A Media Dentist (Frogger)


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a media-parable inspired by Switching Channels.

Why does modern media (Internet, E!, Dish-TV, CNN.com, etc., etc.) feel like Frogger?

Signing off,

{Tom Cruise, Ajay, and Tom Hanks}



Ajay was a well-educated and sharp Internet-blogger who was in a chat-room one day chatting about the dangers of modern 'magazine culture' in America when two alias-using chatters started telling him to be more 'idealistic' about the stylistic 'bravado' of American culture. Ajay engaged them in a debate, and they revealed to him (in a private chat-messenger) that they were actually the Hollywood movie superstars Tom Cruise and Tom Hanks(!). Ajay realized the two celebrities were ultra-conscious of 'consumerism cynicism,' and Cruise and Hanks quickly discovered they were engaging with a real American 'pedestrian capitalism-critic.' They talked about the 'American morale' (e.g., Playboy, Dianetics, etc.).

CRUISE: Americans have the opportunity to be 'Big Brother.'
AJAY: Whoa. Human beings yearn for liberty, not patronage.
HANKS: America is thought of as the fashion father-figure!

CRUISE: I think Facebook will become the new United Nations!
AJAY: Whoa. Facebook is just an online 'yearbook.'
HANKS: Modern commerce-culture requires 'school uniform consciousness.'

CRUISE: America offers the world's finest schools/universities.
AJAY: Whoa. Harvard/Yale/Stanford (etc.) are symbols of youth (not power).
HANKS: Maybe the National Security Agency should be considered 'friendly.'

Ajay did not want to argue with these Hollywood movie superstars about whether or not the world required a superpower to oversee all commercial treaties as a policing-force so as to avoid the problems of anarchy (e.g., Bosnia, ISIS, etc.). However, Ajay did feel that Cruise and Hanks were so enamoured by media culture, magazine culture, and capitalism power-potential that they seemed to (almost) believe that America was the supreme nation because it was the most 'stylish.' Since Ajay studied some pop-culture literature and fashion (and psychology) at Dartmouth College (a prestigious Ivy League school), he understood that magazine culture in America (e.g., People Magazine) revealed a pedestrian interest in 'friendly success-story campfire exuberance' (e.g., MTV, America's Next Top Model, etc.).

Cruise and Hanks realized Ajay was a shrewd and clever Internet-blogger so they wanted to take some of his 'pseudo-liberalism' oriented critiques to forward ideas in their films/interviews regarding the scope of consumerism culture (e.g., Amazon.com) and how to avoid the 'metaphysical dangers' of Orwellian apathy (e.g., Enron, 9/11, etc.). Cruise and Hanks decided to encourage Ajay to continue blogging on the Internet about the wise management of consumerism culture and the desirable pedestrian critiques/protests offered by everyday American citizens interested in the right direction America should take (with Wall Street, Hollywood, the World Bank and the UN, etc., etc., etc.). They found Ajay's blog on World Discussion Forum the next day (and it made them very very happy).

"My name is Ajay. I'm an Ivy League graduate. I love America and American history. I'm foreign-born but a U.S. citizen. I enjoy comic books, photography, and populism politics. As an avid Internet-blogger defending the dreams of everyday Americans trying to wrestle out the promise of liberty in a nation really swamped by the temptations of consumerism gluttony, I consider myself the metaphorical/allegorical Lord Protector of modern democracy, which is why I feel that media-personalities (e.g., Dom Imus, Bill Gates) and Hollywood movie stars (e.g., Tom Cruise, Tom Hanks) would consider me a 'layman-daydream advocate.' Wish me luck...and may God bless America!"


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