A military coup??

trump is far more deplorable he lied and bashed his way into the presidency and far too many of our citizens bought his crap
Thanks for agreeing Hillary is deplorable and that you are unable to defend her.
I can't defend her other than to say the best person for americas interests lost

Hillary was happy to turn Americans against each other for partisan gain.

NOte that you, as her partisan, are here advocating for a military coup.

Because she panic and hate mongered you to the point that that makes sense to you.
Agreed. The Left has moved so far left they are in danger of falling off the edge.

While, like a majority of Americans, I disagree with some of President Trump's actions, I'm willing to let our government reps figure it out......not go full nutjob like Silverman, Madonna and little Lew. A military coup? WTF?
I don't for a minute believe they really want a coup Just spouting off to create some contraversy{sp}....And you approve of the people he's selected in his cabinet?? Doesn't a turd like Bannon give you a hint into what trump is all about??
Calm down people. There will be no military coup, and the police are not a singular force for very good reasons. That said, the protests will continue unabated, though they will not change the behavior of the Narcissist / Megalomaniac-in-Chief ; he will use his power to quell descent unless and until the adults in the Republican Party, and The Congress do the right thing - make America America again.

Ryan is too weak, though he has more constitutional power than does trump; McConnell is worthless. One must hope that whomever becomes the tie-breaker on the Supreme Court is not an ideologue or beholden to trump, but a man of integrity who understands we no longer live in the 18th Century, nor has the desire to return us to the Gilded Age.

If you want people to calm down, perhaps you on the left should stop your crazy talk about "hitler" and "fascists" and "Narcissist/Megalomaniac in Chief".

If you really believe that the President is crazy, then why is a coup out of the question?

IF you don't believe it, then why the fuck are you constantly saying shit like that?
and why do you say shit like constantly?
I don't for a minute believe they really want a coup Just spouting off to create some contraversy{sp}....And you approve of the people he's selected in his cabinet?? Doesn't a turd like Bannon give you a hint into what trump is all about??
Then why not suggest something practical instead of what appears to be a pot-fueled fantasy?

All appointees take an oath. You and I can't change who the appointees are so, unlike you, I'm willing to see what they do first before going into "pot-fueled fantasy" mode much less "shit-my-pants" mode. Have you noticed his poll numbers? Trump will reverse himself to get those numbers up. Again, it's only been two weeks.
I don't for a minute believe they really want a coup Just spouting off to create some contraversy{sp}....And you approve of the people he's selected in his cabinet?? Doesn't a turd like Bannon give you a hint into what trump is all about??
Then why not suggest something practical instead of what appears to be a pot-fueled fantasy?

All appointees take an oath. You and I can't change who the appointees are so, unlike you, I'm willing to see what they do first before going into "pot-fueled fantasy" mode much less "shit-my-pants" mode. Have you noticed his poll numbers? Trump will reverse himself to get those numbers up. Again, it's only been two weeks.
see what they do first? They have a history,,Did you read up on Bannon and what 'he's all about ?? A tiger doesn't change its stripes , and the rest of the herd A mish mash of incompetents for the jobs they are given
1) You are a passive-aggressive coward. I don't care if you served in the military. The person you are today is the person I know. Many people have served in the military and are not heroes. Benedict Arnold the most famous traitor in American history, of whom West Point was initially named after was in the military. Lee Harvey Oswald was in the military. Timothy McVeigh was in the military. The Dallas Police sniper was in the military... you may not be a murderer or a traitor (I can't say you are or you are not) but you are however a coward that hides behind passive-aggressive statements and can't man up and make insults directly to someone.

2) The U.S. was never as divided under Obama as it has been under Trump, and the Doomsday clock hasn't been this close to midnight... since the Cold War?

3) I never said you were redneck...only that you stare at yourself naked in your truck's rear view mirror. Sounds like you are the one stereotyping all people that drive trucks as rednecks, not me.
1) Disagreed, but thanks for the standard LW slam on veterans and the military in general.

2) Nice job moving the goalposts, kid. Do you know the main reason the Doomsday clock was moved 30 seconds? It wasn't nuclear war.

3) You're weaseling. What kind of truck do you drive? How big are its mirrors?

1) Most of my family was military so I respect the military... but that respect is for people that deserve respect not passive-aggressive cowards.

2) One of the main reasons the Doomsday clock has moved is because of Trump's election and his actions...

3) I understand perspective, you don't, so it doesn't matter what I drive. I don't have to try to stand in front of a skewed mirror seeking fake vanity and self-absorption like you. Funny how when it comes down to it, your accusations of me and and somehow making fun of rednecks was just you projecting your own feelings.

So either provide proof that my statement was wrong... using the points I used to make my point, or shut up. No one is just going to take your opinion at its word. Pretty simple, even a guy without a Top Secret clearance would be able to figure that one out.
trump is far more deplorable he lied and bashed his way into the presidency and far too many of our citizens bought his crap
Thanks for agreeing Hillary is deplorable and that you are unable to defend her.
I can't defend her other than to say the best person for americas interests lost

Hillary was happy to turn Americans against each other for partisan gain.

NOte that you, as her partisan, are here advocating for a military coup.

Because she panic and hate mongered you to the point that that makes sense to you.
Agreed. The Left has moved so far left they are in danger of falling off the edge.

While, like a majority of Americans, I disagree with some of President Trump's actions, I'm willing to let our government reps figure it out......not go full nutjob like Silverman, Madonna and little Lew. A military coup? WTF?

Please let me know where I said a military coup? :rolleyes: Just another coward statement. Do you have a permanent yellow streak down your spine? Fuck man you have absolute zero dignity. When did you lose your balls? Or did you ever have any?

But one thing I won't go for is how Trump and the Republicans are working hard at taking away the ability for the populace to have their voices heard. They are elected officials not oligarchs. Part of how our government works is that the citizens have the ability to reach out to their representatives and let them know when they are making a decision we don't care for... and when guys like Paul Ryan hire bodyguards to keep from having signatures delivered to his office... that's just one example that they are getting out of touch with who they work for.
I don't for a minute believe they really want a coup Just spouting off to create some contraversy{sp}....And you approve of the people he's selected in his cabinet?? Doesn't a turd like Bannon give you a hint into what trump is all about??
Then why not suggest something practical instead of what appears to be a pot-fueled fantasy?

All appointees take an oath. You and I can't change who the appointees are so, unlike you, I'm willing to see what they do first before going into "pot-fueled fantasy" mode much less "shit-my-pants" mode. Have you noticed his poll numbers? Trump will reverse himself to get those numbers up. Again, it's only been two weeks.
see what they do first? They have a history,,Did you read up on Bannon and what 'he's all about ?? A tiger doesn't change its stripes , and the rest of the herd A mish mash of incompetents for the jobs they are given

You're talking to a coward that can't make up his fucking mind. In one breath he tells you to wait to see what happens, then two posts later he is giggling like a little school girl who just got his first kiss saying how Trump is doing some crazy things and that "this spring should be interesting." He's full of double-talk and passive-aggressive statements. Then he tries to create this fake positive persona that people respect his opinions based on his posting history and throw it around like manhole covers, when I only see other douche bags coming to his defense... and those people coming to his defense are only doing so because they had a beef with me before.
Please show me in modern history where a country has been as divided as quickly under the change of Presidential power as it has been now.
You are too young to remember either w. Bush, especially Reagan. You are ignorant of history and can't think for shit. It's no secret the left is highly intolerant of opposing views and do not accept the will of the people. They cry and complain like babies and you view that as division.

The only way to be united is to agree with them. And that ain't happening no matter how much feces you throw around in protest.
No, you are not tuffies, hissy boy. The hard left whipped you people out on the streets during the campaign. The only thing that protects you is LEO and the military, as they should. If your militias try to mix it up with the hard left, they will dirt nap the militias.

The hard left whipped you people out on the streets during the campaign.

Thanks, that's the funniest thing I've heard all day.

If your militias try to mix it up with the hard left, they will dirt nap the militias.

After kicking liberal asses, I'm sure the militias will need a nap. DERP!
Silly you. The far right are yelling that the far left was beating them up. The militia was complaining that the LEO were hurting the Bundy's feelings. No one is his or her right mind is concerned by the militias actually doing anything. They are snow flakes. Well, Finicum was not a snow flake, but he got melted.

The far right are yelling that the far left was beating them up.

When did the left beat someone up? Where? Link?

The militia was complaining that the LEO were hurting the Bundy's feelings.

Militia...LEO...where is the left in this scenario?

No one is his or her right mind is concerned by the militias actually doing anything.

You clowns brought it up...and laughably claimed your fellow leftists would somehow beat them.

They are snow flakes.

But enough about the left.
You are throwing a hissy.

OK, the far right are sissies. But we knew that.

And there will be no coup.

Laughing at Sarah and the rest of the whiney left is "throwing a hissy"? LOL!
But that iis not what you were doing.

The only military coup will happen in concert with the VP and a majority of the Cabinet if they think Trump has gone too far.
Calm down people. There will be no military coup, and the police are not a singular force for very good reasons. That said, the protests will continue unabated, though they will not change the behavior of the Narcissist / Megalomaniac-in-Chief ; he will use his power to quell descent unless and until the adults in the Republican Party, and The Congress do the right thing - make America America again.

Ryan is too weak, though he has more constitutional power than does trump; McConnell is worthless. One must hope that whomever becomes the tie-breaker on the Supreme Court is not an ideologue or beholden to trump, but a man of integrity who understands we no longer live in the 18th Century, nor has the desire to return us to the Gilded Age.

If you want people to calm down, perhaps you on the left should stop your crazy talk about "hitler" and "fascists" and "Narcissist/Megalomaniac in Chief".

If you really believe that the President is crazy, then why is a coup out of the question?

IF you don't believe it, then why the fuck are you constantly saying shit like that?

It is my considered opinion that trump's use of power is that of a fascist (control of the press & scapegoating, as examples) and his behavior is that of a Narcissist and Megalomaniac. I suggest you consider his behavior, tweets and actions after looking up the definitions of Narcissism and Megalomaniac.

A coup is out of the question, we are a nation of laws and there are remedies to remove a President from office by law. In another manner - when two or more people conspire to remove a president by force - the act becomes treason. trump was duly elected by the rule of law, that he is unfit is becoming apparent to many Americans, world leaders and those negatively impacted when he by-passed The Congress and began to usurp their power.
Please show me in modern history where a country has been as divided as quickly under the change of Presidential power as it has been now.
You are too young to remember either w. Bush, especially Reagan. You are ignorant of history and can't think for shit. It's no secret the left is highly intolerant of opposing views and do not accept the will of the people. They cry and complain like babies and you view that as division.

The only way to be united is to agree with them. And that ain't happening no matter how much feces you throw around in protest.

Wrong... I am not too young. I already talked about Reagan, Reagan had that magic touch that he could soothe even some of the most tense situations, thus why he is remembered as one of the greatest Presidents of all-time... and under Bush the war protests were no where near as big as the Women protests against Trump. Hell the first Iraq War made men like Storm'n Norman Schwarkkopf and Collin Powell heroes. So either put up facts to back your assertion or shove it like the others. You have presented no facts to prove otherwise.
Please show me in modern history where a country has been as divided as quickly under the change of Presidential power as it has been now.
You are too young to remember either w. Bush, especially Reagan. You are ignorant of history and can't think for shit. It's no secret the left is highly intolerant of opposing views and do not accept the will of the people. They cry and complain like babies and you view that as division.

The only way to be united is to agree with them. And that ain't happening no matter how much feces you throw around in protest.

Wrong... I am not too young. I already talked about Reagan, Reagan had that magic touch that he could soothe even some of the most tense situations, thus why he is remembered as one of the greatest Presidents of all-time... and under Bush the war protests were no where near as big as the Women protests against Trump. Hell the first Iraq War made men like Storm'n Norman Schwarkkopf and Collin Powell heroes. So either put up facts to back your assertion or shove it like the others. You have presented no facts to prove otherwise.
Wrong. The left despised Reagan with a passion and still do! You have presented stupidity and you do so with apparent carefree abandon. You're a special kind of stupid.
2) One of the main reasons the Doomsday clock has moved is because of Trump's election and his actions...
...and your source is ....?

Now that is RICH. You just made a statement that "I" was too young to know about Reagan and Bush... without providing any facts or details, and then you ask me for a source? :lmao::lmao::lmao:
Yep go ahead and provide it instead of being the little pussy you are. Can't back it up?

You don't know anything about the Reagan Bush years so if you were old enough you were just a clueless dumbfuck. And now you come here to present it for all the world to see.
Please show me in modern history where a country has been as divided as quickly under the change of Presidential power as it has been now.
You are too young to remember either w. Bush, especially Reagan. You are ignorant of history and can't think for shit. It's no secret the left is highly intolerant of opposing views and do not accept the will of the people. They cry and complain like babies and you view that as division.

The only way to be united is to agree with them. And that ain't happening no matter how much feces you throw around in protest.

Wrong... I am not too young. I already talked about Reagan, Reagan had that magic touch that he could soothe even some of the most tense situations, thus why he is remembered as one of the greatest Presidents of all-time... and under Bush the war protests were no where near as big as the Women protests against Trump. Hell the first Iraq War made men like Storm'n Norman Schwarkkopf and Collin Powell heroes. So either put up facts to back your assertion or shove it like the others. You have presented no facts to prove otherwise.
Wrong. The left despised Reagan with a passion and still do! You have presented stupidity and you do so with apparent carefree abandon. You're a special kind of stupid.

The "Left!" The "Left!" :lmao::lmao::lmao:

Jesus Christ you sound like a fucking bubbling idiot. Do your fucking research... Reagan is one of the most popular Presidents of all-time. People may not have liked Reaganomics... but that doesn't change the statement I made.
2) One of the main reasons the Doomsday clock has moved is because of Trump's election and his actions...
...and your source is ....?

Now that is RICH. You just made a statement that "I" was too young to know about Reagan and Bush... without providing any facts or details, and then you ask me for a source? :lmao::lmao::lmao:
Yep go ahead and provide it instead of being the little pussy you are. Can't back it up?

You don't know anything about the Reagan Bush years so if you were old enough you were just a clueless dumbfuck. And now you come here to present it for all the world to see.

How many sources you want? 10? 20?

I'll provide them as soon as you provide an argument other than... THE LEFT!!! THE LEFT!!! THE LEFT!! OMG THE LEFT!!!

Did you take your lithium this morning? You are worse than usual.
Calm down people. There will be no military coup, and the police are not a singular force for very good reasons. That said, the protests will continue unabated, though they will not change the behavior of the Narcissist / Megalomaniac-in-Chief ; he will use his power to quell descent unless and until the adults in the Republican Party, and The Congress do the right thing - make America America again.

Ryan is too weak, though he has more constitutional power than does trump; McConnell is worthless. One must hope that whomever becomes the tie-breaker on the Supreme Court is not an ideologue or beholden to trump, but a man of integrity who understands we no longer live in the 18th Century, nor has the desire to return us to the Gilded Age.

If you want people to calm down, perhaps you on the left should stop your crazy talk about "hitler" and "fascists" and "Narcissist/Megalomaniac in Chief".

If you really believe that the President is crazy, then why is a coup out of the question?

IF you don't believe it, then why the fuck are you constantly saying shit like that?
and why do you say shit like constantly?

Wry is calling for people to "calm down" while literally arguing that the President is a madman.

Do you see the contradiction?

That is why I "say shit like that constantly".

Because you whack job lefties need called on your bullshit.
2) One of the main reasons the Doomsday clock has moved is because of Trump's election and his actions...
...and your source is ....?

Now that is RICH. You just made a statement that "I" was too young to know about Reagan and Bush... without providing any facts or details, and then you ask me for a source? :lmao::lmao::lmao:
Yep go ahead and provide it instead of being the little pussy you are. Can't back it up?

You don't know anything about the Reagan Bush years so if you were old enough you were just a clueless dumbfuck. And now you come here to present it for all the world to see.

How many sources you want? 10? 20?

I'll provide them as soon as you provide an argument other than... THE LEFT!!! THE LEFT!!! THE LEFT!! OMG THE LEFT!!!

Did you take your lithium this morning? You are worse than usual.
So you found nothing. That means you're full of shit.
Calm down people. There will be no military coup, and the police are not a singular force for very good reasons. That said, the protests will continue unabated, though they will not change the behavior of the Narcissist / Megalomaniac-in-Chief ; he will use his power to quell descent unless and until the adults in the Republican Party, and The Congress do the right thing - make America America again.

Ryan is too weak, though he has more constitutional power than does trump; McConnell is worthless. One must hope that whomever becomes the tie-breaker on the Supreme Court is not an ideologue or beholden to trump, but a man of integrity who understands we no longer live in the 18th Century, nor has the desire to return us to the Gilded Age.

If you want people to calm down, perhaps you on the left should stop your crazy talk about "hitler" and "fascists" and "Narcissist/Megalomaniac in Chief".

If you really believe that the President is crazy, then why is a coup out of the question?

IF you don't believe it, then why the fuck are you constantly saying shit like that?
and why do you say shit like constantly?

Wry is calling for people to "calm down" while literally arguing that the President is a madman.

Do you see the contradiction?

That is why I "say shit like that constantly".

Because you whack job lefties need called on your bullshit.

So when someone tells you that YOU are overreacting because there is not going to be a fucking military coup in the U.S. despite what some female comedian says on TWITTER... but points out that Trump is a madman for his actions of putting us on the verge of war with Iran, North Korea, and China while pissing off a large part of our allies... all in his FIRST TWO WEEKS... you want to call him a whack job?

TWO WEEKS... and Flynn says Iran is on notice, Trump calls North Korea out on Twitter, Steve Bannon says war in the South China Sea is pretty much inevitable... All of Europe sees Trump as a threat and not an ally, and Trump tells off Mexico and Australia. TWO WEEKS in office... TWO WEEKS to do all that. Nope, that all sounds like a smooth transition.

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