A military coup??

I bet Soros is behind all that sh*t. He's fulfilled quite a few coups already and knows very well how to make them happen. His last "success" was a coup in my home country of Ukraine in 2014. He paid the protesters and at one point snipers started shooting both the protesters and the policemen. After the first blood the coup was a lot easier to finish. And they blamed it on Russia of course.

Trump supporters, be alert!
Liberals are being pushed to shoot by their masters....they are too uneducated to resist....
the uneducated voting for dump were the reason dump won ...
Yes...a lot of you democrats voted Trump....
Silverman is ahead of the curve on this. As the Russian agent continues to disengage with our former allies, overreach on domestic policy, act to further his business interests at the expense of the country, removal from his position becomes more and more necessary. If his GOP lackeys won't act out of fear for their survival and that of their families, military intervention will be necessary. I hope that a military coup isn't necessary, but if it is required, like cancer surgery is, then we must undergo the process.

Its pretty clear you and many on the left are mentally ill, and beyond stupid. "Overreach on domestic policy" she says...its called enforcing ALREADY EXISTING IMMIGRATION laws, you fucking idiot.

Now the leftist c-nts are threatening the lives of people who voted republican; well sonny boy I can pretty much guarantee you that the right is armed A FUCK OF A LOT MORE than you leftist dogshit. You don't like elections or their results? Go live in fucking iran or cuba where you pieces of shit can enjoy not having any.
Actress Sarah Silverman called for a military coup against President Trump on Wednesday night in the midst of violent riots in Berkeley, California.

In a screaming all-capital-letters tweet exhorted her almost 10 million followers to “wake up & join the resistance,” a term from World War II that anti-Trump rioters have used to define themselves.

She then outlined her preferred scenario for the violent overthrow of the legitimately elected government, still in all capital letters.

“Once the military is w us fascists get overthrown. Mad king & his handlers go bye bye,” Ms. Silverman posted.

She ended her post with four heart emojis, presumably signifying love.

What a fucken loon!!!
The military hates her type!!
Silverman is ahead of the curve on this. As the Russian agent continues to disengage with our former allies, overreach on domestic policy, act to further his business interests at the expense of the country, removal from his position becomes more and more necessary. If his GOP lackeys won't act out of fear for their survival and that of their families, military intervention will be necessary. I hope that a military coup isn't necessary, but if it is required, like cancer surgery is, then we must undergo the process.
Good, fight the good fight man! I'd recommend busting into the armory on post and storming the closest barracks to you, hand out weapons to all those with you. Shoot the cowards that won't. Next stop ...the White House!

Long live Che Guevara!!!!
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Silverman is ahead of the curve on this. As the Russian agent continues to disengage with our former allies, overreach on domestic policy, act to further his business interests at the expense of the country, removal from his position becomes more and more necessary. If his GOP lackeys won't act out of fear for their survival and that of their families, military intervention will be necessary. I hope that a military coup isn't necessary, but if it is required, like cancer surgery is, then we must undergo the process.

Its retty clear you and many on the left are mentally ill, and beyond stupid. "Overreach on domestic policy" she says...its called enforcing ALREADY EXISTING IMMIGRATION laws, you fucking idiot.

Now the leftist c-nts are threatening the lives of people who voted republican; well sonny boy I can pretty much guarantee you that the right is armed A FUCK OF A LOT MORE than you leftist dogshit. You don't like elections or their results? Go live in fucking iran or cuba where you pieces of shit can enjoy not having any.
fu republican scum if worst comes to worst may you be first to go
Ooooowww, an leftist threat. Now that's mighty weighty considering a stabler is probably your most lethal weapon.
Anyone defending Putin is a traitor to the US.


the uneducated voting for dump were the reason dump won ...

Lets get one thing straight here parasite, before I ignore your stupid ass.

You're NOT "educated", you're brainwashed. You're unable to even question your regressive beliefs because you have no cognitive capacity. Your frontal lobe has withered away from lack of use. You have no critical analytical skill and you're unwilling to think independently. You're dedicated to ignorance so much so that you're willing to shut down information that compromises your programming in order to prevent others from accessing it.

I seriously and sincerely recommend you wrap your empty head in a plastic bag for 12 hours a day in order to cut your carbon footprint in half. It's called a retroactive self abortion and it is imperative that we keep your genetic garbage out of the genepool.

Silverman is ahead of the curve on this. As the Russian agent continues to disengage with our former allies, overreach on domestic policy, act to further his business interests at the expense of the country, removal from his position becomes more and more necessary. If his GOP lackeys won't act out of fear for their survival and that of their families, military intervention will be necessary. I hope that a military coup isn't necessary, but if it is required, like cancer surgery is, then we must undergo the process.
Good, fight the good fight man! I'd recommend busting into the armory on post and storming the closest barracks to you, hand out weapons to all those with you. Shoot the cowards that won't. Next stop ...the White House!

Love live Che Guevara!!!!

There's few things more hilarious than the childlike mentality of the left; they claim they will leave the US and head to Canada if Trump won - until the c-nts learned Canada's immigration policy is TEN TIMES tougher than the US'. They are juvenile fucking trash who cannot think beyond their next bong hit.
Silverman is wrong about the military who is as sick of the left as any other sensible person. What she is right about is in encouraging the left to rise up all at once. That would put an end to leftist nonsense all at once. Take this civil war to the streets.
I teased the GOP for its temper tantrum while it was in the process of shunning traditional Republicans in favor of Trump.

But that was nothing compared to this. This is madness.

Yes, I blame them. They are responsible for their words and actions. This behavior solves nothing, it improves nothing.
The Republicans only embraced Trump when it was inevitable he would be the nominee. Republicans are good about closing ranks. The Democrats, OTOH, pre-selected their candidate and ended up splitting their party when the rank and file Democrats found out the subterfuge. There is plenty of blame to go around on all sides.

Even so, being President doesn't make him king. Some of those EO's he's been signing will be overturned in court. He can't sign bills not passed by Congress. I think the Republican Congress is giving him some room, but eventually this is going to come to a head. History in the making. Should be fun!
I like Silverman as a comedian. But like I said to Terrible Ted

Silverman is wrong about the military who is as sick of the left as any other sensible person. What she is right about is in encouraging the left to rise up all at once. That would put an end to leftist nonsense all at once. Take this civil war to the streets.
My read on it was that she advocated a "military coup", but that the army would be LW snowflakes rising up en masse like French peasants attacking the Bastille, not the US military.
Silverman is ahead of the curve on this. As the Russian agent continues to disengage with our former allies, overreach on domestic policy, act to further his business interests at the expense of the country, removal from his position becomes more and more necessary. If his GOP lackeys won't act out of fear for their survival and that of their families, military intervention will be necessary. I hope that a military coup isn't necessary, but if it is required, like cancer surgery is, then we must undergo the process.
Considering your army consists of fags with man buns, and girlie men who need med care after firing an ar15, and walking talking vaginas I'm not worried! :)
Silverman is ahead of the curve on this. As the Russian agent continues to disengage with our former allies, overreach on domestic policy, act to further his business interests at the expense of the country, removal from his position becomes more and more necessary. If his GOP lackeys won't act out of fear for their survival and that of their families, military intervention will be necessary. I hope that a military coup isn't necessary, but if it is required, like cancer surgery is, then we must undergo the process.

The bitch might want to get an attorney to explain the sedition laws to her before opening her ignorant mouth.

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