A meme to the GOP..ya better not screw up like you did after 2014

So true..


What's so special about after 2014? What you REALLY meant to say is you hope the Repugs don't completely fuck up again like they did during Bush's disastrous presidency from 2001 - 2009.

They gave Obama every thing he asked for after they renigged on there promise..

The democrats didn't do shit when they won in 2006

Really? I'm still waiting for Obama's Supreme Court nominee to get confirmed by the obstructionist fascist Repugs in the Senate.

What fucking planet do you live on, idiot? Repugs have NEVER worked with Obama and that is a simple fact. Only in your unsophisticated, fantasy-addled mind is that not true.

What? They gave him his budget what planet do you live on?

Pal it was Obama's job to lead what is so complicated that you can't comprehend that?

All great leaders and bosses lead by compromising..

I am not a true blue conservative..

Just a fiscal conservative.. I know who saves me money and who produces the jobs and it's not the democrats they left my kind behind 40 years ago.
what obama budget? They haven't passed any of his budgets in the 8 years of his budgets, have they? Maybe 1, if that, out of 8

Oh god how many budgets did harry the fucking Reid put up for a vote in the past 8 years cupcake?
They gave Obama every thing he asked for after they renigged on there promise..

The democrats didn't do shit when they won in 2006

Really? I'm still waiting for Obama's Supreme Court nominee to get confirmed by the obstructionist fascist Repugs in the Senate.

What fucking planet do you live on, idiot? Repugs have NEVER worked with Obama and that is a simple fact. Only in your unsophisticated, fantasy-addled mind is that not true.

And what kind of supreme court judge says all women must vote for Hillary? We don't need another liberal supreme court justice..

Liberal supreme Court justices only vote one sided.. They vote on their feelings..

Right wing supreme Court justices vote on the constitution.. We seen it over and over again..

Roe vs wade
With gay marriage
With Obama care..


Bullshit. Bush vs Gore had absolutely no legal precedent. The Supreme Court rarely, if ever, gets involved in state election matters, like they did regarding Florida in 2000. The 5 Republican Justices just wanted a Repug President, it's that simple. Overturning the Voting Rights Act also had no justification, especially with the massive voter suppression of minorities that is still occurring. Neither did the Citizens United decision that's basically allowed unlimited money into the election process.

Calm down pal you are going all over the map here..

With the idiot bush Jr (I voted for him the first time and against him the 2nd time )
The Supreme Court had no choice they ruled by the constitution..

Gore was dragging it out and it was getting ridiculous.

Citizens united helps every one to get a voice including unions..

Don't be so angry..

Pal ya win some ya lose some that's the way the constitution was set up to be.

There is nothing in the Constitution or legal precedent that justifies any of the Supreme Court decisions that I mentioned. Period. You're just talking out of your ass because that's what you do.

Now you their was a time limit a supreme Court had to stop the nonsense by the 21st..

It was all about time what else could they have done before the electoral vote took place?
The GOP royally screwed up from 2001-'06, when they held both houses and the WH, yet outspent and grew government at a faster rate then the "liberal" predicessor.

Matt Taibbi's Rolling Stone article from 2006 about the Repug Congress during the Bush years is still one of my favorite all-time reads. It's terrifying that the next few years can actually be worse than this:

The Worst Congress Ever - Rolling Stone
Really? I'm still waiting for Obama's Supreme Court nominee to get confirmed by the obstructionist fascist Repugs in the Senate.

What fucking planet do you live on, idiot? Repugs have NEVER worked with Obama and that is a simple fact. Only in your unsophisticated, fantasy-addled mind is that not true.

And what kind of supreme court judge says all women must vote for Hillary? We don't need another liberal supreme court justice..

Liberal supreme Court justices only vote one sided.. They vote on their feelings..

Right wing supreme Court justices vote on the constitution.. We seen it over and over again..

Roe vs wade
With gay marriage
With Obama care..


Bullshit. Bush vs Gore had absolutely no legal precedent. The Supreme Court rarely, if ever, gets involved in state election matters, like they did regarding Florida in 2000. The 5 Republican Justices just wanted a Repug President, it's that simple. Overturning the Voting Rights Act also had no justification, especially with the massive voter suppression of minorities that is still occurring. Neither did the Citizens United decision that's basically allowed unlimited money into the election process.

Calm down pal you are going all over the map here..

With the idiot bush Jr (I voted for him the first time and against him the 2nd time )
The Supreme Court had no choice they ruled by the constitution..

Gore was dragging it out and it was getting ridiculous.

Citizens united helps every one to get a voice including unions..

Don't be so angry..

Pal ya win some ya lose some that's the way the constitution was set up to be.

There is nothing in the Constitution or legal precedent that justifies any of the Supreme Court decisions that I mentioned. Period. You're just talking out of your ass because that's what you do.

Now you their was a time limit a supreme Court had to stop the nonsense by the 21st..

It was all about time what else could they have done before the electoral vote took place?

They could have allowed Florida to continue the recount, genius. They put a halt to the recount before they made their decision to help run out the clock.
The GOP royally screwed up from 2001-'06, when they held both houses and the WH, yet outspent and grew government at a faster rate then the "liberal" predicessor.

We were at war what did you want bush Jr to do send the world roses and a love letter saying thanks for destroying the twin towers and killing 2.000 plus innocent Americans?

Some jumping to their deaths in a horrible way?
And what kind of supreme court judge says all women must vote for Hillary? We don't need another liberal supreme court justice..

Liberal supreme Court justices only vote one sided.. They vote on their feelings..

Right wing supreme Court justices vote on the constitution.. We seen it over and over again..

Roe vs wade
With gay marriage
With Obama care..


Bullshit. Bush vs Gore had absolutely no legal precedent. The Supreme Court rarely, if ever, gets involved in state election matters, like they did regarding Florida in 2000. The 5 Republican Justices just wanted a Repug President, it's that simple. Overturning the Voting Rights Act also had no justification, especially with the massive voter suppression of minorities that is still occurring. Neither did the Citizens United decision that's basically allowed unlimited money into the election process.

Calm down pal you are going all over the map here..

With the idiot bush Jr (I voted for him the first time and against him the 2nd time )
The Supreme Court had no choice they ruled by the constitution..

Gore was dragging it out and it was getting ridiculous.

Citizens united helps every one to get a voice including unions..

Don't be so angry..

Pal ya win some ya lose some that's the way the constitution was set up to be.

There is nothing in the Constitution or legal precedent that justifies any of the Supreme Court decisions that I mentioned. Period. You're just talking out of your ass because that's what you do.

Now you their was a time limit a supreme Court had to stop the nonsense by the 21st..

It was all about time what else could they have done before the electoral vote took place?

They could have allowed Florida to continue the recount, genius. They put a halt to the recount before they made their decision to help run out the clock.
..in select Floridian county's.. BTW I am not no genius.. I know a few things.. I know news and politics I know how to fix industrial machinery..

If I was a genius I would know how to keep a hot girl..and learn how to spell and use correct grammar..
The GOP royally screwed up from 2001-'06, when they held both houses and the WH, yet outspent and grew government at a faster rate then the "liberal" predicessor.

Matt Taibbi's Rolling Stone article from 2006 about the Repug Congress during the Bush years is still one of my favorite all-time reads. It's terrifying that the next few years can actually be worse than this:

The Worst Congress Ever - Rolling Stone

What Congress was that they wrote a book on the democrats do nothing Congress of 2006 a great read to
I am going to post this brb have the book some where in my house think it's upstairs
Ah I think my daughter has it up at North western..



This do-nothing Congress did all the wrong things
Is flag burning more vital than ethics reform?

December 15, 2006


At 4:35 a.m. last Saturday, Sen. Bill Frist performed his last act as majority leader. To the handful of members still there, he announced the adjournment of the 109th Congress "sine die" – that is, forever – leaving behind the most unproductive session in recent history. Congress has been in session only 103 days this year, compared with 110 for President Truman's "do-nothing Congress."

It did not perform its most basic constitutional duty – to vote the appropriations necessary to run the government. Of 11 departmental appropriations, it had managed to pass only two – defense and homeland security. The rest of the government was left to limp along on a stopgap resolution that was constantly in danger of expiring – the next deadline is Feb. 15.
The GOP royally screwed up from 2001-'06, when they held both houses and the WH, yet outspent and grew government at a faster rate then the "liberal" predicessor.

We were at war what did you want bush Jr to do send the world roses and a love letter saying thanks for destroying the twin towers and killing 2.000 plus innocent Americans?

Some jumping to their deaths in a horrible way?
So growing the fuck out of government is cool if you're scared and paranoid enough, huh?

What's the shitty excuse for NCLB?...Medicare D?...Grossly bloated transportation and ag bills?....Extending unemployment handouts to nearly two years?....Bailout after bailout after bailout?
So true..


What's so special about after 2014? What you REALLY meant to say is you hope the Repugs don't completely fuck up again like they did during Bush's disastrous presidency from 2001 - 2009.

They gave Obama every thing he asked for after they renigged on there promise..

The democrats didn't do shit when they won in 2006

Really? I'm still waiting for Obama's Supreme Court nominee to get confirmed by the obstructionist fascist Repugs in the Senate.

What fucking planet do you live on, idiot? Repugs have NEVER worked with Obama and that is a simple fact. Only in your unsophisticated, fantasy-addled mind is that not true.


I have read a few of your posts and I know there is no way for us to ever agree. We just see the world differently.

What I saw is that the Republicans couldn't possibly work with Obama, because for every Issue that came along, Obama's constant position was: My Way or the Highway.

Funny how people can watch the same events unfold...and see entirely different things. Been going on for centuries.
So true..


Yeah I know republicans are mad at me to with my thread.. But damn it I want leadership. I want a president and Congress to work together I am tired of the past 16 years..Of oobstructionist I am tired of this tit for tat that goes back over 20years during clareance Thomas and the damn pubic hair on a coke can..

We screwed you with bush Jr.

You screwed us with Obama.

Let's call it a draw..

And work with a fiscal conservative and social liberal trump.

The GOP royally screwed up from 2001-'06, when they held both houses and the WH, yet outspent and grew government at a faster rate then the "liberal" predicessor.

We were at war what did you want bush Jr to do send the world roses and a love letter saying thanks for destroying the twin towers and killing 2.000 plus innocent Americans?

Some jumping to their deaths in a horrible way?
So growing the fuck out of government is cool if you're scared and paranoid enough, huh?

What's the shitty excuse for NCLB?...Medicare D?...Grossly bloated transportation and ag bills?....Extending unemployment handouts to nearly two years?....Bailout after bailout after bailout?

You drunk?

Sorry my googl translator don't work for alcoholics.. And since you didn't apply any mathematics I don't have a clue what you said..

Sorry I tried to understand
You drunk?

Sorry my googl translator don't work for alcoholics.. And since you didn't apply any mathematics I don't have a clue what you said..

Sorry I tried to understand
You incapable of comprehending the English language?

What the fuck do NCLB, Medicare D, hideously expensive ag and transportation bills, and bailout nation have to do with 9/11?
The GOP royally screwed up from 2001-'06, when they held both houses and the WH, yet outspent and grew government at a faster rate then the "liberal" predicessor.

We were at war what did you want bush Jr to do send the world roses and a love letter saying thanks for destroying the twin towers and killing 2.000 plus innocent Americans?

Some jumping to their deaths in a horrible way?

And what did 9/11 have to do with the Iraq War and massive tax cuts for the rich in 2001 and 2003? Those are the main reasons how Bush doubled the national debt.

You made a horrible decision voting for Bush in 2000. It sounds like you wised up a little in 2004. Some people have to learn the hard way.
So true..


What's so special about after 2014? What you REALLY meant to say is you hope the Repugs don't completely fuck up again like they did during Bush's disastrous presidency from 2001 - 2009.

They gave Obama every thing he asked for after they renigged on there promise..

The democrats didn't do shit when they won in 2006

Really? I'm still waiting for Obama's Supreme Court nominee to get confirmed by the obstructionist fascist Repugs in the Senate.

What fucking planet do you live on, idiot? Repugs have NEVER worked with Obama and that is a simple fact. Only in your unsophisticated, fantasy-addled mind is that not true.


I have read a few of your posts and I know there is no way for us to ever agree. We just see the world differently.

What I saw is that the Republicans couldn't possibly work with Obama, because for every Issue that came along, Obama's constant position was: My Way or the Highway.

Funny how people can watch the same events unfold...and see entirely different things. Been going on for centuries.

And like all intellectually dishonest Repugs, you are only viewing this through your narrow partisan lens. From day one, Mitch McConnell said he was unwilling to work with President Obama. Period. Yet dishonest Repugs like you want to place all the blame on Obama.
So true..

For me it is more that the GOP is the lesser of two evils.

Once Democrats are destroyed, the GOP will no longer be the lesser evil.
We need the democrats.
the difference in policy between the two parties keeps us in a better place than having all one or the other.
Consider driving a sports car on a mountain road with no brakes. You need something to slow you down when a disaster is heading your way. Same with politics. if either party got 100% of what they really want, we would be hosed as a country,, even more than we are now.
So true..


What's so special about after 2014? What you REALLY meant to say is you hope the Repugs don't completely fuck up again like they did during Bush's disastrous presidency from 2001 - 2009.

They gave Obama every thing he asked for after they renigged on there promise..

The democrats didn't do shit when they won in 2006

Really? I'm still waiting for Obama's Supreme Court nominee to get confirmed by the obstructionist fascist Repugs in the Senate.

What fucking planet do you live on, idiot? Repugs have NEVER worked with Obama and that is a simple fact. Only in your unsophisticated, fantasy-addled mind is that not true.


I have read a few of your posts and I know there is no way for us to ever agree. We just see the world differently.

What I saw is that the Republicans couldn't possibly work with Obama, because for every Issue that came along, Obama's constant position was: My Way or the Highway.

Funny how people can watch the same events unfold...and see entirely different things. Been going on for centuries.

And like all intellectually dishonest Repugs, you are only viewing this through your narrow partisan lens. From day one, Mitch McConnell said he was unwilling to work with President Obama. Period. Yet dishonest Repugs like you want to place all the blame on Obama.
But its ok now that the democrats are saying the will refuse to work with Donald Trump as president, but, you can bet all the blame will fall on him too.
The GOP royally screwed up from 2001-'06, when they held both houses and the WH, yet outspent and grew government at a faster rate then the "liberal" predicessor.

We were at war what did you want bush Jr to do send the world roses and a love letter saying thanks for destroying the twin towers and killing 2.000 plus innocent Americans?

Some jumping to their deaths in a horrible way?

And what did 9/11 have to do with the Iraq War and massive tax cuts for the rich in 2001 and 2003? Those are the main reasons how Bush doubled the national debt.

You made a horrible decision voting for Bush in 2000. It sounds like you wised up a little in 2004. Some people have to learn the hard way.

Good to see you talking normal..

I never thought you were that bad of a person just has alot of passion like me.

I have yet to check your profile so I don't have a clue how old you are but Bill handed us a mini recession when bush Jr took over that's why the republicans thought a tax cut was in reason..

What does the Iraq War have to do with 9/11?

Nothing we had to kill someone and since we blew up everything to blow up in Afghanistan may as well go after sadam..

Again I don't know how old you are but yea we wanted to kill people.. We wanted to be bullys..

Bush Jr wanted to kill sadam.. It wasn't about the oil it was about revenge.

It was that simple
Good to see you talking normal..

I never thought you were that bad of a person just has alot of passion like me.

I have yet to check your profile so I don't have a clue how old you are but Bill handed us a mini recession when bush Jr took over that's why the republicans thought a tax cut was in reason..

What does the Iraq War have to do with 9/11?

Nothing we had to kill someone and since we blew up everything to blow up in Afghanistan may as well go after sadam..

Again I don't know how old you are but yea we wanted to kill people.. We wanted to be bullys..

Bush Jr wanted to kill sadam.. It wasn't about the oil it was about revenge.

It was that simple
The Iraq war was an entirely unnecessary bug hunt.

Even so, it had ZERO to do with Bush's freaked out progressive domestic spending spree and bureaucracy bloat-a-thon.
So true..


What's so special about after 2014? What you REALLY meant to say is you hope the Repugs don't completely fuck up again like they did during Bush's disastrous presidency from 2001 - 2009.

They gave Obama every thing he asked for after they renigged on there promise..

The democrats didn't do shit when they won in 2006

Really? I'm still waiting for Obama's Supreme Court nominee to get confirmed by the obstructionist fascist Repugs in the Senate.

What fucking planet do you live on, idiot? Repugs have NEVER worked with Obama and that is a simple fact. Only in your unsophisticated, fantasy-addled mind is that not true.


I have read a few of your posts and I know there is no way for us to ever agree. We just see the world differently.

What I saw is that the Republicans couldn't possibly work with Obama, because for every Issue that came along, Obama's constant position was: My Way or the Highway.

Funny how people can watch the same events unfold...and see entirely different things. Been going on for centuries.

And like all intellectually dishonest Repugs, you are only viewing this through your narrow partisan lens. From day one, Mitch McConnell said he was unwilling to work with President Obama. Period. Yet dishonest Repugs like you want to place all the blame on Obama.

How many times do I have to post that I despise Mitch as much as harry Reid, Nancy and the fake Indian?

I can't stand them I would take an honest liberty any day over that pos Mitch

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