A military coup??

Aww are you in his itty bitty little fan club? Do you guys get together and have passive aggressive circle jerks together? You two are a match made in heaven!

Please show me in modern history where a country has been as divided as quickly under the change of Presidential power as it has been now. And I said MODERN history.... even at the height of the Cold War when Reagan was first elected, the country was actually united under him and his inauguration was the highest televised in the history of the United States. Trump has the lowest approval rating of any new President in over 40 years.
2009 - USA

Frankly, he's eating you alive ... and you don't even realize it. While it's great humor to watch you sink, my pity factor kicked in.

George Washington was right.

Bullshit. :lmao:USA 2009 compared to 2017... You need to quit huffing paint.

Wow! What a succinct, germane, concise, and ever so mature, comment.

Grow the hell up.

Are you going to continue to pass gas out of your mouth or are you going to actually provide some valuable information to back up your argument? I mean seriously... quit wasting everyone's time.

Ooooooh --- I'm sure your mother would be impressed .. if you were in the band.

4 posts in a row where you haven't said one thing of value. So your assertion that 2009 was as bad as 2017 is nothing but a crap shoot on your part, congrats on showing how lame you are. You're dismissed.
2009 - USA

Frankly, he's eating you alive ... and you don't even realize it. While it's great humor to watch you sink, my pity factor kicked in.

George Washington was right.

Bullshit. :lmao:USA 2009 compared to 2017... You need to quit huffing paint.

Wow! What a succinct, germane, concise, and ever so mature, comment.

Grow the hell up.

Are you going to continue to pass gas out of your mouth or are you going to actually provide some valuable information to back up your argument? I mean seriously... quit wasting everyone's time.

Ooooooh --- I'm sure your mother would be impressed .. if you were in the band.

4 posts in a row where you haven't said one thing of value. So your assertion that 2009 was as bad as 2017 is nothing but a crap shoot on your part, congrats on showing how lame you are. You're dismissed.
LOL --- you are one funny dumb ass, you know that?

Let me ask you a question ...

If 50% of the people hated Obama, and 50% liked Obama...

AND ...

75% hated Trump and 25% liked Trump ....

which country is more divided?

Now - go back and look at the absolute childish stupidity of your rant.
Bullshit. :lmao:USA 2009 compared to 2017... You need to quit huffing paint.

Wow! What a succinct, germane, concise, and ever so mature, comment.

Grow the hell up.

Are you going to continue to pass gas out of your mouth or are you going to actually provide some valuable information to back up your argument? I mean seriously... quit wasting everyone's time.

Ooooooh --- I'm sure your mother would be impressed .. if you were in the band.

4 posts in a row where you haven't said one thing of value. So your assertion that 2009 was as bad as 2017 is nothing but a crap shoot on your part, congrats on showing how lame you are. You're dismissed.
LOL --- you are one funny dumb ass, you know that?

Let me ask you a question ...

If 50% of the people hated Obama, and 50% liked Obama...

AND ...

75% hated Trump and 25% liked Trump ....

which country is more divided?

Now - go back and look at the absolute childish stupidity of your rant.

Do you understand how stupid of a statement that is?... Are you fucking retarded? I am asking this on a serious note. Have you had some kind of major brain injury? That is your position, really?

Here is you trying to chase your 2009 comment...

Wow! What a succinct, germane, concise, and ever so mature, comment.

Grow the hell up.

Are you going to continue to pass gas out of your mouth or are you going to actually provide some valuable information to back up your argument? I mean seriously... quit wasting everyone's time.

Ooooooh --- I'm sure your mother would be impressed .. if you were in the band.

4 posts in a row where you haven't said one thing of value. So your assertion that 2009 was as bad as 2017 is nothing but a crap shoot on your part, congrats on showing how lame you are. You're dismissed.
LOL --- you are one funny dumb ass, you know that?

Let me ask you a question ...

If 50% of the people hated Obama, and 50% liked Obama...

AND ...

75% hated Trump and 25% liked Trump ....

which country is more divided?

Now - go back and look at the absolute childish stupidity of your rant.

Do you understand how stupid of a statement that is?... Are you fucking retarded? I am asking this on a serious note. Have you had some kind of major brain injury? That is your position, really?

Here is you trying to chase your 2009 comment...


sorry ---- i merely commented that sheer stupidity of your pedantic little rant.

I made no attempt to justify 2009 - because the adults understand. I'm just sorry you don't.
Are you going to continue to pass gas out of your mouth or are you going to actually provide some valuable information to back up your argument? I mean seriously... quit wasting everyone's time.

Ooooooh --- I'm sure your mother would be impressed .. if you were in the band.

4 posts in a row where you haven't said one thing of value. So your assertion that 2009 was as bad as 2017 is nothing but a crap shoot on your part, congrats on showing how lame you are. You're dismissed.
LOL --- you are one funny dumb ass, you know that?

Let me ask you a question ...

If 50% of the people hated Obama, and 50% liked Obama...

AND ...

75% hated Trump and 25% liked Trump ....

which country is more divided?

Now - go back and look at the absolute childish stupidity of your rant.

Do you understand how stupid of a statement that is?... Are you fucking retarded? I am asking this on a serious note. Have you had some kind of major brain injury? That is your position, really?

Here is you trying to chase your 2009 comment...


sorry ---- i merely commented that sheer stupidity of your pedantic little rant.

I made no attempt to justify 2009 - because the adults understand. I'm just sorry you don't.

Oh good try! Your laziness is not rewarded. If you can't back up your shit then go back to the little kids Thanksgiving Table. You are just wasting everyone's time. Your attempts to "act" like an adult after jumping in with an insult is quite pathetic. Do you understand how big of a bitch that makes you look? You think you're cool to run up behind someone and slap them and run away like a little girl... and then act like a victim... Then you try to act like you are so smart that you don't have to actually back up your assertions with facts. Do you even understand how sad that makes you look? I actually feel sorry for you. This is probably how you get your confidence boost for the day, coming on this forum, and this conversation is totally ruining your Thursday night... I might say a prayer for you tonight before bed, that maybe you get a piece of mail tomorrow with your name on it, that way you can feel relevant in the real world.
I know, many of you are looking at that and scratching your head. I don't say Liberal plan, because I think that most Liberals would oppose any such effort. For those who don't know what I'm talking about, let's get started with a link.

Clueless celebrity watch: Let’s fight fascism with … a military coup, or something


Um. What? A Military Coup doesn't normally lead to Democracy. At least not in the history of the world. Most military coups lead to totalitarian regimes that are hardly safe havens where civil rights are acknowledged, must less respected.

But let's talk about this for a moment. During the campaign, the main talking point from the Radical Leftists was that Trump was totally a Fascist, a follower of Hitler who would create the seventeenth Reich or something.

The problem with that kind of nutty propaganda is this. Some people will believe it. Worse, it is the perfect cover for any action, no matter how extreme.

The argument is an easy one. Imagine it's the early days, and a radical named Adolph Hitler is just starting out. You know what kind of horror will befall the world, because you are from the future. You can see the future plainly. You kill Hitler, and derail the future suffering and the deaths of tens of millions.

Or let's talk about another favorite what if scenario. You have one atomic bomb and it's 1939. The Second World War has just started. One bomber destroying Berlin could end the war. Is any action you can possibly take worse than the resulting death and devastation that will come from not dropping the bomb?

Sadly, that kind of mentality is exactly what brought Hitler to power in the first place. The two main competing factions in Germany when Hitler was rising to power was the Communists, and the National Socialists. When Hindenberg was waning, the Military convinced him to make Hitler Chancelor, despite the fact that the National Socialist party had far fewer seats than the other factions in the government. But anything was preferable to the Communists gaining power. Take a moment and consider that. The perceived threat of Hitler was much less worrisome than the possibility that the Communists would take power.

The Military and the Conservatives imagined that they could control Hitler, and there wasn't anyone else who they imagined could take charge and keep the Communists out.

Hitler was the lesser of two evils for the power brokers of the day.

Once he had the position, he went after the Communists first. Then he consolidated power, and kept tightening the noose around the necks of the Germans. But at least Hitler was stopping the Communists.

The Military started behind him, and stayed behind him. The Military enabled the rise to power of Hilter folks.

Now the fantasy of people like Silverman is this. The Military takes control, and whatever they do is fine, because at least they aren't Trump. But how do you oppose a Military Juanta? How do you force them to respect civil rights? What happens if the Military put a madman in charge that makes Trump look great by comparison?

Where we are now is the inevitable result of defining ourselves by what we are not. I can easily tell you what I believe in, because those principles haven't changed no matter who the President was, or who was in power. I opposed the PATRIOT ACT when Bush was President. I didn't relax my opposition just because Obama had the office. I didn't feel better when it was his Secret Police. I still oppose it because it is wrong. It isn't wrong because Trump is in charge. It's wrong no matter who is in charge.

But over the last two decades, the political parties have become little more than petulant children. We have become some insane version of a High School Homecoming football game. We're going to win because we're blue. Go big Red, kick that Blue ass. We wear blue and red to show what team we support. Those red guys suck. Suck it Blue.

The principles that used to guide the parties are gone. What do we stand for? We stand for winning. We are totally opposed to losing. Not because of policy or the ideals that were the foundation of those principles.

The argument can be made for both parties, that they are on the road to a Fascist or Totalistarian form of Government. Both arguments are false. Neither the Democratic Party, nor the Republican Party are on the road to either Fascist or Socialist/Communist forms of Government.

Someone asked earlier what Trump would have to do before those who voted for him opposed or rejected him. Basically, I've already begun to oppose certain policies. One of the first I opposed was the blind belief that law enforcement is always good/right. I reject authoritarian ideals no matter who proposes them. I objected to them when President Obama had a website to name your neighbors or friends who opposed the ACA or other policies. I objected to them when Bush was spouting the either for us or against us nonsense. I will always object to them no matter who proposes the asinine argument.

That is the advantage to being motivated by informed principles. You argue for your principles no matter who is in charge. I am not, and I would hope that none of you reading this fall into the category of silly High School football cheering at the homecoming. I don't want to see either team Blue destroyed nor Team Red wiped from the face of the earth. I want to see principled discussions, not charges and counter charges of hypocrisy, no matter how justified they are. I want us to act like Americans, who Charlie Daniels correctly pointed out, may disagree at times, but that nobody should mess with because we will come together as one people, with one unified goal.
And you think the military or the police would be on the side of the left?

Are you really that stupid?

Oh well, just MORE VOTES FOR THE GOP in 2018.

you think the military or the police would be on the side of the left?

there's no such thing as left wing totalitarianism, thats like saying left wing fascism its an oxymoron anyone with a high school level political science education will tell you that. Totalitarianism is a synonym for fascism. other than right wing political hacks like rush limbaugh or glenn beck everyone knows its completely asinine to describe things like high taxes or universal healthcare as totalitarianism
there's no such thing as left wing totalitarianism, thats like saying left wing fascism its an oxymoron anyone with a high school level political science education will tell you that. Totalitarianism is a synonym for fascism. other than right wing political hacks like rush limbaugh or glenn beck everyone knows its completely asinine to describe things like high taxes or universal healthcare as totalitarianism
Um....you're a LWNJ fascist....and we know where you stand...

Thanks for agreeing Hillary is deplorable and that you are unable to defend her.
I can't defend her other than to say the best person for americas interests lost

Hillary was happy to turn Americans against each other for partisan gain.

NOte that you, as her partisan, are here advocating for a military coup.

Because she panic and hate mongered you to the point that that makes sense to you.
that partisan gain stuff is just more bullshit you've been handed

Stop projecting your lemming like behavior onto me.

HIllary panic mongered and hate mongered you to the point that you are here advocating for a military coup.

come on correll surely you're not that stupid to believe anyone wants a coup,,,,that it's just said tongue in cheek to rile up idiots like you?


A call for a coup is not the far removed from what has become normal lefty rhetoric.

Are you seriously claiming you were joking?
Id say he's made quite a splas already and even if there are some successes he still will be a miserable human being
Time will tell on that count. Heck, he might even resign by Christmas. Again, we're less than two weeks into this. The Republican Congress is making noises, but have giving him some leeway. The Courts haven't ruled yet either.
he's already blasted our allies mexico and Argentina and kissed the butt of russia not exactly our friend

Our allies have been shit, and we have no need of conflict with Russia.
1) You are a passive-aggressive coward. I don't care if you served in the military. The person you are today is the person I know. Many people have served in the military and are not heroes. Benedict Arnold the most famous traitor in American history, of whom West Point was initially named after was in the military. Lee Harvey Oswald was in the military. Timothy McVeigh was in the military. The Dallas Police sniper was in the military... you may not be a murderer or a traitor (I can't say you are or you are not) but you are however a coward that hides behind passive-aggressive statements and can't man up and make insults directly to someone.

2) The U.S. was never as divided under Obama as it has been under Trump, and the Doomsday clock hasn't been this close to midnight... since the Cold War?

3) I never said you were redneck...only that you stare at yourself naked in your truck's rear view mirror. Sounds like you are the one stereotyping all people that drive trucks as rednecks, not me.
1) Disagreed, but thanks for the standard LW slam on veterans and the military in general.

2) Nice job moving the goalposts, kid. Do you know the main reason the Doomsday clock was moved 30 seconds? It wasn't nuclear war.

3) You're weaseling. What kind of truck do you drive? How big are its mirrors?
Somebody needs to tell Ms Silverman that encouraging the military to stage a coup is a federal crime - it's called fomenting treason, punishable by life in prison.
While technically true, she's also a comedian and Hollywood snowflake entertainer. She can be investigated like Madonna, but she can claim free speech, subcategory "I was joking".
Calm down people. There will be no military coup, and the police are not a singular force for very good reasons. That said, the protests will continue unabated, though they will not change the behavior of the Narcissist / Megalomaniac-in-Chief ; he will use his power to quell descent unless and until the adults in the Republican Party, and The Congress do the right thing - make America America again.

Ryan is too weak, though he has more constitutional power than does trump; McConnell is worthless. One must hope that whomever becomes the tie-breaker on the Supreme Court is not an ideologue or beholden to trump, but a man of integrity who understands we no longer live in the 18th Century, nor has the desire to return us to the Gilded Age.
...but but but...BUT... Wait and give trump more time... I mean he has already pissed off most of our allies, threatened Iran, pissed off a large number of state attorney generals, caused courts to find his executive orders possibly unconstitutional... but let's give him more time, like until he has as at war.

That's the smart thing to do!
It would help your personal growth if you took American Government 101 along with your other classes.

This might absolve your fears.

It might help if you took things in perspective... Trump has done more harm to this country and the reputation of the United States than any President in my life time.
trump is far more deplorable he lied and bashed his way into the presidency and far too many of our citizens bought his crap
Thanks for agreeing Hillary is deplorable and that you are unable to defend her.
I can't defend her other than to say the best person for americas interests lost

Hillary was happy to turn Americans against each other for partisan gain.

NOte that you, as her partisan, are here advocating for a military coup.

Because she panic and hate mongered you to the point that that makes sense to you.
Agreed. The Left has moved so far left they are in danger of falling off the edge.

While, like a majority of Americans, I disagree with some of President Trump's actions, I'm willing to let our government reps figure it out......not go full nutjob like Silverman, Madonna and little Lew. A military coup? WTF?
Calm down people. There will be no military coup, and the police are not a singular force for very good reasons. That said, the protests will continue unabated, though they will not change the behavior of the Narcissist / Megalomaniac-in-Chief ; he will use his power to quell descent unless and until the adults in the Republican Party, and The Congress do the right thing - make America America again.

Ryan is too weak, though he has more constitutional power than does trump; McConnell is worthless. One must hope that whomever becomes the tie-breaker on the Supreme Court is not an ideologue or beholden to trump, but a man of integrity who understands we no longer live in the 18th Century, nor has the desire to return us to the Gilded Age.

If you want people to calm down, perhaps you on the left should stop your crazy talk about "hitler" and "fascists" and "Narcissist/Megalomaniac in Chief".

If you really believe that the President is crazy, then why is a coup out of the question?

IF you don't believe it, then why the fuck are you constantly saying shit like that?

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