A Mind Your Own Business Amendment


Sep 23, 2010
Hussein’s Administration has been a Senate Administration; i.e., everything the Senate would do if there was no House of Representative has been done since January 2009. In addition to former Senators Hussein, Biden, and Hillary Clinton, the most obvious sign of just how bad the Senate is can be seen in the filth the Senate confirmed, and continues to confirm.

The US Senate’s reputation was nothing to write home about before Hussein took office; it has gotten worse in the past four years contrary to the gargantuan effort the media put into glorifying the worst people in that foul institution. Remember that it was the media that put a senator in the White House in 2008. Had it not been Hussein it would have been Clinton or McCain. So when Senator Cruz and a few other senators try to halt the march toward totalitarian government by repealing a bad law the House turns around and backs Hussein:

On Wednesday, every GOP senator voted to defund Obamacare on an amendment to the Continuing Resolution that funds government for the rest of the fiscal year.


Boehner and Cantor and other members of House GOP leadership blocked any effort at all to even have a floor vote on an amendment to defund Obamacare in the CR.

With today's vote, the center of the loyal opposition to Obama continues to shift to the Senate.

All Senate Republicans Vote to Defund Obamacare
by Matthew Boyle
13 Mar 2013

All Senate Republicans Vote to Defund Obamacare

Defunding Hillarycare II for a few months would have opened the floodgate for repeal.

If only I could believe it’s not a con job. Republican senators stand up to the Socialist garbage and John Boehner runs up the white flag. It all seems too convenient to me. The Senate suddenly fights back and the House rolls over. Hell, the Japanese got more when they surrendered unconditionally in 1945 than conservative Americans got from Boehner’s capitulation.

Incidentally, the entire mess could have been avoided had another big government stooge, John Roberts, declared the ACA unconstitutional as it clearly is. One does not have to be a constitutional scholar to know there is nothing in the Constitution that gives the federal government the authority to force law-abiding Americans to buy health insurance, and punish them when they refuse to comply.

Finally, it is not a good idea to call for constitutional amendments to fix problems considering the maggots who will undoubtedly have the most say in any proposed changes. Still, I wish somebody would propose a “Mind Your Own Goddamned Business” amendment. I have not the skill to write such an amendment, but it should be framed to permanently neuter the personalty type that pass touchy-feely legislation like Hillarycare II in the first place.

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