Buttigieg has as much right as anyone to be a Christian. What he does NOT have a right to do is to redefine Christianity to suit what he wants to do.
Buttigieg is not trying to "redefine Christianity." graham is, and he is totally out of bounds. As I said, Christians are continuing to subdivide. What shall we call you, the "Grahamite" faction?

Oh? So when he stands up and says that God wants him to be gay and that the core of Christianity is in tolerating and approving anything other people want to do - oh, and THEN immediately reversing himself by judging and condemning other people's actions - all in direct contradiction to what the Bible actually says, that isn't redefining Christianity? Why, because YOU want him to be right?

And Graham is out of bounds? Again, are you speaking from your vast "knowledge and experience" about Christianity and the job of a minister? Or because you consider it "out of bounds" to disagree with you?

Caring about what false prophets and fools like you think of Christians would require me to think of you as a sentient being worthy of my respect. As always, please hold your breath waiting to matter.
Franklin is right here. His problem has been his willingness look the other way with Trump. It undermines the impact he could have had

And in all honesty, no one can really say, other than Graham, Trump, and God, whether or not he IS looking the other way for Trump. I have no idea what has and hasn't been said between the two of them in private. I wasn't there. This silly notion leftists have that righteous behavior involves emulating their self-righteous "condemnation in perpetuity" attitude has nothing to do with reality. MY pastor certainly would not publicly announce things I told him in confidence, nor would he feel the need to publicly contradict or chastize me for sinful behavior.
them thar evangelisticals are notoriously known for being gay or kinky hooker humping or meth heads behind the ..............
Mocking and telling lies about people of God will lead you to the depths of hell to serve Satan.
Ill slap god in his bitch ass face, then me and Satan will go party with a bunch of hookers and a bag full of blow.
I see you serve your master well. You should embrace God with your heart.
Id need proof that he is real before i could do anything like that. My faith is in the scientific method.

How very regressive and primitive of you.

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