A Mother Puts the Benghazi Hearings in Perspective.

They knew the job was dangerous when they took it.

Dangerous yes, but they all probably assumed their government would still protect them.

Hillary implies Stevens may have been willing to die for her political Agenda there("he knew the risks"), but certainly other staffers weren't willing to die.
Bullshit when they take the job they know that the chance if injury or death is high .
In this case they knew and accepted help would most likely not come in time.

Nice to see how you liberals view civilians serving the US government-completely expendable because they accepted a job.
It's also TRUE! You have been found out.
You just keep thinking that it's an absolute lie as I've hidden nothing , making it impossible to be "found out".
The desperation is strong with this one.

Sounds like I'm not the only one calling you a liar. You have been found out. Live with it.
Being called a liar and actually being one are two separate issues.
Since I'm not the latter being accused of the former is meaningless .
Being a political pawn for a political party that cannot tell the truth. Represents you, that's all anyone needs to know.
Another meaningless waste of bandwidth.

Yeah. Looks like everyone has your number.
They knew the job was dangerous when they took it.

Dangerous yes, but they all probably assumed their government would still protect them.

Hillary implies Stevens may have been willing to die for her political Agenda there("he knew the risks"), but certainly other staffers weren't willing to die.
Bullshit when they take the job they know that the chance if injury or death is high .
In this case they knew and accepted help would most likely not come in time.

Nice to see how you liberals view civilians serving the US government-completely expendable because they accepted a job.
how quaint only assholes like you would say something as obviously false as that and believe it.
You just keep thinking that it's an absolute lie as I've hidden nothing , making it impossible to be "found out".
The desperation is strong with this one.

Sounds like I'm not the only one calling you a liar. You have been found out. Live with it.
Being called a liar and actually being one are two separate issues.
Since I'm not the latter being accused of the former is meaningless .
Being a political pawn for a political party that cannot tell the truth. Represents you, that's all anyone needs to know.
Another meaningless waste of bandwidth.

Yeah. Looks like everyone has your number.
false repeating bullshit will never make it fact.
"A Mother Puts the Benghazi Hearings in Perspective."

A rightist tries to exploit 'Benghazi' for some perceived partisan gain.
and what did you lefties do to help this woman out. Oh... that would hurt hillary's numbers to.
What do you want us to do?

What's stopping you from sending her your money?
How many witness's did the left call in the Benghazi hearings???
All I seen on tv was grandstanding.
The minority doesn't get to call the witnesses. That's the prerogative of the Chairman.
This is a sad video.
It's disgusting how FoxNews has used this woman and fed her misinformation to exacerbate her grief.

And it's almost as disgusting that Andrea Mitchell doesn't simply state the facts to her, and lets her go on spouting the Fox lies.
Andrea Mitchell works for NBC.

Her husband is Allen Greenspan.

Talking about the Fox guarding the henhouse.
Andrea Mitchell is not the reporter she used to be. I would argue she is no longer a journalist at all, and is merely a personality with the biggest rolodex in Washington.

And for the past 6 years since the Bush Financial Crash her power at NBC News has kept them completely silent about her husband's, Bush appointee Alan Greenspan, part of the blame for that crash. And I have complained about it here, and I have tweeted about it numerous times to @MitchellReports.

But you know what? Neither CBS, ABC, CNN, or your beloved FOX have done any stories or even mentioned Greenspan since that crash. Why is that?
This is a sad video.
It's disgusting how FoxNews has used this woman and fed her misinformation to exacerbate her grief.

And it's almost as disgusting that Andrea Mitchell doesn't simply state the facts to her, and lets her go on spouting the Fox lies.
Andrea Mitchell works for NBC.

Her husband is Allen Greenspan.

Talking about the Fox guarding the henhouse.
Andrea Mitchell is not the reporter she used to be. I would argue she is no longer a journalist at all, and is merely a personality with the biggest rolodex in Washington.

And for the past 6 years since the Bush Financial Crash her power at NBC News has kept them completely silent about her husband's, Bush appointee Alan Greenspan, part of the blame for that crash. And I have complained about it here, and I have tweeted about it numerous times to @MitchellReports.

But you know what? Neither CBS, ABC, CNN, or your beloved FOX have done any stories or even mentioned Greenspan since that crash. Why is that?
Have you been audited yet? If not bend over
This is a sad video.
It's disgusting how FoxNews has used this woman and fed her misinformation to exacerbate her grief.

And it's almost as disgusting that Andrea Mitchell doesn't simply state the facts to her, and lets her go on spouting the Fox lies.
Andrea Mitchell works for NBC.

Her husband is Allen Greenspan.

Talking about the Fox guarding the henhouse.
Andrea Mitchell is not the reporter she used to be. I would argue she is no longer a journalist at all, and is merely a personality with the biggest rolodex in Washington.

And for the past 6 years since the Bush Financial Crash her power at NBC News has kept them completely silent about her husband's, Bush appointee Alan Greenspan, part of the blame for that crash. And I have complained about it here, and I have tweeted about it numerous times to @MitchellReports.

But you know what? Neither CBS, ABC, CNN, or your beloved FOX have done any stories or even mentioned Greenspan since that crash. Why is that?
He's not in office anymore. Why talk about somebody who's moved on. Not to mention the fact he wasn't in office when most of the damage took place. Ben Bernanke was at the Fed for 14 years. Was it a coincidence that the economy started to crash when he took office?
A bit of irony was the fact that Bernanke stated that he tried refinancing his home last year and couldn't because regulations have become too stringent. He also threw the GOP under the bus for some reason. I guess the fact that he's really a RINO, or a liberal, and didn't like Republicans because he thinks they're stupid. Fuck him. He talks like a Democrat that was put in that position to make Republicans look bad. Perhaps this is why Obama kept him in that position, even after his entire chairmanship oversaw the worst economy since the Great Depression:

After the Federal Reserve
In a speech at the American Economics Association conference in January 2014, Bernanke reflected on his tenure as chairman of the Federal Reserve. He expressed his hope that economic growth was building momentum and stated that he was confident that the central bank would be able to withdraw its support smoothly.[64]

In an October 2014 speech, Bernanke disclosed that he was unsuccessful in efforts to refinance his home. He suggested that lenders "may have gone a little bit too far on mortgage credit conditions."[65]

Since February 2014, Bernanke is employed as a Distinguished Fellow in Residence with the Economic Studies Program at the Brookings Institution.[66]

On April 16, 2015, it was announced publicly that Bernanke will work with Citadel, the $25 billion hedge fund founded by billionaire Kenneth C. Griffin, as a senior Adviser.[67]

In his 2015 book, The Courage to Act, Bernanke revealed that he was no longer a Republican, having “lost patience with Republicans’ susceptibility to the know-nothing-ism of the far right. ... I view myself now as a moderate independent, and I think that’s where I’ll stay."[68]
He's not in office anymore. Why talk about somebody who's moved on.
Has that kept you from criticizing Carter, or praising Reagan?
No it hasn't, and that is not a logical comparison.
It's not ok so what is?
Ben Bernanke was Fed Chairman when the market crashed in 06'....not Alan Greenspan.

Nobody would take an important position in government if they felt that everything that happens after they leave office can be blamed on on them. When does the guy in charge become accountable? 5 years after he leaves office? Obama helped create ISIS.....but the media says it's all Bush's fault. Obama made the decision to leave......he even took credit for it when he did it. He spiked the ball......and then several months later everything went to shit.....and he blamed it on Bush.

Want to know why?

Because the media never questions his lies. They showed us why the other night at the debate. They're all in for the Democrap Party.

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