A message to LGBT: Your alliance with the abortion lobby is no longer useful to you, dump it

Well, I realize now that it was a mistake to think LGBT people could be reasoned with.

My offer to make peace with you is withdrawn, I should never have made it to begin with. Obviously, your support for abortion is a very important part of the LGBT agenda, which I did not fully realize before, but now I realize with everything I read on this thread, which included a full-throated condemnation of the institution of fatherhood.

You hate everything normal, and what you hate most is normal men, and use murder unborn babies as a way of hurting normal men who want to be fathers. I get it now, it's about being evil, and proving it to Satan.

What ever you say,you arrogant jerk.
I may be arrogant, but I've never murdered anyone, and I will be justified to Christ for my life of fighting people who think it's perfectly ok to murder people, and he will have mercy on my sins because of my efforts to save little babies from abortion.

What will you say to Christ when you meet him?
This from the guy who thinks the punishment for murder should be a suspension of a doctors license. If you had true conviction in your belief than you wouldn't hesitate to promote full charges on the mother and all involved in abortion.

It isn't an easy issue, so don't pretend like it is so straight forward. If you are going to make claims of murder them back it up or you don't deserve the respect of consideration when making your arguments
Well, I realize now that it was a mistake to think LGBT people could be reasoned with.

My offer to make peace with you is withdrawn, I should never have made it to begin with. Obviously, your support for abortion is a very important part of the LGBT agenda, which I did not fully realize before, but now I realize with everything I read on this thread, which included a full-throated condemnation of the institution of fatherhood.

You hate everything normal, and what you hate most is normal men, and use murder unborn babies as a way of hurting normal men who want to be fathers. I get it now, it's about being evil, and proving it to Satan.

What ever you say,you arrogant jerk.
I may be arrogant, but I've never murdered anyone, and I will be justified to Christ for my life of fighting people who think it's perfectly ok to murder people, and he will have mercy on my sins because of my efforts to save little babies from abortion.

What will you say to Christ when you meet him?
Are you saying I have murdered someone? STFU you piece of shit. I've had about enough of that shit from you.
Well, I realize now that it was a mistake to think LGBT people could be reasoned with.

My offer to make peace with you is withdrawn, I should never have made it to begin with. Obviously, your support for abortion is a very important part of the LGBT agenda, which I did not fully realize before, but now I realize with everything I read on this thread, which included a full-throated condemnation of the institution of fatherhood.

You hate everything normal, and what you hate most is normal men, and use murder unborn babies as a way of hurting normal men who want to be fathers. I get it now, it's about being evil, and proving it to Satan.

What ever you say,you arrogant jerk.
I may be arrogant, but I've never murdered anyone, and I will be justified to Christ for my life of fighting people who think it's perfectly ok to murder people, and he will have mercy on my sins because of my efforts to save little babies from abortion.

What will you say to Christ when you meet him?
Are you saying I have murdered someone? STFU you piece of shit. I've had about enough of that shit from you.
He's a piece of work.
Well, I realize now that it was a mistake to think LGBT people could be reasoned with.

My offer to make peace with you is withdrawn, I should never have made it to begin with. Obviously, your support for abortion is a very important part of the LGBT agenda, which I did not fully realize before, but now I realize with everything I read on this thread, which included a full-throated condemnation of the institution of fatherhood.

You hate everything normal, and what you hate most is normal men, and you murder unborn babies as a way of hurting normal men who want to be fathers. I get it now, it's about being evil, and proving it to Satan.
Your offer to "make peace" was as phony as shit.
Well, I realize now that it was a mistake to think LGBT people could be reasoned with.

My offer to make peace with you is withdrawn, I should never have made it to begin with. Obviously, your support for abortion is a very important part of the LGBT agenda, which I did not fully realize before, but now I realize with everything I read on this thread, which included a full-throated condemnation of the institution of fatherhood.

You hate everything normal, and what you hate most is normal men, and use murder unborn babies as a way of hurting normal men who want to be fathers. I get it now, it's about being evil, and proving it to Satan.

What ever you say,you arrogant jerk.
I may be arrogant, but I've never murdered anyone, and I will be justified to Christ for my life of fighting people who think it's perfectly ok to murder people, and he will have mercy on my sins because of my efforts to save little babies from abortion.

What will you say to Christ when you meet him?
I hope God has mercy on you. You need it.
Well, I realize now that it was a mistake to think LGBT people could be reasoned with.

My offer to make peace with you is withdrawn, I should never have made it to begin with. Obviously, your support for abortion is a very important part of the LGBT agenda, which I did not fully realize before, but now I realize with everything I read on this thread, which included a full-throated condemnation of the institution of fatherhood.

You hate everything normal, and what you hate most is normal men, and use murder unborn babies as a way of hurting normal men who want to be fathers. I get it now, it's about being evil, and proving it to Satan.

What ever you say,you arrogant jerk.
I may be arrogant, but I've never murdered anyone, and I will be justified to Christ for my life of fighting people who think it's perfectly ok to murder people, and he will have mercy on my sins because of my efforts to save little babies from abortion.

What will you say to Christ when you meet him?
Are you saying I have murdered someone? STFU you piece of shit. I've had about enough of that shit from you.
Well, if you think you can stop me, then you're welcome to try. However, I did not say you were a murderer, maybe you are, but you haven't admitted to it.

But you support legalized murder, which actually makes you worse than a murderer, because at least a regular murderer tries to hide his crime, while you boast of it.
Abortion is a choice some women make. It is an individual woman's decision. I don't think recriminalizing abortion makes any sense.

Blackrook, stop calling anyone who disagrees with you a murderer. You are a controlling abusive prick and NO ONE gives a shit about your phony "let's be friends LGBT but ONLY if you follow me on my campaign to hurt women".
Well, I realize now that it was a mistake to think LGBT people could be reasoned with.

My offer to make peace with you is withdrawn, I should never have made it to begin with. Obviously, your support for abortion is a very important part of the LGBT agenda, which I did not fully realize before, but now I realize with everything I read on this thread, which included a full-throated condemnation of the institution of fatherhood.

You hate everything normal, and what you hate most is normal men, and you murder unborn babies as a way of hurting normal men who want to be fathers. I get it now, it's about being evil, and proving it to Satan.
Your offer to "make peace" was as phony as shit.
No, I wasn't being phony, I really wanted to make peace with the LGBT people, including you. But you can take the credit for talking me out of making peace with you and your kind. For you, that's an achievement, I'm sure.

So I remain your implacable enemy, instead of the friend I offered to be. So all the damage to your cause I continue to do, Dhara, it's now all on your head because you could have taken my hand of friendship and shaken it, but instead you slapped it away.

And now that I know the true extent of your evil, and the fact that you plan to start outlawing natural heterosexual fatherhood, I will redouble my efforts to oppose you in every way I can.
Well, I realize now that it was a mistake to think LGBT people could be reasoned with.

My offer to make peace with you is withdrawn, I should never have made it to begin with. Obviously, your support for abortion is a very important part of the LGBT agenda, which I did not fully realize before, but now I realize with everything I read on this thread, which included a full-throated condemnation of the institution of fatherhood.

You hate everything normal, and what you hate most is normal men, and use murder unborn babies as a way of hurting normal men who want to be fathers. I get it now, it's about being evil, and proving it to Satan.

What ever you say,you arrogant jerk.
I may be arrogant, but I've never murdered anyone, and I will be justified to Christ for my life of fighting people who think it's perfectly ok to murder people, and he will have mercy on my sins because of my efforts to save little babies from abortion.

What will you say to Christ when you meet him?
I hope God has mercy on you. You need it.
Thank you, I do need mercy. Fighting this war has a heavy cost to my soul, even though I'm fighting for good against evil. You know what Nietzsche said:

"Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster. And if you gaze long enough into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you."

And I pray that God have mercy on you too. I mean that in the nicest way.
Well, I realize now that it was a mistake to think LGBT people could be reasoned with.

My offer to make peace with you is withdrawn, I should never have made it to begin with. Obviously, your support for abortion is a very important part of the LGBT agenda, which I did not fully realize before, but now I realize with everything I read on this thread, which included a full-throated condemnation of the institution of fatherhood.

You hate everything normal, and what you hate most is normal men, and you murder unborn babies as a way of hurting normal men who want to be fathers. I get it now, it's about being evil, and proving it to Satan.
Your offer to "make peace" was as phony as shit.
No, I wasn't being phony, I really wanted to make peace with the LGBT people, including you. But you can take the credit for talking me out of making peace with you and your kind. For you, that's an achievement, I'm sure.

So I remain your implacable enemy, instead of the friend I offered to be. So all the damage to your cause I continue to do, Dhara, it's now all on your head because you could have taken my hand of friendship and shaken it, but instead you slapped it away.

And now that I know the true extent of your evil, and the fact that you plan to start outlawing natural heterosexual fatherhood, I will redouble my efforts to oppose you in every way I can.
My evil? Yeah, standing up to you. No wonder you think I'm evil.

I'm planning to outlaw fatherhood? Wow. I'm so powerful. Of course, that's a stupid idea. Why would I outlaw fatherhood. Just because you think you're "Father of the Year" while being a controlling jerk doesn't mean that other men aren't loving of women and kind to children.

You poor, insecure, hetero control freak.

I'm sooooo evil.
Well, I realize now that it was a mistake to think LGBT people could be reasoned with.

My offer to make peace with you is withdrawn, I should never have made it to begin with. Obviously, your support for abortion is a very important part of the LGBT agenda, which I did not fully realize before, but now I realize with everything I read on this thread, which included a full-throated condemnation of the institution of fatherhood.

You hate everything normal, and what you hate most is normal men, and use murder unborn babies as a way of hurting normal men who want to be fathers. I get it now, it's about being evil, and proving it to Satan.

What ever you say,you arrogant jerk.
I may be arrogant, but I've never murdered anyone, and I will be justified to Christ for my life of fighting people who think it's perfectly ok to murder people, and he will have mercy on my sins because of my efforts to save little babies from abortion.

What will you say to Christ when you meet him?
I hope God has mercy on you. You need it.
Thank you, I do need mercy. Fighting this war has a heavy cost to my soul, even though I'm fighting for good against evil. You know what Nietzsche said:

"Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster. And if you gaze long enough into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you."

And I pray that God have mercy on you too. I mean that in the nicest way.
Yeah right. The evil I'm after is the men that coerce women into pregnancy and reduce their choices. Men like you.
Abortion is a choice some women make. It is an individual woman's decision. I don't think recriminalizing abortion makes any sense.

Blackrook, stop calling anyone who disagrees with you a murderer. You are a controlling abusive prick and NO ONE gives a shit about your phony "let's be friends LGBT but ONLY if you follow me on my campaign to hurt women".
I'm sure someone would have been receptive to my idea, but you took it off the table when you revealed that the next item on the feminist-lesbian agenda is to criminalize natural fathers based on the loose stories of their wives and girlfriends who testify in court that they were "pressured" to have children. You have no fucking clue how dangerous that would become in divorce court, as many spiteful women would do just that to punish their husbands.

Since I now see that LGBT is far, far, far more evil and Satanic than I ever anticipated in my wildest dreams, I realize now that no compromise could ever be possible, and even if you became pro-life, I would still have to oppose you.
Abortion is a choice some women make. It is an individual woman's decision. I don't think recriminalizing abortion makes any sense.

Blackrook, stop calling anyone who disagrees with you a murderer. You are a controlling abusive prick and NO ONE gives a shit about your phony "let's be friends LGBT but ONLY if you follow me on my campaign to hurt women".
I'm sure someone would have been receptive to my idea, but you took it off the table when you revealed that the next item on the feminist-lesbian agenda is to criminalize natural fathers based on the loose stories of their wives and girlfriends who testify in court that they were "pressured" to have children. You have no fucking clue how dangerous that would become in divorce court, as many spiteful women would do just that to punish their husbands.

Since I now see that LGBT is far, far, far more evil and Satanic than I ever anticipated in my wildest dreams, I realize now that no compromise could ever be possible, and even if you became pro-life, I would still have to oppose you.
Oh yes, I'm soooo evil. I'm sooo satanic.
Well, I realize now that it was a mistake to think LGBT people could be reasoned with.

My offer to make peace with you is withdrawn, I should never have made it to begin with. Obviously, your support for abortion is a very important part of the LGBT agenda, which I did not fully realize before, but now I realize with everything I read on this thread, which included a full-throated condemnation of the institution of fatherhood.

You hate everything normal, and what you hate most is normal men, and use murder unborn babies as a way of hurting normal men who want to be fathers. I get it now, it's about being evil, and proving it to Satan.

What ever you say,you arrogant jerk.
I may be arrogant, but I've never murdered anyone, and I will be justified to Christ for my life of fighting people who think it's perfectly ok to murder people, and he will have mercy on my sins because of my efforts to save little babies from abortion.

What will you say to Christ when you meet him?
I hope God has mercy on you. You need it.
Thank you, I do need mercy. Fighting this war has a heavy cost to my soul, even though I'm fighting for good against evil. You know what Nietzsche said:

"Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster. And if you gaze long enough into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you."

And I pray that God have mercy on you too. I mean that in the nicest way.
Yeah right. The evil I'm after is the men that coerce women into pregnancy and reduce their choices. Men like you.
There are far more examples of women who deliberately stopped taking birth control to trap their husbands/boyfriends into fatherhood. And men can't get an abortion to reverse that, so they're stuck.
Abortion is a choice some women make. It is an individual woman's decision. I don't think recriminalizing abortion makes any sense.

Blackrook, stop calling anyone who disagrees with you a murderer. You are a controlling abusive prick and NO ONE gives a shit about your phony "let's be friends LGBT but ONLY if you follow me on my campaign to hurt women".
I'm sure someone would have been receptive to my idea, but you took it off the table when you revealed that the next item on the feminist-lesbian agenda is to criminalize natural fathers based on the loose stories of their wives and girlfriends who testify in court that they were "pressured" to have children. You have no fucking clue how dangerous that would become in divorce court, as many spiteful women would do just that to punish their husbands.

Since I now see that LGBT is far, far, far more evil and Satanic than I ever anticipated in my wildest dreams, I realize now that no compromise could ever be possible, and even if you became pro-life, I would still have to oppose you.
Oh yes, I'm soooo evil. I'm sooo satanic.
Well, I'm not going to argue with you.
I'm with my wife for 31 years now, completely faithful to her, and I'm now raising four adopted children. Yeah, I'm the evil you must oppose. I'm the woman who works with victims of domestic violence, reproductive coercion is one of those things YOU don't care about, Blackie.

Men who poke holes in their condoms, who mess with their wife's contraception to control them through pregnancy are evil.

You must be one of them because every time i talk about this YOU think you are being personally attacked.
What ever you say,you arrogant jerk.
I may be arrogant, but I've never murdered anyone, and I will be justified to Christ for my life of fighting people who think it's perfectly ok to murder people, and he will have mercy on my sins because of my efforts to save little babies from abortion.

What will you say to Christ when you meet him?
I hope God has mercy on you. You need it.
Thank you, I do need mercy. Fighting this war has a heavy cost to my soul, even though I'm fighting for good against evil. You know what Nietzsche said:

"Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster. And if you gaze long enough into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you."

And I pray that God have mercy on you too. I mean that in the nicest way.
Yeah right. The evil I'm after is the men that coerce women into pregnancy and reduce their choices. Men like you.
There are far more examples of women who deliberately stopped taking birth control to trap their husbands/boyfriends into fatherhood. And men can't get an abortion to reverse that, so they're stuck.
You stupid schmuck. Men who control women are evil, including the ones who make their wives get abortions. That's just as controlling as the ones who conspire to get their wives pregnant when the wives don't want to be and force them to have babies to keep them in sick marriages where they can continue to beat the shit out of the women.

That's the evil I'd like to see stopped.
What ever you say,you arrogant jerk.
I may be arrogant, but I've never murdered anyone, and I will be justified to Christ for my life of fighting people who think it's perfectly ok to murder people, and he will have mercy on my sins because of my efforts to save little babies from abortion.

What will you say to Christ when you meet him?
I hope God has mercy on you. You need it.
Thank you, I do need mercy. Fighting this war has a heavy cost to my soul, even though I'm fighting for good against evil. You know what Nietzsche said:

"Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster. And if you gaze long enough into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you."

And I pray that God have mercy on you too. I mean that in the nicest way.
Yeah right. The evil I'm after is the men that coerce women into pregnancy and reduce their choices. Men like you.
There are far more examples of women who deliberately stopped taking birth control to trap their husbands/boyfriends into fatherhood. And men can't get an abortion to reverse that, so they're stuck.

Well, they better keep it in their pants.
The thing is, my mother also hated men, and me, since I was a boy. She died alone, after taking pills, in a parking lot at her place of employment. It took at least a day to locate her body.

She bought into the feminism lie, and it destroyed her life. She died alone, and she thought she was unloved in the end. I couldn't be with her, because of all the terrible things she did, but I loved her. I made her a special gravestone, and paid for her grave to make sure it would be placed. And I pray for her, even though she was a suicide, I pray for God to have mercy on her.

So I loved her, even though she never showed love for me. And that is the same kind of love I have for you, and all enemies of God. I love you as Christ commanded Christians to love their enemies, and will pray for the day when you stop hating God, and men, and unborn babies.

Now, I will say a quick Hail Mary for your soul. God bless!!!
I may be arrogant, but I've never murdered anyone, and I will be justified to Christ for my life of fighting people who think it's perfectly ok to murder people, and he will have mercy on my sins because of my efforts to save little babies from abortion.

What will you say to Christ when you meet him?
I hope God has mercy on you. You need it.
Thank you, I do need mercy. Fighting this war has a heavy cost to my soul, even though I'm fighting for good against evil. You know what Nietzsche said:

"Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster. And if you gaze long enough into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you."

And I pray that God have mercy on you too. I mean that in the nicest way.
Yeah right. The evil I'm after is the men that coerce women into pregnancy and reduce their choices. Men like you.
There are far more examples of women who deliberately stopped taking birth control to trap their husbands/boyfriends into fatherhood. And men can't get an abortion to reverse that, so they're stuck.
You stupid schmuck. Men who control women are evil, including the ones who make their wives get abortions. That's just as controlling as the ones who conspire to get their wives pregnant when the wives don't want to be and force them to have babies to keep them in sick marriages where they can continue to beat the shit out of the women.

That's the evil I'd like to see stopped.
I note that to you, the man is always wrong, whether he wants to keep the child or have an abortion, and the woman is always right, whether she wants to keep the child or have an abortion.

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