A momentary pause to consider the nature of the man Trump supporters are defending.

Someday this shoe is going to be on the other foot and I will take full advantage of the situation.
Willow knowing you from your posts I take it you're far from dumb How can any one support this garbage ,the way he handled this crisis the way he handles people ? If I were still a republican I'd be embarrassed to praise him
Eddies here’s what I know for sure. Undisputed. You on the left started “resistance” and “impeachment plans before he was even inaugurated. You are treating him like you did Bush only on steroids! So I am so proud to be a Republican and you can rest assured that I will never vote for another democrat ever. So you did you work well wouldn’t you say?
How can you be proud voting for him?/ and yes ,we were on his case from the getgo because we knew he was a cheat a pervert and a crook with law firms protecting him You can't be proud supporting this filth You can still be a repub but at least admit this is the wrong guy at the wrong time

Because he was the candidate that was not an anti-American piece of shit.
It really hurts to see people with a head on their shoulders believe the BS they're spewing

Hillary was very clear, that she considered me and people like me, to be the problem.

No way I was voting for her, especially not after her husband.
OK Correll she spoke out of her ass and was sorry for it How MANY times has Trump spoken out of his ass and NOT be sorry for it?

Trump never smeared half the country like that. ANd her apology was the apology of someone who was caught and forced to apologize, not one she really felt.
Trump never smeared Dems and their leaders?
The democrats can never brag about their "candidates" because their policies can't be defended. They keep trying to disparage Trump, and that will never work. Trump was right on all counts, pushing back on China, being a populist and not a globalist, using tariffs to advantage, bringing back good jobs and US manufacturing.

Voters are workers, except maybe for some democrats, and they will vote in their interest for better jobs.
Quit lying.
Quit talking to yourself like that. Trumps approval rating is what 60% regarding how he is handling this crisis?
He mishandled it for months. The US should be in much better shape and more ready. And where did that pull come from? Hillary in a landslide!!!!
Bullsh**!......The travel ban in January was racist.You haven't a foggy clue .All you see is a chance to get that barely conscious pond scum named Joe Biden elected...he doesn't even know where he had his last bowel movement....oh wait maybe he does since it was in his Depends.
This guy pond scum??
Criminal ..is what our next president says it is

Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden said Sunday that the dismissal of the captain of the USS Theodore Roosevelt, who raised the alarm about a coronavirus outbreak on the aircraft carrier, is “close to criminal.”

The former vice president said on ABC’s “This Week” that Capt. Brett Crozier “stood up and said what had to be said” with his sailors “in danger” when he wrote a letter requesting help from Navy leaders, which ended up leaking to the media.

“I think it’s close to criminal the way they’re dealing with this guy,” he said.

“I think he should have a commendation rather than be fired,” he added.
Pond scum? You’re a real winner....
Some one called biden that See my question mark?
So you would never call Trump that?
LOL Now that's a horse of another color You think Biden has the same history or worse than Trumps?? How can you compare them? Forget Trumps a pervert etc etc Biden comes prepared for the job , will put people who know what TF they're doing in the right jobs
Biden is a lifetime politician who even Obama won’t endorse. He doesn’t impress me.
You are clearly out of touch; President Obama will endorse and support whosoever is the Democratic Nominee. He will not endorse anyone until that is settled, if he did endorse VP Biden and Bernie was nominated, his endorsement for Biden would be used by fools like you that even Obama didn't support him.

You're welcome, I hope that you now know something about political science. Too bad your ignorance on this issue is so broad.

lack of critical thinking skills + ignorance = poorly educated basket dwelling deplorable.
How do you explain this, parasite?

ummmm - she was lucky, asshole?
A lot of luck out there it seems. You d rather watch people die than believe the drug helps. Awful.

the more awful you think i am the better i feel.

I can understand that.

BUT, what I can't get, is how your behavior, reflects on you, and thus your own self image.

FOR EXAMPLE, how regularly you liberals are fine with playing stupid, I mean REALLY FUCKING STUPID, for the smallest of partisan jabs.

How can you not want to NOT look like a drooling moronic retarded monkey?

you are quite mistaken if you think it matters given what 'we' respond to. most rw nutters are so entrenched in their cult of personality, it's almost always futile to deal with y'all on any kind of civil level, so might as well have fun whilst spending time here!

You did it again. YOu responded as though I was challenging you to be civil.

But my point was obviously about how stupidly thin your lies are, and how such stupidity reflects on you.

I was completely clear about that, and you responded as though you were too stupid to understand what I said.

You thus presented yourself as being either a completely dishonest asshole, or a fucking retard.

more along the lines of poking you with a stick; that means you're getting warmer.

So, being an asshole to annoy people, is more important to you than your own self image?

Wow. Wow. Ok. THanks for an honest answer.

It will take some time for me to digest that one...

WOW! Disgusting. But... thanks.

please understand this clearly - those that are worth my respect get treated much differently than any trump supporter - who by the very definition, aren't worth much to me at all; including their opinion of me.
Having your respect would be an insult. I never Want that and thankfully will never have it.

that doesn't really matter either way how you feel about it.
Of course it doesn’t.
Leftists like you don’t consider what other people think or how they feel.

I accept your surrender, again. Easy pickings.

is that what you think that was? silly you.....
When people go to the childish emojis I know I won. More data today that Hydrox works. It sucks for you I know as it will save many more lives.

still no fact check. got it.

you lost.
Nope you lost. I knew You would say this so I did post the proof. Now admit you don’t want the drug to work and save lives because of your hatred for “Donny”.

you're loopiness is rotting yer brain. do you know what 'cozying up to' even means? c'mon, with yer IQ , that should be easy.
I gave you the proof but you will just ignore it. Again, you do not know one iota about the drug industry. Companies have 7 years to maximize their profits. Hydrox is 70 years old. It is irrelevant and it can be copied and generics are out. He is pushing it because it works. I am glad it works as it saves lives. But you would rather have people die as you admitted rather than have "donny" be right.

never did or said any such thing. when you hafta pull bullshit outa yer ass to keep a conversation going as if it holds any merit - then you have nuthin' left.
That is exactly what all your posts are saying. You're making shit up as to why people are touting it. NEVER once considering it is because it works. You are a very stupid person and a hateful one.

cry me a river - & after you do that, give another dislike - you'll have 9,900 more to go to surpass all the likes - that is if i never get another thumbs up.

I enjoy giving your dumbass posts the thumbs down. I'll catch up to your very few likes.

i got 10K likes & 124 dislikes. you best get going..... chop chop run along!
Wrong the 10k is a "reaction score" the old score gave you points for everything. Those aren't "likes". You're so stupid.

well now - is that right? you just make it so fucking easy to bitch slap you, azog.

guess you didn't know how to find the break down, did ya? if you click on your avatar/ name at the top of the page to access your account, & then click on
' reactions received ' you can see the breakdown; s-t-u-p-i-d.


^^^ latest count as of 7:55 am. today.

you're welcome for the instructions on how you can be a little less s-t-u-p-i-d. :113:
Someday this shoe is going to be on the other foot and I will take full advantage of the situation.
Willow knowing you from your posts I take it you're far from dumb How can any one support this garbage ,the way he handled this crisis the way he handles people ? If I were still a republican I'd be embarrassed to praise him
Eddies here’s what I know for sure. Undisputed. You on the left started “resistance” and “impeachment plans before he was even inaugurated. You are treating him like you did Bush only on steroids! So I am so proud to be a Republican and you can rest assured that I will never vote for another democrat ever. So you did you work well wouldn’t you say?
How can you be proud voting for him?/ and yes ,we were on his case from the getgo because we knew he was a cheat a pervert and a crook with law firms protecting him You can't be proud supporting this filth You can still be a repub but at least admit this is the wrong guy at the wrong time

Because he was the candidate that was not an anti-American piece of shit.
It really hurts to see people with a head on their shoulders believe the BS they're spewing

Hillary was very clear, that she considered me and people like me, to be the problem.

No way I was voting for her, especially not after her husband.
OK Correll she spoke out of her ass and was sorry for it How MANY times has Trump spoken out of his ass and NOT be sorry for it?

Trump never smeared half the country like that. ANd her apology was the apology of someone who was caught and forced to apologize, not one she really felt.
Trump never smeared Dems and their leaders?
The democrats can never brag about their "candidates" because their policies can't be defended. They keep trying to disparage Trump, and that will never work. Trump was right on all counts, pushing back on China, being a populist and not a globalist, using tariffs to advantage, bringing back good jobs and US manufacturing.

Voters are workers, except maybe for some democrats, and they will vote in their interest for better jobs.
Quit lying.
Quit talking to yourself like that. Trumps approval rating is what 60% regarding how he is handling this crisis?
He mishandled it for months. The US should be in much better shape and more ready. And where did that pull come from? Hillary in a landslide!!!!
Bullsh**!......The travel ban in January was racist.You haven't a foggy clue .All you see is a chance to get that barely conscious pond scum named Joe Biden elected...he doesn't even know where he had his last bowel movement....oh wait maybe he does since it was in his Depends.
This guy pond scum??
Criminal ..is what our next president says it is

Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden said Sunday that the dismissal of the captain of the USS Theodore Roosevelt, who raised the alarm about a coronavirus outbreak on the aircraft carrier, is “close to criminal.”

The former vice president said on ABC’s “This Week” that Capt. Brett Crozier “stood up and said what had to be said” with his sailors “in danger” when he wrote a letter requesting help from Navy leaders, which ended up leaking to the media.

“I think it’s close to criminal the way they’re dealing with this guy,” he said.

“I think he should have a commendation rather than be fired,” he added.
Pond scum? You’re a real winner....
Some one called biden that See my question mark?
So you would never call Trump that?
LOL Now that's a horse of another color You think Biden has the same history or worse than Trumps?? How can you compare them? Forget Trumps a pervert etc etc Biden comes prepared for the job , will put people who know what TF they're doing in the right jobs
Biden is a lifetime politician who even Obama won’t endorse. He doesn’t impress me.
You are clearly out of touch; President Obama will endorse and support whosoever is the Democratic Nominee. He will not endorse anyone until that is settled, if he did endorse VP Biden and Bernie was nominated, his endorsement for Biden would be used by fools like you that even Obama didn't support him.

You're welcome, I hope that you now know something about political science. Too bad your ignorance on this issue is so broad.

lack of critical thinking skills + ignorance = poorly educated basket dwelling deplorable.
How do you explain this, parasite?

ummmm - she was lucky, asshole?
A lot of luck out there it seems. You d rather watch people die than believe the drug helps. Awful.

the more awful you think i am the better i feel.

I can understand that.

BUT, what I can't get, is how your behavior, reflects on you, and thus your own self image.

FOR EXAMPLE, how regularly you liberals are fine with playing stupid, I mean REALLY FUCKING STUPID, for the smallest of partisan jabs.

How can you not want to NOT look like a drooling moronic retarded monkey?

you are quite mistaken if you think it matters given what 'we' respond to. most rw nutters are so entrenched in their cult of personality, it's almost always futile to deal with y'all on any kind of civil level, so might as well have fun whilst spending time here!

You did it again. YOu responded as though I was challenging you to be civil.

But my point was obviously about how stupidly thin your lies are, and how such stupidity reflects on you.

I was completely clear about that, and you responded as though you were too stupid to understand what I said.

You thus presented yourself as being either a completely dishonest asshole, or a fucking retard.

more along the lines of poking you with a stick; that means you're getting warmer.

So, being an asshole to annoy people, is more important to you than your own self image?

Wow. Wow. Ok. THanks for an honest answer.

It will take some time for me to digest that one...

WOW! Disgusting. But... thanks.

please understand this clearly - those that are worth my respect get treated much differently than any trump supporter - who by the very definition, aren't worth much to me at all; including their opinion of me.
Having your respect would be an insult. I never Want that and thankfully will never have it.

that doesn't really matter either way how you feel about it.
Of course it doesn’t.
Leftists like you don’t consider what other people think or how they feel.

I accept your surrender, again. Easy pickings.

is that what you think that was? silly you.....
When people go to the childish emojis I know I won. More data today that Hydrox works. It sucks for you I know as it will save many more lives.

still no fact check. got it.

you lost.
Nope you lost. I knew You would say this so I did post the proof. Now admit you don’t want the drug to work and save lives because of your hatred for “Donny”.

you're loopiness is rotting yer brain. do you know what 'cozying up to' even means? c'mon, with yer IQ , that should be easy.
I gave you the proof but you will just ignore it. Again, you do not know one iota about the drug industry. Companies have 7 years to maximize their profits. Hydrox is 70 years old. It is irrelevant and it can be copied and generics are out. He is pushing it because it works. I am glad it works as it saves lives. But you would rather have people die as you admitted rather than have "donny" be right.

never did or said any such thing. when you hafta pull bullshit outa yer ass to keep a conversation going as if it holds any merit - then you have nuthin' left.
That is exactly what all your posts are saying. You're making shit up as to why people are touting it. NEVER once considering it is because it works. You are a very stupid person and a hateful one.

cry me a river - & after you do that, give another dislike - you'll have 9,900 more to go to surpass all the likes - that is if i never get another thumbs up.

I enjoy giving your dumbass posts the thumbs down. I'll catch up to your very few likes.

i got 10K likes & 124 dislikes. you best get going..... chop chop run along!
Wrong the 10k is a "reaction score" the old score gave you points for everything. Those aren't "likes". You're so stupid.

well now - is that right? you just make it so fucking easy to bitch slap you, azog.

guess you didn't know how to find the break down, did ya? if you click on your avatar/ name at the top of the page to access your account, & then click on
' reactions received ' you can see the breakdown; s-t-u-p-i-d.

View attachment 321018

^^^ latest count as of 7:55 am. today.

you're welcome for the instructions on how you can be a little less s-t-u-p-i-d. :113:
Those “likes” transferred over from the old system. Every comment became a “like”.
For the purpose of this thread let's put aside the matter of the Trump admin's botched, delayed response to the worst public health crisis in 100 years. Let's instead consider what kind of person, absent politics, Trumpleton's voted for and still support.

What follows is a list, not of unfounded accusations, but of documented instances or moral depravity.
He has defrauded students of his real estate school for which he paid a $25M settlement.
He has under paid contractors for which he was sued hundreds of times.
He has swindled shareholders of his bankrupted casino company.
He has associated with convicted criminals.
He has, on numerous occasions, cheated on his wife.
He has paid two of the women involved in adulterous affairs for their silence in order to defraud the voting public.
He has lied to the American public pathologically.
He has discriminated against minorities. A case he settled with the US government.
He has stolen money from a charity, for which he paid a $2M fine and was forced to shut down his "charitable" foundation.

Give it a minute...........it's a lot to take in.

Now, forget about party affiliations and ideological differences. Concentrate on character. To many, an important consideration before casting a vote for a candidate for any office, let alone the presidency.

The question I'd like to pose to Trump supporters is..................WTF?

What form of mental gymnastics makes it possible to ignore all that?
Sure, sure. Everything you say is true but...he's got an R after his name and he isn't black.

So it's all good.
For the purpose of this thread let's put aside the matter of the Trump admin's botched, delayed response to the worst public health crisis in 100 years. Let's instead consider what kind of person, absent politics, Trumpleton's voted for and still support.

What follows is a list, not of unfounded accusations, but of documented instances or moral depravity.
He has defrauded students of his real estate school for which he paid a $25M settlement.
He has under paid contractors for which he was sued hundreds of times.
He has swindled shareholders of his bankrupted casino company.
He has associated with convicted criminals.
He has, on numerous occasions, cheated on his wife.
He has paid two of the women involved in adulterous affairs for their silence in order to defraud the voting public.
He has lied to the American public pathologically.
He has discriminated against minorities. A case he settled with the US government.
He has stolen money from a charity, for which he paid a $2M fine and was forced to shut down his "charitable" foundation.

Give it a minute...........it's a lot to take in.

Now, forget about party affiliations and ideological differences. Concentrate on character. To many, an important consideration before casting a vote for a candidate for any office, let alone the presidency.

The question I'd like to pose to Trump supporters is..................WTF?

What form of mental gymnastics makes it possible to ignore all that?
Sure, sure. Everything you say is true but...he's got an R after his name and he isn't black.

So it's all good.

Were you aware, when you voted for him, he had arranged for hush money to be paid in order to keep the two women from speaking publicly (thereby defrauding the public) about the adulterous affairs immediately before the election?

Or that he stole money from a charity?

Or that he was hot miked saying something about grabbing pussy?

Clinton has Trump beat!
Complete with DNA on a blue dress

PS - Stop with the lies
Someday this shoe is going to be on the other foot and I will take full advantage of the situation.
Willow knowing you from your posts I take it you're far from dumb How can any one support this garbage ,the way he handled this crisis the way he handles people ? If I were still a republican I'd be embarrassed to praise him
Eddies here’s what I know for sure. Undisputed. You on the left started “resistance” and “impeachment plans before he was even inaugurated. You are treating him like you did Bush only on steroids! So I am so proud to be a Republican and you can rest assured that I will never vote for another democrat ever. So you did you work well wouldn’t you say?
How can you be proud voting for him?/ and yes ,we were on his case from the getgo because we knew he was a cheat a pervert and a crook with law firms protecting him You can't be proud supporting this filth You can still be a repub but at least admit this is the wrong guy at the wrong time

Because he was the candidate that was not an anti-American piece of shit.
It really hurts to see people with a head on their shoulders believe the BS they're spewing

Hillary was very clear, that she considered me and people like me, to be the problem.

No way I was voting for her, especially not after her husband.
OK Correll she spoke out of her ass and was sorry for it How MANY times has Trump spoken out of his ass and NOT be sorry for it?

Trump never smeared half the country like that. ANd her apology was the apology of someone who was caught and forced to apologize, not one she really felt.
Trump never smeared Dems and their leaders?
The democrats can never brag about their "candidates" because their policies can't be defended. They keep trying to disparage Trump, and that will never work. Trump was right on all counts, pushing back on China, being a populist and not a globalist, using tariffs to advantage, bringing back good jobs and US manufacturing.

Voters are workers, except maybe for some democrats, and they will vote in their interest for better jobs.
Quit lying.
Quit talking to yourself like that. Trumps approval rating is what 60% regarding how he is handling this crisis?
He mishandled it for months. The US should be in much better shape and more ready. And where did that pull come from? Hillary in a landslide!!!!
Bullsh**!......The travel ban in January was racist.You haven't a foggy clue .All you see is a chance to get that barely conscious pond scum named Joe Biden elected...he doesn't even know where he had his last bowel movement....oh wait maybe he does since it was in his Depends.
This guy pond scum??
Criminal ..is what our next president says it is

Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden said Sunday that the dismissal of the captain of the USS Theodore Roosevelt, who raised the alarm about a coronavirus outbreak on the aircraft carrier, is “close to criminal.”

The former vice president said on ABC’s “This Week” that Capt. Brett Crozier “stood up and said what had to be said” with his sailors “in danger” when he wrote a letter requesting help from Navy leaders, which ended up leaking to the media.

“I think it’s close to criminal the way they’re dealing with this guy,” he said.

“I think he should have a commendation rather than be fired,” he added.
Pond scum? You’re a real winner....
Some one called biden that See my question mark?
So you would never call Trump that?
LOL Now that's a horse of another color You think Biden has the same history or worse than Trumps?? How can you compare them? Forget Trumps a pervert etc etc Biden comes prepared for the job , will put people who know what TF they're doing in the right jobs
Biden is a lifetime politician who even Obama won’t endorse. He doesn’t impress me.
You are clearly out of touch; President Obama will endorse and support whosoever is the Democratic Nominee. He will not endorse anyone until that is settled, if he did endorse VP Biden and Bernie was nominated, his endorsement for Biden would be used by fools like you that even Obama didn't support him.

You're welcome, I hope that you now know something about political science. Too bad your ignorance on this issue is so broad.

lack of critical thinking skills + ignorance = poorly educated basket dwelling deplorable.
How do you explain this, parasite?

ummmm - she was lucky, asshole?
A lot of luck out there it seems. You d rather watch people die than believe the drug helps. Awful.

the more awful you think i am the better i feel.

I can understand that.

BUT, what I can't get, is how your behavior, reflects on you, and thus your own self image.

FOR EXAMPLE, how regularly you liberals are fine with playing stupid, I mean REALLY FUCKING STUPID, for the smallest of partisan jabs.

How can you not want to NOT look like a drooling moronic retarded monkey?

you are quite mistaken if you think it matters given what 'we' respond to. most rw nutters are so entrenched in their cult of personality, it's almost always futile to deal with y'all on any kind of civil level, so might as well have fun whilst spending time here!

You did it again. YOu responded as though I was challenging you to be civil.

But my point was obviously about how stupidly thin your lies are, and how such stupidity reflects on you.

I was completely clear about that, and you responded as though you were too stupid to understand what I said.

You thus presented yourself as being either a completely dishonest asshole, or a fucking retard.

more along the lines of poking you with a stick; that means you're getting warmer.

So, being an asshole to annoy people, is more important to you than your own self image?

Wow. Wow. Ok. THanks for an honest answer.

It will take some time for me to digest that one...

WOW! Disgusting. But... thanks.

please understand this clearly - those that are worth my respect get treated much differently than any trump supporter - who by the very definition, aren't worth much to me at all; including their opinion of me.
Having your respect would be an insult. I never Want that and thankfully will never have it.

that doesn't really matter either way how you feel about it.
Of course it doesn’t.
Leftists like you don’t consider what other people think or how they feel.

I accept your surrender, again. Easy pickings.

is that what you think that was? silly you.....
When people go to the childish emojis I know I won. More data today that Hydrox works. It sucks for you I know as it will save many more lives.

still no fact check. got it.

you lost.
Nope you lost. I knew You would say this so I did post the proof. Now admit you don’t want the drug to work and save lives because of your hatred for “Donny”.

you're loopiness is rotting yer brain. do you know what 'cozying up to' even means? c'mon, with yer IQ , that should be easy.
I gave you the proof but you will just ignore it. Again, you do not know one iota about the drug industry. Companies have 7 years to maximize their profits. Hydrox is 70 years old. It is irrelevant and it can be copied and generics are out. He is pushing it because it works. I am glad it works as it saves lives. But you would rather have people die as you admitted rather than have "donny" be right.

never did or said any such thing. when you hafta pull bullshit outa yer ass to keep a conversation going as if it holds any merit - then you have nuthin' left.
That is exactly what all your posts are saying. You're making shit up as to why people are touting it. NEVER once considering it is because it works. You are a very stupid person and a hateful one.

cry me a river - & after you do that, give another dislike - you'll have 9,900 more to go to surpass all the likes - that is if i never get another thumbs up.

I enjoy giving your dumbass posts the thumbs down. I'll catch up to your very few likes.

i got 10K likes & 124 dislikes. you best get going..... chop chop run along!
Wrong the 10k is a "reaction score" the old score gave you points for everything. Those aren't "likes". You're so stupid.

well now - is that right? you just make it so fucking easy to bitch slap you, azog.

guess you didn't know how to find the break down, did ya? if you click on your avatar/ name at the top of the page to access your account, & then click on
' reactions received ' you can see the breakdown; s-t-u-p-i-d.

View attachment 321018

^^^ latest count as of 7:55 am. today.

you're welcome for the instructions on how you can be a little less s-t-u-p-i-d. :113:
Those “likes” transferred over from the old system. Every comment became a “like”.


you are a pathetic liar. & full of poo.
Someday this shoe is going to be on the other foot and I will take full advantage of the situation.
Willow knowing you from your posts I take it you're far from dumb How can any one support this garbage ,the way he handled this crisis the way he handles people ? If I were still a republican I'd be embarrassed to praise him
Eddies here’s what I know for sure. Undisputed. You on the left started “resistance” and “impeachment plans before he was even inaugurated. You are treating him like you did Bush only on steroids! So I am so proud to be a Republican and you can rest assured that I will never vote for another democrat ever. So you did you work well wouldn’t you say?
How can you be proud voting for him?/ and yes ,we were on his case from the getgo because we knew he was a cheat a pervert and a crook with law firms protecting him You can't be proud supporting this filth You can still be a repub but at least admit this is the wrong guy at the wrong time

Because he was the candidate that was not an anti-American piece of shit.
It really hurts to see people with a head on their shoulders believe the BS they're spewing

Hillary was very clear, that she considered me and people like me, to be the problem.

No way I was voting for her, especially not after her husband.
OK Correll she spoke out of her ass and was sorry for it How MANY times has Trump spoken out of his ass and NOT be sorry for it?

Trump never smeared half the country like that. ANd her apology was the apology of someone who was caught and forced to apologize, not one she really felt.
Trump never smeared Dems and their leaders?
The democrats can never brag about their "candidates" because their policies can't be defended. They keep trying to disparage Trump, and that will never work. Trump was right on all counts, pushing back on China, being a populist and not a globalist, using tariffs to advantage, bringing back good jobs and US manufacturing.

Voters are workers, except maybe for some democrats, and they will vote in their interest for better jobs.
Quit lying.
Quit talking to yourself like that. Trumps approval rating is what 60% regarding how he is handling this crisis?
He mishandled it for months. The US should be in much better shape and more ready. And where did that pull come from? Hillary in a landslide!!!!
Bullsh**!......The travel ban in January was racist.You haven't a foggy clue .All you see is a chance to get that barely conscious pond scum named Joe Biden elected...he doesn't even know where he had his last bowel movement....oh wait maybe he does since it was in his Depends.
This guy pond scum??
Criminal ..is what our next president says it is

Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden said Sunday that the dismissal of the captain of the USS Theodore Roosevelt, who raised the alarm about a coronavirus outbreak on the aircraft carrier, is “close to criminal.”

The former vice president said on ABC’s “This Week” that Capt. Brett Crozier “stood up and said what had to be said” with his sailors “in danger” when he wrote a letter requesting help from Navy leaders, which ended up leaking to the media.

“I think it’s close to criminal the way they’re dealing with this guy,” he said.

“I think he should have a commendation rather than be fired,” he added.
Pond scum? You’re a real winner....
Some one called biden that See my question mark?
So you would never call Trump that?
LOL Now that's a horse of another color You think Biden has the same history or worse than Trumps?? How can you compare them? Forget Trumps a pervert etc etc Biden comes prepared for the job , will put people who know what TF they're doing in the right jobs
Biden is a lifetime politician who even Obama won’t endorse. He doesn’t impress me.
You are clearly out of touch; President Obama will endorse and support whosoever is the Democratic Nominee. He will not endorse anyone until that is settled, if he did endorse VP Biden and Bernie was nominated, his endorsement for Biden would be used by fools like you that even Obama didn't support him.

You're welcome, I hope that you now know something about political science. Too bad your ignorance on this issue is so broad.

lack of critical thinking skills + ignorance = poorly educated basket dwelling deplorable.
How do you explain this, parasite?

ummmm - she was lucky, asshole?
A lot of luck out there it seems. You d rather watch people die than believe the drug helps. Awful.

the more awful you think i am the better i feel.

I can understand that.

BUT, what I can't get, is how your behavior, reflects on you, and thus your own self image.

FOR EXAMPLE, how regularly you liberals are fine with playing stupid, I mean REALLY FUCKING STUPID, for the smallest of partisan jabs.

How can you not want to NOT look like a drooling moronic retarded monkey?

you are quite mistaken if you think it matters given what 'we' respond to. most rw nutters are so entrenched in their cult of personality, it's almost always futile to deal with y'all on any kind of civil level, so might as well have fun whilst spending time here!

You did it again. YOu responded as though I was challenging you to be civil.

But my point was obviously about how stupidly thin your lies are, and how such stupidity reflects on you.

I was completely clear about that, and you responded as though you were too stupid to understand what I said.

You thus presented yourself as being either a completely dishonest asshole, or a fucking retard.

more along the lines of poking you with a stick; that means you're getting warmer.

So, being an asshole to annoy people, is more important to you than your own self image?

Wow. Wow. Ok. THanks for an honest answer.

It will take some time for me to digest that one...

WOW! Disgusting. But... thanks.

please understand this clearly - those that are worth my respect get treated much differently than any trump supporter - who by the very definition, aren't worth much to me at all; including their opinion of me.
Having your respect would be an insult. I never Want that and thankfully will never have it.

that doesn't really matter either way how you feel about it.
Of course it doesn’t.
Leftists like you don’t consider what other people think or how they feel.

I accept your surrender, again. Easy pickings.

is that what you think that was? silly you.....
When people go to the childish emojis I know I won. More data today that Hydrox works. It sucks for you I know as it will save many more lives.

still no fact check. got it.

you lost.
Nope you lost. I knew You would say this so I did post the proof. Now admit you don’t want the drug to work and save lives because of your hatred for “Donny”.

you're loopiness is rotting yer brain. do you know what 'cozying up to' even means? c'mon, with yer IQ , that should be easy.
I gave you the proof but you will just ignore it. Again, you do not know one iota about the drug industry. Companies have 7 years to maximize their profits. Hydrox is 70 years old. It is irrelevant and it can be copied and generics are out. He is pushing it because it works. I am glad it works as it saves lives. But you would rather have people die as you admitted rather than have "donny" be right.

never did or said any such thing. when you hafta pull bullshit outa yer ass to keep a conversation going as if it holds any merit - then you have nuthin' left.
That is exactly what all your posts are saying. You're making shit up as to why people are touting it. NEVER once considering it is because it works. You are a very stupid person and a hateful one.

cry me a river - & after you do that, give another dislike - you'll have 9,900 more to go to surpass all the likes - that is if i never get another thumbs up.

I enjoy giving your dumbass posts the thumbs down. I'll catch up to your very few likes.

i got 10K likes & 124 dislikes. you best get going..... chop chop run along!
Wrong the 10k is a "reaction score" the old score gave you points for everything. Those aren't "likes". You're so stupid.

well now - is that right? you just make it so fucking easy to bitch slap you, azog.

guess you didn't know how to find the break down, did ya? if you click on your avatar/ name at the top of the page to access your account, & then click on
' reactions received ' you can see the breakdown; s-t-u-p-i-d.

View attachment 321018

^^^ latest count as of 7:55 am. today.

you're welcome for the instructions on how you can be a little less s-t-u-p-i-d. :113:
Those “likes” transferred over from the old system. Every comment became a “like”.


you are a pathetic liar. & full of poo.
Just like I was when I proved Trumps investment in Hydrox was minimal? It is true. Ask the mods.
Someday this shoe is going to be on the other foot and I will take full advantage of the situation.
Willow knowing you from your posts I take it you're far from dumb How can any one support this garbage ,the way he handled this crisis the way he handles people ? If I were still a republican I'd be embarrassed to praise him
Eddies here’s what I know for sure. Undisputed. You on the left started “resistance” and “impeachment plans before he was even inaugurated. You are treating him like you did Bush only on steroids! So I am so proud to be a Republican and you can rest assured that I will never vote for another democrat ever. So you did you work well wouldn’t you say?
How can you be proud voting for him?/ and yes ,we were on his case from the getgo because we knew he was a cheat a pervert and a crook with law firms protecting him You can't be proud supporting this filth You can still be a repub but at least admit this is the wrong guy at the wrong time

Because he was the candidate that was not an anti-American piece of shit.
It really hurts to see people with a head on their shoulders believe the BS they're spewing

Hillary was very clear, that she considered me and people like me, to be the problem.

No way I was voting for her, especially not after her husband.
OK Correll she spoke out of her ass and was sorry for it How MANY times has Trump spoken out of his ass and NOT be sorry for it?

Trump never smeared half the country like that. ANd her apology was the apology of someone who was caught and forced to apologize, not one she really felt.
Trump never smeared Dems and their leaders?
The democrats can never brag about their "candidates" because their policies can't be defended. They keep trying to disparage Trump, and that will never work. Trump was right on all counts, pushing back on China, being a populist and not a globalist, using tariffs to advantage, bringing back good jobs and US manufacturing.

Voters are workers, except maybe for some democrats, and they will vote in their interest for better jobs.
Quit lying.
Quit talking to yourself like that. Trumps approval rating is what 60% regarding how he is handling this crisis?
He mishandled it for months. The US should be in much better shape and more ready. And where did that pull come from? Hillary in a landslide!!!!
Bullsh**!......The travel ban in January was racist.You haven't a foggy clue .All you see is a chance to get that barely conscious pond scum named Joe Biden elected...he doesn't even know where he had his last bowel movement....oh wait maybe he does since it was in his Depends.
This guy pond scum??
Criminal ..is what our next president says it is

Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden said Sunday that the dismissal of the captain of the USS Theodore Roosevelt, who raised the alarm about a coronavirus outbreak on the aircraft carrier, is “close to criminal.”

The former vice president said on ABC’s “This Week” that Capt. Brett Crozier “stood up and said what had to be said” with his sailors “in danger” when he wrote a letter requesting help from Navy leaders, which ended up leaking to the media.

“I think it’s close to criminal the way they’re dealing with this guy,” he said.

“I think he should have a commendation rather than be fired,” he added.
Pond scum? You’re a real winner....
Some one called biden that See my question mark?
So you would never call Trump that?
LOL Now that's a horse of another color You think Biden has the same history or worse than Trumps?? How can you compare them? Forget Trumps a pervert etc etc Biden comes prepared for the job , will put people who know what TF they're doing in the right jobs
Biden is a lifetime politician who even Obama won’t endorse. He doesn’t impress me.
You are clearly out of touch; President Obama will endorse and support whosoever is the Democratic Nominee. He will not endorse anyone until that is settled, if he did endorse VP Biden and Bernie was nominated, his endorsement for Biden would be used by fools like you that even Obama didn't support him.

You're welcome, I hope that you now know something about political science. Too bad your ignorance on this issue is so broad.

lack of critical thinking skills + ignorance = poorly educated basket dwelling deplorable.
How do you explain this, parasite?

ummmm - she was lucky, asshole?
A lot of luck out there it seems. You d rather watch people die than believe the drug helps. Awful.

the more awful you think i am the better i feel.

I can understand that.

BUT, what I can't get, is how your behavior, reflects on you, and thus your own self image.

FOR EXAMPLE, how regularly you liberals are fine with playing stupid, I mean REALLY FUCKING STUPID, for the smallest of partisan jabs.

How can you not want to NOT look like a drooling moronic retarded monkey?

you are quite mistaken if you think it matters given what 'we' respond to. most rw nutters are so entrenched in their cult of personality, it's almost always futile to deal with y'all on any kind of civil level, so might as well have fun whilst spending time here!

You did it again. YOu responded as though I was challenging you to be civil.

But my point was obviously about how stupidly thin your lies are, and how such stupidity reflects on you.

I was completely clear about that, and you responded as though you were too stupid to understand what I said.

You thus presented yourself as being either a completely dishonest asshole, or a fucking retard.

more along the lines of poking you with a stick; that means you're getting warmer.

So, being an asshole to annoy people, is more important to you than your own self image?

Wow. Wow. Ok. THanks for an honest answer.

It will take some time for me to digest that one...

WOW! Disgusting. But... thanks.

please understand this clearly - those that are worth my respect get treated much differently than any trump supporter - who by the very definition, aren't worth much to me at all; including their opinion of me.
Having your respect would be an insult. I never Want that and thankfully will never have it.

that doesn't really matter either way how you feel about it.
Of course it doesn’t.
Leftists like you don’t consider what other people think or how they feel.

I accept your surrender, again. Easy pickings.

is that what you think that was? silly you.....
When people go to the childish emojis I know I won. More data today that Hydrox works. It sucks for you I know as it will save many more lives.

still no fact check. got it.

you lost.
Nope you lost. I knew You would say this so I did post the proof. Now admit you don’t want the drug to work and save lives because of your hatred for “Donny”.

you're loopiness is rotting yer brain. do you know what 'cozying up to' even means? c'mon, with yer IQ , that should be easy.
I gave you the proof but you will just ignore it. Again, you do not know one iota about the drug industry. Companies have 7 years to maximize their profits. Hydrox is 70 years old. It is irrelevant and it can be copied and generics are out. He is pushing it because it works. I am glad it works as it saves lives. But you would rather have people die as you admitted rather than have "donny" be right.

never did or said any such thing. when you hafta pull bullshit outa yer ass to keep a conversation going as if it holds any merit - then you have nuthin' left.
That is exactly what all your posts are saying. You're making shit up as to why people are touting it. NEVER once considering it is because it works. You are a very stupid person and a hateful one.

cry me a river - & after you do that, give another dislike - you'll have 9,900 more to go to surpass all the likes - that is if i never get another thumbs up.

I enjoy giving your dumbass posts the thumbs down. I'll catch up to your very few likes.

i got 10K likes & 124 dislikes. you best get going..... chop chop run along!
Wrong the 10k is a "reaction score" the old score gave you points for everything. Those aren't "likes". You're so stupid.

well now - is that right? you just make it so fucking easy to bitch slap you, azog.

guess you didn't know how to find the break down, did ya? if you click on your avatar/ name at the top of the page to access your account, & then click on
' reactions received ' you can see the breakdown; s-t-u-p-i-d.

View attachment 321018

^^^ latest count as of 7:55 am. today.

you're welcome for the instructions on how you can be a little less s-t-u-p-i-d. :113:
Those “likes” transferred over from the old system. Every comment became a “like”.


you are a pathetic liar. & full of poo.
Just like I was when I proved Trumps investment in Hydrox was minimal? It is true. Ask the mods.

lol..... you ask the mods asshole.
Someday this shoe is going to be on the other foot and I will take full advantage of the situation.
Willow knowing you from your posts I take it you're far from dumb How can any one support this garbage ,the way he handled this crisis the way he handles people ? If I were still a republican I'd be embarrassed to praise him
Eddies here’s what I know for sure. Undisputed. You on the left started “resistance” and “impeachment plans before he was even inaugurated. You are treating him like you did Bush only on steroids! So I am so proud to be a Republican and you can rest assured that I will never vote for another democrat ever. So you did you work well wouldn’t you say?
How can you be proud voting for him?/ and yes ,we were on his case from the getgo because we knew he was a cheat a pervert and a crook with law firms protecting him You can't be proud supporting this filth You can still be a repub but at least admit this is the wrong guy at the wrong time

Because he was the candidate that was not an anti-American piece of shit.
It really hurts to see people with a head on their shoulders believe the BS they're spewing

Hillary was very clear, that she considered me and people like me, to be the problem.

No way I was voting for her, especially not after her husband.
OK Correll she spoke out of her ass and was sorry for it How MANY times has Trump spoken out of his ass and NOT be sorry for it?

Trump never smeared half the country like that. ANd her apology was the apology of someone who was caught and forced to apologize, not one she really felt.
Trump never smeared Dems and their leaders?
The democrats can never brag about their "candidates" because their policies can't be defended. They keep trying to disparage Trump, and that will never work. Trump was right on all counts, pushing back on China, being a populist and not a globalist, using tariffs to advantage, bringing back good jobs and US manufacturing.

Voters are workers, except maybe for some democrats, and they will vote in their interest for better jobs.
Quit lying.
Quit talking to yourself like that. Trumps approval rating is what 60% regarding how he is handling this crisis?
He mishandled it for months. The US should be in much better shape and more ready. And where did that pull come from? Hillary in a landslide!!!!
Bullsh**!......The travel ban in January was racist.You haven't a foggy clue .All you see is a chance to get that barely conscious pond scum named Joe Biden elected...he doesn't even know where he had his last bowel movement....oh wait maybe he does since it was in his Depends.
This guy pond scum??
Criminal ..is what our next president says it is

Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden said Sunday that the dismissal of the captain of the USS Theodore Roosevelt, who raised the alarm about a coronavirus outbreak on the aircraft carrier, is “close to criminal.”

The former vice president said on ABC’s “This Week” that Capt. Brett Crozier “stood up and said what had to be said” with his sailors “in danger” when he wrote a letter requesting help from Navy leaders, which ended up leaking to the media.

“I think it’s close to criminal the way they’re dealing with this guy,” he said.

“I think he should have a commendation rather than be fired,” he added.
Pond scum? You’re a real winner....
Some one called biden that See my question mark?
So you would never call Trump that?
LOL Now that's a horse of another color You think Biden has the same history or worse than Trumps?? How can you compare them? Forget Trumps a pervert etc etc Biden comes prepared for the job , will put people who know what TF they're doing in the right jobs
Biden is a lifetime politician who even Obama won’t endorse. He doesn’t impress me.
You are clearly out of touch; President Obama will endorse and support whosoever is the Democratic Nominee. He will not endorse anyone until that is settled, if he did endorse VP Biden and Bernie was nominated, his endorsement for Biden would be used by fools like you that even Obama didn't support him.

You're welcome, I hope that you now know something about political science. Too bad your ignorance on this issue is so broad.

lack of critical thinking skills + ignorance = poorly educated basket dwelling deplorable.
How do you explain this, parasite?

ummmm - she was lucky, asshole?
A lot of luck out there it seems. You d rather watch people die than believe the drug helps. Awful.

the more awful you think i am the better i feel.

I can understand that.

BUT, what I can't get, is how your behavior, reflects on you, and thus your own self image.

FOR EXAMPLE, how regularly you liberals are fine with playing stupid, I mean REALLY FUCKING STUPID, for the smallest of partisan jabs.

How can you not want to NOT look like a drooling moronic retarded monkey?

you are quite mistaken if you think it matters given what 'we' respond to. most rw nutters are so entrenched in their cult of personality, it's almost always futile to deal with y'all on any kind of civil level, so might as well have fun whilst spending time here!

You did it again. YOu responded as though I was challenging you to be civil.

But my point was obviously about how stupidly thin your lies are, and how such stupidity reflects on you.

I was completely clear about that, and you responded as though you were too stupid to understand what I said.

You thus presented yourself as being either a completely dishonest asshole, or a fucking retard.

more along the lines of poking you with a stick; that means you're getting warmer.

So, being an asshole to annoy people, is more important to you than your own self image?

Wow. Wow. Ok. THanks for an honest answer.

It will take some time for me to digest that one...

WOW! Disgusting. But... thanks.

please understand this clearly - those that are worth my respect get treated much differently than any trump supporter - who by the very definition, aren't worth much to me at all; including their opinion of me.
Having your respect would be an insult. I never Want that and thankfully will never have it.

that doesn't really matter either way how you feel about it.
Of course it doesn’t.
Leftists like you don’t consider what other people think or how they feel.

I accept your surrender, again. Easy pickings.

is that what you think that was? silly you.....
When people go to the childish emojis I know I won. More data today that Hydrox works. It sucks for you I know as it will save many more lives.

still no fact check. got it.

you lost.
Nope you lost. I knew You would say this so I did post the proof. Now admit you don’t want the drug to work and save lives because of your hatred for “Donny”.

you're loopiness is rotting yer brain. do you know what 'cozying up to' even means? c'mon, with yer IQ , that should be easy.
I gave you the proof but you will just ignore it. Again, you do not know one iota about the drug industry. Companies have 7 years to maximize their profits. Hydrox is 70 years old. It is irrelevant and it can be copied and generics are out. He is pushing it because it works. I am glad it works as it saves lives. But you would rather have people die as you admitted rather than have "donny" be right.

never did or said any such thing. when you hafta pull bullshit outa yer ass to keep a conversation going as if it holds any merit - then you have nuthin' left.
That is exactly what all your posts are saying. You're making shit up as to why people are touting it. NEVER once considering it is because it works. You are a very stupid person and a hateful one.

cry me a river - & after you do that, give another dislike - you'll have 9,900 more to go to surpass all the likes - that is if i never get another thumbs up.

I enjoy giving your dumbass posts the thumbs down. I'll catch up to your very few likes.

i got 10K likes & 124 dislikes. you best get going..... chop chop run along!
Wrong the 10k is a "reaction score" the old score gave you points for everything. Those aren't "likes". You're so stupid.

well now - is that right? you just make it so fucking easy to bitch slap you, azog.

guess you didn't know how to find the break down, did ya? if you click on your avatar/ name at the top of the page to access your account, & then click on
' reactions received ' you can see the breakdown; s-t-u-p-i-d.

View attachment 321018

^^^ latest count as of 7:55 am. today.

you're welcome for the instructions on how you can be a little less s-t-u-p-i-d. :113:
Those “likes” transferred over from the old system. Every comment became a “like”.


you are a pathetic liar. & full of poo.
Just like I was when I proved Trumps investment in Hydrox was minimal? It is true. Ask the mods.

lol..... you ask the mods asshole.
I do not need to. I am logical. You, however are a drunk parasite.
Someday this shoe is going to be on the other foot and I will take full advantage of the situation.
Willow knowing you from your posts I take it you're far from dumb How can any one support this garbage ,the way he handled this crisis the way he handles people ? If I were still a republican I'd be embarrassed to praise him
Eddies here’s what I know for sure. Undisputed. You on the left started “resistance” and “impeachment plans before he was even inaugurated. You are treating him like you did Bush only on steroids! So I am so proud to be a Republican and you can rest assured that I will never vote for another democrat ever. So you did you work well wouldn’t you say?
How can you be proud voting for him?/ and yes ,we were on his case from the getgo because we knew he was a cheat a pervert and a crook with law firms protecting him You can't be proud supporting this filth You can still be a repub but at least admit this is the wrong guy at the wrong time

Because he was the candidate that was not an anti-American piece of shit.
It really hurts to see people with a head on their shoulders believe the BS they're spewing

Hillary was very clear, that she considered me and people like me, to be the problem.

No way I was voting for her, especially not after her husband.
OK Correll she spoke out of her ass and was sorry for it How MANY times has Trump spoken out of his ass and NOT be sorry for it?

Trump never smeared half the country like that. ANd her apology was the apology of someone who was caught and forced to apologize, not one she really felt.
Trump never smeared Dems and their leaders?
The democrats can never brag about their "candidates" because their policies can't be defended. They keep trying to disparage Trump, and that will never work. Trump was right on all counts, pushing back on China, being a populist and not a globalist, using tariffs to advantage, bringing back good jobs and US manufacturing.

Voters are workers, except maybe for some democrats, and they will vote in their interest for better jobs.
Quit lying.
Quit talking to yourself like that. Trumps approval rating is what 60% regarding how he is handling this crisis?
He mishandled it for months. The US should be in much better shape and more ready. And where did that pull come from? Hillary in a landslide!!!!
Bullsh**!......The travel ban in January was racist.You haven't a foggy clue .All you see is a chance to get that barely conscious pond scum named Joe Biden elected...he doesn't even know where he had his last bowel movement....oh wait maybe he does since it was in his Depends.
This guy pond scum??
Criminal ..is what our next president says it is

Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden said Sunday that the dismissal of the captain of the USS Theodore Roosevelt, who raised the alarm about a coronavirus outbreak on the aircraft carrier, is “close to criminal.”

The former vice president said on ABC’s “This Week” that Capt. Brett Crozier “stood up and said what had to be said” with his sailors “in danger” when he wrote a letter requesting help from Navy leaders, which ended up leaking to the media.

“I think it’s close to criminal the way they’re dealing with this guy,” he said.

“I think he should have a commendation rather than be fired,” he added.
Pond scum? You’re a real winner....
Some one called biden that See my question mark?
So you would never call Trump that?
LOL Now that's a horse of another color You think Biden has the same history or worse than Trumps?? How can you compare them? Forget Trumps a pervert etc etc Biden comes prepared for the job , will put people who know what TF they're doing in the right jobs
Biden is a lifetime politician who even Obama won’t endorse. He doesn’t impress me.
You are clearly out of touch; President Obama will endorse and support whosoever is the Democratic Nominee. He will not endorse anyone until that is settled, if he did endorse VP Biden and Bernie was nominated, his endorsement for Biden would be used by fools like you that even Obama didn't support him.

You're welcome, I hope that you now know something about political science. Too bad your ignorance on this issue is so broad.

lack of critical thinking skills + ignorance = poorly educated basket dwelling deplorable.
How do you explain this, parasite?

ummmm - she was lucky, asshole?
A lot of luck out there it seems. You d rather watch people die than believe the drug helps. Awful.

the more awful you think i am the better i feel.

I can understand that.

BUT, what I can't get, is how your behavior, reflects on you, and thus your own self image.

FOR EXAMPLE, how regularly you liberals are fine with playing stupid, I mean REALLY FUCKING STUPID, for the smallest of partisan jabs.

How can you not want to NOT look like a drooling moronic retarded monkey?

you are quite mistaken if you think it matters given what 'we' respond to. most rw nutters are so entrenched in their cult of personality, it's almost always futile to deal with y'all on any kind of civil level, so might as well have fun whilst spending time here!

You did it again. YOu responded as though I was challenging you to be civil.

But my point was obviously about how stupidly thin your lies are, and how such stupidity reflects on you.

I was completely clear about that, and you responded as though you were too stupid to understand what I said.

You thus presented yourself as being either a completely dishonest asshole, or a fucking retard.

more along the lines of poking you with a stick; that means you're getting warmer.

So, being an asshole to annoy people, is more important to you than your own self image?

Wow. Wow. Ok. THanks for an honest answer.

It will take some time for me to digest that one...

WOW! Disgusting. But... thanks.

please understand this clearly - those that are worth my respect get treated much differently than any trump supporter - who by the very definition, aren't worth much to me at all; including their opinion of me.
Having your respect would be an insult. I never Want that and thankfully will never have it.

that doesn't really matter either way how you feel about it.
Of course it doesn’t.
Leftists like you don’t consider what other people think or how they feel.

I accept your surrender, again. Easy pickings.

is that what you think that was? silly you.....
When people go to the childish emojis I know I won. More data today that Hydrox works. It sucks for you I know as it will save many more lives.

still no fact check. got it.

you lost.
Nope you lost. I knew You would say this so I did post the proof. Now admit you don’t want the drug to work and save lives because of your hatred for “Donny”.

you're loopiness is rotting yer brain. do you know what 'cozying up to' even means? c'mon, with yer IQ , that should be easy.
I gave you the proof but you will just ignore it. Again, you do not know one iota about the drug industry. Companies have 7 years to maximize their profits. Hydrox is 70 years old. It is irrelevant and it can be copied and generics are out. He is pushing it because it works. I am glad it works as it saves lives. But you would rather have people die as you admitted rather than have "donny" be right.

never did or said any such thing. when you hafta pull bullshit outa yer ass to keep a conversation going as if it holds any merit - then you have nuthin' left.
That is exactly what all your posts are saying. You're making shit up as to why people are touting it. NEVER once considering it is because it works. You are a very stupid person and a hateful one.

cry me a river - & after you do that, give another dislike - you'll have 9,900 more to go to surpass all the likes - that is if i never get another thumbs up.

I enjoy giving your dumbass posts the thumbs down. I'll catch up to your very few likes.

i got 10K likes & 124 dislikes. you best get going..... chop chop run along!
Wrong the 10k is a "reaction score" the old score gave you points for everything. Those aren't "likes". You're so stupid.

well now - is that right? you just make it so fucking easy to bitch slap you, azog.

guess you didn't know how to find the break down, did ya? if you click on your avatar/ name at the top of the page to access your account, & then click on
' reactions received ' you can see the breakdown; s-t-u-p-i-d.

View attachment 321018

^^^ latest count as of 7:55 am. today.

you're welcome for the instructions on how you can be a little less s-t-u-p-i-d. :113:
Those “likes” transferred over from the old system. Every comment became a “like”.


you are a pathetic liar. & full of poo.
For the purpose of this thread let's put aside the matter of the Trump admin's botched, delayed response to the worst public health crisis in 100 years. Let's instead consider what kind of person, absent politics, Trumpleton's voted for and still support.

What follows is a list, not of unfounded accusations, but of documented instances or moral depravity.
He has defrauded students of his real estate school for which he paid a $25M settlement.
He has under paid contractors for which he was sued hundreds of times.
He has swindled shareholders of his bankrupted casino company.
He has associated with convicted criminals.
He has, on numerous occasions, cheated on his wife.
He has paid two of the women involved in adulterous affairs for their silence in order to defraud the voting public.
He has lied to the American public pathologically.
He has discriminated against minorities. A case he settled with the US government.
He has stolen money from a charity, for which he paid a $2M fine and was forced to shut down his "charitable" foundation.

Give it a minute...........it's a lot to take in.

Now, forget about party affiliations and ideological differences. Concentrate on character. To many, an important consideration before casting a vote for a candidate for any office, let alone the presidency.

The question I'd like to pose to Trump supporters is..................WTF?

What form of mental gymnastics makes it possible to ignore all that?
Yep, that sounds exactly like Billy-The-Rapist Clinton.
You nailed it
Trump and supporters are meaningless
Most people, even the most hotheaded and difficult ones, have enough space in their souls to set aside their anger in times of crisis. Think of Rudolph Giuliani during Sept. 11. Think of Andrew Cuomo now.
But every aspect of Trump’s crisis management has been annexed by his psychopathology. As Americans die, he boasts about his television ratings. As Americans die, he crows that he’s No. 1 on Facebook, which isn’t close to true.
But it is true that all eyes are on him. He’s got a captive audience, an attention-addict’s dream come to life. It’s just that he, like all narcissistic personalities, has no clue how disgracefully — how shamefully, how deplorably — he’ll be enshrined in memory.

Evidently you looney toon liberals don't have enough space in your souls...dumbass.
The guy at the newstand knows it,the uber driver knows it ,the lady who delivers my food knows it My question to you republicans is why don't you know trump is a low life POS WTF is wrong with you all?
If you think Trump is a low-life POS you must be some kind of special needs, window-licking moron.
Oh no a guy who grabs pussy ,who pays off whores who cheats whoever he does business with,an inveterate liar thrice married cheating on all couldn't possibly be a low life pos There's another one too if you look in the mirror

You loved a guy who shoved a cigar up a young intern, while in the Oval Office on duty as PRESIDENT. So don't even try to play some kind of morality card. You can't debate policies, you don't have an electable candidate, so you try to sling shit at Trump. Sucks to be a democrat in 2020. Maybe you can nominate AOC, that pretty barmaid?
I was a republican Voted for GWB in 2000 My last republican vote
Agree Chimp and Chump were a disaster. McCain & Romney were probably better than BO.
Obama was a train-wreck. I had healthcare before he ruined it with $10,000 deductibles.
Trump has been a miracle worker bringing jobs back. You actually voted for Hillary?!
You tell me you like democrat judges better than Trump's and I'll say you're a liar when you say you were a Republican. Same for the USSC justices Trump appointed vs a democrat like Hillary.

So either you are a Never-Trumper because you're a "globalist". Or you're really just a low-IQ democrat.
Well said and I am not even a trump supporter :thankusmile:
Someday this shoe is going to be on the other foot and I will take full advantage of the situation.
Willow knowing you from your posts I take it you're far from dumb How can any one support this garbage ,the way he handled this crisis the way he handles people ? If I were still a republican I'd be embarrassed to praise him
Eddies here’s what I know for sure. Undisputed. You on the left started “resistance” and “impeachment plans before he was even inaugurated. You are treating him like you did Bush only on steroids! So I am so proud to be a Republican and you can rest assured that I will never vote for another democrat ever. So you did you work well wouldn’t you say?
How can you be proud voting for him?/ and yes ,we were on his case from the getgo because we knew he was a cheat a pervert and a crook with law firms protecting him You can't be proud supporting this filth You can still be a repub but at least admit this is the wrong guy at the wrong time

Because he was the candidate that was not an anti-American piece of shit.
It really hurts to see people with a head on their shoulders believe the BS they're spewing

Hillary was very clear, that she considered me and people like me, to be the problem.

No way I was voting for her, especially not after her husband.
OK Correll she spoke out of her ass and was sorry for it How MANY times has Trump spoken out of his ass and NOT be sorry for it?

Trump never smeared half the country like that. ANd her apology was the apology of someone who was caught and forced to apologize, not one she really felt.
Trump never smeared Dems and their leaders?
The democrats can never brag about their "candidates" because their policies can't be defended. They keep trying to disparage Trump, and that will never work. Trump was right on all counts, pushing back on China, being a populist and not a globalist, using tariffs to advantage, bringing back good jobs and US manufacturing.

Voters are workers, except maybe for some democrats, and they will vote in their interest for better jobs.
Quit lying.
Quit talking to yourself like that. Trumps approval rating is what 60% regarding how he is handling this crisis?
He mishandled it for months. The US should be in much better shape and more ready. And where did that pull come from? Hillary in a landslide!!!!
Bullsh**!......The travel ban in January was racist.You haven't a foggy clue .All you see is a chance to get that barely conscious pond scum named Joe Biden elected...he doesn't even know where he had his last bowel movement....oh wait maybe he does since it was in his Depends.
This guy pond scum??
Criminal ..is what our next president says it is

Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden said Sunday that the dismissal of the captain of the USS Theodore Roosevelt, who raised the alarm about a coronavirus outbreak on the aircraft carrier, is “close to criminal.”

The former vice president said on ABC’s “This Week” that Capt. Brett Crozier “stood up and said what had to be said” with his sailors “in danger” when he wrote a letter requesting help from Navy leaders, which ended up leaking to the media.

“I think it’s close to criminal the way they’re dealing with this guy,” he said.

“I think he should have a commendation rather than be fired,” he added.
Pond scum? You’re a real winner....
Some one called biden that See my question mark?
So you would never call Trump that?
LOL Now that's a horse of another color You think Biden has the same history or worse than Trumps?? How can you compare them? Forget Trumps a pervert etc etc Biden comes prepared for the job , will put people who know what TF they're doing in the right jobs
Biden is a lifetime politician who even Obama won’t endorse. He doesn’t impress me.
You are clearly out of touch; President Obama will endorse and support whosoever is the Democratic Nominee. He will not endorse anyone until that is settled, if he did endorse VP Biden and Bernie was nominated, his endorsement for Biden would be used by fools like you that even Obama didn't support him.

You're welcome, I hope that you now know something about political science. Too bad your ignorance on this issue is so broad.

lack of critical thinking skills + ignorance = poorly educated basket dwelling deplorable.
How do you explain this, parasite?

ummmm - she was lucky, asshole?
A lot of luck out there it seems. You d rather watch people die than believe the drug helps. Awful.

the more awful you think i am the better i feel.

I can understand that.

BUT, what I can't get, is how your behavior, reflects on you, and thus your own self image.

FOR EXAMPLE, how regularly you liberals are fine with playing stupid, I mean REALLY FUCKING STUPID, for the smallest of partisan jabs.

How can you not want to NOT look like a drooling moronic retarded monkey?

you are quite mistaken if you think it matters given what 'we' respond to. most rw nutters are so entrenched in their cult of personality, it's almost always futile to deal with y'all on any kind of civil level, so might as well have fun whilst spending time here!

You did it again. YOu responded as though I was challenging you to be civil.

But my point was obviously about how stupidly thin your lies are, and how such stupidity reflects on you.

I was completely clear about that, and you responded as though you were too stupid to understand what I said.

You thus presented yourself as being either a completely dishonest asshole, or a fucking retard.

more along the lines of poking you with a stick; that means you're getting warmer.

So, being an asshole to annoy people, is more important to you than your own self image?

Wow. Wow. Ok. THanks for an honest answer.

It will take some time for me to digest that one...

WOW! Disgusting. But... thanks.

please understand this clearly - those that are worth my respect get treated much differently than any trump supporter - who by the very definition, aren't worth much to me at all; including their opinion of me.
Having your respect would be an insult. I never Want that and thankfully will never have it.

that doesn't really matter either way how you feel about it.
Of course it doesn’t.
Leftists like you don’t consider what other people think or how they feel.

I accept your surrender, again. Easy pickings.

is that what you think that was? silly you.....
When people go to the childish emojis I know I won. More data today that Hydrox works. It sucks for you I know as it will save many more lives.

still no fact check. got it.

you lost.
Nope you lost. I knew You would say this so I did post the proof. Now admit you don’t want the drug to work and save lives because of your hatred for “Donny”.

you're loopiness is rotting yer brain. do you know what 'cozying up to' even means? c'mon, with yer IQ , that should be easy.
I gave you the proof but you will just ignore it. Again, you do not know one iota about the drug industry. Companies have 7 years to maximize their profits. Hydrox is 70 years old. It is irrelevant and it can be copied and generics are out. He is pushing it because it works. I am glad it works as it saves lives. But you would rather have people die as you admitted rather than have "donny" be right.

never did or said any such thing. when you hafta pull bullshit outa yer ass to keep a conversation going as if it holds any merit - then you have nuthin' left.
That is exactly what all your posts are saying. You're making shit up as to why people are touting it. NEVER once considering it is because it works. You are a very stupid person and a hateful one.

cry me a river - & after you do that, give another dislike - you'll have 9,900 more to go to surpass all the likes - that is if i never get another thumbs up.

I enjoy giving your dumbass posts the thumbs down. I'll catch up to your very few likes.

i got 10K likes & 124 dislikes. you best get going..... chop chop run along!
Wrong the 10k is a "reaction score" the old score gave you points for everything. Those aren't "likes". You're so stupid.

well now - is that right? you just make it so fucking easy to bitch slap you, azog.

guess you didn't know how to find the break down, did ya? if you click on your avatar/ name at the top of the page to access your account, & then click on
' reactions received ' you can see the breakdown; s-t-u-p-i-d.

View attachment 321018

^^^ latest count as of 7:55 am. today.

you're welcome for the instructions on how you can be a little less s-t-u-p-i-d. :113:
Those “likes” transferred over from the old system. Every comment became a “like”.


you are a pathetic liar. & full of poo.
Still not over those two SB losses I see...
Someday this shoe is going to be on the other foot and I will take full advantage of the situation.
Willow knowing you from your posts I take it you're far from dumb How can any one support this garbage ,the way he handled this crisis the way he handles people ? If I were still a republican I'd be embarrassed to praise him
Eddies here’s what I know for sure. Undisputed. You on the left started “resistance” and “impeachment plans before he was even inaugurated. You are treating him like you did Bush only on steroids! So I am so proud to be a Republican and you can rest assured that I will never vote for another democrat ever. So you did you work well wouldn’t you say?
How can you be proud voting for him?/ and yes ,we were on his case from the getgo because we knew he was a cheat a pervert and a crook with law firms protecting him You can't be proud supporting this filth You can still be a repub but at least admit this is the wrong guy at the wrong time

Because he was the candidate that was not an anti-American piece of shit.
It really hurts to see people with a head on their shoulders believe the BS they're spewing

Hillary was very clear, that she considered me and people like me, to be the problem.

No way I was voting for her, especially not after her husband.
OK Correll she spoke out of her ass and was sorry for it How MANY times has Trump spoken out of his ass and NOT be sorry for it?

Trump never smeared half the country like that. ANd her apology was the apology of someone who was caught and forced to apologize, not one she really felt.
Trump never smeared Dems and their leaders?
The democrats can never brag about their "candidates" because their policies can't be defended. They keep trying to disparage Trump, and that will never work. Trump was right on all counts, pushing back on China, being a populist and not a globalist, using tariffs to advantage, bringing back good jobs and US manufacturing.

Voters are workers, except maybe for some democrats, and they will vote in their interest for better jobs.
Quit lying.
Quit talking to yourself like that. Trumps approval rating is what 60% regarding how he is handling this crisis?
He mishandled it for months. The US should be in much better shape and more ready. And where did that pull come from? Hillary in a landslide!!!!
Bullsh**!......The travel ban in January was racist.You haven't a foggy clue .All you see is a chance to get that barely conscious pond scum named Joe Biden elected...he doesn't even know where he had his last bowel movement....oh wait maybe he does since it was in his Depends.
This guy pond scum??
Criminal ..is what our next president says it is

Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden said Sunday that the dismissal of the captain of the USS Theodore Roosevelt, who raised the alarm about a coronavirus outbreak on the aircraft carrier, is “close to criminal.”

The former vice president said on ABC’s “This Week” that Capt. Brett Crozier “stood up and said what had to be said” with his sailors “in danger” when he wrote a letter requesting help from Navy leaders, which ended up leaking to the media.

“I think it’s close to criminal the way they’re dealing with this guy,” he said.

“I think he should have a commendation rather than be fired,” he added.
Pond scum? You’re a real winner....
Some one called biden that See my question mark?
So you would never call Trump that?
LOL Now that's a horse of another color You think Biden has the same history or worse than Trumps?? How can you compare them? Forget Trumps a pervert etc etc Biden comes prepared for the job , will put people who know what TF they're doing in the right jobs
Biden is a lifetime politician who even Obama won’t endorse. He doesn’t impress me.
You are clearly out of touch; President Obama will endorse and support whosoever is the Democratic Nominee. He will not endorse anyone until that is settled, if he did endorse VP Biden and Bernie was nominated, his endorsement for Biden would be used by fools like you that even Obama didn't support him.

You're welcome, I hope that you now know something about political science. Too bad your ignorance on this issue is so broad.

lack of critical thinking skills + ignorance = poorly educated basket dwelling deplorable.
How do you explain this, parasite?

ummmm - she was lucky, asshole?
A lot of luck out there it seems. You d rather watch people die than believe the drug helps. Awful.

the more awful you think i am the better i feel.

I can understand that.

BUT, what I can't get, is how your behavior, reflects on you, and thus your own self image.

FOR EXAMPLE, how regularly you liberals are fine with playing stupid, I mean REALLY FUCKING STUPID, for the smallest of partisan jabs.

How can you not want to NOT look like a drooling moronic retarded monkey?

you are quite mistaken if you think it matters given what 'we' respond to. most rw nutters are so entrenched in their cult of personality, it's almost always futile to deal with y'all on any kind of civil level, so might as well have fun whilst spending time here!

You did it again. YOu responded as though I was challenging you to be civil.

But my point was obviously about how stupidly thin your lies are, and how such stupidity reflects on you.

I was completely clear about that, and you responded as though you were too stupid to understand what I said.

You thus presented yourself as being either a completely dishonest asshole, or a fucking retard.

more along the lines of poking you with a stick; that means you're getting warmer.

So, being an asshole to annoy people, is more important to you than your own self image?

Wow. Wow. Ok. THanks for an honest answer.

It will take some time for me to digest that one...

WOW! Disgusting. But... thanks.

please understand this clearly - those that are worth my respect get treated much differently than any trump supporter - who by the very definition, aren't worth much to me at all; including their opinion of me.
Having your respect would be an insult. I never Want that and thankfully will never have it.

that doesn't really matter either way how you feel about it.
Of course it doesn’t.
Leftists like you don’t consider what other people think or how they feel.

I accept your surrender, again. Easy pickings.

is that what you think that was? silly you.....
When people go to the childish emojis I know I won. More data today that Hydrox works. It sucks for you I know as it will save many more lives.

still no fact check. got it.

you lost.
Nope you lost. I knew You would say this so I did post the proof. Now admit you don’t want the drug to work and save lives because of your hatred for “Donny”.

you're loopiness is rotting yer brain. do you know what 'cozying up to' even means? c'mon, with yer IQ , that should be easy.
I gave you the proof but you will just ignore it. Again, you do not know one iota about the drug industry. Companies have 7 years to maximize their profits. Hydrox is 70 years old. It is irrelevant and it can be copied and generics are out. He is pushing it because it works. I am glad it works as it saves lives. But you would rather have people die as you admitted rather than have "donny" be right.

never did or said any such thing. when you hafta pull bullshit outa yer ass to keep a conversation going as if it holds any merit - then you have nuthin' left.
That is exactly what all your posts are saying. You're making shit up as to why people are touting it. NEVER once considering it is because it works. You are a very stupid person and a hateful one.

cry me a river - & after you do that, give another dislike - you'll have 9,900 more to go to surpass all the likes - that is if i never get another thumbs up.

I enjoy giving your dumbass posts the thumbs down. I'll catch up to your very few likes.

i got 10K likes & 124 dislikes. you best get going..... chop chop run along!
Wrong the 10k is a "reaction score" the old score gave you points for everything. Those aren't "likes". You're so stupid.

well now - is that right? you just make it so fucking easy to bitch slap you, azog.

guess you didn't know how to find the break down, did ya? if you click on your avatar/ name at the top of the page to access your account, & then click on
' reactions received ' you can see the breakdown; s-t-u-p-i-d.

View attachment 321018

^^^ latest count as of 7:55 am. today.

you're welcome for the instructions on how you can be a little less s-t-u-p-i-d. :113:
Those “likes” transferred over from the old system. Every comment became a “like”.


you are a pathetic liar. & full of poo.
Just like I was when I proved Trumps investment in Hydrox was minimal? It is true. Ask the mods.

lol..... you ask the mods asshole.
I do not need to. I am logical. You, however are a drunk parasite.

like i said - a pathetic liar. & jealous as the day is long. i gotcha on this one & ain't nuthin' you can do about it 'cept whine like the bitch i slapped you into.
For the purpose of this thread let's put aside the matter of the Trump admin's botched, delayed response to the worst public health crisis in 100 years. Let's instead consider what kind of person, absent politics, Trumpleton's voted for and still support.

What follows is a list, not of unfounded accusations, but of documented instances or moral depravity.
He has defrauded students of his real estate school for which he paid a $25M settlement.
He has under paid contractors for which he was sued hundreds of times.
He has swindled shareholders of his bankrupted casino company.
He has associated with convicted criminals.
He has, on numerous occasions, cheated on his wife.
He has paid two of the women involved in adulterous affairs for their silence in order to defraud the voting public.
He has lied to the American public pathologically.
He has discriminated against minorities. A case he settled with the US government.
He has stolen money from a charity, for which he paid a $2M fine and was forced to shut down his "charitable" foundation.

Give it a minute...........it's a lot to take in.

Now, forget about party affiliations and ideological differences. Concentrate on character. To many, an important consideration before casting a vote for a candidate for any office, let alone the presidency.

The question I'd like to pose to Trump supporters is..................WTF?

What form of mental gymnastics makes it possible to ignore all that?

Obama took money from people who raped children and terrorists who killed cops. What's your point? Dubya liked to drive driunk. Who cares?
Uh if you are going to talk about how evil and corrupt Obama was which I have problemwith cause both parties are corrupt,stop talking about bush that like that was his worst problem driving drunk,because of bush,we lost our civi libertys thanks to his patriot act which his pal obozo expanded on.
I’m just here for the tds Lol
The Trump Dick Suckers. I thought you were one of those?
No need to be vulgar..
Seriously? Everything about Trump AND his supporters is vulgar. Stop with that nonsense.
So much hate
Indeed. I have a daughter who is a medical professional. She is on the front lines of this disaster. I blame Trump, and his asshole idiot supporters for not taking this seriously back in January. I don't need to play all the video clips, or list all the stupid comments he made. We've all seen it. We all know how inept his response has been.

Her life is at risk. Fuck Trump and his supporters. At least we are in California. The only saving grace in this fucktastic disaster.
Fuck you pal. You’re a pos. People are dying and you make this about politics. You deserve what you get.




You would not know the truth if it bit you in the ass. Your opinions don’t equal facts, Leftist.

I watched every single bit of it play out on television. Every day. I watched as Trump tried to convince the nation that '15 cases would be down to zero'.


Trump was being optimistic he didn’t want to scare Americans.. it doesn’t matter what Trump did you would’ve blamed him either way. Your deranged..

Tell us what you would have done differently?

Trump was misleading the nation! Giving them a false sense of security in the face of a deadly new virus. Optimistic my ass. Stupid idiot is what he was.

At the very basic minimum, he should have taken the cautious path forward, not the full speed ahead-virus be dammed approach.

Nancy-Pants was misleading the nation!! She told people to go out and celebrate. You have yet to address that, or the fact that idiots were calling Trump RACIST for stopping Chinese travel. All you do is blather on about how you hate Trump and half the nation.

You have a link to that nancy telling people to go out and celebrate?


Ask and he shall have received.lol
Repubs support dump stimulus but opposed Obamas ??? What pos you all are including that scum in the WH

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