A Misanthrope? А Racist? А Crazy or А Worthy Son of the Shameful Pages of American History???

I want all of us once a year kneel down and ask for forgiveness from the slainIF we can get it...I want us to review our history and bring to justice those who sanctioned and carried out these inhuman killings.

The mistreatment of native Americans is well documented. Our generations have learned from the misdeeds of those who came before us, but there is nothing that we can do to right the wrongs that were done.

That history certainly demonstrates the need to have a strong military and strong border and immigration enforcement, something the original Americans did not have.

Let me disagree with you.

We cannot "deny" the crimes of the past just because the crimes of your ancestors were just "well documented." Downtown New York, there is a monument to the slave trader and one of the first initiators of the Genocide of Native Americans... The cities, streets and squares of America bear the names of criminals against humanity. Children are taught to BE PROUD of them.
The main Nazi criminals (however, some were taken to the United States) were convicted, executed or sentenced to long terms of imprisonment. The German kids are taught to be ASHAMED of the crimes of their grand-fathers...

The American genocide was was not condemned either by the government, or by the people, or by the United Nations.

Until the main criminals of genocide against the American Indians are condemned, the monuments to them and their busts are not overthrown, the American troops will again and again kill innocent civilians abroad and call it "collateral damage."

All this is not in the distant past. Evidence of this are the statements and misanthropic activities of General Schwarzkopf in Iraq. And our military there also "distinguished" themselves." Abu Ghraib - this is not an accident - it is a metastasis of hatred for NOT LIKE US sprouted from distant the past
All of this guilt reminds me of Catholic School and Catholic Church teachings. Only it is put on us as individuals to try to improve on what was. That means how we treat each other with respect to resources such as wages, benefits and pensions with the employee not putting a knife to the employers throat and reverse. To how people sell us a product or repair a product. On how we are treated or forgotten for services. For people employed treating another person employed unless the person is a complete danger. And so much more. We have not learned much in the scenario you wrote. We have lived off of conquering this continent though. And that has been bestowed to us all with the addendum of if we live by some rules we will be comfortable. People who spew this never give up their belongings to others. Never live the life of minimum survival as their former resources help those who do not have much. I am still waiting for most of the media and entertainers to give up their conquered continental booty they have stolen. They go on TV or social media spout their misgivings about the deplorables then eat their high priced meals in their mansions and party hearty.

I didn’t understand something: KILLING of a hundred million of people, taking their land and honoring their murderers, as we will do on October 14th - is this NORMAL ??? To honor the representative of the nation, as they say, the Franciscan monk, who FIRST began ethnic cleansing of the continent?

I am writing about the Spaniards, who were the first to hunt Indians with dogs that were
accustomed to human meat - your
ancestors were only their students ...

Don't you think the nation is seriously, if not hopelessly mentally ill, ACCEPTING killing of people as such and even honoring the promoters of kikkings and the killers ???

And why didn’t you comment on my words about what German schoolchildren are taught and that Abu Ghraib is not an accident, but cancerous metastasis has swelled that has affected our society since the war in Ireland???

Read the beginning of my essay "The Road to Auschwitz Lay Through the American Genocide of the Native Americans" tomorrow. I am very busy and therefore every day I will write one chapter ...


Christopher Columbus, a criminal, a slave traider, who laid the foundations for the mass extermination of the native population of the continent whose body DISAPPEARED when they wanted to conduct genetic analysis to compare his genotype with a living relative.

QUESTION: WHO abducted the remains of Columbus and WHAT do the abductors hide?
When a person is sick, the doctor searches for signs: fever, rash, rapid pulse, high or low blood pressure, depigmentation. If this is a mental illness - the doctor observes the patient's deviant behavior ... And prescribes treatment.

When there is a suspicion that the NATION is not all right with mental health - the social psychiatrist is looking for signs of deviant behavior - in speech, in reaction to certain events, in the material traces of the disease ...

In America, a social psychiatrist does not need to spend a lot of time observing behavior, because the signs are obvious: the names of misanthropes, inspirers, leaders and performers of the genocide, which slautered one hundred million of Native Americans, are given to cities, neighborhoods, counties, streets. Monuments were erected to them ...

By the way, the Mexican government is going to demolish the monuments of Columbus and Cortez - two bastards who stained the title of a man.

This is not a hopeless disease. You just need to turn your eyes to history, to the moral foundation on which today's society has grown and is functioning and to do what the Germans did in relation to all manifestations of German Nazi genocide.

There are many monuments in America. Monuments to victims of sexual exploitation.To the victims of the Armenian Genocide. To the victimsof the Holodomor. Monuments to victims of the 9/11 terrorist attack.

Monuments to the slave trader and killer Columbus.

In each more or less large city there are monuments to 6 million Jews, victims of Nazi genocide. And ... None of the memorials to tormented hunger, raped, drowned, burnt alive, hanged, torn alive by dogs, to the hundreds of millions of unfortunate owners of this land ... On which we walk and which for some reason is still bearing us...

Cleansing the past is always a painful but necessary process...

IF we want to recover ...
This is not Auschwitz. Not Buchenwald. Not Majdanek. This was OUR America ... Bones of slain Native Americans

Do you have a source or authentication for that picture?

"... Old World epidemics ... coursed through the veins of the native peoples of North Atlantic Coast, even vefore the arrival of the first great waves of British settlers, leaving in their wake so many dead that they COULD NOT BE BURIED,

DNA test confirms Europeans guilty of Indian Genocide

Scientists from the University of Adelaide, having studied the DNA of several populations of ancient Indians, proved that the arrival of Europeans and Old World diseases was the reason for the sharp decline in the number of indigenous peoples of America.

An expert group led by Bastien Llamas conducted a study of the "resurrected" DNA of the Indians, restoring fragments of DNA extracted from almost a hundred Inca mummies and bones of representatives of other tribes of Aboriginal America

“Surprisingly, not one of the genomes we studied that we found in the remains of more than a hundred ancient Indians left their traces in the DNA of modern Aboriginal Americans. The only scenario that corresponds to these observations is the complete disappearance of Indian populations isolated from each other after they began to contact the Europeans, ”the scientist said.

Scientists analyzed mitochondrial DNA - a small segment of the genome contained in mitochondria, cell energy stations, and transmitted, along with these organelles, from mother to child. Using fragments of the mitochondrial genome, experts found that the ancestors of the Indians practically did not contact each other after the initial settlement in the New World, breaking into isolated groups about 8-9 thousand years ago. In this form, they existed practically until the beginning of the New Time, after which all the ancient haplogroups of mitochondrial DNA completely disappeared.

This result indicates that their carriers massively ceased to exist, killed either by disease or by force.

Recall that earlier a group of scientists from Harvard University, after conducting a large-scale study of the remains of the Indians of the time of Columbus, found that most of them did not die out immediately after the advent of Europeans and their diseases, but about a century after the discovery of the New World.

As it turned out, extinction did not begin immediately after the appearance of the conquerors from the Old World, but about a hundred years after that. Over the next 60 years, the population declined by 86%, and settlements were abandoned.
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Indeed good with the bad
But How many decades are you people going to cry over the past?
So what ...what's done is done all you can do is learn from past mistakes
Like socialism , the restrictions on speech, and Gun rights are all dangerous! why repeat mistakes of the past?...see humanity must learn from its mistakes and evils

...what you're looking for is a time machine for social justice.

Thiers statues ,plaque all over the city for natives(savage immigrants from asia)...women ....oppressed retards of color

They even have parks and buildings named after them

I'm 1/1024 canarsie btw
What more do you want ? Should we grovel at peoples feet over the past? ..
Knock yourself out !Dont be surprized when they kick ya while you're down there

Guilty feels white women
Whaddya gonna do eh

Bison skulls ..good grief Charlie brown
Some radical violent destructive left wing group's like peta ... Bison skulls are now equated with native american human .......because they're batshit nuts

Well, MAY be but ...
"... Old World epidemics ... coursed through the veins of the native peoples of North Atlantic Coast, even vefore the arrival of the first great waves of British settlers, leaving in their wake so many dead that they COULD NOT BE BURIED,
(American Holocaust, p.109)

And I absolutely agree with you when you ask for "How many decades are you people going to cry over the pas"t?

But then... WHY do the American Jews all the time remind us of SIX million of unfortunateswho were slaughtered by German Nazis ?! And this despite the fact that it was precisely "the first fully Jewish government of America", -according to biographer Eleanor Roosevelt,- that did everything possible to prevent the entry of European Jewish refugees into the United States" ???

And not a word about the ONE HUNDRED MILLION slaughtered Native Americans!

Or am I MISSING something ???

They erected a huge symbolic cemetery in the center of Berlin - let us also erect a symbolic cemetery with the remains of Native Americans opposite the Capitol or the White House!

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