A mere 51,000 people signed up on Obamacare site in first week

Based on the super-super-majority of Massachusetts citizens who wanted to keep RomneyCare around five years after implementation, despite its massive startup troubles, it is quite plausible the same will happen with ObamaCare.

Five years from now, I would not be the slightest bit surprised if 70 percent of Americans wanted to keep ObamaCare, with about half wanting fixes to be made to it.

The GOP is going to be under the steamroller if that turns out to be the case.

10 years from now, people like Lovebear will be holding up signs saying "Keep your government hands off my ACA"
Based on the super-super-majority of Massachusetts citizens who wanted to keep RomneyCare around five years after implementation, despite its massive startup troubles, it is quite plausible the same will happen with ObamaCare.

Five years from now, I would not be the slightest bit surprised if 70 percent of Americans wanted to keep ObamaCare, with about half wanting fixes to be made to it.

The GOP is going to be under the steamroller if that turns out to be the case.

Yes they like it, but Mass. is 83 billion in the hole because of pensions and the Health Care Law.
Anything that States or Federal gives to the people, they are going to like it no matter what.

It did not bring down the cost of Health Care.
The shift in cost burden from employers to individuals is a sign of the law’s weakness. The median health insurance premium for a policy holder in Massachusetts was $442 in 2009, to a 21 percent jump from 2005.

Bankruptcy filings due to medical costs have also jumped, increasing by more than one-third between 2007 and 2009, according to analysis published in The American Journal of Medicine in March.

Rising costs continue to pose a challenge for the state. A survey published by Blue Cross Blue Shield Massachusetts Foundation in April found that per capita health care spending in Massachusetts is projected to nearly double by 2020.

Small businesses also have yet to see the full benefits of the law. Like the national law, the state insurance exchanges were meant to give small businesses a choice of finding cheaper health alternatives, but that hasn’t happened yet. Premiums charged to small businesses since 2006 have risen faster than average, growing by 5.8 percent from 2006 to 2008, compared to a 4.8 percent growth for mid-size companies.
Sure and lets not mention the millions of Fed tax dollars that are proping it up as well.

I'm sure if the Fed dollars were gone and the citizens of MA had to pay higher taxes to make up the difference they wouldn't be so enamoured of Romneycare.
That is 51 thousand better than last week, isn't now? :lol: Now they have insurance.

The first year goals of 7 million will easily be reached.

If that pace were to continue Jake, in a 52 week standard calendar year; by this time next year only 2,652,000 people will have signed up for the exchanges.

But then again, I doubt there will be 7 million people signed up by the February 14th, 2014 deadline.
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If only 7 million sign up, that's a lot of criminals the government will have to start prosecuting.

Liberals believe that all the people who signed up and will sign up never had insurance before. Many of them did have insurance. More will have had insurance until they were cancelled in favor of obamacare.

obamacare will not be able to survive if the majority who are healthy don't sign up and elect to pay the penalty instead. It will be bankrupt. The entire program depends on high premiums from the young and healthy and low premiums from the old and/or sick.
That is 51 thousand better than last week, isn't now? :lol: Now they have insurance.

The first year goals of 7 million will easily be reached.

If that pace were to continue Jake, in a 52 week standard calendar year; by this time next year only 2,652,000 people will have signed up for the exchanges.

But then again, I doubt there will be 7 million people signed up by the February 14th, 2014 deadline.

So dou you believe the phony 48 million uninsured?
18 million are under 34 , make over $50k and don't want to spend more on employers plans.. so bogus number!
14 million are already covered all need to do is register with Medicaid!
10 million are NOT citizens!

18 million Source: CRISIS OF THE UNINSURED: 2009
14 million SOURCE: http://coverageforall.org/pdf/BC-BS_...ed-America.pdf
10 million SOURCE: US Census Bureau

So that is 42 million of the 48 supposedly million uninsured or really less then 6,000,000!

The point is ACA used phony NUMBER of 48 million "uninsured" to convince "yes" voters by 7 votes!
I say everyone should just pay the fine that they can't afford, sit back and watch the fun.

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