A myth in the unmaking

Doesn't matter. The radical right thinks the media is out to get them because they're too busy reading stuff like newsbusters and drudge. And no matter how many times the left-wing media stuff gets debunked, they don't want to hear it.

It's kind of like banging one's head against the wall.

If you want to watch something interesting on the subject of fauxnews, I'd highly recommend the documentary, Outfoxed, btw.

It has not been "debunked" in fact all current studies and research have concluded it most definately leans left. But do keep lying in the hopes you can convince others.
I absolutely love the complaint from liberals that Fox is bad cause it leans right. Yet they will claim none of the others lean left. That lie has been shown the door to many times to even be taken seriously.

I also love how people that have NEVER watched Fox have eaten up the "right" wing bias charge. Almost invariably they list NON NEWS programs as their proof. Fox goes out of their way to ensure every side has at least a voice in the op ed programs. And the News is fair and it IS balanced.

They report they do not fabricate.

Remind us how it is ok for NEWS programs to stage events to 'showcase" supposed behavior and bias. They have done it at NASCAR and in different towns and cities. And then pretended it was unbiased news.

And then show us where Fox EVER created a hit piece that was full of unproven documents and information and presented just before an election in the stated goal of upsetting a sitting politician. An "investigation" 5 years in the making that had to resort to unproven material and unsupported comments as it's "shocking" evidence.

RGS, did you not read my post at all?

And please don't try to act like Faux has never been caught, b/c there are easily found information about the various ways of faux new's bias. You should google this subject before you talk out of your ass.
RGS, did you not read my post at all?

And please don't try to act like Faux has never been caught, b/c there are easily found information about the various ways of faux new's bias. You should google this subject before you talk out of your ass.

Every example ever given is in fact NOT a news program. When you get a NEWS program let me know, OK?

Entertainment shows like Riley and the like are NOT news, they are OP Eds. They do not have to EVER be fair and balanced. The problem with you people is you can't understand the obvious.
You m ade a comment about a reporter or anchor looking bad about results. I responded with the fact that in the 3 previous elections all the liberal networks anchors and reporters all were about to burst into tears when their party did not win. Don't like it? Don't bring it up in the future, it will just make you look bad.

I would ask you to prove your claim but I don't feel like trying to keep your squirming wet noodle backbone from dancing around your claim..

Face it, you have no room to tell anyone how bad they look while pretending that fox news isn't a republican lapdog with the evidence of britt hume's 06 election night quivering lip. Like I said, the longer you insist that fox in "fair and balanced" the funnier it gets. Your accusations against other news organizations mean about as much as any other lame ass strawman.

I don't see an obvious slant. I actually started watching it because the slant that permeates the other news networks was NOT there.

If the op-eds; which, are NOT "news" are slanted one way or the other, who really cares? They're op-eds.

hehehe... would you give the same logic to the NYT? if the op eds are slanted then who cares, right? they are just op eds and don't mean anything?

Fox is as fair and balanced as the sky is green. It's hilarious to see so many people claim otherwise.
So my Air National Guard unit is Republican because Fox News is the preferred news channel in the breakroom? Sweet.

perhaps not the entire unit... But i've got a firm bet that whoever is in charge of deciding what channel it's on is.
Yup the joke though is on the idiot MSM that can not understand people are tired of lies, mistruths and veiled political support BY supposed independent news organizations.

I'm pretty sure nazi germany showed us the capacity of a people to feed their minds with crap.... I would ask you to quote anyone in this thread that claimed the only channel full of bias is fox news but why get in the way of your projection finger?

ps, juan williams and alan colmes are both the only "liberals" given time to offer rebuttal... which, always ALWAYS becomes some nancy accomidation to their fellow bitbull republican talking heads.

There's a reason it's a BIG H and little c.

Again, it's fun to watch you believe fox is totally impartial.

Every example ever given is in fact NOT a news program. When you get a NEWS program let me know, OK?

Entertainment shows like Riley and the like are NOT news, they are OP Eds. They do not have to EVER be fair and balanced. The problem with you people is you can't understand the obvious.


:lol: :lol:
:lol: :lol:
:lol: :lol:
:lol: :lol:

Indeed, now someone ask him if he gives that same "op eds don't mean anything about their slant on the news" bullshit to the new york times..

It has not been "debunked" in fact all current studies and research have concluded it most definately leans left. But do keep lying in the hopes you can convince others.

Really? Whose research? The Heritage Foundation? Newsbusters?

Now who's lying?



The newsmedia in this country is largely owned by five corporations. Those corporations do business with whomever is in power because they are reliant on the administration's (any admin, btw, not just this one) FCC to approve sales and purchases of media outlets.

Why do you think the media gave Baby Bush a free ride for years? And why do you think this admin has been so intent on loosening the restrictions on multiple media ownership? Regardless of the personal viewpoints of the reporters, editorial decisions are made at the top of the corporate hierarchy. That is where stories live or die.

Behave yourself, RSG. Differences of opinion are not lies. I think what you state as fact is unproven hypothesis. Doesn't mean you don't have the right to your opinion, but I'd say I have far more credible evidence and common sense on my side.
I just can't stand watching the Clinton News Network (CNN), or MSNBC (which won't be around much longer) to be honest. I see more balanced debates between the left and the right on Fox News than any other news out there. Who are the Republicans on CNN? Fox News has Alan Colmes, Geraldo, Greta,.....and I don't have enough time to mention all the lefties that have been invited to the Fox News set.

And why is this the topic of discussion when every single other news media out there is 100% for the Left? "The New York Crimes", and the "Washington Compost" are anti-American,...please don't be like them.

Fair and Balanced as advertised is what Fox News IS!:thup:
I just can't stand watching the Clinton News Network (CNN), or MSNBC (which won't be around much longer) to be honest. I see more balanced debates between the left and the right on Fox News than any other news out there. Who are the Republicans on CNN? Fox News has Alan Colmes, Geraldo, Greta,.....and I don't have enough time to mention all the lefties that have been invited to the Fox News set.

And why is this the topic of discussion when every single other news media out there is 100% for the Left? "The New York Crimes", and the "Washington Compost" are anti-American,...please don't be like them.

Fair and Balanced as advertised is what Fox News IS!:thup:

ok, lets compare the left and right between msnbc and fox.

liberals on fox:
alan colmes (obvious patsy for hannity)
Geraldo? What, missing white girls in the Caribbean equals political output?
greta? see above
Juan Williams is about the biggest uncle tom of politics that iv'e seen in quite some time. His input is CLEARLY a token effort.

Conservatives on MSNBC
Joe Scarborough - former republican congressman from the gingrich takeover. had his own goddamn show on msnbc. HARDLY the pushover that alan colmes is.
Tucker Carlson - raving conservative/borderline libertarian from CNN's crossfire who famously had his ass handed to him by John Stewart. HAs his own goddamn show on msnbc.

PAT "the godfather of modern conservatism" fucking Buchannan - speach writer and policy scribe for RICHARD NIXON is always on msnbc. always.

the fox fanboi's make the crowd laugh again!

ok, lets compare the left and right between msnbc and fox.

liberals on fox:
alan colmes (obvious patsy for hannity)
Geraldo? What, missing white girls in the Caribbean equals political output?
greta? see above
Juan Williams is about the biggest uncle tom of politics that iv'e seen in quite some time. His input is CLEARLY a token effort.

Conservatives on MSNBC
Joe Scarborough - former republican congressman from the gingrich takeover. had his own goddamn show on msnbc. HARDLY the pushover that alan colmes is.
Tucker Carlson - raving conservative/borderline libertarian from CNN's crossfire who famously had his ass handed to him by John Stewart. HAs his own goddamn show on msnbc.

PAT "the godfather of modern conservatism" fucking Buchannan - speach writer and policy scribe for RICHARD NIXON is always on msnbc. always.

the fox fanboi's make the crowd laugh again!

Honestly, while I'm sure that Faux News' bias is heart-felt to an extent, -- we are talking Rupert Murdoch here -- I suspect that after the next election we'll see them leveling the slant a bit. Rightly or wrongly, the pundits are almost certainly going to claim that the nation has "tilted left" after next November. For the record, I would that it were so but then my standards of "left" are rather more particular than those of most American liberals. But I digress.

Once the hard-right rant is no longer quite so acceptable in the eyes of corporate marketing divisions Fox will tone it down.

:lol: :lol:
:lol: :lol:
:lol: :lol:
:lol: :lol:

Indeed, now someone ask him if he gives that same "op eds don't mean anything about their slant on the news" bullshit to the new york times..


In other words I am right. You can not provide any examples of actual news being slanted or staged or made up. Thanks for playing.
In other words I am right. You can not provide any examples of actual news being slanted or staged or made up. Thanks for playing.

You can assume what you want to assume if it makes you feel better about your silly little fanboi view of fox news. If you want to think you are right in your own mind then go with your bad self. All you are doing is piling on the kindling in a bonfire of laughter.
You can assume what you want to assume if it makes you feel better about your silly little fanboi view of fox news. If you want to think you are right in your own mind then go with your bad self. All you are doing is piling on the kindling in a bonfire of laughter.

Your lies are obvious to the most unintelligent amongst us. When you utter claims and then can not even muster ONE example and in fact ADMIT your not even talking about what you claimed you were.....

You have done this last couple days in several threads. Made idiotic statements, failed to provide one shred of evidence to support your claim. And then claimed victory because YOU can not even back up your idiotic claims.
I tell you what... USE THAT as your 08 campaign platform. Insist that Fox News is as unbiased as bush is a truth teller. Insist that everyone else is merely lying because they don't have color glossy pics of burning witches. I could quote you instances of Fox news bullshit but you'd scream that media matters is just out to get you.... DESPITE HAVING A TRANSCRIPT AND MATCHING SOUND FOOTAGE.

Like I said, your opinion of me and my perspective means two things. I'm sure you can guess what they are.
Have we seen evidence of Fox bias? Or is this just more blathering?

There's certainly evidence of bias in most of the liberal media holdouts...criminal, in some cases.
Yep - knock yourself out - http://www.newshounds.us/

But beware, it may give you a headache. :badgrin:

Not that Newhounds isn't great and all, but this seems a bit more objective. The only mention of FOX was from another study, where it was the only outlet that came up 'right of center'. That's not the same thing as what you are trying to sell, rather they, (up to that point which was several years ago), were not doing what other outlets are and were. Truth to tell, FOX now is as MSM as most others, though they try to 'keep' conservatives. Let's just say that the 'big story' tonight is Natalie Holloway. Yawn:


Is Media Bias An Established Fact Now That Even Harvard Sees It?


Posted 11/9/2007

A new study finding the media give far more favorable coverage to Democrats than Republicans could have settled once and for all the debate over whether the news we get has a liberal bias.

After all, it was done by the Shorenstein Center on the Press, Politics and Public Policy at Harvard's John F. Kennedy School of Government — hardly a bastion of conservative orthodoxy.

But given the study's reception in the mainstream media, it's doubtful the issue has been put to rest. Like similar studies in the past, Harvard's went largely uncovered. A Nexis search found 20 news mentions of the report, with only a handful highlighting the revelation of extreme bias.

This, of course, backs the presumption of many news consumers that bias plays a key role in what media put out and hold back. In this case, a bias in favor of their own industry resulted in the burying of a study that places the industry in a bad light.

But one of the study's main findings — that political coverage is colored with a distinctly liberal bias — has been documented for years, if not decades. As such, the Harvard findings aren't nearly as surprising as the source.

Perhaps it's time, then, to stop debating whether the press is biased and move on to greater questions of how the bias is manifested and what effect it might be having on public discourse and opinion. In this series, IBD will examine these issues.

The Harvard study — conducted with the Project for Excellence in Journalism, part of the Pew Research Center for People and the Press — examined 1,742 presidential campaign stories appearing from January through May in 48 print, online, network TV, cable and radio news outlets.

Among many findings, it determined that Democrats got more coverage than Republicans (49% of the stories vs. 31%). It also found the "tone" of the coverage was more positive for Democrats (35% to 26% for Republicans).


These findings are in line with a number of other studies that date back to the early 1970s:

• In 1972, "The News Twisters" by Edith Efron analyzed every prime-time network news show before the 1968 election and found coverage tilted 8 to 1 against Nixon on ABC, 10 to 1 on NBC and 16 to 1 on CBS.

• In 1984, Public Opinion magazine found that Reagan got 7,230 seconds of negative coverage and just 730 seconds of positive; Mondale's positive press totaled 1,330 seconds, vs. 1,050 negative.

• In 1986, "The Media Elite" surveyed 240 journalists at virtually every major media outlet and found that in presidential elections from 1964 to 1976, 86% of top journalists voted Democratic. A 2001 update found 76% voted for Dukakis in 1988 and 91% went for Clinton in 1992.

• A 1992 Freedom Forum poll showed 89% of Washington reporters and bureau chiefs voting for Clinton in '92 and only 7% for George H.W. Bush.

• A 2003 Pew survey found 34% of national journalists called themselves liberal and 7% conservative. By 7 to 1, they also felt they weren't critical enough of President Bush.

• In 2005, a study of bias by professors at UCLA, Stanford and the University of Chicago determined that only one media outlet — Fox News Special Report — could be tagged "right of center."

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