A message to LGBT: Your alliance with the abortion lobby is no longer useful to you, dump it

When forcing a woman to get pregnant becomes a crime Blackrook, talk to me about limiting abortions again.
I can see where this is going, and I'm probably going to end up putting you on ignore. The combination of your laughing face avatar, and the sheer jackassery of your posts, is combining to piss me off.
A laughing child and a smart argument leads to ignore with you? No problem.
You're not being smart, you are being hostile to fathers. It is obvious that you are a man-hating feminist, who wants women to get abortions to punish men for the crime of wanting to be a father. Your entire argument makes me sick to my stomach.
Reproductive coercion refers to a partner's attempts to control a woman's reproductive choices: He might pressure her to become pregnant or continue with an unintended pregnancy, for instance, or interfere with her birth control so she becomes pregnant against her will.

In studies, 10 percent to 20 percent of adult women say they've been victims of reproductive coercion.

But the scope of the problem among teenage girls is unknown, according to Northridge.

As a first step, she said, she and her colleagues surveyed girls who were likely to be at increased risk: 14- to 17-year-olds seen at health clinics in the Bronx, a borough of New York City with high rates of teen pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).

And it turned out that reproductive coercion was surprisingly common -- on par with what's been seen among young adult women, Northridge said.

Of the 77 girls surveyed, 16 percent said they'd ever had a boyfriend try to control their reproductive health -- usually by telling them not to use birth control or by removing his condom during sex. In some cases, the girls said a partner had forced them to have sex without a condom.

"This type of abuse definitely happens in the context of a controlling relationship," said Northridge, who presented the findings May 3 at the Pediatric Academic Societies' annual meeting, in Baltimore.
Some teen girls coerced into pregnancy, study says
When forcing a woman to get pregnant becomes a crime Blackrook, talk to me about limiting abortions again.
I can see where this is going, and I'm probably going to end up putting you on ignore. The combination of your laughing face avatar, and the sheer jackassery of your posts, is combining to piss me off.
A laughing child and a smart argument leads to ignore with you? No problem.
You're not being smart, you are being hostile to fathers. It is obvious that you are a man-hating feminist, who wants women to get abortions to punish men for the crime of wanting to be a father. Your entire argument makes me sick to my stomach.
I'm discussing reproductive coercion which makes me sick to my stomach. It doesn't seem to bother you much.
Dhara, I don't think I've ever disliked anyone as much as I'm disliking you now. You have basically said I'm a criminal because I wanted to be a father, and did, in fact father three children. When a woman has sexual intercourse with a man, she consents with her body to be a mother to that man's child and he consents with his body to be a father to her child. That is the way of nature, that is what it means to be a woman who loves a man, and a man who loves a woman. I'm sorry for you that you are alienated by God's greatest gift to humanity, the gift of being his co-creator in new human life.
When forcing a woman to get pregnant becomes a crime Blackrook, talk to me about limiting abortions again.
I can see where this is going, and I'm probably going to end up putting you on ignore. The combination of your laughing face avatar, and the sheer jackassery of your posts, is combining to piss me off.
A laughing child and a smart argument leads to ignore with you? No problem.
You're not being smart, you are being hostile to fathers. It is obvious that you are a man-hating feminist, who wants women to get abortions to punish men for the crime of wanting to be a father. Your entire argument makes me sick to my stomach.
I'm discussing reproductive coercion which makes me sick to my stomach. It doesn't seem to bother you much.
If you're talking about rape, I'm against that. But you have a much broader agenda to villify all men and discredit the very notion of fatherhood. Your agenda is hateful, anti-life, and anti-male. Just talking to about it is upsetting me deeply, it's like you're taking a dagger and stabbing it into my heart.
Hey, you go ahead and hate my guts. I'm everything you despise. A woman, a lesbian, a mother of FOUR adopted children. EVERYTHING YOU HATE.
I don't hate you, I dislike you. But I won't wish you to go to hell, I will pray that you one day seek forgiveness for all you've done, and go to heaven.

I'm thinking there is a man who once loved you, and you hurt him very, very deeply, and he never recovered mentally or psychologically from what you did. Is my guess at all close to the truth?
Yes, I'm a feminist and NO I don't hate men. HATE ME. I don't care.
I don't hate you, even though I dislike you. In fact, I love you the way Christ commanded us to love our enemies.
Yes, I'm a feminist and NO I don't hate men. HATE ME. I don't care.
I don't hate you, even though I dislike you. In fact, I love you the way Christ commanded us to love our enemies.
You can't take your Christian controlling women bullshit and shove it. I don't like you either. Abusive controlling men sicken me.
And misusing the love of Jesus to control women is even worse.
And misusing the love of Jesus to control women is even worse.
You do not understand what it means to be a man who loves a woman or a woman who loves a man. To you, it's all about power, and who has more in the relationship. To you, it is critically important that the woman have all the power, and the man have none. You support abortion because you think it's necessary that women have control over men. I feel sorry for you, you will never know what love is really about, even with your lesbian partner, you will not know.
What would life be like if the partner you loved physically abused you? What if that partner not only physically abused you, but also subjected you to sexual violence in your relationship? And then used the relationship to control your reproductive health decisions? This is the reality for many women who live their lives in fear of violence from their partners.

The National Domestic Violence Hotline defines reproductive coercion as what happens when one partner strips the other of the ability to control his or her own reproductive system. It is sometimes difficult to identify this coercion because other forms of abuse are often occurring simultaneously. Examples of reproductive coercion include refusing to use a condom or other type of birth control; breaking or removing a condom during intercourse, and sabotaging birth control methods by tampering with pills or poking holes in condoms. Such coercion can also take the form of lying about birth control (such as lying about having a vasectomy); forcing a partner to forgo birth control; and forcing a partner to continue a pregnancy or have an abortion against her will.
Reproductive Coercion
Yes, I'm a feminist and NO I don't hate men. HATE ME. I don't care.
I don't hate you, even though I dislike you. In fact, I love you the way Christ commanded us to love our enemies.
You can't take your Christian controlling women bullshit and shove it. I don't like you either. Abusive controlling men sicken me.
I'm not an abusive controlling man.
Yes, you are.
I have a wife and three children who love me. I don't care what you think. You're just an anonymous nobody on an internet forum.
The Buddhist teacher I revere, wisest and most Christ like being I ever met speaks for me and how I feel about abortion. When a woman asked him, "Should I have an abortion?" the answer he gave was "Your life will be more fortunate if you don't."

Sadly, the woman had the abortion. It was not Rinpoche's choice, and it would not have been my choice either, but it was hers. Her karma, and her fetus's karma.
One group that’s tackling reproductive coercion head on is Futures Without Violence, an advocacy organization that trains a variety of professionals such as doctors, nurses, judges, and athletic coaches on how to respond more effectively to violence and abuse. Futures has brought together reproductive-health advocates to brainstorm ways to address reproductive coercion.

“The data have long shown us strong connections between intimate partner violence, reproductive coercion, and HIV,” said Kiersten Stewart, the group’s director of public policy. “The truth is you can be married to someone and they can rape you [or] sexually assault you. You can have your birth control sabotaged; it’s a real thing.” Futures has worked with family planning programs to identify signs of relationship violence when providing contraceptive counseling services. Futures has also worked with advocates fighting intimate partner violence, including direct-service shelter counselors, to anticipate reproductive coercion as a part of life for domestic violence survivors.
Reproductive Coercion
You think right-wing Christians are "haters"? Try this on for size, tell a right-wing Christian how much you hate abortion and see how he or she reacts. I think you will see I am right, suddenly they will discover you're not so bad, and maybe letting you get married wasn't the end of the world.

I'm not sure Ted Cruz or Kim Davis would agree with that

Yes, I'm a feminist and NO I don't hate men. HATE ME. I don't care.
I don't hate you, even though I dislike you. In fact, I love you the way Christ commanded us to love our enemies.
You can't take your Christian controlling women bullshit and shove it. I don't like you either. Abusive controlling men sicken me.
I'm not an abusive controlling man.
Yes, you are.
I have a wife and three children who love me. I don't care what you think. You're just an anonymous nobody on an internet forum.
I have a wife and FOUR children who love me. I don't care what you think. You're just an anonymous nobody on an internet forum pretending to be superior to all others.
When forcing a woman to get pregnant becomes a crime Blackrook, talk to me about limiting abortions again.
I can see where this is going, and I'm probably going to end up putting you on ignore. The combination of your laughing face avatar, and the sheer jackassery of your posts, is combining to piss me off.
A laughing child and a smart argument leads to ignore with you? No problem.
You're not being smart, you are being hostile to fathers. It is obvious that you are a man-hating feminist, who wants women to get abortions to punish men for the crime of wanting to be a father. Your entire argument makes me sick to my stomach.
There is no crime in wanting to be a father. There should be a crime in coercing a woman to get pregnant against her will by sabotaging contraception and then forcing her to carry a child to term.

Calling me a "man hating feminist" for showing up on the thread and DARING to challenge your position makes ME sick to MY stomach.
It doesn't matter what position gays take concerning abortion. Many on the Christain Right are never going to accept gay people, their marriages, and/or, the fact they are adopting children.

No one ever talks about the Christian left who are just as rigid. Even Obama and Hillary are fairly recent 'converts' when it comes to accepting gay marriage. And they only did it for political purposes.

They only opposed it for political purposes? Yeah, you're probably right, but like the rest of the country, they can now openly support it. Amazing isn't it? Support for LGBT rights used to be a political third rail and now the opposite is true. Fucking awesome!

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