A message to LGBT: Your alliance with the abortion lobby is no longer useful to you, dump it

You need babies, and right now babies are hard to get. You can't make your own babies, so you need to adopt them from straight people. But so long as 3000 unborn babies are aborted each day, it will be difficult to adopt babies. So you have to go to foreign countries to adopt, and that is expensive and time consuming.

Um...I'm not sure if you realize this, but it's the 21st Century. Gay does not mean sterile. We can and do "make" our own babies...I've "made" five. :rolleyes:
Blackrook, do you support same-sex couple adopting children?
No, but I am not actively opposing it, like I actively oppose abortion. Abortion is a much bigger issue for me. And I'd rather a baby live and be adopted by a gay couple than to die in an abortion clinic. You can't even compare the two.

You want gays to become pro-life and change, but you're unwilling to do so yourself when it comes to same-sex adoption. lol.

And to wonderfully real, most gays really do not care what the Christian Right thinks of gay people and their families.
I'm offering an olive branch, but not to you, mdk. You're a hard-core leftist, an enemy of God, and an enemy of the unborn child. Of course you don't want gays and Christians to bury the hatchet and take up pro-life as a common cause. But gays no longer need you, they now have marriages and families to protect, and you have now become their enemy, since you still hate what they have fought so hard to gain for themselves.

Now you're just making shit about me. I am a married gay man, was raised in a Catholic household, and wait for it...I am also pro-life. You take your sanctimonious chiding/olive branch and shove them up your ass. lol
OK, well then, why did you wait so long to say so? You maybe should have identified who you are going into this discussion, instead of keeping me in the dark, which is dirty pool I think.

And do tell me, why it is you are hostile to my proposal when I am offering a deal that will benefit you and other gay people? Is it your pride, or just mule-headed stubbornness? Either way, you're not thinking clearly, you are just reacting like a leg twitches when the doctor hammers it on the knee. Perhaps you want hatred between gays and Christians to continue, for yourr own reasons?

Yeah, MDK....why didn't ya say so! Ya dirty trickster ya! Just more proof that we can't trust you gays!
You want gays to become pro-life and change, but you're unwilling to do so yourself when it comes to same-sex adoption. lol.

And to wonderfully real, most gays really do not care what the Christian Right thinks of gay people and their families.
I'm offering an olive branch, but not to you, mdk. You're a hard-core leftist, an enemy of God, and an enemy of the unborn child. Of course you don't want gays and Christians to bury the hatchet and take up pro-life as a common cause. But gays no longer need you, they now have marriages and families to protect, and you have now become their enemy, since you still hate what they have fought so hard to gain for themselves.

Now you're just making shit about me. I am a married gay man, was raised in a Catholic household, and wait for it...I am also pro-life. You take your sanctimonious chiding/olive branch and shove them up your ass. lol
OK, well then, why did you wait so long to say so? You maybe should have identified who you are going into this discussion, instead of keeping me in the dark, which is dirty pool I think.

And do tell me, why it is you are hostile to my proposal when I am offering a deal that will benefit you and other gay people? Is it your pride, or just mule-headed stubbornness? Either way, you're not thinking clearly, you are just reacting like a leg twitches when the doctor hammers it on the knee. Perhaps you want hatred between gays and Christians to continue, for yourr own reasons?
Because, you arrogant ass, you’re in no position to ‘offer’ anything to anyone.
You don't know that. I am connected to the pro-life movement, and I am an attorney, and my job is persuading people. Persuading people to do what I want is how I make my living. I could offer my services as a liason between the gay movement and the pro-life movement if people were open to this idea. Or I could find someone who would do the job, if I was inadequate to the task. I'm more of a "behind the scenes" kind of guy, anyway.

You are an attorney?

Behind the scenes? Like...in the living room playing video games?
This is the internet, the modern cauldron of democracy, the town square of a world-wide town. If I say it can happen, it can happen, and I can start it just by talking about it on Facebook, Twitter, and forums like this.

Man. Our USMB nutbags sure do think they are game changers.
Now you're just making shit about me. I am a married gay man, was raised in a Catholic household, and wait for it...I am also pro-life. You take your sanctimonious chiding/olive branch and shove them up your ass. lol
OK, well then, why did you wait so long to say so? You maybe should have identified who you are going into this discussion, instead of keeping me in the dark, which is dirty pool I think.

And do tell me, why it is you are hostile to my proposal when I am offering a deal that will benefit you and other gay people? Is it your pride, or just mule-headed stubbornness? Either way, you're not thinking clearly, you are just reacting like a leg twitches when the doctor hammers it on the knee. Perhaps you want hatred between gays and Christians to continue, for yourr own reasons?


Tell me, how do you think your proposal will "benefit" mdk?
By reconciling him with his Catholic relatives. If his Catholic relatives already accept him, that's fine. But I think we can improve on acceptance, and achieve reconciliation.

Do you really not see how ridiculously arrogant it is to believe that you can speak for mdk's Catholic family?
I'm not saying I can speak for all Catholics, but I can speak for myself. If gays dropped their support for abortion, my views on them would do a 180. I believe most other pro-life Catholics would feel the same.

A 180? What does that mean in terms of your policy positions? Gay marriage OK?
OK, well then, why did you wait so long to say so? You maybe should have identified who you are going into this discussion, instead of keeping me in the dark, which is dirty pool I think.

And do tell me, why it is you are hostile to my proposal when I am offering a deal that will benefit you and other gay people? Is it your pride, or just mule-headed stubbornness? Either way, you're not thinking clearly, you are just reacting like a leg twitches when the doctor hammers it on the knee. Perhaps you want hatred between gays and Christians to continue, for yourr own reasons?


Tell me, how do you think your proposal will "benefit" mdk?
By reconciling him with his Catholic relatives. If his Catholic relatives already accept him, that's fine. But I think we can improve on acceptance, and achieve reconciliation.

Do you really not see how ridiculously arrogant it is to believe that you can speak for mdk's Catholic family?
I'm not saying I can speak for all Catholics, but I can speak for myself. If gays dropped their support for abortion, my views on them would do a 180. I believe most other pro-life Catholics would feel the same.

A 180? What does that mean in terms of your policy positions? Gay marriage OK?

And what's the threashold? 100% of all gay people must be anti choice in order to get this one individual's support?

Tell me, how do you think your proposal will "benefit" mdk?
By reconciling him with his Catholic relatives. If his Catholic relatives already accept him, that's fine. But I think we can improve on acceptance, and achieve reconciliation.

Do you really not see how ridiculously arrogant it is to believe that you can speak for mdk's Catholic family?
I'm not saying I can speak for all Catholics, but I can speak for myself. If gays dropped their support for abortion, my views on them would do a 180. I believe most other pro-life Catholics would feel the same.

A 180? What does that mean in terms of your policy positions? Gay marriage OK?

And what's the threashold? 100% of all gay people must be anti choice in order to get this one individual's support?

Oh....it's not just HIS support. He represents millions of teenaged Christian video game players. It's a powerful lobby.
A message to the LGBT movement: Your alliance with the abortion lobby is no longer useful to you. Dump it.

You have convinced millions of Americans that you want to abandon the traditionally promiscuous lifestyle of homosexuality, and instead form lasting, monogamous relationships. You have captured for yourselves the ultimate prize of the Christian right, the institution of marriage. You are adopting children, and forming nuclear families. In other words, you are trying to blend into the fabric of straight society, and become what every Christian right-wing person admires, a loving, married couple with children.

The only problem is, you're not all the way there yet. Your allies, the pro-abortion lobby, who helped you get you here, have now become a liability. And so long as you continue to assist and support them, you will remain the enemies of most right-wing Christians.

And that is something you don't want to do, because the Christian right is still far more powerful than any other lobby in this country, and their continuing opposition to your agenda is what's slowing you down.

If you want to win over right-wing Christians, I mean REALLY win them over, you should abandon your support of abortion and become as stridently pro-life as they are.

And here's the reason you should do this:

You need babies, and right now babies are hard to get. You can't make your own babies, so you need to adopt them from straight people. But so long as 3000 unborn babies are aborted each day, it will be difficult to adopt babies. So you have to go to foreign countries to adopt, and that is expensive and time consuming.

Why not work in your own self-interest instead of against it? Every baby aborted is a baby that can't be adopted by a gay couple. And working the numbers, the vast majority of gay couples will never be able to adopt, there just aren't enough babies to go around.

Also, if you adopt the pro-life position, you will convince right-wing Christians that you aren't so immoral after all. I think opposition to same-sex marriage is already dying out, but opposition to abortion is as strong as ever, and getting stronger every year. The younger generation is more pro-life than their parents, and I believe that their children will be even more pro-life then them.

Pro-life is the future of America. Our society is growing weary of the blood being spilt every day in the name of "choice" and wonders why there is the need for the endless human sacrifice for a procedure that is completely unnecessary except for the rare situation that a woman's life is endangered by the pregnancy.

What I'm saying is that you don't want to be the last ones holding the flag of "pro-choice" when that position has been abandoned by all but the most strident of pro-aborts. And when that happens, what is happening to opponents of same-sex marriage now, will happen to the pro-aborts. They will be shamed, they will be blackballed, and they will be cast into the outer darkness.

You think right-wing Christians are "haters"? Try this on for size, tell a right-wing Christian how much you hate abortion and see how he or she reacts. I think you will see I am right, suddenly they will discover you're not so bad, and maybe letting you get married wasn't the end of the world.
Dear statue bowers and cross grovelers, mind your own yard and don't worry what others are doing, don't want an abortion? don't have one! Go protect the kiddies in your church from the predators
This is the internet, the modern cauldron of democracy, the town square of a world-wide town. If I say it can happen, it can happen, and I can start it just by talking about it on Facebook, Twitter, and forums like this.

Man. Our USMB nutbags sure do think they are game changers.
Well, considering that he spends all his time on gaming and the internet....it beats working, eh?
Tell me why this is funny Dragonlady. Don't just lurk there, tell us why you think this is funny.

Because your desperation to silence either movement is obvious. The funny part is that you don't accept that both issues have already been won. The irony of your thread title is pretty funny as it's your cause that is lost.
A message to the LGBT movement: Your alliance with the abortion lobby is no longer useful to you. Dump it.

You have convinced millions of Americans that you want to abandon the traditionally promiscuous lifestyle of homosexuality, and instead form lasting, monogamous relationships. You have captured for yourselves the ultimate prize of the Christian right, the institution of marriage. You are adopting children, and forming nuclear families. In other words, you are trying to blend into the fabric of straight society, and become what every Christian right-wing person admires, a loving, married couple with children.

The only problem is, you're not all the way there yet. Your allies, the pro-abortion lobby, who helped you get you here, have now become a liability. And so long as you continue to assist and support them, you will remain the enemies of most right-wing Christians.

And that is something you don't want to do, because the Christian right is still far more powerful than any other lobby in this country, and their continuing opposition to your agenda is what's slowing you down.

If you want to win over right-wing Christians, I mean REALLY win them over, you should abandon your support of abortion and become as stridently pro-life as they are.

And here's the reason you should do this:

You need babies, and right now babies are hard to get. You can't make your own babies, so you need to adopt them from straight people. But so long as 3000 unborn babies are aborted each day, it will be difficult to adopt babies. So you have to go to foreign countries to adopt, and that is expensive and time consuming.

Why not work in your own self-interest instead of against it? Every baby aborted is a baby that can't be adopted by a gay couple. And working the numbers, the vast majority of gay couples will never be able to adopt, there just aren't enough babies to go around.

Also, if you adopt the pro-life position, you will convince right-wing Christians that you aren't so immoral after all. I think opposition to same-sex marriage is already dying out, but opposition to abortion is as strong as ever, and getting stronger every year. The younger generation is more pro-life than their parents, and I believe that their children will be even more pro-life then them.

Pro-life is the future of America. Our society is growing weary of the blood being spilt every day in the name of "choice" and wonders why there is the need for the endless human sacrifice for a procedure that is completely unnecessary except for the rare situation that a woman's life is endangered by the pregnancy.

What I'm saying is that you don't want to be the last ones holding the flag of "pro-choice" when that position has been abandoned by all but the most strident of pro-aborts. And when that happens, what is happening to opponents of same-sex marriage now, will happen to the pro-aborts. They will be shamed, they will be blackballed, and they will be cast into the outer darkness.

You think right-wing Christians are "haters"? Try this on for size, tell a right-wing Christian how much you hate abortion and see how he or she reacts. I think you will see I am right, suddenly they will discover you're not so bad, and maybe letting you get married wasn't the end of the world.

Are you serious? The LGBT community doesn't care about becoming BFFs with so called Christians. They just want them to STFU and quit trying to deny their rights.
Gays do care about being friends with Christians, so you are wrong. Gays have Christian parents, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, cousins, friends, co-workers.

I can't speak for all Christians, but I am a Christian and I can tell you that if the LGBT movement declared itself pro-life, it would be a turning point for the gays.

Gays don't need a 'turning point'.
If you're straight, I'm not interested in your opinion right now. Of course you're against this. You want to keep gays on the leftist anti-Christian reservation, even when it is no longer in their interest.

The Christian movement to deny gay rights is dead?
This is the internet, the modern cauldron of democracy, the town square of a world-wide town. If I say it can happen, it can happen, and I can start it just by talking about it on Facebook, Twitter, and forums like this.

Man. Our USMB nutbags sure do think they are game changers.
Well, considering that he spends all his time on gaming and the internet....it beats working, eh?

He'll get a job when they come out with a video game called A Job.
A message to the LGBT movement: Your alliance with the abortion lobby is no longer useful to you. Dump it.

You have convinced millions of Americans that you want to abandon the traditionally promiscuous lifestyle of homosexuality, and instead form lasting, monogamous relationships. You have captured for yourselves the ultimate prize of the Christian right, the institution of marriage. You are adopting children, and forming nuclear families. In other words, you are trying to blend into the fabric of straight society, and become what every Christian right-wing person admires, a loving, married couple with children.

The only problem is, you're not all the way there yet. Your allies, the pro-abortion lobby, who helped you get you here, have now become a liability. And so long as you continue to assist and support them, you will remain the enemies of most right-wing Christians.

And that is something you don't want to do, because the Christian right is still far more powerful than any other lobby in this country, and their continuing opposition to your agenda is what's slowing you down.

If you want to win over right-wing Christians, I mean REALLY win them over, you should abandon your support of abortion and become as stridently pro-life as they are.

And here's the reason you should do this:

You need babies, and right now babies are hard to get. You can't make your own babies, so you need to adopt them from straight people. But so long as 3000 unborn babies are aborted each day, it will be difficult to adopt babies. So you have to go to foreign countries to adopt, and that is expensive and time consuming.

Why not work in your own self-interest instead of against it? Every baby aborted is a baby that can't be adopted by a gay couple. And working the numbers, the vast majority of gay couples will never be able to adopt, there just aren't enough babies to go around.

Also, if you adopt the pro-life position, you will convince right-wing Christians that you aren't so immoral after all. I think opposition to same-sex marriage is already dying out, but opposition to abortion is as strong as ever, and getting stronger every year. The younger generation is more pro-life than their parents, and I believe that their children will be even more pro-life then them.

Pro-life is the future of America. Our society is growing weary of the blood being spilt every day in the name of "choice" and wonders why there is the need for the endless human sacrifice for a procedure that is completely unnecessary except for the rare situation that a woman's life is endangered by the pregnancy.

What I'm saying is that you don't want to be the last ones holding the flag of "pro-choice" when that position has been abandoned by all but the most strident of pro-aborts. And when that happens, what is happening to opponents of same-sex marriage now, will happen to the pro-aborts. They will be shamed, they will be blackballed, and they will be cast into the outer darkness.

You think right-wing Christians are "haters"? Try this on for size, tell a right-wing Christian how much you hate abortion and see how he or she reacts. I think you will see I am right, suddenly they will discover you're not so bad, and maybe letting you get married wasn't the end of the world.

"Also, if you adopt the pro-life position, you will convince right-wing Christians that you aren't so immoral after all."

Fat chance.
Blacks on the Democratic plantation

Gays should be pro-life(despite the numerous Forster homes in this nation)

Hillary is a killer.

Right wingers would say anything,ANYTHING , to stop the political dismemberment coming this November!!

Even Pinface is going to look away from this one. Fortunately, the libertarians will have some bud on hand to ease away the pain...

To think, this was supposed to be the year Republicans win big!!
Now, some of them are saying the party is dead! How in the world did the GOP screw the pooch on this one?
Well, I realize now that it was a mistake to think LGBT people could be reasoned with.

My offer to make peace with you is withdrawn, I should never have made it to begin with. Obviously, your support for abortion is a very important part of the LGBT agenda, which I did not fully realize before, but now I realize with everything I read on this thread, which included a full-throated condemnation of the institution of fatherhood.

You hate everything normal, and what you hate most is normal men, and you murder unborn babies as a way of hurting normal men who want to be fathers. I get it now, it's about being evil, and proving it to Satan.
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Well, I realize now that it was a mistake to think LGBT people could be reasoned with.

My offer to make peace with you is withdrawn, I should never have made it to begin with. Obviously, your support for abortion is a very important part of the LGBT agenda, which I did not fully realize before, but now I realize with everything I read on this thread, which included a full-throated condemnation of the institution of fatherhood.

You hate everything normal, and what you hate most is normal men, and use murder unborn babies as a way of hurting normal men who want to be fathers. I get it now, it's about being evil, and proving it to Satan.

What ever you say,you arrogant jerk.
Well, I realize now that it was a mistake to think LGBT people could be reasoned with.

My offer to make peace with you is withdrawn, I should never have made it to begin with. Obviously, your support for abortion is a very important part of the LGBT agenda, which I did not fully realize before, but now I realize with everything I read on this thread, which included a full-throated condemnation of the institution of fatherhood.

You hate everything normal, and what you hate most is normal men, and use murder unborn babies as a way of hurting normal men who want to be fathers. I get it now, it's about being evil, and proving it to Satan.

What ever you say,you arrogant jerk.
I may be arrogant, but I've never murdered anyone, and I will be justified to Christ for my life of fighting people who think it's perfectly ok to murder people, and he will have mercy on my sins because of my efforts to save little babies from abortion.

What will you say to Christ when you meet him?
Well, I realize now that it was a mistake to think LGBT people could be reasoned with.

My offer to make peace with you is withdrawn, I should never have made it to begin with. Obviously, your support for abortion is a very important part of the LGBT agenda, which I did not fully realize before, but now I realize with everything I read on this thread, which included a full-throated condemnation of the institution of fatherhood.

You hate everything normal, and what you hate most is normal men, and use murder unborn babies as a way of hurting normal men who want to be fathers. I get it now, it's about being evil, and proving it to Satan.

What ever you say,you arrogant jerk.
I may be arrogant, but I've never murdered anyone, and I will be justified to Christ for my life of fighting people who think it's perfectly ok to murder people, and he will have mercy on my sins because of my efforts to save little babies from abortion.

What will you say to Christ when you meet him?
Stop projecting your delusions
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