A mere 51,000 people signed up on Obamacare site in first week

That is 51 thousand better than last week, isn't now? :lol: Now they have insurance.

The first year goals of 7 million will easily be reached.
See what happens within six months. You are also forgetting there are many state run exchanges which people are signing up on. Over 28,000 have signed up in California already.

I predict the ultimate number of people who sign up in the coming years will exceed the Obama Administration's predictions.
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That is 51 thousand better than last week, isn't now? :lol: Now they have insurance.

The first year goals of 7 million will easily be reached.

where do you get this information?

The Congressional Budget Office is hoping for at least 7 million enrollees by the end of the 6-month open enrollment period to keep Obamacare financially afloat. At this rate, total national enrollment would be approximately 2 million, including state-run exchanges.
The "45 million uninsured Americans" number was a fiction. It will be interesting to see the mental twists the Democrats will have to do to cover up the obvious clash with reality which will occur now that ObamaCare is enacted.
That is 51 thousand better than last week, isn't now? :lol: Now they have insurance.

The first year goals of 7 million will easily be reached.

where do you get this information?

The Congressional Budget Office is hoping for at least 7 million enrollees by the end of the 6-month open enrollment period to keep Obamacare financially afloat. At this rate, total national enrollment would be approximately 2 million, including state-run exchanges.

Have you added up all the state exchanges enrollments that have occured in just one week?

Might be a good thing to do before prematurely celebrating ObamaCare's demise.
The first weeks will have low numbers as the kinks are worked out. It would be very foolish to extrapolate ObamaCare's defeat from a single snapshot of the beginning of the process.
That is 51 thousand better than last week, isn't now? :lol: Now they have insurance.

The first year goals of 7 million will easily be reached.

where do you get this information?

The Congressional Budget Office is hoping for at least 7 million enrollees by the end of the 6-month open enrollment period to keep Obamacare financially afloat. At this rate, total national enrollment would be approximately 2 million, including state-run exchanges.

Also, is the 51k number people who have signed up and been approved for insurance, or those who have been able to finally create an account JUST WITH THE WEBSITE so they can look at thier state's exchanges.

Given the reported state of the current website I think its the latter.
That is 51 thousand better than last week, isn't now? :lol: Now they have insurance.

The first year goals of 7 million will easily be reached.

where do you get this information?

The Congressional Budget Office is hoping for at least 7 million enrollees by the end of the 6-month open enrollment period to keep Obamacare financially afloat. At this rate, total national enrollment would be approximately 2 million, including state-run exchanges.

Have you added up all the state exchanges enrollments that have occured in just one week?

Might be a good thing to do before prematurely celebrating ObamaCare's demise.

i didn't celebrate anything, i posted facts and asked a question
The first weeks will have low numbers as the kinks are worked out. It would be very foolish to extrapolate ObamaCare's defeat from a single snapshot of the beginning of the process.

It cracks me up that the rw's think that somehow, Obama has lost anything at all. Many don't seem to realize he has reached the top - twice. There is nothing the R can do to change that and the harder they try, the more damage they do to themselves.
Based on the super-super-majority of Massachusetts citizens who wanted to keep RomneyCare around five years after implementation, despite its massive startup troubles, it is quite plausible the same will happen with ObamaCare.

Five years from now, I would not be the slightest bit surprised if 70 percent of Americans wanted to keep ObamaCare, with about half wanting fixes to be made to it.

The GOP is going to be under the steamroller if that turns out to be the case.
Report: A mere 51,000 people signed up on Obamacare site in first week | The Daily Caller

Wow out of the 48 million people who are un insured only 51K signs up.. Yeah this is a great program!! :lol:

See you believe the phony 48 million uninsured!
18 million are under 34 , make over $50k and don't want to spend more on employers plans.. so bogus number!
14 million are already covered all need to do is register with Medicaid!
10 million are NOT citizens!

18 million Source: CRISIS OF THE UNINSURED: 2009
14 million SOURCE: http://coverageforall.org/pdf/BC-BS_Uninsured-America.pdf
10 million SOURCE: US Census Bureau

So that is 42 million of the 48 supposedly million uninsured or really less then 6,000,000!

The point is ACA used phony NUMBER of 48 million "uninsured" to convince "yes" voters by 7 votes!
i guess they got a look at the deductables

You're probably right about that.

One of the guys I work with has a friend who pulled up that handydandy ACA website.

He input all his info and was advised his bill for HC would be $569 a month. Not bad right?

Thats what he thought till he got the cost of his deductable. $13,999.00. Not a misprint. $13,999.00. Bob said the guy almost fell out of his chair. Hell. I almost fell out of my fucking chair and I don't even know the guy.

He then went on to say that in 2015 the amount an employer pays for HC for employees is being declared as income. Taxable income. Of course premiums will be going up.

Bob's friend then got an e-mail the next day from the ACA. IRS I think. They advised him that he'd better get coverage or they would freeze his license and he would pay a daily fine. All kinds of dire consequences. So if you get on that site ya better sign up or you'll be in the same boat.

Looks like the only winners are those we taxpayers are forced to subsidize. Anyone else is shit outta luck

Also signing up is still pretty hard.

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^wow is this for real?.....the IRS would freeze his license and charge a daily fine......? nice threats....:eek:

this is getting Owellian.....

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