A "Mandate"?

So....the term "Mandate" has been bandied around concerning Drumpf's election.

Tell us....a "Mandate" to do what?

Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy, evul bearded twin from the Anti-Matter Universe:

To undo the unlawful actions and YUUUGGGGEEE Government Overreach performed by the Obama Administration.
Particulars....what unlawful actions? What huge Government Overreach(s)?
Ive seen Trump body slam people, cant wait till hes prezzo, gonna put the hurt on some folks.
To drain the swamp and make America great again. That kind of thing.
A start....what does "drain the swamp" really mean to you? What does "Make America great again" mean to you?
It means a 5 year ban on lobbyist after leaving the administration.

Who could be against that?
Thank you....so, President Drumpf will ban people leaving government from becoming lobbyists for 5 years. Will that take the form of an Executive Order?
So....the term "Mandate" has been bandied around concerning Drumpf's election.

Tell us....a "Mandate" to do what?
To push the positions and policies he talked about during the election. And getting rid of Obama's EO's, in essence, his legacy. "An election has consequences...."
Anyone still calling Trump 'Drumpf', is an ignoramus with no credibility. They're irrelevant. It's Trump's turn to be above the law. The petty haters better get used to it. :)
President elect Trump obliterated you stupid idiots, his mandate from the people will become legend!! :Boom2:
And what will his mandate look like?

Your pain and suffering has only just begun, with control of the House, Senate, and White House and stacks of bills already waiting to be signed into law by Trump you people are about to experience some historic payback. Your butthurt the night of the election will seem pale in comparison.
Mandate is meaningless. The only issue is whether Trump will have the votes to do what he wants to do,

or whether the GOP Congress can get Trump's signature on what they want to do.

Not to mention the Democrats' filibuster power...
The butt hurt hasn't subsided yet has it?
He'll get one, maybe 3 Justices.
McConnell will nuke your little protest and seat the Justice(s) and you'll be told to take a seat.
President elect Trump obliterated you stupid idiots, his mandate from the people will become legend!! :Boom2:
And what will his mandate look like?

Your pain and suffering has only just begun, with control of the House, Senate, and White House and stacks of bills already waiting to be signed into law by Trump you people are about to experience some historic payback. Your butthurt the night of the election will seem pale in comparison.

Yup. It's Trump's turn to be above the law. He has the pen and phone now. It's on Bitches!


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