A Muslim Brit nails it again on the New Zealand attack

Because he IS a right wing white nationalist?

He is? Why do you believe so?
Probably fro the White Nationalist slogans he had written all over his GUNS and his admiration for the Norwegian white nationalist that killed 63 KIDS
you don't even know what a white nationalist is. go fking figure. when are you going to get educated anti american broad?
Won't happen. Each side is dug in, and is going to deflect and ignore and minimize every attack, no matter how blatant their hypocrisy is.

It's all the other guys' fault, not mine.

I keep hearing this nonsense. What are the "two sides"?

People who condemn murder and those that promote it?
Trump’s response to the New Zealand shooting hasn’t been much better
Trump has also struggled to distance himself from the New Zealand shooter. For instance, during a White House event on Friday in which he denounced the violence, Trump trafficked in white nationalist tropes.

In his manifesto, the alleged New Zealand mosque shooter used the language of “invasion” to talk about immigrants. Trump did the same thing during a White House event held just hours after the shooting occurred.

During an appearance on Fox News Sunday, acting White House Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney, echoing some of what Conway said on Fox & Friends, argued that it’s just as unfair to linkTrump to the shooting as it would be to “look at his sort of his eco-terrorist passages in that manifesto and align him with [House Speaker] Nancy Pelosi or Ms. [Alexandria] Ocasio-Cortez.”

But Pelosi and Ocasio-Cortez have never fomented hatred against climate change deniers. Trump, on the other hand, has spent years stoking fears about Muslims.

But during the White House event on Friday, Trump wouldn’t even acknowledge white nationalism as a rising global threat that needs to be taken seriously, instead downplaying it as “a small group of people that have very, very serious problems.”

Compare those comments with the Muslim ban he proposed after a Muslim carried out an act of mass violence while he was on the campaign trail.
Won't happen. Each side is dug in, and is going to deflect and ignore and minimize every attack, no matter how blatant their hypocrisy is.

It's all the other guys' fault, not mine.

I keep hearing this nonsense. What are the "two sides"?

People who condemn murder and those that promote it?
You wouldn't understand.

You're in your vacuum, and that's where you're going to stay.
you don't even know what a white nationalist is. go fking figure. when you are you going to get educated anti american broad?

Try that in something resembling English. Are you talking about my wife somehow?
Conflict is what the shooter wanted.
Some are giving it to him. We need to stop.
It's troubling that we can't see something this obvious. But he's not the only one who WANTS conflict.

They're the problem, and we enable them by falling for it.

Republicans need to own this shooter

Right-wing radio host Rush Limbaugh spread wild conspiracy theories about last week’s mass shooting at two New Zealand mosques.

Even though the gunman who killed at least 50 and injured dozens of worshippers wrote a white supremacist, anti-immigrant manifesto and mentioned Trump by name, Limbaugh on Friday cited what he called “an ongoing theory” that the killer is actually a leftist trying to “smear his political enemies.”

He said: The shooter says he’s not a conservative, not a Christian and that he identifies as an eco-fascist, which would make him a supporter of the Green New Deal and that he disagrees with Trump on politics.

Limbaugh didn’t go so far as to endorse the theory, but gave it plenty of airtime and told his listeners: “You can’t immediately discount this. The left is this insane. They are this crazy.”

Limbaugh, who spent much of his show politicizing the shooting, also slammed “the left” for supposedly politicizing the shooting.
Won't happen. Each side is dug in, and is going to deflect and ignore and minimize every attack, no matter how blatant their hypocrisy is.

It's all the other guys' fault, not mine.

The only nut on our side so far has been the guy who shot up the republican softball game. You know how you can tell he was a liberal? No one died. Terrible shot. Clearly not a gun nut. LOL
You wouldn't understand.

You're in your vacuum, and that's where you're going to stay.

Help me understand. Describe what you think these two sides are.
Mr. Nawaz points out it with abundant clarity in the linked piece.

He points it out with abundant clarity in all his brave work, available online and on YouTube.

But I already know you're not going to see it. You know it, too.
You wouldn't understand.

You're in your vacuum, and that's where you're going to stay.

Help me understand. Describe what you think these two sides are.
Mr. Nawaz points out it with abundant clarity in the linked piece.

He points it out with abundant clarity in all his brave work, available online and on YouTube.

But I already know you're not going to see it. You know it, too.
you're one lost individual that is for fking sure.
The only nut on our side so far has been the guy who shot up the republican softball game. You know how you can tell he was a liberal? No one died. Terrible shot. Clearly not a gun nut. LOL

That's flippant and it plays into their moronic rhetoric. I condemn that act as strongly as I do the Christchurch horror. And that act no more is indicative of liberals or even "bernie bros" than the Christchurch massacre is indicative of anyone BUT white nationalists and those that condone them and what they do
You wouldn't understand.

You're in your vacuum, and that's where you're going to stay.

Help me understand. Describe what you think these two sides are.
Mr. Nawaz points out it with abundant clarity in the linked piece.

He points it out with abundant clarity in all his brave work, available online and on YouTube.

But I already know you're not going to see it. You know it, too.
you're one lost individual that is for fking sure.
Yeah, wingers on both ends tell me that.

Always a good sign.
You wouldn't understand.

You're in your vacuum, and that's where you're going to stay.

Help me understand. Describe what you think these two sides are.
Mr. Nawaz points out it with abundant clarity in the linked piece.

He points it out with abundant clarity in all his brave work, available online and on YouTube.

But I already know you're not going to see it. You know it, too.
you're one lost individual that is for fking sure.
Yeah, wingers on both ends tell me that.

Always a good sign.
we do. we are in agreement which destroys your fking point, LOL.
The only nut on our side so far has been the guy who shot up the republican softball game. You know how you can tell he was a liberal? No one died. Terrible shot. Clearly not a gun nut. LOL

That's flippant and it plays into their moronic rhetoric. I condemn that act as strongly as I do the Christchurch horror. And that act no more is indicative of liberals or even "bernie bros" than the Christchurch massacre is indicative of anyone BUT white nationalists and those that condone them and what they do
what is a white nationalist? come on poindexter tell us.
You wouldn't understand.

You're in your vacuum, and that's where you're going to stay.

Help me understand. Describe what you think these two sides are.
Mr. Nawaz points out it with abundant clarity in the linked piece.

He points it out with abundant clarity in all his brave work, available online and on YouTube.

But I already know you're not going to see it. You know it, too.
you're one lost individual that is for fking sure.
Yeah, wingers on both ends tell me that.

Always a good sign.
we do. we are in agreement which destroys your fking point, LOL.
In your eyes, sure.

And I appreciate your illustration of the first line of my sig.

I love this place.
Help me understand. Describe what you think these two sides are.
Mr. Nawaz points out it with abundant clarity in the linked piece.

He points it out with abundant clarity in all his brave work, available online and on YouTube.

But I already know you're not going to see it. You know it, too.
you're one lost individual that is for fking sure.
Yeah, wingers on both ends tell me that.

Always a good sign.
we do. we are in agreement which destroys your fking point, LOL.
In your eyes, sure.

And I appreciate your illustration of the first line of my sig.

I love this place.
me too. I enjoy kicking the snot out of ego fks like you. you lost your point, so that leaves you with......................no point.

Thats funny and superficial.

I guess they could print a bunch of T-shirts like Texicans do whenever one of them go all Texan and mows down others

It goes much deeper than a few people and a scarf. That does nothing. Its just shallow.

Right...the T shirts and thoughts and prayers are soooo much more effective

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