A Man Of God Doing The Right Thing: Franklin Graham Blasts Buttigieg For Being Gay

The Bible condemns homosexuality.

and adultery

and lying

and greed

and pride

And hubris, so you might want to quit it.

I already covered that one sweetcheeks, do try and learn to read.

No, misogynist, you didn't. "Hubris" is a very specific type of pride, specifically to imagine yourself to be equal to God, or to be God.

Your every post reeks of attempts to judge things that are strictly the province of God.. That would be hubris.

DO try to know something before presuming to instruct me.

Poor little sweetcheecks, you try so hard, and still fail with each post.

If pride is covered, then a higher form of pride would logically be included

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Poor little faux-man. Your impotence and fear of women who are smarter than you makes me laugh.
and adultery

and lying

and greed

and pride

And hubris, so you might want to quit it.

I already covered that one sweetcheeks, do try and learn to read.

No, misogynist, you didn't. "Hubris" is a very specific type of pride, specifically to imagine yourself to be equal to God, or to be God.

Your every post reeks of attempts to judge things that are strictly the province of God.. That would be hubris.

DO try to know something before presuming to instruct me.

Poor little sweetcheecks, you try so hard, and still fail with each post.

If pride is covered, then a higher form of pride would logically be included

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Poor little faux-man. Your impotence and fear of women who are smarter than you makes me laugh.


you are so darn cute!

I am married to a woman that is smarter than I am and sired one as well. Being married to an ICU nurse and the father of an ER nurse one soon comes to realize what they do on a daily basis is nothing short of amazing.
What a blessing this man is. He knows gays, especially Buttigieg, are disciples of Satan.

’Something to be repentant of’: Franklin Graham blasts Buttigieg for being gay
Franklin Graham is the very same guy who steadfastly refuses to condemn Trump's infidelities.

How does that fucker stand the stench of his own hypocrisy?
All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God

It is not for him to condemn him but, to tell him the truth
I bet my life, he has done so

Furthermore, F. Graham didn't 'blast' Buttigieg,...period
not for being gay nor anything else...he told him the truth

It is not that he's gay and in a same sex marriage,
it's that he flaunts his homosexuality with pride,
and celebrates his marriage to another man...

he does not acknowledge neither as being sin,
let alone, offensive to God, despite his faith in God
and as an active member of his church

God is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow
God does not change and His Word will never pass away

Buttigieg does not accept the truth of God's Word,
he denies the truth of God's Word to continue living in sin

Not only, does he accept his own lies,
but, he makes God a liar, by attributing his lies as His truth.
Furthermore, he causes others, like himself,
to accept his lies for His truth

When you know God, the Holy Spirit convicts you of sin

You do not continue in it; you don't live in the constant commission of it; your life is not a course of iniquity; your sin is not governing you;
though you fall into it, you rise up out of it through divine grace,
and abide not in it; and you have a sense of it, and are sorry for it,
and loath it, and yourself for it; are ashamed of it, confess it,
and mourn over it and forsake it

Sinning willfully, after you have received the knowledge of the truth;
it is a wilful denial of the truth of the Gospel

The church he is an active member of, Cathedral of St. James
and where he married his husband....
EVERY member should have left and never looked back

satan is alive and well, there is no truth in him
he is a liar and the father of lies
Buttigieg does not accept the truth of God's Word,
he denies the truth of God's Word to continue living in sin

All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God

If all have sinned then why do homersexual have that extra special sin label?

They don't. What they have is a compulsive need to rewrite Christian doctrine to suit themselves, which requires us to spend a lot of time telling them they're mistaken.
Buttigieg's homosexual lifestyle must be ridiculed with impunity. It must be protested at every campaign stop. Any volunteers?

Nope. Not really inclined to make him appear more important and attractive to leftist nutballs than he already does.
What a blessing this man is. He knows gays, especially Buttigieg, are disciples of Satan.

’Something to be repentant of’: Franklin Graham blasts Buttigieg for being gay

So, Franklin Graham is a fucking bigot; big fucking surprise.

So, Franklin Graham doesn't want a homo as POTUS; no big surprise that Franklin is feigning morality.

No big surprise that Franklin Graham endorsed a serial liar & a multi adulterer named Donald Trump for POTUS.

Yes; you gotta love that Franklin Graham 'pick & choose' big book of morality.
The anti-gay thing is not part of core Christian doctrine. Jesus never said a word about it. Even if some people follow the mistaken beliefs that the King James Bible is inerrant and infallible and written by the Supreme Being, there is not much in there that relates to LGBTs. And there is a whole lot of other stuff that relates to other issues that is being totally ignored.

I would like to see this moron graham live an Ultra-Orthodox Jewish lifestyle.

This "man of God" thing is so totally asinine.
What a blessing this man is. He knows gays, especially Buttigieg, are disciples of Satan.

’Something to be repentant of’: Franklin Graham blasts Buttigieg for being gay
Franklin Graham is the very same guy who steadfastly refuses to condemn Trump's infidelities.

How does that fucker stand the stench of his own hypocrisy?
All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God

It is not for him to condemn him but, to tell him the truth
I bet my life, he has done so

Furthermore, F. Graham didn't 'blast' Buttigieg,...period
not for being gay nor anything else...he told him the truth

It is not that he's gay and in a same sex marriage,
it's that he flaunts his homosexuality with pride,
and celebrates his marriage to another man...

he does not acknowledge neither as being sin,
let alone, offensive to God, despite his faith in God
and as an active member of his church

God is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow
God does not change and His Word will never pass away

Buttigieg does not accept the truth of God's Word,
he denies the truth of God's Word to continue living in sin

Not only, does he accept his own lies,
but, he makes God a liar, by attributing his lies as His truth.
Furthermore, he causes others, like himself,
to accept his lies for His truth

When you know God, the Holy Spirit convicts you of sin

You do not continue in it; you don't live in the constant commission of it; your life is not a course of iniquity; your sin is not governing you;
though you fall into it, you rise up out of it through divine grace,
and abide not in it; and you have a sense of it, and are sorry for it,
and loath it, and yourself for it; are ashamed of it, confess it,
and mourn over it and forsake it

Sinning willfully, after you have received the knowledge of the truth;
it is a wilful denial of the truth of the Gospel

The church he is an active member of, Cathedral of St. James
and where he married his husband....
EVERY member should have left and never looked back

satan is alive and well, there is no truth in him
he is a liar and the father of lies
Buttigieg does not accept the truth of God's Word,
he denies the truth of God's Word to continue living in sin

All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God

If all have sinned then why do homersexual have that extra special sin label?

They don't. What they have is a compulsive need to rewrite Christian doctrine to suit themselves, which requires us to spend a lot of time telling them they're mistaken.
Trumptards have to rewrite Christian doctrine to suit their worship of a known serial adulterer who bears false witness daily, covets and steals the wealth of old people, and sexually assaults women; at the same time they judge the shit out of the Clintons and Obamas and gays.

So fuck you. I am so sick of your blazingly hypocritical fake Christianty.
The anti-gay thing is not part of core Christian doctrine. Jesus never said a word about it. Even if some people follow the mistaken beliefs that the King James Bible is inerrant and infallible and written by the Supreme Being, there is not much in there that relates to LGBTs. And there is a whole lot of other stuff that relates to other issues that is being totally ignored.

I would like to see this moron graham live an Ultra-Orthodox Jewish lifestyle.

This "man of God" thing is so totally asinine.

Send Franklin Graham to Israel; let his whiny butt reside there until he croaks.

The gay demographic in Israel are treated like near royalty.

I don't hear Graham belly aching about gays in his beloved Israel. Israel is one of the 'gayest' nations on planet Earth.
Jesus never uttered a word or opinion about polesmokers.

But he sure as shit had a LOT to say about hypocrites.

He also said anyone who divorces and remarries is an adulterer. Adultery is in the top ten.

The bible also has a lot to say about people who steal. And people who bear false witness against others.

So, yeah, fake Christians. Don't vote for the gay guy. Tell yourselves that as good Christians you have to support the serial adulterer, thief, and liar who runs casinos and contests of the flesh and encourages the worst of human weaknesses.

Try to pretend you aren't a fucking raging hypocrite.
He doesn't blast him for being gay, he blasts him for defying God and glorifying sin.

It's one thing to *be gay*, we're all sinners.
It's another thing to tell Christians that it isn't a sin.

Or to tell them that you're a better Christian, because you made up your own version of Christianity that says anything you want to do is fine.
Can you link to Mayor Pete saying he is a better Christian?

I can quote it, although I will tell you in advance that I know you're going to invoke the "being obtuse as a debate strategy" gambit.

“The left is rightly committed to a separation of church and state … but we need to not be afraid to invoke arguments that are convincing on why Christian faith is going to point you in a progressive direction.”

“When I think about where most of Scripture points me, it is toward defending the poor, and the immigrant, and the stranger, and the prisoner, and the outcast, and those who are left behind by the way society works. And what we have now is this exaltation of wealth and power, almost for its own sake, that in my reading of Scripture couldn't be more contrary to the message of Christianity. So I think it's really important to carry a message (to the public), knitting together a lot of groups that have already been on this path for some time, but giving them more visibility in the public sphere.”

“I'm reluctant to comment on another person's faith, but I would say it is hard to look at this president's actions and believe that they're the actions of somebody who believes in God,” he said. “I just don't understand how you can be as worshipful of your own self as he is and be prepared to humble yourself before God. I've never seen him humble himself before anyone. And the exaltation of yourself, especially a self that's about wealth and power, could not be more at odds with at least my understanding of the teachings of the Christian faith.”

“Well, obviously, I want them to change,” he noted. “But I also want to recognize the struggle they might be having and get them there. And in getting there, I want some kind of healing to go on, so that they can recognize ... that our marriages are just as good as theirs. Because people who are on what I would call the wrong side of this issue and of history probably don't think of themselves as hateful. So we've got to make sure that they feel good about themselves in the process of coming to a more accepting view.”

"If me being gay was a choice, it was made far, far above my pay grade ... Thats the thing that I wish the Mike Pences of the world would understand that if you got a problem with who I am your problem is not with me, your quarrel sir, is with my creator."

Yes, I do realize this requires literacy and an ability with logical thinking. You'll just have to muddle through as best you can.
Buttigieg has as much right as anyone to be a Christian. What he does NOT have a right to do is to redefine Christianity to suit what he wants to do.

You mean the way Christianity has been redefined to allow blacks to marry whites, allow women to be clergy, to stop stoning adulterers...stuff like that?

Oh how terrible...:rolleyes:

No, I can assure you that nothing I say will mean some half-assed reinterpretation of Christianity that fools like you have made up as a straw man to attack.
Jesus never uttered a word or opinion about polesmokers.

But he sure as shit had a LOT to say about hypocrites.

He also said anyone who divorces and remarries is an adulterer. Adultery is in the top ten.

So, yeah, fake Christians. Don't vote for the gay guy. Tell yourselves that as good Christians you have to support the serial adulterer, thief, and liar who runs casinos and contests of the flesh and encourages the worst of human weaknesses.

Yes; modern day Republican Christians will insert a new 'book' into the bible, one day; they will name it after their Earthly hero, Trump

and it was written, in the gospel, Two Trumps, verse 666; 'And therefore submit yourselves to cheating on your wives, grabbing as much strange pussy as possible, lie till you cannot tell the truth any longer, cheat your fellow man out of his daily needs, instruct others to lie & cheat, for it is good, as long as you are not a homo.'
Vote good family and Christian values!

What a blessing this man is. He knows gays, especially Buttigieg, are disciples of Satan.

’Something to be repentant of’: Franklin Graham blasts Buttigieg for being gay

Only morons believe that nonsense.

And men if God? The same ones who can’t stop fucking little boys?

"Oh, look! There have been priests who did bad things! That makes EVERY minister of EVERY denomination on Earth to blame for that . . . because I really want to deflect!"

I can only assume this non sequitur means you have nothing to say on-topic, and you know it, and you're too dishonest and cowardly to admit it.
The anti-gay thing is not part of core Christian doctrine. Jesus never said a word about it. Even if some people follow the mistaken beliefs that the King James Bible is inerrant and infallible and written by the Supreme Being, there is not much in there that relates to LGBTs. And there is a whole lot of other stuff that relates to other issues that is being totally ignored.

I would like to see this moron graham live an Ultra-Orthodox Jewish lifestyle.

This "man of God" thing is so totally asinine.

Send Franklin Graham to Israel; let his whiny butt reside there until he croaks.

The gay demographic in Israel are treated like near royalty.

I don't hear Graham belly aching about gays in his beloved Israel. Israel is one of the 'gayest' nations on planet Earth.

Do you really think that LGBT folks are treated as "near royalty" or just that they are treated as equal members of society. From what I hear, the ultra-ultra Jewish fundies in Israel throw stones at women and girls and seek to block female worshippers from Judaism's holiest sights, so I think that there are fundie Jewish men in Israel who would not behave too kindly to LGBTs.

Fundies of every religion are a pox upon humanity. graham is one of them.
The anti-gay thing is not part of core Christian doctrine. Jesus never said a word about it. Even if some people follow the mistaken beliefs that the King James Bible is inerrant and infallible and written by the Supreme Being, there is not much in there that relates to LGBTs. And there is a whole lot of other stuff that relates to other issues that is being totally ignored.

I would like to see this moron graham live an Ultra-Orthodox Jewish lifestyle.

This "man of God" thing is so totally asinine.

Send Franklin Graham to Israel; let his whiny butt reside there until he croaks.

The gay demographic in Israel are treated like near royalty.

I don't hear Graham belly aching about gays in his beloved Israel. Israel is one of the 'gayest' nations on planet Earth.

Do you really think that LGBT folks are treated as "near royalty" or just that they are treated as equal members of society. From what I hear, the ultra-ultra Jewish fundies in Israel throw stones at women and girls and seek to block female worshippers from Judaism's holiest sights, so I think that there are fundie Jewish men in Israel who would not behave too kindly to LGBTs.

Fundies of every religion are a pox upon humanity. graham is one of them.

In comparison to nearly all other nations, yes; gays are generally treated extremely well in Israel ..........
Franklin Graham was cautioning Buttplug not to flaunt his homosexuality. Graham should have just shut up and the little weak chinned queen continue being obnoxious.
Tons of reasons to not vote for Buttigieg, such as his supporting the New Green Deal.

His being gay doesn't matter.

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