A Man Of God Doing The Right Thing: Franklin Graham Blasts Buttigieg For Being Gay

Franklin Graham was cautioning Buttplug not to flaunt his homosexuality. Graham should have just shut up and the little weak chinned queen continue being obnoxious.

I disagree, from both a political and a religious perspective.

Politically, it's rarely a good idea to let your opponent's assertion of "fact" go unchallenged.

Religiously, challenging false prophets is part of his job description.

But people like graham ARE false prophets. He doesn't represent the Supreme Being on earth.

On what do you base that opinion on?
Reading the bible...duh.
Tons of reasons to not vote for Buttigieg, such as his supporting the New Green Deal.

His being gay doesn't matter.
His being gay doesn’t matter? It does to the white wing. And I don’t get what it is Republicans hate about defending protecting the world.
Why do Republicans want a dirty world? I just don’t get it.


Jesus never uttered a word or opinion about polesmokers.

But he sure as shit had a LOT to say about hypocrites.

He also said anyone who divorces and remarries is an adulterer. Adultery is in the top ten.

The bible also has a lot to say about people who steal. And people who bear false witness against others.

So, yeah, fake Christians. Don't vote for the gay guy. Tell yourselves that as good Christians you have to support the serial adulterer, thief, and liar who runs casinos and contests of the flesh and encourages the worst of human weaknesses.

Try to pretend you aren't a fucking raging hypocrite.

Oh shit; that means Trump is on the highway to Hell ............

Jesus never uttered a word or opinion about polesmokers.

But he sure as shit had a LOT to say about hypocrites.

He also said anyone who divorces and remarries is an adulterer. Adultery is in the top ten.

The bible also has a lot to say about people who steal. And people who bear false witness against others.

So, yeah, fake Christians. Don't vote for the gay guy. Tell yourselves that as good Christians you have to support the serial adulterer, thief, and liar who runs casinos and contests of the flesh and encourages the worst of human weaknesses.

Try to pretend you aren't a fucking raging hypocrite.

Oh shit; that means Trump is on the highway to Hell ............

Gay people suck... literally
Franklin Graham was cautioning Buttplug not to flaunt his homosexuality. Graham should have just shut up and the little weak chinned queen continue being obnoxious.

I disagree, from both a political and a religious perspective.

Politically, it's rarely a good idea to let your opponent's assertion of "fact" go unchallenged.

Religiously, challenging false prophets is part of his job description.

But people like graham ARE false prophets. He doesn't represent the Supreme Being on earth.

On what do you base that opinion on?
Reading the bible...duh.
Laws of Rape (Deuteronomy 22:28-29 NAB)
If a man is caught in the act of raping a young woman who is not engaged, he must pay fifty pieces of silver to her father. Then he must marry the young woman because he violated her, and he will never be allowed to divorce her.

Wow. I think that is so republican. Just think, if you rape a woman your punishment would be to marry her. Then you get to rape her over and over again as much as you want. That’s the new Christianity.
Me personally? I don’t support that. But I know who does!
That’s an unfortunate last name for a guy who likes... well..you know.
What a blessing this man is. He knows gays, especially Buttigieg, are disciples of Satan.

’Something to be repentant of’: Franklin Graham blasts Buttigieg for being gay
Franklin Graham is the very same guy who steadfastly refuses to condemn Trump's infidelities.

How does that fucker stand the stench of his own hypocrisy?

Pretty sure Franklin Graham condemned TRUMP past behavior and he wasn't on board with TRUMP during the campaign. The difference with TRUMP is he is not promoting his past behavior, Pete Butt is and that is the issue Graham is touching on.
What a blessing this man is. He knows gays, especially Buttigieg, are disciples of Satan.

’Something to be repentant of’: Franklin Graham blasts Buttigieg for being gay
Franklin Graham is the very same guy who steadfastly refuses to condemn Trump's infidelities.

How does that fucker stand the stench of his own hypocrisy?

Pretty sure Franklin Graham condemned TRUMP past behavior and he wasn't on board with TRUMP during the campaign. The difference with TRUMP is he is not promoting his past behavior, Pete Butt is and that is the issue Graham is touching on.

Trump certainly HAS "promoted" his past behavior. He did it every time he was on Howard Stern. He's never asked forgiveness for his past behavior, just ask him.

Moderator Frank Luntz asked Trump whether he has ever asked God for forgiveness for his actions.

"I am not sure I have. I just go on and try to do a better job from there. I don't think so," he said. "I think if I do something wrong, I think, I just try and make it right. I don't bring God into that picture. I don't."
What a blessing this man is. He knows gays, especially Buttigieg, are disciples of Satan.

’Something to be repentant of’: Franklin Graham blasts Buttigieg for being gay
Franklin Graham is the very same guy who steadfastly refuses to condemn Trump's infidelities.

How does that fucker stand the stench of his own hypocrisy?

Pretty sure Franklin Graham condemned TRUMP past behavior and he wasn't on board with TRUMP during the campaign. The difference with TRUMP is he is not promoting his past behavior, Pete Butt is and that is the issue Graham is touching on.

If you are to believe the words of Jesus, Trump is committing adultery by being married to Melania
What a blessing this man is. He knows gays, especially Buttigieg, are disciples of Satan.

’Something to be repentant of’: Franklin Graham blasts Buttigieg for being gay
Franklin Graham is the very same guy who steadfastly refuses to condemn Trump's infidelities.

How does that fucker stand the stench of his own hypocrisy?

Pretty sure Franklin Graham condemned TRUMP past behavior and he wasn't on board with TRUMP during the campaign. The difference with TRUMP is he is not promoting his past behavior, Pete Butt is and that is the issue Graham is touching on.
True. Trump never said that he wanted those who object to adultery to have some healing and feel good about changing their point of view.

The worst thing about Buttplug is his preaching. The second worst thing is his sanctimonious this is how God made me. That is the same thing pedophiles say. It's the same thing zoophiles say and the very words uttered by Jeffrey Dahmer.
How would anyone consider the likes of frankie graham to be a "man of God"??? He represents nothing but his own faction.

I've been criticized on USMB every time I've written that people who call themselves by the generic name of "Christian" need to identify themselves by denomination/group, but this imbroglio illustrates exactly why I have done so. Since the infancy of the Christian faith, it has split into factions over and over again. Even the more recent history of the colonies before the revolution against British rule shows this sectarian squabbling among the colonies.

As lately as yesterday, before this quote from franklin was published, I was asked by the courtesy driver from one of the stores that I shop at what religion I was, which I considered rude but let go. I had difficulty explaining to him, particularly given that his first language was not English, that I am a Christian but Christians are split off into different groups.

graham is saying that he has a right to be a Christian, but Buttigieg does not. I have to back Buttigieg on this one. graham is being a high holy jerk.

Graham is saying nothing of the sort. You are reading that into his words, because that's what you want to hear to rationalize your worldview. And because you're far from being the brightest or most literate . . . person, for want of a better word, on this board.

Buttigieg has as much right as anyone to be a Christian. What he does NOT have a right to do is to redefine Christianity to suit what he wants to do.
Buttigieg is not trying to "redefine Christianity." graham is, and he is totally out of bounds. As I said, Christians are continuing to subdivide. What shall we call you, the "Grahamite" faction?

Oh? So when he stands up and says that God wants him to be gay and that the core of Christianity is in tolerating and approving anything other people want to do - oh, and THEN immediately reversing himself by judging and condemning other people's actions - all in direct contradiction to what the Bible actually says, that isn't redefining Christianity? Why, because YOU want him to be right?

And Graham is out of bounds? Again, are you speaking from your vast "knowledge and experience" about Christianity and the job of a minister? Or because you consider it "out of bounds" to disagree with you?

Caring about what false prophets and fools like you think of Christians would require me to think of you as a sentient being worthy of my respect. As always, please hold your breath waiting to matter.
I'm going to be seeing God tonight, I can tell you, bleev me!


Is this why straight men shout "Oh, God!" "Oh, God!" at certain intimate moments of their lives, even if the neighbors can hear? In some Christian groups, this has been known as an "ejaculation."

I'm sorry, was this supposed to mean something other than, "No, I AM the supreme moral arbiter of the universe! I am, I am, I AM!!!"?

In case you were wondering, I was already aware a long time ago that you consider Donald Trump's sex life to be the worst - and, indeed, the only - sin ever committed in the history of humanity . . . aside from having been elected when you wanted Hillary.

And no matter how many times you triumphantly screech, "Donald Trump had sex! HE HAD SEX, OMIGOD, THE WORLD IS COLLAPSING!!!! HE SHOULD BE DRAWN AND QUARTERED FOR THE ULTIMATE SIN OF HAVING EXISTED AND HAVING HAD SEX!!!" I still don't care.
What a blessing this man is. He knows gays, especially Buttigieg, are disciples of Satan.

’Something to be repentant of’: Franklin Graham blasts Buttigieg for being gay
Must we go through this again? I thought we finished all this with Harvey Milk.

Just think, if Buttigieg wins the White House, we may have to change "First Lady" to "First Partner."

He won't, because the Democrats - those champions of "tolerance" - would never actually nominate him.
What a blessing this man is. He knows gays, especially Buttigieg, are disciples of Satan.

’Something to be repentant of’: Franklin Graham blasts Buttigieg for being gay
Franklin Graham is the very same guy who steadfastly refuses to condemn Trump's infidelities.

How does that fucker stand the stench of his own hypocrisy?

Pretty sure Franklin Graham condemned TRUMP past behavior and he wasn't on board with TRUMP during the campaign. The difference with TRUMP is he is not promoting his past behavior, Pete Butt is and that is the issue Graham is touching on.
True. Trump never said that he wanted those who object to adultery to have some healing and feel good about changing their point of view.

The worst thing about Buttplug is his preaching. The second worst thing is his sanctimonious this is how God made me. That is the same thing pedophiles say. It's the same thing zoophiles say and the very words uttered by Jeffrey Dahmer.
Those are all crimes. Being gay isn't...even though YOU would like it to be.
How would anyone consider the likes of frankie graham to be a "man of God"??? He represents nothing but his own faction.

I've been criticized on USMB every time I've written that people who call themselves by the generic name of "Christian" need to identify themselves by denomination/group, but this imbroglio illustrates exactly why I have done so. Since the infancy of the Christian faith, it has split into factions over and over again. Even the more recent history of the colonies before the revolution against British rule shows this sectarian squabbling among the colonies.

As lately as yesterday, before this quote from franklin was published, I was asked by the courtesy driver from one of the stores that I shop at what religion I was, which I considered rude but let go. I had difficulty explaining to him, particularly given that his first language was not English, that I am a Christian but Christians are split off into different groups.

graham is saying that he has a right to be a Christian, but Buttigieg does not. I have to back Buttigieg on this one. graham is being a high holy jerk.

Graham is saying nothing of the sort. You are reading that into his words, because that's what you want to hear to rationalize your worldview. And because you're far from being the brightest or most literate . . . person, for want of a better word, on this board.

Buttigieg has as much right as anyone to be a Christian. What he does NOT have a right to do is to redefine Christianity to suit what he wants to do.
Buttigieg is not trying to "redefine Christianity." graham is, and he is totally out of bounds. As I said, Christians are continuing to subdivide. What shall we call you, the "Grahamite" faction?

Oh? So when he stands up and says that God wants him to be gay and that the core of Christianity is in tolerating and approving anything other people want to do - oh, and THEN immediately reversing himself by judging and condemning other people's actions - all in direct contradiction to what the Bible actually says, that isn't redefining Christianity? Why, because YOU want him to be right?

And Graham is out of bounds? Again, are you speaking from your vast "knowledge and experience" about Christianity and the job of a minister? Or because you consider it "out of bounds" to disagree with you?

Caring about what false prophets and fools like you think of Christians would require me to think of you as a sentient being worthy of my respect. As always, please hold your breath waiting to matter.
I'm going to be seeing God tonight, I can tell you, bleev me!


Is this why straight men shout "Oh, God!" "Oh, God!" at certain intimate moments of their lives, even if the neighbors can hear? In some Christian groups, this has been known as an "ejaculation."

I'm sorry, was this supposed to mean something other than, "No, I AM the supreme moral arbiter of the universe! I am, I am, I AM!!!"?

In case you were wondering, I was already aware a long time ago that you consider Donald Trump's sex life to be the worst - and, indeed, the only - sin ever committed in the history of humanity . . . aside from having been elected when you wanted Hillary.

And no matter how many times you triumphantly screech, "Donald Trump had sex! HE HAD SEX, OMIGOD, THE WORLD IS COLLAPSING!!!! HE SHOULD BE DRAWN AND QUARTERED FOR THE ULTIMATE SIN OF HAVING EXISTED AND HAVING HAD SEX!!!" I still don't care.

Hyperbole doesn't hide hypocrisy.
Franklin Graham was cautioning Buttplug not to flaunt his homosexuality. Graham should have just shut up and the little weak chinned queen continue being obnoxious.

I disagree, from both a political and a religious perspective.

Politically, it's rarely a good idea to let your opponent's assertion of "fact" go unchallenged.

Religiously, challenging false prophets is part of his job description.

But people like graham ARE false prophets. He doesn't represent the Supreme Being on earth.

On what do you base that opinion on?

The impression that graham seeks to give the public that he is a spokesperson for the Supreme Being, which he is not. I don't think that Pope Francis, or the Archbishop of Canterbury, or the Dalai Lama are anointed spokespeople for the Supreme Being, not to mention the Orthodox Christian Pope, the Coptic Christian Pope, the Chief Iman of Mecca, or the Chief Rabbi of Jerusalem.

graham is just another cult guy. Have fun following Leviticus and Deuteronomy. Your kosher kitchen sounds yummy. How are those side-curls coming?

The impression that Graham seeks to give the public is that he's a minister who preaches the doctrines of Christianity, which is true. What is NOT true is when Pope Francis seeks to give the impression that HE is the spokesperson for the Supreme Being, instead of just another minister. Ditto the Archbishop of Canterbury, and any other religious leader who believes in a Supreme Being. The Dalai Lama, being Buddhist, doesn't believe in a Supreme Being. I would think a self-proclaimed "religious expert and moral arbiter of the universe" like you would know that.

Graham is just another minister. Cults aren't defined by "believing something that hate-filled morons like Lice don't like". Have fun trying to judge and condemn people who scorn your existence. How is that pretending to matter coming?
What a blessing this man is. He knows gays, especially Buttigieg, are disciples of Satan.

’Something to be repentant of’: Franklin Graham blasts Buttigieg for being gay

Franklin Graham is the servant of Satan. He has disavowed everything he believes in to back Trump. Graham and the other fake Christians remind me of the moneychangers who Jesus chased out of the temple. Or even Judas as they have sold their values down the river for a few pieces of silver.

Marybeth Glenn Retweeted
Brooke Rogers ‏Verified account @bkerogers 20h20 hours ago
Evangical leaders who support Trump while pretending to care about the sanctity of marriage sure are a riot.

Is it painful to be such a giant frigging hypocrite that you're even hypocritical about hypocrisy?

You are the hypocrite. If you support Trump then you are not a Christian. You are the hypocrite spawn of Satan.
He doesn't blast him for being gay, he blasts him for defying God and glorifying sin.

It's one thing to *be gay*, we're all sinners.
It's another thing to tell Christians that it isn't a sin.

Or to tell them that you're a better Christian, because you made up your own version of Christianity that says anything you want to do is fine.
Can you link to Mayor Pete saying he is a better Christian?

I can quote it, although I will tell you in advance that I know you're going to invoke the "being obtuse as a debate strategy" gambit.

“The left is rightly committed to a separation of church and state … but we need to not be afraid to invoke arguments that are convincing on why Christian faith is going to point you in a progressive direction.”

“When I think about where most of Scripture points me, it is toward defending the poor, and the immigrant, and the stranger, and the prisoner, and the outcast, and those who are left behind by the way society works. And what we have now is this exaltation of wealth and power, almost for its own sake, that in my reading of Scripture couldn't be more contrary to the message of Christianity. So I think it's really important to carry a message (to the public), knitting together a lot of groups that have already been on this path for some time, but giving them more visibility in the public sphere.”

“I'm reluctant to comment on another person's faith, but I would say it is hard to look at this president's actions and believe that they're the actions of somebody who believes in God,” he said. “I just don't understand how you can be as worshipful of your own self as he is and be prepared to humble yourself before God. I've never seen him humble himself before anyone. And the exaltation of yourself, especially a self that's about wealth and power, could not be more at odds with at least my understanding of the teachings of the Christian faith.”

“Well, obviously, I want them to change,” he noted. “But I also want to recognize the struggle they might be having and get them there. And in getting there, I want some kind of healing to go on, so that they can recognize ... that our marriages are just as good as theirs. Because people who are on what I would call the wrong side of this issue and of history probably don't think of themselves as hateful. So we've got to make sure that they feel good about themselves in the process of coming to a more accepting view.”

"If me being gay was a choice, it was made far, far above my pay grade ... Thats the thing that I wish the Mike Pences of the world would understand that if you got a problem with who I am your problem is not with me, your quarrel sir, is with my creator."

Yes, I do realize this requires literacy and an ability with logical thinking. You'll just have to muddle through as best you can.

No where does he say he is a better Christian. That sort of hubris is the sole ownership of ungodly people like Franklin Graham.

"I will tell you in advance that I know you're going to invoke the "being obtuse as a debate strategy" gambit."

Well, I called THAT ball and pocket.
Buttigieg has as much right as anyone to be a Christian. What he does NOT have a right to do is to redefine Christianity to suit what he wants to do.

You mean the way Christianity has been redefined to allow blacks to marry whites, allow women to be clergy, to stop stoning adulterers...stuff like that?

Oh how terrible...:rolleyes:

No, I can assure you that nothing I say will mean some half-assed reinterpretation of Christianity that fools like you have made up as a straw man to attack.
Those were all times where Christianity was redefined. Denial of the truth does not make it less true. Christianity "redefines" itself quite often, thankfully.

Those were all times which bore little resemblance to your uneducated, simple-minded, and hate-filled talking points about them.

What I CAN tell you which might actually make sense on your dumbed-down level is that at no time has Christianity ever been redefined according to what ignorant religiophobes wanted it to be. To the extent that Christianity "redefines" itself, IT does it; evil-spewing outsiders like you don't.

PS. Nope, looks like I still didn't dumb it down enough, but it's just so damned hard to speak in only one-syllable words.
Franklin Graham was cautioning Buttplug not to flaunt his homosexuality. Graham should have just shut up and the little weak chinned queen continue being obnoxious.

I disagree, from both a political and a religious perspective.

Politically, it's rarely a good idea to let your opponent's assertion of "fact" go unchallenged.

Religiously, challenging false prophets is part of his job description.

But people like graham ARE false prophets. He doesn't represent the Supreme Being on earth.

On what do you base that opinion on?
Reading the bible...duh.

Really? Was this a Bible that Mayor Pete wrote himself for his newly-invented "Anything I want to do is fine" religion?
What a blessing this man is. He knows gays, especially Buttigieg, are disciples of Satan.

’Something to be repentant of’: Franklin Graham blasts Buttigieg for being gay
Franklin Graham is the very same guy who steadfastly refuses to condemn Trump's infidelities.

How does that fucker stand the stench of his own hypocrisy?

Pretty sure Franklin Graham condemned TRUMP past behavior and he wasn't on board with TRUMP during the campaign. The difference with TRUMP is he is not promoting his past behavior, Pete Butt is and that is the issue Graham is touching on.
True. Trump never said that he wanted those who object to adultery to have some healing and feel good about changing their point of view.

The worst thing about Buttplug is his preaching. The second worst thing is his sanctimonious this is how God made me. That is the same thing pedophiles say. It's the same thing zoophiles say and the very words uttered by Jeffrey Dahmer.
Those are all crimes. Being gay isn't...even though YOU would like it to be.

They aren't crimes. There are individuals who commit acts that are crimes. Just like the time when homosexual acts were crimes. All that needs be done is change the laws. Just like the law was changed to accommodate homosexuality.

Trump, for all his faults and flaws has never demanded that anyone change their mind and form a different opinion. He never said that others need to be healed and think of adultery as positive.

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